Wednesday, October 27, 2010

"Fernando" by Abba - "Non, Je ne regrette rien" by Edith Piaf

May I also suggest the following song by Edith Piaf, one of my favorite singers - Heng Soy


Anonymous said...

Thank you Heng Soy for trying to lift our spirits.

Sometimes, a song, a piece of melody can do wonders for our weary souls, heals our wounds, inspires us in times of adversity, and renew our resolve for tomorrow's fight in defense of Liberty.

What will the world be like the day music dies, when men's hearts turn into stones, when flowers no longer bloom . . . ?

May all men and women struggling against oppression every where find their strength and courage in time to overthrow and overpower their oppressors.

There is no greatness where Goodness, Truth and Humanity are absent.

School of Vice

Anonymous said...

School of vice - have been gone for while? Welcome back to the blog!

Yes, I have to agreed with you on this one ... of course for the good for younger Khmer generation:) music does indeed trancent us across generation...the meaning have not does dictatorship...power, greed, corrupt, opress, etc have not change...."power corrupt, absolute power corrupt absolutely"...thus, any inspire songs that could mobilize the fighting spirit within us is always welcome.

Thanks Heng Soy...

P.S. less defend of Theary now:~)

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much 7:43.

School of Vice

Anonymous said...

School of Vice...for one you are being generous with your comment...thanks the same for your thought. Next time, if you have any nice songs to share...please sent it to Heng Soy...I am sure that he doesn't mind to be a service to all of us bloggers...
