Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Chipping away at IMPUNITY - Iraq Court Sentences Tariq Aziz to Death

By Khmer Democrat, Phnom Penh
Expanding our Mind Series

The Cambodian violators of human rights should take serious note that JUSTICE will be done - sooner or later.

Iraq Court Sentences Tariq Aziz to Death
Jack Healy
The International Herald Tribune, Oct. 26, 2010

BAGHDAD — Tariq Aziz, a former top aide to Saddam Hussein, was sentenced to death by an Iraqi court on Tuesday for crimes against members of rival Shiite political parties [Hun Sen's (wo)men for crimes against opposition and Funcinpec members, for crimes of K5 etc.].

The ruling was the latest in a series of criminal cases against Mr. Aziz, 74, who became the bespectacled face of Mr. Hussein’s government during and before the Persian Gulf war of 1991 after Iraq’s invasion of oil-rich Kuwait.

In March 2009, Mr. Aziz was sentenced to 15 years in prison for crimes against humanity, and was acquitted earlier that year on charges of ordering a 1999 crackdown against Shiite protesters after a revered Shiite cleric was assassinated.

Mr. Aziz’s lawyers were not immediately available for comment, and it was unclear whether they would appeal the sentence. Nor was it clear when the sentence would be carried out. Mr. Aziz’s lawyers have long claimed he was only responsible for Iraq’s diplomatic and political relations, and had no ties to the executions and purges carried out by Mr. Hussein’s Baathist government. Mr. Hussein, who was ousted as president by an American-led invasion in 2003, was himself hanged in 2006.

Death sentences were also handed down on Tuesday other former officials in Mr. Hussein’s government: Abed Hammoud, a former secretary to Mr. Hussein, and former Interior Minister Sadoon Shaker.

Earlier this year Mr. Aziz, a Christian, was reported in poor health. In January, the American military said in a statement that he suffered a blood clot in the brain. He was taken to an American military hospital north of Baghdad for treatment.

Mr. Aziz, a former foreign minister, is also serving a seven-year prison sentence for a case involving the forced displacement of Kurds in northern Iraq.

In a recent interview with The Associated Press, he predicted he will die in prison, citing his old age and lengthy prison sentences.

Khalid D. Ali contributed reporting.


Anonymous said...

Also for China and Vietnam for providing their leadership to the Khmer Rouge between 1975 and 1979. Many people had already knew that there was the Chinese's Khmer Rouge and there was also the Vietnamese's Khmer Rouge. These two fought each other to death for power using Cambodian people as their tool. The result, two millions Cambodian died a horrible death. Very incompetent and nasty leadership from both countries.

Anonymous said...

$ 100 millions a year for 2 centuries must be paid for by the Chinese and Vietnamese Communist governments to all surviving Cambodian around the world. They also must denounce their deadly regime. Then justice will be served and true peace will prevail.

Anonymous said...

Cambodian government is hungry for money. why dont they start theirs own company and get the hell out of government jobs. One day if civic war break all that money that they still from khmer people will go back to the Khmer people.

KhmerIsrael said...

During the Desert Storm war, Saddam sent 39 scud missiles into Israel. The missiles did alot of structural damage but only one Israeli was kill. I know God was watching over Israel that no more were killed by huge payloads of explosive contained in each missile.

According to the law of God a person is only allow to be whip 40 lashes. When it come to actually carrying out the command they always stop at 39 lashes as not to exceed the 40 required by law. After the 39 scud was sent into Israel, Saddam was warn by IDF "one more scud we will nuke Baqdad" Saddam stopped. One each scud was written "Nebuchadnazzar, king of Babylon."

KhmerIsrael said...

Mid East Empires History

1) Egypt
2) Assyria (Syria?)
3) Babylonian (Iraq)
4) Med & Persia (Iran)
5) Greece (Greek) Alexandra the great
6) Roman (Rome)
7) Ottoman (Turkey)

What I've been learning concerning the Middle East is that the (7) Ottoman Empire will revive to be the last empire to usher in the man of SIN the bible speaks off. Why should this matter to you or those outside Mid East? Because it has a world wide effect what the man of SIN will do. If you now anything about the faith of Muslims you should shudder. Don't let their "peaceful religion" fool you. The founder of Islam was barbaric. Far from anything peaceful.

Anonymous said...

The HERZBOLLA will wipe your ass .