Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Cambodia has no plan to build nuclear power plant: MP

PHNOM PENH, Sep. 14, 2010 (Xinhua) -- Cambodia assured Tuesday that it has had no plan to build a nuclear power plant fearing it is harmful to environment and the shortfall of budget and human resource.

Cheam Yeap, chairman of committee for economy, finance, banking and auditing of the National Assembly told local reporters on Tuesday that Cambodia has had no plan to build a nuclear power plant, saying the plant might be harmful to environment while at the same time the plant might need huge budget and human resource.

He said, as of now, no plan of signing any agreement with any foreign countries to build such nuclear power plant.

It is the second time that Cambodia has assured that such plan will not be exercised in the country.

Late last month, Koy Kuong, spokesman of foreign ministry said Cambodia had not made any deal with Iran on anything related to nuclear power plant.

Koy Kuong made the statement following media report that suggested during the visit to Iran early August, Hor Namhong, deputy prime minister and minister of foreign affairs might have discussed any issue on nuclear power plant.

Koy Kuong said, during the visit, there were only three documents were signed: cooperation in petroleum, economic cooperation and visa exemption.

According to the government statistic, Cambodia increased 16 percent of its power supply per year; however, the price is still higher compared to its neighboring countries of Vietnam and Thailand.


Anonymous said...

Could we believe you?

Anonymous said...

I Khmer people, Thank You! Together we can find alternative, I believe in the human resource and will directing power of our government - if it wants to, it will be done. We can find and invest in other energies.

Time also to look for our own energy independence. If Mr. Hun Sen government can give that, I vote for CPP. We cannot continue to depend on foreign energy, it is a national security concern for us Khmer.

Anonymous said...

What a joke, nuclear plant? Khmer needs to go to school and study how to ad/subtract first, they can't spell their own name, Khmer is dumbass

Anonymous said...

12:17 AM
Of course we Khmer have some well educated people, who are able to build the nuclear power. But we don't need it.
Please pay some respect to the Khmer people.

Anonymous said...

To that idiots 12:17AM We not that dumb asshole we know how to build ANKOR, then I believe we can build nuclear power. If we want to do it but ah Kwack he doesn't want to. How about your thieves Siemese and ah Thieve Youn mother fuckers. All your know how to do is still everythings from foreigners and from Khmer Empires.

Anonymous said...

Ask the CPP members with PhD to
build it !!!