Friday, September 03, 2010

Sacrava's Political Cartoon: The Tallest Building

Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at


Anonymous said...

Sacrava! you are so much biased! some time SRP do stupid things like condemning China but you never have a caricature of that! Please reconsider!

Anonymous said...

Phnom Penh doesn't even have an adequate sewage and storm water draining system...and to think Hun Sen is already picturing Phnom Penh to have one of the world's tallest skyscrapers....for only $200 million dollars (I suggest Hun Sen realistically add an additional $1.3 BILLION to the cost?)...built on most likely unstable Mekong River delta type soil.

Anonymous said...

Skyscrappers are a sign of prosperity of a nation. Looking at Cambodia, I personally don't think we need a skyscrapper. And that's coming from a guy who used to think that it would be cool if we have a really tall building that replicates the shape of Angkor Wat tower. But the tallest building in Asia in Cambodia is too ambitious and Hun Sen only wants it for his own personal glory. We don't need a skyscapper when the education system still needs improvement and majority of the people still live poverty.

Khemerak Voice

Anonymous said...

Here is the realy and genuine stupid and silly beggar in the world. Look at his proud of skycrapper.

Anonymous said...

Phnom Penh already be famous as Asia biggest whore house, why need the tower??

Anonymous said...

I think the super-tall skyscraper is a great idea. This way Cambodians can take the elevator to the very top floor and from the observation deck, they can look out into the panoramic distance and see just how poor and tiny their country really is. Heck, you can even probably see how NEAR the Cambodia-Vietnam border is and see hundreds of Vietnamese entering Cambodia each day!

Anonymous said...

It is very great idea to have a high building in Cambodia.Who donnot want their own country to have some prosper high building . Angkor was builded by khmer a thousand year ago. how much is going to cost,How much is going cost to maintain that.Who will earn the finance to pay for the cost.Do we have to sell cambodia for that.
Just my dream.

If the above dream come true without problem.we will solute you sir.

Anonymous said...

I also feel proud to have this Asia's building in Cambodia. I strongly support this. and those who condemn this are those who don want to see development in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This jackass Hun Sen seems to think that he is famous all over Cambodia. Now he daydreams of staking his fame on the world stage. Why doesn’t he do something good to his country for once? His problem is to have too many yes-men advisors by his side.
200 million dollars could create a lot of jobs for the unemployed Cambodians.
A skyscraper over the city slump, what is a sharp contrast?

Anonymous said...

it's just a landsmark tower like the tour eiffel or the space needle in seatle, etc. of course, at the base of the tower they build businesses there, etc...

Anonymous said...

Compare to your former fucking leaders, have you ever seen highrise buildings in Cambodia beside wars, you fucking refugee!

Anonymous said...

Xacrava is fucking communist refugee!

Anonymous said...

3:59 PM
Your analogy to compare between building of Angkor Wat and the dream Tallest building is way, way, way, way, way out of context and very immature proposition.
It's very sad to see a writer who do care about Cambodian issues is rather confuse with the Glorifying achievement and a childish dream.
Come on, I think you can write better than this.

Anonymous said...

It will be the biggest embarrassment in the world. WE can ambitious but not now. Let's work on other urgent issues for the people first. WE can build anytime when we have enough need and money. We can build a lot more and more iconic things if we can make sustainable. Food for thoughts!

Anonymous said...

8:30 PM

Hey what is so wrong about being a refugee huh?
I bet you are one yourself, but would never have thought or realized about it. If you have enough courage to study about your own background or family history and being a truthful human being, then you would have more understanding about refugee.
If you look down on refugee you are a profound dumbest person on earth. Do try harder to find other term if you can write and make comment. Referring the word refugee to be a derogatory term only reflects your ignorant, and proven that you have very limited vocabulary in your writing skill.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia is a KIGNDOM OF BANANA, it begs to survive and run by monkeys why it needs to build COCO trees like that.

Anonymous said...

I hate the word 'kingdom of banana'. What are you? what have you done for the country? Are you the type that run away when bad things happen?

Anonymous said...

No 11:51PM , we the group that hate to stay under the controle of the fucking Viet and be the slave!

And we will make the fucking Vietnamese communist motherfucker trouble as long as mothrfucker still suppressing Cambodia!

Anonymous said...

When a country is run by MONKEYS, we call that a REPUBLIC OF BANANA.


If you want to understand, don't use your monkey brain, ask someone who is not monkey.

Anonymous said...

555-m high skyscraper only cost $200 mil.? Is Hun Sen a crazy man? What makes him believe his project manager so quickly?

Because Hun Sen is a jungle man, a Khmer Rouge, a killing machine, he does not know how to do math and actually he is a brain dead man.

Oh I know now! his 555-m skyscraper build from the BAMBOO. BAMBOO skyscraper! sweet, ladies and gentlemen. One of the kind he is created, never before in the world.

Anonymous said...

If the country is a kingdom of banana run by monkeys and dead brain guys and you are not monkeys. Hey it sounds that those monkeys and dead brain guys are to be easily beaten by your capable brain! come and save Cambodia! Be a hero! Don be a quack shouting things that sound good but nothing change! that's sad!

Anonymous said...

don't be so cynical. cambodia needs to build skyscrapers. i like to see phnom penh mushrooms with skyscrapers like hong kong. some people are so negative as they can't see the importance of cambodia development in all fields, whether skyscrapers, infrastructure, electricity, sewage, railways, etc... cambodia must build all of them soon. cambodia can hire the world best firms to build our skyscrapers, infrastructure, etc... wake up, people. every city all over the world have their historic downtown and the financial district, a modern downtown with its skyscrapers, office buildings, shopping malls, etc... cambodia must develop in order to change some of our outdated mentality and so forth. skyscrapers will make our cities more beautiful. hey if bangcock can build skyscrapers, etc, why not phnom penh? and if people worried about the erosion of the koh pich island in phnom penh, why not build strong concrete riverbank all around it to protect it from erosion by the rising mekong water! it's not that hard to do, really. someone with billions of dollars can sure invest in cambodia, you know! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

i'm glad to hear that cambodia is looking to build the tallest building in asia. god bless my country.