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You Ay back in Bangkok
Cambodian Ambassador to Thailand You Ay arrives in Bangkok yesterday to resume her post after her Thai counterpart, Prasas Prasasvinitchai, returned to his post in Phnom Penh on Tuesday. Thailand and Cambodia normalised ties after former premier Thaksin Shinawatra resigned as an adviserto Hun Sen on Monday. (Photo: The Nation)
25 comments: that the Cambodian ambassador posted in Thailand? This woman really need to upgrade her working attire or something. This is an embarrassment for Cambodia. I would like to see Hun Sen in his Khmer traditional ChongKben as well. Lol. I bet this female ambassador gave Hun Sen a whole bunch of money to get this emissarial position. She is too fat and out of shape. I bet the only thing she knows is to defend the Le Strongman of Cambodia. Don't expect her to find Thai markets for the Cambodian products. Nope it aint gonna happen when she has not learned to even put on the pants yet. So unprofessional looking.
That is no doubt, that is the cPP clique, not for all Xmer.
improved ties, good for her to get back what she had paid! happiness on the sorrow of the nation! who cares? I hope they are prepared for the worse?!?!?!.. It is sure coming!
People with better job and position are from CPP and check out the relation and names. All was related or had root from Vietnam. You Ay Khmer? No way. Even her poo is Vietnam.
What's grandma Yu Ay's qualification to be an ambassador?
Once, I read her letter, it was a speech from a mountain people.
There is nothing wrong with the dress, but there is something wrong with the person. In some way, an international dress code should be worn. This was probably, because Mrs. You Ay was just getting off her car. Sure , she needs to understand that this Thailand. Does Japanese woman dress in Japanese's costume coming to Thailand or anywhere else in the world? Not even their Empress. It's sad that most Asian women allowed themself to balloon up when they get older. Especially, Mrs. You Ay. She is still dumb found about the weigh, she carries. Holding an Ambassador position, she should be smater. It makes her look older and very unattractive.
The way she looks, wearing a suit would make her looking even uglier. A taller and skiny body wearing this type of dress would be stunning.
This woman is a hooker. i remember her speech and words are bad curse. It was embarrassment for the country. It is not professional and not diplomatic at all.
Overall and at least, she is a woman ambassador. That is good for our woman to participate in diplomatic and politic.
You fuckup guys! just shithead! she is doing OK!
She looking very nice with that outfit, without a doubt heading to wat Arun behalf of Siem and Khmer conflict. As you know you're not suppoaed to look that sharp for work. As a matter of fact it's for special occasion not for daily routine.
Never mind the clothes she wears as long as she got brain. She is an ambassador to Thailand, not western nation. Her dress is appropriate.
She is probably smarter than Abhisit, who may look professional but spineless.
Yes, Abhisit is absolutely spineless PM who countinuouly to flip flop with words. That guy has a serious issue with making a stand. He is afraid of Thaksin, and the PADs. Whatever the PADs want Abhisit obey.
Don't expect her to find Thai markets for the Cambodian products. Nope it aint gonna happen when she has not learned to even put on the pants yet. So unprofessional looking.
5:49 PM
It goes to show how terrorfied Abhisit is of Thaksin.
Abhisit have to be certain that Thaksin is no longer next door before he reinstate the ambassador.
Abhisit knows very well his premiership is illegitimate.
If feel sorry for this woman that she has to deal with the clowns in Bangkok.
She is actually over dress since she is dealing with a lot of clowns in Bangkok.
as a khmer, please do a good job for cambodia, ms ambassador. thank you. god bless.
look likes a dump women........
hey, don't judge people by their look, ok! she could be your doctor, your professor, your lawyer, etc, etc...! not a smart way to judge by the look, really! like they say, don't judge the book by its cover, it makes a lot of sense, ok!
Just buy your Degree at University of Phnom Penh and become a Dr. or PHD for 5k. What happen to the young and smart people that can run the country!
Why I seen the same faces and the same people keeps led the Country. Don't we have any new person to replace or what? where all the young generations at that have been came to studies over sea,what are they doing after they're graduated from school.
This woman is too damned ugly to represent Cambodia and its finest looking people. What credentials does she hold anyway? Why does she dress as if she is going to a buddhist temple? This woman really needs to work out to get rid of the excess body fat. Too fat too ugly and too much of a tool for the brute Hun Sen the wolf to use as an instrument. Cambodia needs to send out classy ambassadors to the world, not some old-looking yes-sir submissive talking head such as this woman. This overweight woman really needs to examine the Mrs. American ambassador's outfit and behavior. Don't ever expect this overweight Cambodian female ambassador to give speeches or to read much because she will be busy visiting nails salon and disguising as a tourist looking for dirty crickets to eat in the street markets. Look at her freaky hairdo. My god is this still in the 50 or 60 or 70 or something? She also is not capable of giving any speeches or comments upon arriving at the airport as well. This is because she is a born parrot made to repeat only what Hun Sen the brute tells her to say. I bet she bribed Hun Sen with a whole lot of money to get through the glass ceiling. She is just there to collect the monthly salary from Hun Sen who ILLEGALLY steals money from Madam MuSochu.
How much money must she pay for this post? That is Cambodia today USD is the "God King" What the country present is shit equal.
Some of these negative comments are from Thai dogs.
Before we all judge a person, let's do some research. I know you guys are very passionate about your country, but there is still a woman in high position in Cambodia. Does anyone know what are her credentials for landing this job? Be an ambassador to Thailand is not a normal position as Thailand is one of the key country in SEA in term of economic influent for the region.
She is Hun sen second's wife. Brought on a silver plate to him from Vietnam.
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