Saturday, October 09, 2010

Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo wins Nobel Peace Prize 2010

Imprisoned Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo has been awarded the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize as the award committee ignored warnings from China's government. The Norwegian Nobel Committee on Friday praised Liu's ``long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights'' and said China, as a growing economic and political power, needs to take more responsibility to protect the fundamental rights of its citizens. A bitter China has denounced the awarding of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo and says the decision will hurt relations with Norway. 'Liu Xiaobo is a criminal who has been sentenced by Chinese judicial departments for violating Chinese law,' The Foreign Ministry said in a statement Friday. Awarding the peace prize to Liu 'runs completely counter to the principle of the prize and is also a blasphemy to the peace prize'.


Anonymous said...

Stand firm for your beliefs. In spite of the threat from the chinese and their posturings, the NOBEL committee stood firm in their decision to award the NBEL PEACE prize to Liu.
Let this be a lesson to all the chinese vassals aka Hun sen. You are not safe from international criminal presecution and condemnation.

Anonymous said...

Stand firm for your beliefs. In spite of the threat from the chinese and their posturings, the NOBEL committee stood firm in their decision to award the NBEL PEACE prize to Liu.
Let this be a lesson to all the chinese vassals aka Hun sen. You are not safe from international criminal presecution and condemnation.


Anonymous said...

Congratulation Sir! You deserve every ounce of it. Imagine one billion and more chineese are freemen and woman.The world would be fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Khmer eats shit for too long

Anonymous said...

White people are very smart. They like to use your own people to attack you. Do you really think they award the Nobel Peace Prize to Mr. Liu without any hidden evil intention? If you look at history, who were really the agressors? The English, French, Duch, Spanish went around the world searching for smaller and weaker countries to colonize and abuse. They always most of the valuables(gold, diamonds, etc..) and left many of the Asian countries poor until these days while they enjoy prosperity for decades to come. They did the Americans invaded Iraq and Afghanistan? Did they do it simply to liberate the people there? You have to be very stupid to believe that. Asian people are very easy to be tricked and manipulated by the whites. We often don't think deep enough of the whites' actions. They are very deep thinkers. They can use you and abuse you and at the same time were able to make you believe that they are your friends. So don't cheer yet when you're doing something bad to your enemy because soon they will do the same to you.

Anonymous said...

12:37 AM,

And who helps the world poor the most?

You and Hun Sen?

Don't you think the Khmers are much more abused by their own people than the French who used to colonize Cambodia?

You are too cynical about the White race. I hope you are not living in one of the White countries such as USA, France or Canada, etc.

If you do; I would believe in your statement if you move back to Cambodia. Until then, I won't take you seriously.

Anonymous said...


Did I ask you to take me seriously?
Have you been brainwashed by the white race who had abused your ancestors for so long? Have you been banged by a white guy in the ass recently and you liked it so much that you're always on their side? Remember your own culture because that's where you came from.

Most of the Khmer lands today were given to the youns by the fucking French. Don't you know anything about your own history? What did you eat that makes you so fucking stupid?

Anonymous said...

4:35 AM,

If you want to debate, let us keep the language nice and reasonably decent because I know a lot of bad words too, which I can use to call you by, but I won't lower myself to your level when it comes down to using English.

Go back and read the Khmer history and decide for yourself what would have happened to Cambodia if the French did not come to rescue Cambodia when King Angdoung and Norodom were asking them for help.

Without the French you would be speaking Vietnamese right now and would have no place to call home. Whether you like it or not, it is the fact that the presence of the French in Indochina helped save Cambodia from being divided between the Vietnamese and the Thais.

Cambodia's enemy is not the White, but her neighbours to the east and to the west and you will always need the White whether you like it or not. In fact, you are using their language to respond to me and to read most news on the Internet. You are using their inventions to communicate with me also and when you are sick, you are also using their medicines.

Try looking around you and see if you can do without their products.

I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

4:35 AM,

I can bet you are not living in Cambodia, but live in a western country and enjoying all the benefits of that country.

Did they do something to you there that you hate them so much? I hope your family is not on welfare and they have just decided to cut your family off welfare and ask all of you to work for your own food and stop living on others.

Come back and help me, a poor Khmer in Cambodia, brother to prove your love for your country and show to the world that you are not just full of shit.

See you in Phnom Penh at the Internet Cafe.

Your brother in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen should get a Nobel Peace Prize this year because he is so good to keep Khmer people shut. He is also a fabulous Khmer dictator in the world.Being one blind eye leader,he can kill anyone or put anyone in jail who is against him.