Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Dictators are Wimps Series

By Khmer Democrat, Phnom Penh
Dictators are Wimps Series

"I am Strongman! I am Samdech Akka Moha [breathe] Sena Padei [breathe] Techo [breathe] Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. [breathe] Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. [breathe] Dr. Dr. Dr. [breathe] Excellency - I am Hun Sen! I am Goliath! Hear me ROARRRRRR!!"

"What?! You scheduled Ah Rainsy's court hearing now, when I'm in Brussels? After! After, when I'm back, alright! You crazy idiots! These pale white bastards will crucify me with their condemnation about human rights and rule of law, blah, blah, blah, blah! I am strongman at home, but it doesn't work here that way, retards!"

"Hey, Abhisit! My friend! So, you went to Eton and Oxford, eh? Not bad, not bad... [A faraway dreamy look in his eyes -- ooops, make that eye...] Have you heard of XiXaXuXo Super Duper University? No? How about Chjiochios@#@#%%@ Academy? Yeah, I have a few Ph.D degrees from them and others like them as well. Hey, you have a few seconds to discuss Preah Vihear? [5 seconds later] Shit! It's the convenor calling us back to the main session. Next time, okay?"

- as overheard in Brussels of conversations with our Dictator Hun Sen


Anonymous said...

Brilliant!!!! Wimps sound tough and get nothing done!!! Lots of air and no results!!!!!! Time for the CPP to go!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a coward! all violence is cowardice!!!!!! Stupid idiots! Cowards!!!!!!!!!!!!! WIMPS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sick of these idiots running and destryong our beautiful country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

These dictators are tricksters, they only know trickery. they can't work with the modern world as statesman as their mind is still ruole of jungle!

Anonymous said...

it is ridiculous of what the bastard silly hun chated with abhisit.

Anonymous said...

Hun sen is a coward with Abhisit. He should take the matter to the international community, not a bilateral talk, what Abhisit wants, and the constant delays, which works against Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Preah Vihear needs to go before the international community, the UN, ASEAN, the signatroies of the Paris Peace Agreements, not this game controlled by Thailand of only betwen Cambodian and them. And Hun Sen is falling into this trap bcus he's so stupid.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What an idiot? and he's leading cambodia? that;s why cambodia in such deep shit!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

U're awesome khmer democrat and KI media! Hahahah!!!!! finger to the dictator hun sen!!

Anonymous said...

this is why we don't send idiots to world meetings!

Anonymous said...

Rainsy is creasy, now.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Sam Rainsy is crazy bad, the kinda crazy for the best of Cambodia! Rock on, SRP! rock on SRP!

Anonymous said...

លោកអ្នកដឹងទេ គេហទំព័រនេះបង្កើតដោយ សម រង្សីុ ដែលមាន លោកសីហា ជាអ្នកជួយកាលពីមុនមកនោះ កុំជេគាត់អី គាត់ជិតឡប់សតិហើយ ក្រោយពីសម្តេចហ៊ុនសែន ទទួលបានជោគជ័យជាបន្តបន្ទាប់សំរាប់ជាតិរបស់យើងនោះ

Anonymous said...

blah blah blah blah. the Cambodian people wants freedom and dremocracy and speech!!!!!!!! the hun sen regime is a destroy to cambodia!!!! cheyo SRP!!

Anonymous said...

What an Idiot!!! That's why cambodia messed up so bad!!!

Anonymous said...

You know japan USA and EU with Cambodia? There country are democracy.

Anonymous said...

Cambodians wants change. we want better lives!!! I like Sam Rainsy and belives he's good for camboida!

Anonymous said...

Preah viehar belongs to us, why so dfifficult????? i don't understand when the world court says it belong to us?????

Anonymous said...

Cambodia is independent now and development. So I would like Samdach hun sen and CPP.

Anonymous said...

you are full of shit 10:00 pm ! get some life! get some reality check!

Anonymous said...

Peopel like Hun Sen a loser that why they use violent and make peopel fear. but cambodan peopel know better.

Anonymous said...

លោក រង្សី និងប្រពន្ធរបស់គាត់ពុំមែនជាខ្មែរទេ សូមមើលសំលៀក បំពាក់ និងសាសនាគាត់ចុះ តើគាត់ដែរទៅកាន់បិណ្ឌ់ឬទេ?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Both issues are equally important to us Khmers. Why do some folks raise only the issue about Preah Vihear and not that about Yuons planting some boders posts illegally in our farmers' land?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

9.30PM and 10:12PMពិតជាត្រឹមត្រូវហើយ

Anonymous said...

ចង់ស៊ីអាចម៏ឆ្កែអញទេអា ១០:៤៦PM???

Anonymous said...

"Any fool can criticise, condemn and complain and most fools do." Benjamin Franklin

Anonymous said...

It's too bad for you then, cause the world is made up of fools who won't sit idle to for you to play with. You can be the good doggy while the rest of earth citizens act out as they normally do to get what they want.

Anonymous said...

Ah hell Hun Sen will be dead when he gets out of airplane .Hun Sen,you are the worst person in Khmer history.You are Pol Pot#2.