Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Brain Food

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.

- Winston Churchill


Anonymous said...

Yes,Standing up when someone asked me to,but not sitting down when someone threatened me.I will speak up to protect my rights.

Anonymous said...

And I will keep screaming and screaming until my voice, our voices are listened to.

Anonymous said...

LONG LIVE VEIT NAM.. You all should wishes that you never born and if you born next born as vietnamese so you be smarter...

Hun sen and CPP doing a good job for US... the master.. and Phay siphan providing a good lip services and SOK Siphana and Sarin Donora are working hard to manipulate all the foerigners there for us.. the rest of our vietnamese brother and sisters are all in every officials position in the cambodian government.

Long live Viet Nam

soon we will take thailand too

You all khmer wishes you never born.. next time make sure you born as a vietnamses maybe you a little smarter
