Thursday, September 09, 2010

Mam Sonando starts advocacy NGO

Mam Sonando talking to the crowd during the launch of the "Democrat Association" (Photo: The Phnom Penh Post)

Thursday, 09 September 2010
Vong Sokheng
The Phnom Penh Post

POLITICAL activist Mam Sonando has launched a new advocacy organisation that he says will aim to enfranchise rural voters and support a united opposition.

The organisation, called the Democratic Association, is expected to begin its work by the end of this year, Mam Sonando said yesterday. The group will register voters and provide them with government identification documents.

“I founded this association because I want to help people who have been living without legal documents and therefore have been denied the right to vote,” Mam Sonando said.

A veteran of opposition politics, Mam Sonando owns the Beehive FM radio station. He was arrested in 2003 in connection with anti-Thai riots in Phnom Penh, and again in 2005 for allegedly accusing Prime Minister Hun Sen of selling land to Vietnam; both arrests were roundly criticised by local rights groups.

Mam Sonando said the DA currently has 11 staff members and has registered roughly 1,600 voters since July. It has no external funding, though Mam Sonando said the group charges 2,000 riels (US$0.47) per person to secure legal documents.

“I want to see a strong opposition party that will balance the power of the ruling party and advocate for the rule of law,” Mam Sonando said.


Anonymous said...

I support you 100%.That's the way to do in Cambodia.The opposition parties should be united and work together asap.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

THANK you Mr. Mam Sonando. Be brave like that.

Anonymous said...

If you love your country and your people, you want democracy and justice, you should subscribe to SRP without asking SRP to change its name because when SRP changes its name, SRP will lose all of its seats in Parliment.

Anonymous said...

United we stand! Mr. Mam Sonando is a Khmer hero. Let's rally behind a man of such courage. All opposition parties, please put aside your differences and join the patriotic act to save our land and people. Dividing...we lose. We must unite for it is the only way to victory.

Love and Peace

Anonymous said...

don't be ridiculous 12:33. You should not tell people what they should do. If you want people to do them, you have to demonstrate yourself as capable and having vision worthy of follow.

I think SRP does have those and people will naturally incline to join. I also think many other parties have this as well that is why people vote for those parties.

Frankly 12:33, I am not sure you know what the purpose of Mam Sonando's DA is for or what it means.

It is not break up any parties, it is not a party. It is an association, to raise awareness and provide service to the people. It advocates that all party should join together against the main regime.

Its approach is more inclusive then yours and does not put anyone down.

I hope you don't represent SRP party because you disappointed me as an opposition voice!

Anonymous said...

There is no difference between

"You should subscribe.."


"You should not tell.."

Anonymous said...

What's the stupid frog try to do?


His mother don't know that he is stupid too!

Anonymous said...

Mom Sonondo កំពង់នាំក្មេងឆ្កួតវង្វេងទៀតហើយ
DAទៅបោកប្រាស់ក្មេង។តាមការពិត ម៉ម សូណង់ដូ កំពង់ចង់ស្វែងរកសម្លេងចង់ធ្វើតំណាង
អ្វីមួយ តែបើចូលហ៊ុនជាមួយគេគាត់មិនអាច

Anonymous said...

Only guy who can have a personal radio station under ah Kwack!!!!!

Bravo hero! stronger than ah Kwack!

Anonymous said...

8:23 AM
it is the principle that this man stands for and willing to go to jail and die for that makes his life a success story

unlike those who are strong on internet only. Sonando is not afraid to speak to the truth even though his radio shut many times and heve go to jail.

I admire this man, he is good for our country. People should not not make false accusation about this man if they don't follow his radio daily and listen to his message.

It is like the American pastor who wants to burn the Quaran but has never even read it!