Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Are you man enough to take my challenge?

Dear Readers,

I am greatly saddened by the amount of negative, expletive, sexist, racist, discriminatory, violent comments posted on KI-Media.

But, before going further, let me reply to a few of questions asked of us first:

1- Is Ms. Theary Seng involved in the daily operation of KI-Media? The answer is NO. Like many others who sent us their op-eds, opinions, etc… to post, Ms. Seng is kind enough to share with our readers some of the articles that she found interesting and that could be of interest to some, if not all, of us. However, that does not mean that she is part of our team, even though we wouldn’t mind seeing activists like her joining our team, but that is just a wishful thinking. Based on perusing some of the negative comments on Ms. Seng, it appears that even the various photos we posted of her are topic of irritation to some. On the other hand, not too long ago, a reader posted a comment berating Dr. Peang-Meth for always posting the same photo of his with his article. What this reader did not seem to realize is that (1) Dr. Peang-Meth has nothing to do with KI-Media’s posting, and that (2) our posting of the only photo of his is the only recourse we have since we do not have any other photo of him. Personally, I am very puzzled and dismayed by such reactions.

2- Is KI-Media merely a nest for opposition followers to come out and curse the government? By the look of it, KI-Media seems to attract a large audience of government critics and detractors simply because our comment section is not moderated. Why didn’t we remediate this issue? The answer is very simple: we simply do not have the staff necessary to do the policing and cleaning up of the comments posted by our readers. Look at it this way: most of us are students who still have to attend classes or who have to work at a fulltime job to earn a living etc…, therefore KI-Media is just a hobby, albeit a passionate one, for all of us, therefore, we simply cannot afford to spend large amount of time policing the comment section. Without an income to provide us with our daily bowl of rice, it would be impossible for us to offer the free service of KI-Media.

From a historical standpoint, because we use the free service of Blogspot to host KI-Media, in the past, we were very limited on how we can control the posting of comments by readers: unmoderated, fully moderated or not allowed. As explained above, full moderation is impossible for us to handle. Ideally, our best choice would be unmoderated with selective moderation for language, and that option was not available until recently. Even at that, because of our limited number of volunteers, we simply cannot monitor all the comments 24/7, therefore, some of these “pesky” comments may linger a while before we catch them and zap them out.

3- KI-Media only serves as an aggregator of news, there are better news aggregator services than that – such as Google or Yahoo – so what’s the use of having KI-Media at all right now? True, we wouldn’t deny this fact, while the amateurish KI-Media offers less news than those professional and commercially funded outlets, on the other hand, we also offer Khmer and French news and articles translated into English as well. We also post community news as well as information that are not usually found in the traditional circuit or that would be censored in Cambodia, such as Sacrava’s cartoons. Do these justify our existence? Most likely not, but as we said it earlier, KI-Media is a passion to some of us, we would pursue it even if it only serves a single reader in the whole wide world.

4- Should KI-Media borrow a page or two from that temple thug Hun Sen by just blowing away irrelevant, nonsensical comments by CPP/Hun Sen's supporters here on KI-Media? Other team members may disagree with me on this topic, but personally, I refuse to stoop to the same level as my oppressors. I’d rather put my life on the line to defend the right of my oppressors to speak freely than forcing silence on them. It’s just my choice and my principle, and I do not expect everybody to agree with me on this issue.

5- Why does KI-Media sometimes twist the title to criticize the government? Well, simply speaking, the fact that you are asking this question shows that our twisted approach works: they got your attention, they invite you to read the true title (included) of the article and the article itself. If the title is plain and boring, you may not read that article at all, therefore, one of our tasks is to challenge our readers and force you to react, even if in the process we will earn your curses. We strongly believe that an engaged audience is much better than an adoring audience: debate, refute, contest, protest. Remaining a silent majority is no longer an option. Those are the essence of democracy, please put them to use to your advantage, woo the readers with your comments, challenge our team back, can you do that?

That being said, I would like to return to my initial consternation. As I indicated above, I am very disturbed by the sexist comments against women: is it wrong for women to express their opinion? Why do some have to use very sexist and derogative words to attack women? Didn’t we all come out of a woman’s womb one way or another? Furthermore, being a man, I simply cannot imagine a world without women. Can you imagine how boring a male-only world would be? The thought of it makes me shudder between my legs (no pun intended). Therefore, I challenge you all to rise to the occasion: you may not agree with a woman’s opinion, however, are you man enough to explain your reasons with civility? I sincerely hope you do.

I thank you for your attention,

Heng Soy

PS: To the person who kept on repeating, like a broken record, that KI-Media’s father is gay, let me simply say that you lack basic judgment: (1) If someone’s father is gay, how could that gay father naturally procreate a child as this “natural” process usually requires the interaction between a man and a woman?, (2) KI-Media does not have a father as KI-Media is not a person. Now, can you come up with more intelligent comments in the future?


Anonymous said...

I totally believe that you are pro-opposition because when your headline always uses UNPROFESSIONAL and DEROGATORY words for the government while using very nice words for Sam Rainsy. If you are neutral enough, just use plan simple and professional language and applies it across the boards.

Anonymous said...

After all KI_MEDIA is like a slavery to the SRP.

Anonymous said...

No, Ki-media is the counter-balance of news against the local slavery-pro-govt news.

Anonymous said...

Ki-Media can't be a Neutral Blog.
Ki-Media can't be a Friend of CPP of Hun Xen,the Slave Yuon-Hanoi for life.
KI-Media will be always with Khmer Patriots who are around the world the inside & outside of Cambodia.
Ki-Media will be spoken out for those Khmer people have no voices in Cambodia.
KI-Media is the place where Khmer People will be united,shared and educated its rights,freedom of expression to Anti-Tyranny regime of Hun Xen.

Jeyo,Ki-Media and its Mighty Team !

You're the Best of Best Khmer Blog !
Thank you & thank you,Ki-Media

Anonymous said...

3:44 PM and 3:46 PM you make it sounds like KI-Media is so power than your CPP boss. KI-Media can't enforce anything, it's just a blogsite for you to read if you want to. You should complain to the CPP/Hun Sen that the TV stations, newspapers, courts, judges, soldiers, police, generals, temples, markets, schools, toilets, graves yard....etc....etc..are all CPP/Hun Sen slaves and properties. What a pee brain!!!!! So CPP/Hun SEN is neutral and professional than KI-Media!??! The world must be focken crazy.....What a focken wonder why it's ruled by thugs and thieves.

Anonymous said...

Slave for SRP = No money but happily does

Slave for CCP = $$ Money, corruption, destroy natural resources of country... and like a man,in Front of boss, lower than a dog(no judgment)

Anonymous said...

Hahaha...finally..KI-Meida got the feeling like pain in the ass.

It has not been sleeping well recently.

It should not be worrying about comments if it acted professional and neutral since it started.

On the contrary, KI-Media has been a mouthpiece of a political group. Frankly speaking, it is a Hun Sen government and CPP hater. It's undeniable.

***As for the 5th paragraph, It said it twised the title to attract more attention. If so, why did u twist against the Hun Sen, CPP and the Government?? Why didn't u do the same twist to Hun Sen, CPP and the Government haters..????? Why ???? Why have u been so sweet with Sam Rainsy, Mu Sochua, Ou Virak..and other Hun Sen haters..????

Anyway, I wish you exist forever to witness the reality that will happen now and in the future eventhough I know you won't have good sleep at night that caused by the sin you has made and will make.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ចង់ស៊ីអាចម៏ឆ្កែអញទេអា ៦:៤៧PM???

Anonymous said...

KI provides free speech to all who wish to tell like it is.

Anonymous said...

Truly there are ass lickers of Hun Sen's gang on here...
30 years of ruling Cambodia.. Is that democracy???? Come on, we are in the modern world now, where is Cambodia still standing??? Is that building the country and society for the future generation of Cambodia or Hun Sen does not give a damn..????? It is sad to Khmer is still behind compare to our neighbors..!!!!

Khmer Trakaulrungreung,

Anonymous said...

Mr hun sen has a very big house,or many very big houses.
How does he do this on his salary?
Please a supporter of the CPP should explain.
Oh and his children have very big houses too and many lexies.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

For those who are whining about the KI Media is bias, why do you keep coming back? DAP news, Koh Santepheap….they are of your liking, go there and enjoy.
I don’t like their news, so I just ignore them, and you, the whiners and haters, should do the same.
If not you are here just for the sabotage.
You are:

1 – Viet spies
2 – HS and cpp ass kissers
3 – Get paid by the cpp to write your whining comments.

You are fortunate to enjoy criticizing whoever you want here, but if you do the same thing to the government controlled media in Cambodia, you would be thrown in jail in no time. I do hope you, the whiners, at least know the freedom of expression at work, here.
Our civilization dated back before the Angkor Wat era, so we, the descendants, should keep our language civil in respect to the ancestors, except for the Viet spies of course, because they don’t play by our rules.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

MR HENG SOY common is kind of funny and childish,isn't democrazy is the principle of this blog? Free speech my friend he can say watever he want so do you. don't need to show your anger like that.

Anonymous said...

Comparing to local mainstream news in Cambodia, KI-Media is more professional

Anonymous said...

Thank you KI Team you are the best.
don't let yuon slave bother you one bit.
you give them the run of their oppressing, blood thirsty, land hungry lives. They will rot in hell if ther is one.

Anonymous said...

8:30 PM

Your boss HS is only half blind, but you are blind. You said “ពួកនេះនឹងវិនាសហិន
ហោចខ្លោចផ្សារជារាងរាល់ថ្ងៃ.” We see it coming to you that is why we try to hold off the Viet to buy you some more time, ok dummy.

Anonymous said...

I love Heng Soy and the KI Media team. they're young, hip inspirational and counter-government!!! I support your team!!!! tell me how I can help!!!!!!!

- Cambodian in Minnesota (US of A)

Anonymous said...

Theary Seng would be awesome for Ki Media!!! heng soy you should try to get her to be part of team!

Cambodialover said...

As a foreigner from Europe I wish to congratulate the team of KI media. Reading Ki-media make me knowing what really happens in Cambodia.
I like Cambodian people very much and I find that they deserve more democracy. Also I deplore the plundering of natural resources in the country by government and friends and so making the life for the people living in countryside very difficult.
Everytime when I visit Cambodia I see the rich becoming more rich and ... the poor remaining poor. The economy is not only for the rich! Very pitty!

Anonymous said...

Greedy, fat, ugly CPP steal from pooor poeple! I hate them! All my friends hate them.!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well done HENG SOY!!!!!!!

Sometime it's good to let it out. However you give the whiners too much respect by writing to them this way. They are thugs, no different from criminal and there is one way to deal with them is handcuff and taser. they are not civilize person like you, so drop your civility and kick them in the head and real hard without merci. Go on, you have every right to do that to parasites, flush them out from your system in a very harsh way. After all these parasites are addict to this site and would not survive if they don't please their masters.

Anonymous said...

" MR HENG SOY common is kind of funny and childish,isn't democrazy is the principle of this blog? Free speech my friend he can say watever he want so do you. don't need to show your anger like that.

8:39 PM" (sic!)




Anonymous said...

KI-Media is awsome! My number one news source about Cambodia. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

we are tired of hearing. we need to see action and result. critics, supporting, bla the long time war not enough? don't you want to take some rest? mind yourself, your family, your relative, your children. The country has sb to take care already. are yourself high educated, your children high educated? why you mind the country too much? don't worry too much, the leader know how to love the country, and its people already. Take care of yourself well is a gratitude to the country already.

Anonymous said...

10:22 PM

Go for it, you are just one sheep in a flock. You go wherever being led, even though you know that the road ahead will be off the cliff.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

10:22PM! you motherfucker dick head's ass!

We are the demoncracy Cambodian! we believe to care and involve our lives, our society, our country, every minut forever and pass to our great grand children!

You can not separate those items above or you would be a slave like ah Hun Xen or the mudrer like ah Pol PoT!!!!

Anonymous said...

ចង់ស៊ីអាចម៏ឆ្កែអញទេអា ១០:៥៩PM???

Anonymous said...

KI-Media I love you all, go ahead do not worry with the CPP's slave. Only 1/100 who are not happy with you and those are blinds.

Neak Sre

Anonymous said...

Right on ! K.I. keep on rocking.

Anonymous said...

CPP's (slave Vietname)broadcast stations including Radio and TV are not compared to a single leg hair of KI because they are not quality enough make readers interest on their news. Because their news are useless. Why they are afraid of KI.

Anonymous said...

Judging from all the postings here, I'm surprised to know that there are many CPP supporters here. I find it laughable why anyone in their right mind would support such a useless and overbearing government controlled by "ah" Hun Sen