Sunday, October 10, 2010

Dictators are Wimps Series

By Khmer Democrat, Phnom Penh
Dictators are Wimps Series

We are big bad bullies, behaving badly. But only to our citizens. Only to the vulnerable children and women. Only to the poor. We act like strongmen ROARRRRRR!!!, but we're really wimps, see MEOW, MEOWWW. Why you mean to us? We need some lovin' just like everyone us. See who our examples are, they bully and act badly, too.

[The desperate plea of little dictator boys]

China, Angered by Peace Prize, Blocks Celebration
International Herald Tribune, October 9, 2010

"As presidents, religious figures and rights advocates around the world praised the Nobel Committee and called on the Chinese government to release Mr. Liu, one of
China’s most prominent dissidents, the Chinese government reacted with unrestrained ire."


Anonymous said...

I like the postings of Khmer Democrat. Phnom Penh. However, it's overwelmed. This is only my thought. I think KI should post some other things too.

ជនពាល said...

ពួកប្រឆាំងរដ្ឋាភិបាលនៅក្នុង KI MEDIA នេះជិតអស់ក្រឡាលោតហើយ ។
សព្វថ្ងៃពួកនេះ​ ក្រៅពីចេះជេរ និងនិយាយបំផ្លើស
គឺអ្វីៗទៀត ក៏ពួកគេគ្មានលទ្ធភាពនិយាយឡើយ។
សូមជ្រាបថា បើប្អូនជំានាន់ក្រោយ ចង់ដឹងអំពីផ្នត់គំនិតពួកខ្មែរក្រហមនាអំឡុង
សម័យបដិវត្តនោះ ចូរស្ដាប់ពាក្យសម្ដីរបស់

ពួកប្រឆាំងរដ្ឋាភិបាលនៅក្នុង KI MEDIA នេះទៅ គឺប្អូននឹងអាចយល់ជាមិនខាន !ថាតើ
ក្នុងគោលគំនិតរបស់ពួកនេះ គឺមានបង្កប់នូវពិសពុល ដល់កម្រិតណា?

Anonymous said...

when you have dummy try to teach politic its only make him/her look even more dumb.its only impress clueless people.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I greed with 11:04am. This is like you are focing the chicken to eat rice and make sure that it eat to get them sluter in order to get the return investment. Democracy will not happen by reading this only come from within of thos who decision willing to sacrify even their life for their feedom....Allow time for democracy to take root and growth...don't over kill it by these info. on democracy...

Anonymous said...

The guy is trying to shove his type of democracy into other people throats. Even you like it or not. So isn't it this so call democracy promoter become a dictator himself without knowing it.

KI media claimed to promote democracy, freedom, freedom of ideas and opinions, and yet they are deleting all my posts because I happen to disagree with them and I am sick and tire of this guy called Khmer democrat to flood this KI media with his nonsense posts. KI media may delete this post, but I post it anyway.

I want to see how they preach one way and practice like a communist dictator by censoring ideas that not agree with them.

Anonymous said...

The more Khmer people read,watch news around the world the more they are not stupid.The people brains are not shrimps brains.Many of them are well educated people.They know what to do,how to do,when to do and why they have to do it.

Anonymous said...

Its very good for Cambodia to have KI media and these thinking postings, funny but real, serious.

Anonymous said...

These posts makes me laughing!! Very smart and humor!