Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Asia: Freedom of Expression, Justice, Human Rights Defenders Under Threat - HRW Letter to Ban Ki-Moon

Asia: Freedom of Expression, Justice, Human Rights Defenders Under Threat
Letter to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

October 25, 2010

His Excellency Ban Ki-moon
United Nations

Dear Secretary-General,

We write to encourage you to use your upcoming visit to Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and China to publicly address pressing human rights issues in the region. Beyond raising the important issues highlighted below with key leaders, we urge you to meet with respected human rights activists in the countries you visit.

We welcome your support for political reconciliation and the promotion of human rights and democracy in Thailand. The Thai government, however, continues to use draconian powers under the Emergency Decree on Public Administration in Emergency Situation (“Emergency Decree”) to suppress basic human rights and provide authorities with effective immunity from prosecution.

Crucial for national reconciliation and ending the vicious cycle of violence and impunity in Thailand are credible, independent and impartial inquiries into politically motivated abuses committed by all sides, and sustained measures to hold accountable all those responsible. We are deeply concerned by reports that the government’s Center for the Resolution of Emergency Situations (CRES) has not fully cooperated with parliamentary inquiry commissions, the National Human Rights Commission, or the newly appointed Independent Fact-Finding Commission for Reconciliation.
Thailand made a significant number of human rights pledges in its successful campaign to join to the UN Human Rights Council, but few have been implemented. Particularly disconcerting has been the Thai government’s increasing disregard for human rights at it borders, where it has forcibly returned (“refoulement”) refugees and asylum seekers to countries where they were likely to face persecution.

During your visit to Thailand, we urge you to:
  • Seek explanations from Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva regarding the renewal of the Emergency Decree and abuses related to the emergency powers, including arbitrary detention and the crackdown on opposition print, broadcast, and online media.
  • Urge the government to welcome all UN special rapporteurs who wish to visit Thailand.
  • Press Prime Minister Abhisit to make concrete progress on the inquiries into political violence committed by all sides and on his commitment to accountability.
  • Urge the government not to use the November 7 election in Burma as an excuse to forcibly return refugees and asylum seekers; raise broader concerns about Thailand’s refugee protection policies and practices, including the expulsion of Rohingya boatpeople and the refoulement of Lao Hmong.

Cambodia’s respect for fundamental human rights and the process of democratization continues its precipitous decline. As noted by the UN special rapporteur on human rights in Cambodia, the judiciary’s lack of independence reinforces Cambodia’s deeply entrenched impunity and fuels the government’s repression of basic rights, particularly rights to freedom of expression and association, land, and adequate housing. Politically motivated court judgments, such as the 10-year sentence handed down in absentia to opposition leader Sam Rainsy on September 23 for peaceful expression, cripple the political opposition’s ability to participate in upcoming elections. Community activists protesting forced evictions and “land grabbing” face arrest and prosecution.

Arbitrary detention continues unabated, with the government refusing to close its abusive social protection centers, which often serve as little more than warehouses for police to deposit sex workers, alleged drug users, homeless children, families, and mentally ill people. Currently, more than 2,000 people are arbitrarily detained in government drug detention centers, where they are subjected to torture (including electric shocks and whippings with electrical wire) and forced labor.

The UN-backed Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) will fail to leave a positive legacy unless it itself abides by international criminal justice standards. Since its inception, the ECCC has been plagued by political interference from the highest levels of government. While the completion of the first trial–of Kaing Kek Ieuv, known as Duch–is to be welcomed, upcoming trials will be much more challenging and complex and require greater cooperation from the Cambodian government regarding evidence and witnesses. The UN should use its considerable leverage in its agreement with the government establishing the ECCC, which provides that the UN can withdraw from the process if it fails to meet international fair trial standards.

In your discussions with the Cambodian government, we urge you to:
  • Publicly call for an end to political interference in the ECCC so that it meets international fair trial standards, as set out in the agreement between the UN and the government.
  • Urge greater government cooperation with the ECCC in future cases, including with the five additional suspects submitted and with the appearance of current government officials as witnesses.
  • Clearly communicate to the government that the system of compulsory drug treatment violates international human rights law and is not supported by either scientific evidence or international standards for effective drug dependence treatment.
  • Press the government to end the arbitrary arrest and detention of alleged drug users, sex workers, homeless people, beggars, street children and mentally ill people, and permanently close government centers where people are detained and abused; ensure with your country team that your visit is not misused by the government to detain these and other vulnerable urban populations.

The Vietnamese government has intensified its suppression of freedom of expression in advance of the upcoming party congress, harassing and arresting peaceful online writers, democracy activists and human rights defenders and shutting down dissident blogs and websites. Hundreds of people have been sentenced to prison under national security laws such as “abusing democratic freedoms” or “spreading anti-government propaganda” simply for peaceful expression of their political or religious beliefs. Political and religious prisoners are routinely subject to torture during interrogation, held incommunicado prior to trial, and denied access to lawyers.

In addition, between 35,000 to 45,000 people are detained in detention centers purportedly for “treatment” of drug dependence. Individuals are sentenced for up to four years without access to a lawyer, appearing before a court, or having an opportunity to appeal the decision. In detention they engage in forced labor. In addition to the serious human rights violations, independent reviews of Vietnam’s system of compulsory drug treatment have found a drug-use rate of around 90 percent.

In your talks with Vietnamese officials, we urge you to:
  • Press Vietnam to repeal its increasingly harsh restrictions on the internet, blogs, independent think-tanks, and firewalls against human rights and democracy websites, and end all state sponsored or supported hacking of such websites.
  • Push for repeal of provisions of Vietnam’s Criminal Code and other legislation, particularly of vague provisions on national security, which restrict or criminalize the right to peaceful dissent.
  • Clearly communicate to the government that the system of compulsory drug treatment violates international human rights law and is not supported by either scientific evidence or international standards for effective drug dependence treatment.

We were deeply disappointed by your public remarks regarding the awarding of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize to imprisoned Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo. You failed to call for his release or to note that his wife, Liu Xia, was put under house arrest immediately after the prize was announced. Moreover, you never addressed the core reason for Liu’s politicized detention.

Your visit to China comes at a time when key human rights protections—and their domestic defenders—are under assault. The Chinese government has shuttered civil society organizations, systematically disbarred human rights lawyers, and failed to respond positively to requests for invitations from a number of UN special rapporteurs such as those on the right of freedom of expression and of minorities.

In addition, the Chinese government has voiced its clear opposition to the commission of inquiry into war crimes and crimes against humanity in Burma, as recommended by Tomas Quintana, the United Nations special rapporteur for human rights in Myanmar. Such a commission would address the numerous and systemic abuses in Burma that persist despite decades of UN reporting and resolutions.

The nationwide elections in Burma on November 7, which will merely put a civilian façade on continued military rule, will do nothing to improve Burma’s international image. The elections should not be used to deflect calls for a commission of inquiry. Instead, your clear public support for such a commission would maintain the UN’s leadership role on human rights issues and deter efforts by governments such as China to take Burma off the UN agenda.

In your discussions with Chinese leaders, we urge you to reiterate that without significant progress towards accountability for gross, systemic human rights abuses, Burma will remain a target for international opprobrium, as will the governments that uncritically support the military junta. Demonstrating and garnering support for a commission of inquiry, particularly from within Asia, would be viewed as an important step for improving international justice globally.

During your visit to China, we urge you to:
  • Publicly express concern about the illegal detentions of Liu Xia and Liu Xiaobo.
  • Urge the government to roll back its constraints on human rights defenders, including civil society groups and lawyers.
  • Ask that the High Commissioner for Human Rights and UN special rapporteurs be invited to visit China in 2011.
  • Call on the government to end its opposition to a UN commission of inquiry into Burma.

We look forward to working with you and your staff on these issues as you undertake this important trip.


Sophie Richardson
Asia Advocacy Director

Philippe Bolopion
UN Advocacy Director

For more Human Rights Watch reporting on Asia, please visit:

For more information, please contact:
Regarding Burma, David Mathieson in Thailand (English): +66 8717 62205 (mobile)
Regarding Cambodia and Vietnam, Phil Robertson in Bangkok (English, Thai): +66 8506 08406 (mobile)
Regarding China, Sophie Richardson in Washington, D.C. (English, Mandarin): +1 (917) 721 7473 (mobile)
Regarding Thailand, Sunai Phasuk in Bangkok (English, Thai): +66 8163 23052 (mobile)


Anonymous said...

LONG LIVE VEIT NAM.. You all should wishes that you never born and if you born next born as vietnamese so you be smarter...

Hun sen and CPP doing a good job for US... the master.. and Phay siphan providing a good lip services and SOK Siphana and Sarin Donora are working hard to manipulate all the foerigners there for us.. the rest of our vietnamese brother and sisters are all in every officials position in the cambodian government.

Long live Viet Nam

soon we will take thailand too

You all khmer wishes you never born.. next time make sure you born as a vietnamses maybe you a little smarter


Anonymous said...

khmer needs world communities like us china european countries to help.

khmers leaders have chance to liberate land from youn invasion and expansion.

khmer cannot fall into idealogical warfare between superpower countries. us is superpower and affluent, so are china and other european countries. why not holding them tight to develop and free from youn colonziation?

serving people's interests will gear policy and force to support liberating and developing course.

Anonymous said...

Keep screaming Khmer people, our voices and actions have been taken notice by the advocacy group. Together from everywhere we will demand our rights to be granted and respected.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am fucking your mama, dumbass 10:40Am haha

Anonymous said...

Youn Hanoi is my boss so I have to do everything through my boss otherwise i will lost the seat of PM and It is Ok to let some youn people to come and work happily in Cambodia coz my relative now are the richest in the country!!! and I don't have to worry coz all Youn spy are everywhere even Moto taxi driver also there are some Youn.

Anonymous said...

I don't think anybody's continually happy,except idiots,
Ki and all your lunatic monkeys, you have to have little moments of depression.Poor little brain!

Anonymous said...

you all useless khmer.. you wishes you never born. we take every thing you have even your soul... your leaders beg us to keep them in power so is ok with us to have slave like all of you.. LONG LIVE VIET NAM


Ladykhmer said...

Phnom penh Full of Youn, Young prostitute, Youn Products,...I really Sad for my country

Anonymous said...

Hello 10:30AM
As a Khmer I am with you.
We Khmer everywhere home and abroad
We will stand firm together as a big family of Khmer together we will bring our voice louder and louder to the UN.I agree with you too 6:59PM
Long Live the Khmer people home and abroad.
Long Live Cambodia.

Down late Ho Chi Minh.
Down Yuon and it's slave Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

LONG LIVE VIET NAM... You useless khmer have not more chance....

Anonymous said...

Short LIVE VIETCong properly live abroad. talking shit about how windowful Youn Hanoi is. shitting ass country. I dont see you living in Hanoi or Saigon. Oh I fogot Vietcong fuck it up South Vietname and called it Ho CHeap Min City..

Anonymous said...

Long live Vietname prostitute! Boom Boom sucky sucky 5 Dong dollaarr!

KhmerIsrael said...

It is very hard to serve the Prince of this World, the Devil. He is a cruel Master. Believers in Yeshua (Jesus) are not exempt from his cruelty either.But we as believers have a HOPE that one day we will be set free from the tyranny of the evil one. Our hope is based upon the promises of our God as it has been written:

Isaiah 2

1The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. 2And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. 3And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. 4And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

Above passage speaks of the millennium to come. The rule & reign of Jesus Christ on earth 1000 years. During this period there will not be any wars, period.
The law (Torah) will be for all peoples. United Nations will not exist then.

It will take power to crush the opposing force

Psalm 110

1The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. 5The Lord at thy right hand shall strike through kings in the day of his wrath.

6He shall judge among the heathen, he shall fill the places with the dead bodies; he shall wound the heads over many countries.

Jesus came the first time as a Lamb for atoning sacrifice to take away the sins of the world, at his second coming he will come as a roaring Lion to devour his enemies and establish his Kingdom on this earth. Trust in Him now lest you be devour in his wrath.

Anonymous said...

there are no lord here in cambodia.. only monkeys..


Anonymous said...

Let Rock HUN SEN and His cronies,
Hard Head or so call Strong Man HUN SEN and cronies.
The justice, liberty, equality will prevail one day for powerless Cambodian who's been under the Viet puppet HUN SEN gun on top of their head...
People around the world day by day has seen the Dictathorship of HUN SEN and his clan..
DO NOT stop fighting peacefully until down with HUN SEN of another killing field..
Time are numbered ...HUN SEN
Free and Fair election will prove the PEOPLE POWER.
DO NOT Let HUN SEN buy your vote of 5 kilos of rice..
Fear tactic will not work either..

Wake Up save Cambodia from Viet Colonization, Vetnamization...

KhmerIsrael said...

Long Leech Viet Nam only has brain with no heart.

KhmerIsrael said...

The Nature of Christ Kingdom in the millennium

Isaiah 11

1And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots:
2And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD;

3And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears:
4But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth: with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.

5And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins.
6The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.

7And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.
8And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp,(cobra) and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice'(vipers) den.

9They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.

This earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD. People will not eat meat in the millennial kingdom. All animals will eat grass and not each other as is now. Poisonous creatures will be non-poisonous. There will not be hurricanes, earthquakes, floodings, etc,etc. I believe the temperature will be temperate. Not too hot or too cold. people will able to live up to 1000 years old with perfect bodies without diseases. Wouldn't you want to be part of this kingdom my Khmer people?

You see, God's will is to bring heaven down to earth. His dwelling will be among man in a perfect environment. This will not happen until after the 1000 years reign of His Christ on earth. I'm telling you the truth. This far greater than what the UN can or able to accomplish for humanity. United Nations is a facade of the true reality of the kingdom of Christ. They don't have solution to solve man's problem, Christ does.

Anonymous said...

Dear Friend,
I believe in GOD but mainly mine and family shine until today,
Due to I Believe:



Anonymous said...

Long live Vietname prostitute! Boom Boom sucky sucky 5 Dong dollaarr! sucket to meee

KhmerIsrael said...

The Nature of the Kingdom of Christ

The dead in Christ

At Christ's second coming with a blast of the shofar (trumpet)the dead in Christ shall rise first to meet him in the air. They will be given a new body (incorruptible)meaning; they will never die again.Second, we (believers) will be caught up together with them in the air and our bodies will instantly change from corruptible to incorruptible.

After this event, the wrath of God will fall upon those who rejected him. He is purging (ridding) of the wickedness so he can establish his Kingdom with righteousness on this earth. You see, this earth belongs to Him and he has come back to settle the score with the mockers, scoffers and demonic worshipers etc, etc...

The dead that are not believers in Jesus Christ will stay dead until after the millennium. Than they will be resurrected to stand before Him, the Judge of the living and the dead and will be cast into the lake of fire with the Devil, his fallen angels and the false prophet. I'm telling you the truth my brothers. The only hope of eternal life is through Jesus Christ. I wish I could espouse you all to be his bride.

KhmerIsrael said...

Jerusalem is the KEY to world Peace!

United Nations is anti-Semite. If nations cast away this KEY, I have no part for world Peace Or Cambodian peace. Not that I am a non-peaceable person. Beside, UN would not like a person who speak ill of Islam religion like me.

savecambodian said...

This articles mentions Cambodia and Thailand no Vietnam what is going on with these people are they yuon dogs or what?

Anonymous said...

no is youn prostitute!

Anonymous said...

Long live is motherfucker and pussy.

Anonymous said...

I can't help but laughing at the parasites comments as keep me amuse every time I saw them.
What a real puppets without brain.
They have enough language skills to write but have no idea to put the words together with tangible effect or fiercely respond to the facts from their references.
This is to prove them money can't buy everything as they cannot find a genius to be their mouth pieces for them.
Each action reveals their weakness and barbaric behavior which even make the blogger to be the more interesting site to visit and monitor.

Anonymous said...

Dear Compatriots,
My advice,please careless about those profanity words of the looser; the power and crooked moneys with blood will be down...

We are blessed by the powerless and the needy of our homeland Cambodia

Anonymous said...

to late and there are no god helping useless khmer.. look at what god did to help viet nam.. to controlled all of you stupid and idiot khmer even you soul we controled..

Long Live Viet Nam... good work hun sen and cpp .. thank to phay siphan for his lip services and sok siphana and sarin denora.. for going around to manipulates all the forgieners diplomatic and business and others for Viet Nam and CPP interest..

Anonymous said...

Ah chhkae yuon hun xen ban chak ruk lok ban kimoon aoy do lok christophe peschoux chenh pi srok khmer, boe min do vea bet angka sit monus sahak prochea cheat nov Kampuchea.

Yuon doggy hun xen convinced Ban Kimoon to change Christophe Peschoux from his position in Cambodia, otherwise he will close the UN Human Rights in Cambodia.