Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Thais detained by Cambodia expected to go home in 3 days: [Thai] FM

August 24, 2010

Thai Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya on Tuesday said he hoped the three Thais detained by Cambodia would be released within three days, local media said.

The three villagers-Sanong Wongcharoen, Lim Puangpet and Lan Sapsri in northeast province of Surin were arrested on Wednesday by Cambodia soldiers while gathering fruit and hunting in the forest along the border.

On Sunday, Surin governor Rapee Pongbuppakit said that the three are being detained in a Siem Reap jail in Cambodia and Thai authorities are trying to rescue them.

It is expected that the three Thais will return to Thailand in less than three days, Matichon online quoted Kasit as saying.

"We believe that bilateral relations return to normalcy will help solve all disputes between the two countries," he said.

Kasit made the remarks one day after the Cambodian authorities announced the resignation of former fugitive Thai former PM Thaksin Shinawatra as economic adviser to the government and Prime Minister Hun Sen.

Shortly after the announcement, Thailand decided to send its ambassador to Cambodia back to Phnom Penh on Tuesday.

Thaksin was toppled from power in 2006 and he has lived in self- exile in foreign countries since then to avoid a two-year jail term for corruption.

Cambodia and Thailand has had border dispute since the Preah Vihear Temple was registered as World Heritage Site in July 2008.

Since then, several rounds of clashes have occurred between the two countries and caused some deaths and injuries from both sides.


Anonymous said...

That's good move..
You may save life of Cambodians who are arrested and will be arrested at the border.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Thais, Cambodian guns, tanks, soldiers are their just for harming regular Cambodians only.

Anonymous said...

Cambodian people never killed the foreign people just only siem didn't keep Khmer life!

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is very tough and brave against the Cambodians (his own blood), but he is chicken out against the Viet and the Thai. How many Cambodians are in Thai prisons, does Hun Sen or his government give a shit about them? No wonder the Thai looks down on Khmers – the leaders are stupid, inept…..
Another thing, Hun Sen is willing to do anything to stay in power. Assuming he loses the election tomorrow, he will not let go of his premiership. He is willing to turn Cambodia into a country of civil war. He cares less if Cambodia loses a few more millions people. That, what happened in 1993 right under the nose of UNTAC.

Son of a farmer said...

It's contemptuously ashameful of a most coward SenVarman who is quickly submissive to release these Siames, while they unhumanly keep hurting and killing our beloved miserable Khmer.

What did SenVarman do when the death of a young Khmer man who was indefinably burning alive by these animal Siamese Soldiers?

Absolutely and cowardly nothing!

Anonymous said...

Don't be so dumb.It's not easy to go against our neighbors(the Thai+the yuon) but ,it's rather so easy to oppress the poor bastard ,weak ,innocent khmers.They have nothing to fight back.All i do is just using my dogs(the polices or the military) to scare them and they are back down instantly.Hey,i'm the smartest guy on the planet remember.I came from a dirt poor to become your PM.Doesn't that say something about me ha... ha... ha.

Son of a farmer said...

My beloved 10:40PM!

It's absolutely correct, ye scholarly speaking da most intelligently flowery language as SenVarman, but did ye also have uncountable Ph.Ds as his?

Anonymous said...

My beloved 12:01AM
Nah,me no have dat ph.d but me have BS (bullshit degree).With dat degree,me no take shit for an answer. .....roll on the floor and laugh my ass off.

Anonymous said...