Sunday, September 05, 2010

Khmer Krom man killed, several others injured by Viet mob

03 September 2010
By Sok Serey
Radio Free Asia

Translated from Khmer by Soy

Click here to read the article in Khmer

Recently, accusations have been leveled that Khmer Krom families [in South Vietnam] suffer various types of discriminations, but now, report indicated that a Khmer Krom man was killed and 11 other Khmer Krom people were injured.

A Khmer Krom man was killed and 11 others were injured when they were beat up by a mob of several dozens of Viets armed with batons and knives. The incident took place on 2 September at a rubber plantation in Dong Nai province, Vietnam.

Chau Net was the 25-year-old Khmer Krom man who was killed, he was a worker at the rubber plantation, and he passed away at a hospital in Prey Nokor city (renamed Ho Chi Minh city, HCMC, by the occupying Viet regime).

The other 11 Khmer Krom men who were injured, were also beaten by the same Viet mob.

No official source would confirm the reason of this mob attack, but the victims’ families and villagers indicated that the attack was due to discrimination and contempt on Khmer Krom people that led to this violent dispute.

The father of the victim who declined to provide his name and who lives in Chau Lang commune, Svay tong district, Motr Chrouk province (renamed An Giang by the occupying Viet force), Kampuchea Krom land, told RFA over the phone on 03 September: “They had a grudge against us that was why they took it out on us.”

The remain of the man killed and the 11 other Khmer Krom injured men were transported from Prey Nokor city (HCMC) to their native village in Motr Chrouk province on 03 September.

Khmer Krom villagers form An Cu commune, Tinh Bien district, Motr Chrouk province, indicated: “He was going out at night time, an entire village of Yuons came to attack him. They hacked him with swords. They looked down on Khmer people, they saw us being poor and we went to work to earn a living that way.”

Thach Chhuon Yath, Director of the investigation unit of the Khmer Kampuchea Krom Human Rights Defense Association in Cambodia, said that such action would spread if they are not prevented: “If the [Viet] government cannot provide protection, if it cannot prevent such action, then it will be the [Hanoi] regime’s fault also.”

He insisted that the Viet authority should take measures to arrest the criminals and bring them to face justice in Vietnam.


Anonymous said...

...and the Viets in Cambodia think they are safe and that us Cambodians are happy with the sight of them?

...soon the Mekong will be flowing with Viet bodies once again like before.

Anonymous said...

Please ,hurry up Ban Ki Moon!
Who killed 2 324 765 innocent khmers?

Anonymous said...

If each Cambodian can at least kill 5 Viets...

Anonymous said...

I urges to all the KKrom people get rise up all over the provinces and let the U.N. know that ah Youn have been oppression and discrimination on KKrom people. Those VietCong people are the fucking crocodiles people we should'nt never feed them and let them stay on our land in the first place. See what happen to us right now, those crocodiles people they don't know how to gratitude to us.

Anonymous said...

Let us see what the Hun Sen government has to say to all of this? Remember, YOUNs killed Khmer people FIRST as recorded in the history. Youns are eternal enemies of the Khmer people. This fact, Khmer need to remember! Hun Sen always brags that he give Thailand an honor for appointing Thaksin Sinawatra as his advisor because Thaksin is of the blood and flesh of the Thai people. Now will he do something for the suffering Khmer Krom people who are the blood and flesh of the entire Khmer people itself. Let us see if Hun Sen is a true Khmer or not.

Anonymous said...

The violence committed on Khmer Krom people must stop. Those who attacked Khmer Krom will be brought to justice and will pay for their crime. Respect, Freedom, and Liberty must be given to Khmer Krom people!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps all Khmer are sleeping that's why. It's pathetic. Khmer in Cambodia are being oppressed by viet subservient and Khmer Krom in their own land are being killed by
the viet. Are we rather kneel down and let them kiil us?

Anonymous said...

I am so glad all blogger about my blog.You are such wonderful persons,Now Khmer people get along each other better and better every day.Thank you for your cooperation as a whole bunch to demolish out of Cambodia and Khmer Kampuchea Krom. Bravo ! Both Kampuchea and Kampuchea Krom.Be courageous !

Anonymous said...

that's not a good way to make friends with cambodia. imagine if cambodia did the same to youn/viets who lived in cambodia. i hope we send them a strong message to tell viet/youn to respect khmer krom people's rights, etc., otherwise, khmer people will do the same to all youn in cambodia. youn gov't should educate their people to respect khmer krom people's rights and so on...

Anonymous said...

ignorant viet/youn mob better stop mistreating and killing khmer krom or youn in cambodia will flood down the mekong river again! they better educate their people to respect khmer krom rights, etc! you don't target a race or khmer people will do the same, then friend is finished, ok! wake up, people!

Anonymous said...

The killing of Khmer Krom people through Vietcong government sanction racial discrimination is in violation of human right!

"As described by one of the Declaration's framers, the French scholar, Rene Cassin, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is founded on four pillars:

1. First come the personal rights (the right of equality; right to life, liberty and security, etc. of Articles 1-ll).

2. Then come the rights that belong to the individual in his and her relationships with the social groups in which they participate (the rights to privacy of family life and to marry; to freedom of movement within the national state, or outside it; to have a nationality; to asylum in case of persecution; rights to property and to practice a religion (Articles 12-17).

3. The third group is that of civil liberties and political rights exercised in order to contribute to the formation of government institutions or to take part in the decision making process (freedom of conscience, thought and expression; freedom of association and assembly, the right to vote and to stand for election, the right of access to government (Articles 18-21).

4. The fourth category is that of rights exercised in the economic and social area (i.e., those rights which operate in the sphere of labor and production relationships and in that of education, rights to work and social security and to free choice of employment, to just conditions of work, to equal pay for equal work, the right to form and join trade unions, to rest and leisure, to health care, to education and the right to participate freely in the cultural life of the community."

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

now we need to follow up hun Sen Viet or Khmer by i know Hun Sen is the first PM that make contract Angkor wat to Vietnam control and he said he will not control Khmer Krom or help to protect Khmer krom even in Cambodia he allow Youn come in wrong way and he never talking about these thinks..

Anonymous said...

now we need to follow up hun Sen Viet or Khmer by i know Hun Sen is the first PM that make contract Angkor wat to Vietnam control and he said he will not control Khmer Krom or help to protect Khmer krom even in Cambodia he allow Youn come in wrong way and he never talking about these thinks..

Anonymous said...

"The father of the Vietcong called Ho Chi Minh quoted the immortal statement that appeared in the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America in 1776 to Vietnam’s Declaration of Independence, “All men are created equal. They are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

=Now look what the Vietcong government is doing to the Khmer Krom people! I am telling you that these Vietcong mother fucker are one fucken hypocrite. This is only the beginning and soon if the fucken Vietcong government do nothing and say nothing and allow the Khmer Krom people to be discriminated and to die at the hand of the Viet vigilante in silence and this is called for retribution to all Viet living in Cambodia!

Cambodian people can never have any peace from these Vietcong mother fucker!

Anonymous said...

"Ho Chi Minh quoted the immortal statement that appeared in the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America in 1776 to Vietnam’s Declaration of Independence, “All men are created equal. They are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Anonymous said...

There needs to be a full and proper inquiry into WHAT REALLY HAPPENED.

I do not believe the KI Media version of this story, until it is independently verified, as KI Media has its own political agenda here.

Would KI Media let truth get in the way of another opportunity to further its hateful and dangerous agenda?

Anonymous said...

It is actually not quite true to say that Ho Chi Minh quoted exactly from the US Declaration of Independence when writing the Declaration of Independence for Viet Nam.

The US Declaration: “All men are created equal. They are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

However, Ho Chi Minh changed one word, so the Viet Nam Declaration of Independence starts off:

"All PEOPLE are created equal...."


Anonymous said...

My Khmer Compatriots,

The Arm uprising is the best solution for getting rid of Hanoi's puppet Regime of Hun Sen and its cronies as our ancestors had been done in 1835-1840 during the reign of Ang Mey, Té-Ong, and Vinh-té canal. (Kraok kap Yuon ខ្មែរខាងលើ, ខ្មែរខាងក្រោម, ខ្មែរខាងកណ្ដាល ក្រោកឡើងទាំងអស់កាប់យួនយកដីជីដូនជីតាយើង
ត្រឡប់មកវិញ )

But why we, as their descendants, won't do it again???

Hanoi will eliminate all Khmers by all means, demographic with over 5 millions Viet illegal immigrants, Lands concession from Khmers owners of the country, Yuons depleted all khmer resources, fish stocks, all mineral ores, gas, forests, petroleum, and Gold etc...
I called to all Khmer compatriots to rise up with Axes, Swords, Sticks, Knives, Spears, Arrows, and possible grenades, B40-B41 hand Guns, shot guns to riot and kill THEM for your Freedom and liberate your country from the vietnamese yoke.

Anonymous said...

9:13 PM

you are a perfect example of the need for retrospective abortion!

Anonymous said...

That Land Over There is yours; you'll go back to your land one day, because you fight with special privilege. You'll have your home, your land, your Temples back again, because your is right and GOD is on your side.

I supported my friend 9:13PM 100%
and opposed any foe, only this strategy would do the job well, and no more yuon in Cambodia for at least sometimes as the old story did...

Anonymous said...

Give me the exact place this occurred and that mother fucking town will be lit. Car bomb anyone?

Anonymous said...

I ask 9:13 PM to do first.
But not only to write that for others.

Anonymous said...

"A Khmer-Krom Youth Killed in Kampuchea-Krom Because He is Khmer"

We still need to know the full truth about this sad story, and the circumstances behind it.

If in fact the Khmer youth was killed only "because he is Khmer", that is a terrible thing indeed.

But, surely there was more to it than just that.

If that was the only reason for the attack, we all need to ask "Why?" and "How can we prevent this ethnic violence fueled by irrational hate?"

Everyone who uses the language of racist hate, instead of rational discourse, is responsible for the consequences.

Think about that.

There is much about KI-Media that is informative and constructive - that is good.

And note the sensible words at the top of KI-Media:


KI-Media loves to hear from you, and we're giving you a bullhorn. We just ask that you keep things civil. Please leave out personal attacks, do not use profanity, ethnic or racial slurs, or take shots at anyone's sexual orientation or religion. We thank you for your cooperation!"

Unfortunately, many who comment on KI-Media do not follow that good advise.

Such people should understand the destructive consequences of their words!

Yes, indeed - the pen can be mightier than the sword!