Saturday, October 09, 2010

Brain Food

By Khmer Democrat, Phnom Penh
Brain Food

Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.

- Malcolm X


Anonymous said...

That is right mr. Malcom X.

We are with you and believe in you and be prosperous and be changed!!

ជនពាល said...

គេមិនអាចនិយាយថា មានតែការសិក្សាររៀនសូត្រ តែមួយគត់ ដែលជាស្ពានទៅរកអនាគត ។ អ្នកខិតខំរៀនសូត្រតើដើម្បី
អី ? ចេះច្រើន បារម្ភក៏ច្រើន ព្រោះថានៅពេលដែលយើងងាប់ទៅ
ចំណោះទាំងនោះ នឹងរលាយទៅជាមួយដែរជាមិនខាន ។
គេត្រូវយកកូនអោយបានច្រើន វិញទើបល្អជាង ហើយវាមានសារសំខាន់ជាងការខំរៀនសូត្រ ទៅទៀត ( make alot of baby Is better than being high educated ) ព្រោះថា កាលណាកូនៗទាំងនោះធំធាត់
ទៅ ថ្ងៃក្រោយ ពួកវានឹងអាចបន្តពូជ បន្តពង្សផៅសាវតារបស់យើង ហើយបែកមែកសាខា
នៅទីគ្រប់កន្លែង ។ ដល់ពេលយើងចាស់ជរាទៅ យើងនឹងឃើញ
កូនប្រុស កូនស្រី ចៅតូចៅធំ ជួបជុំគ្គា រត់លេងសប្បាយ អឹងកង ។ ទិដ្ឋិភាពបែបនេះ ទោះបីបានធ្វើជាបណ្ឌិត
ក៏មិនអាចប្រដូចបានឡើយ ។ បើមិនមានកូន
ច្រើនទេ នៅពេលចាស់ជរាទៅ គឺឯកោហើយ។ ដូច្នេះគេត្រូវនិយាយថា មានកូនច្រើន គឺមានអនាគត ។

Anonymous said...

------ dont change hunsen. you can't teach an old dog a new tricks ------

**** Be The Change ****

>>>>>>>we are preparing for tomorrow and we will be happy and live happily ever after................

Anonymous said...

>>>>>>>>>>>people in tenure cleverly and disgustingly design education to serve political interests, refraining cambodian childs to receive high quality education by ignoring basic facts of shortage in education. those people manipulate people's ignorance an cluelessnes to keep their power safe and unchallenged from ground root of support.
1) some people live on luxerrious lives at the expense of pepple stupidity & cluelessness
2) some people secur their wealthy lives when they don’t really do anything at the expense of people stupidity & cluelessness

3) some people standing tall handsomely and call themselves genius at the expense of pp stupidity & cluelessness

4) some people rob everything from people: new ideas, freedom and rights to fruitfull media and to self development at the expense of stupidity and cluelessness.

5) some people claim they are better in their uniform of lies and evil disguise at the expense of stupidity and cluelessness.>>>>>>>

Anonymous said...

That's why African Americans are the most uneducated group of people in the USA. Don't listen to Malcolm X, besides good at talks, what else was he good at?