Sunday, August 01, 2010

When one has to depend on donated foreign military uniforms?

Army chief of staff Pol Saroeun visiting troops in Preah Vihear: 7 soldiers, 3 different types of uniforms. Looks like General Pol Saroeun prefers "Desert Storm"-type uniforms for traveling in Cambodia jungle .... Ooops, we forgot that forests had been deforested long ago, that's explain everything now! (Photo: DAP news)


Anonymous said...

I've always wondered about this with the Cambodian Army of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. It seems like they are a bunch of mis-matched motley crew. They would mix uniforms from modern China, Thailand, the United States and the old People's Revolutionary Army of Kampuchea together. Their footwear are a mix of flip-flops and boots from the United States, Taiwan, Australia and canvas shoes from Vietnam. Why can't they all just strictly stay to one type of uniform?????????????

500riel toilet said...

Being a former vet myself. This is really funny. I wonder how many countries really respect these monkeys and their ranks.

Each of these general's have enough Ph.d to understand the concept of lead by example. But then again, Monkey see Monkey do.

Anonymous said...

First off just the beer-belly alone would give us away, and make Thai troops laugh their asses off.

Second if the generals are in such laughable appearance what would the troops look like? I.e. two generals in the back could not afford a proper pair of combat boots to go with the camo BDU or maybe the two old men are too old, and wearing boots would cripple them due to diabetes and/or arthritis.

Fighting the Thais? Come-on let's be realistic, this RCAF needs serious review and reform.

Anonymous said...

11:43 PM, 500Riel toilet and 12:13 AM,

All of you hit the nail right on its very head!

I totally agree with you on everything you said.

These guys are not soldiers for the battlefields. They are not even good for parade since their uniforms, shoes, caps, etc are horribly mismatched!

You are absolutely right in mentioning that they have big bellies. These guys are probably only good at eating, drinking and suppressing the innocent and armless Khmer people.

What a joke!

Anonymous said...

KI Media Team,

I love this funny picture of the generals in their donated uniforms!

I have a good laugh when I see it.

It is really funny! I love it.

Thank you

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Remember, these guys are nothing but a bunch of un-educated former peasants like their Khmer Rouge master Hun Sen. They came from the jungle and so we shouldn't expect them to know civilization, morality, organization and proper ethics.

If they can't even run a country properly, who can say they can even dress themselves properly?

Anonymous said...

These mismatched bunch of idiots look so clueless and lost. In the heat of battle, they would be the first to jump into their Land Cruiser SUVs and drive to Phnom Penh.

Anonymous said...

Have you idiots forgotten that these guys are not soldiers but mercenaries. So they don't care what they wear. These old bastards will be the first to run away when things get heated.

Anonymous said...

To Gen. Pol Saroeun,
Becareful with Thai-F16 jet fighter, making sure we got plenty of SAMs, SA-3, TOR-M1 ready all along our border...

Anonymous said...

When greedy neighbors wanted to swallow our country, we all khmers from all corner of the earth stood up and united and we will fight to protects our's not about the clothes we wore, but our koun khmer's brave hearts!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Khmer don't have fency clothes or fency uniforms or modern weapons like Thailand but khmer have brave hearts and fight like THUNDER!!!!

Anonymous said...

correction = fancy

Anonymous said...

7:52 that is your dream,when time will come all those guys will jump into their suv and head back to P.Penh.I don't think khmer has a brave heart at all , brave heart with DOLLARS IS YES.

Anonymous said...

military uniforms are universal; what are you complaining about? jealousy or envy? well, that's your problem, really!

Anonymous said...

Modern warfare takes much more than pure guts.

If these lollygag boyscouts have any appearance of wisdom and warrior image in them it does not show here.

They look more like soldier wanna-be. Worse, if you go back a few pages to the old posting of this blog you'll find that these senile old farts and their men are actually BANDITS in camouflage fatigue, only very brave in beating up women and unarmed peasants to clear Khmers from their land so Youns can move in.

Youns will be very happy when the first and last waves of misdirected RCAF get slaughtered by Siem army, so they can march without obstacle in their way and settle right in on our homeland, and call their march westward MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!!!!!!!!.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you fucken refugees look better than them anyway! Yeah keep on hiding outside Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

9:13 AM:

Hmmm...Did we just mashed your hot button?

Call us any names you can find in your warped imagination, but if you are Khmer let us know if there anything we can help you with in the final hour when your youn masters lead you to the slaughterhouse.

Anonymous said...

9:13 AM,

You fucking idiot!

We are right in PP Cambodia walking around, of course, with more money to spend than you and our money come from hard work not through corruption.

We did not hide when we were in PP, you stupid idiot!

Immigration officers know where we come from.

You are so jealous because you can't be a refugee even though you want to. Hey, in America we are now citizens of the USA; but unlike you who are jealous of other Khmers, we love every Kaun Khmer including asshole like you.

By the way, you are not the only Khmer and we can claim to be as Khmer or even more Khmer than you even though we live in the US since we don't sell our soul to Vietnam. Get it? You motherfucker!

Anonymous said...

9:13 AM,

Heh, asshole!

What is your problem calling other fellow Cambodians refugees?

Do you want to come to America? I can sponsor you, but you need to curse Hun Sen first and then run to Thailand and claim a refugee status and then I will sponsor you.

Oop! I have just forgotten that you hate the refugee!

Anonymous said...

Call them what you want, but they are the ones defending Thais diots right now.

Mismatched uniforms do not prevent you from shooting straight. Ask the dead and wounded Thais from earlier clashes if these guys uniforms matter in shoot outs.

The good uniform, like the Thais have, do not stop them from being killed.

Proofs is in the battlefield

Anonymous said...

Ah brainless keep calling everyone refugee. What about yourself? You are probably make a living thru corruption. You are the traiter of the nation.
Refugees come all over the world to settle in the U.S. The white, black, asians etc... It is the land of the refugees and the immigration. People are moving around the world all the time.
The people in uniform definetly need to work out. They just can not run a few steps and out of breath. They can not run out of enemy hands. Please do sit up and run some miles to get fit. All these males look like they are going to delivery room soon.

Mreas prov

Anonymous said...

The Thais always bragged about their U.S. trained soldiers, their high tech weapons and used F-16s.
During the standoff they mocked the Cambodian soldiers rusty guns, and flip flops they wore.

Well, these Thais idiotic soldiers were the ones got killed or wounded first when the shooutout started.

These cocky Thais idiots deserved it since they did not respect their opponent's skills.

Anonymous said...

i know, in the battlefield, nobody cares what uniform you wear, etc... pretty uniforms are saved for ceremonial events only, you know! get educated already. stop jealousy and hate, ok! live with it, don't act like ahbullshit siem pad thugs, ok! he is hated in cambodia, i'm sure!

Anonymous said...

i know, in the battlefield, nobody cares what uniform you wear, etc... pretty uniforms are saved for ceremonial events only, you know! get educated already. stop jealousy and hate, ok! live with it, don't act like ahbullshit siem pad thugs, ok! he is hated in cambodia, i'm sure!

Anonymous said...

If you think these guys uniform reflect their fighting skill, then go face them in the battlefield.

Anonymous said...

In case you are blind, a few comments above I suspect are from Thais/Siems.

They just didn't use blatant racial remarks about Cambodian to make them so obivious.

Anonymous said...


No these guys didn't jump into their SUVs the last clash they had.

I was in Bangkok 2008 when they had the biggest clash. I remembered seeing on Thai TV, their soldiers being carried on stretchers onto ambulances, and those with serious wounds were put on helicopters. The Thai military blocked news coverage, hiding the real casualties.

Yes, these guys with mismatched uniforms can do damage. I witnessed them on Thai TV.

The point anyone can aim, pull trigger, and shoots. Mismatched uniforms or otherwise.