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Cambodian child vendors sell newspapers to a car driver at a retail gas station in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. (Photo: ASSOCIATED PRESS) |
“Cambodge Soir never earned an income over 15 years. Due to the small market, the weekly printing of 1,500 copies cannot balance against expenses.”
Cambodge Soir, which had been a unique voice and source of news in French for 15 years, closed its doors last week. Staff members packed up their offices, with some equipment expected to go to auction, as revenue and readers for the paper fell.
“Cambodge Soir never earned an income over 15 years,” said Pen Bona, co-editor-in-chief, at the paper's offices last week. “Due to the small market, the weekly printing of 1,500 copies cannot balance against expenses.”
Gerome Moriniere, director of the newspaper, said only about 1,000 of 4,000 French residents in Cambodia read the paper, which cost about $40,000 per month to run and brought in about $15,000 per month in revenue.
“The sales did not work,” Peou Sothy, who was in charge of administration at the weekly, said. “Subscriptions went down from 50 copies, to 20 or 10, and the revenue was also down.”
Cambodge Soir began as a thrice-weekly paper in May 1995, and within two years it had gone daily. But it saw a dramatic revolt of reporters after a French journalist was fired in 2007 following his reporting on the environmental watchdog Global Witness and the timber trade.
Over the years, six reporters earned awards from the US Embassy, the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank and Reporters Without Borders.
“I regret this,” said Adrien Le Gal, deputy editor-in-chief. “I arrived in Cambodia and was recruited to cover the legislative election in 2008, and after that I followed the [Khmer Rouge tribunal] hearing of Duch.”
In the two and a half years he spent at the paper, Le Gal said, he experienced “great professionalism in Cambodia” and learned “how to improve myself in the organization and in the functioning of a dual-nationality group.”
With the closing of the paper, staff members and reporters began to seek out new work.
“I'm searching for the same job with other media,” said Nhim Sophal, who reported for 12 years at Cambodge Soir.
The paper had stayed afloat with the support of the International Organization of Francophones, the French Embassy and subscriptions. Le Gal said that despite the support, there were “less and less” French speakers in Cambodia, which led to its decline.
Information Minister Khieu Kanharith, however, said the paper suffered from weak marketing and a lack of cooperation from the French business community.
“It is very regrettable,” he said. “Cambodge Soir was one of the newspapers that the prime minister has congratulated, but even the Total company, which has billions of dollars, did not post advertisements in it, although they did in the English-language newspapers. There are French hotel owners, but they did not subscribe. This means that to keep a newspaper alive, they must have good skills in marketing.”
Mu Sochua, a National Assembly lawmaker for the opposition Sam Rainsy Party, expressed regret for the loss of a “professional and independent” newspaper.
Martin Daubard, charge d'affaires for the French Embassy, said the ambassador too regretted the closure.
“The death of a newspaper is still to be deplored in all countries of the world and all languages since the press is often the largest organ of and most direct expression of democracy,” he said.
For KI Media.
O'Donnell said China plotting to take over US
3 hours ago
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FILE - In this Oct. 1, 2010 file photo, Delaware Republican Senate candidate...
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WASHINGTON — Republican Senate nominee Christine O'Donnell of Delaware said in a 2006 debate that China was plotting to take over America and claimed to have classified information about the country that she couldn't divulge.
O'Donnell's comments came as she and two other Republican candidates debated U.S. policy on China during Delaware's 2006 Senate primary, which O'Donnell ultimately lost.
She said China had a "carefully thought out and strategic plan to take over America" and accused one opponent of appeasement for suggesting that the two countries were economically dependent and should find a way to be allies.
"That doesn't work," she said. "There's much I want to say. I wish I wasn't privy to some of the classified information that I am privy to."
"A country that forces women to have abortions and mandates that you can only have one child and will not allow you the freedom to read the Bible, you think they can be our friend?" she asked. "We have to look at our history and realize that if they pretend to be our friend it's because they've got something up their sleeve."
O'Donnell's campaign didn't respond Monday to requests for comment.
At the debate, opponent Jan Ting countered that China has the potential to become a more Democratic country and an important ally.
"I think our China policy has to be handled very carefully," Ting said. "We have the capability of making an enemy or a friend out of China."
When Ting challenged O'Donnell's claim about having secret information, O'Donnell didn't answer specifically but suggested she had received it through nonprofit groups she worked with that frequently sent missionaries there.
Ting later won the nomination but lost the general election to Democratic Sen. Tom Carper.
O'Donnell was a little-known candidate until she stunned Rep. Mike Castle to win the Republican nomination last month in her third bid for the Senate. The tea party-backed hopeful faces Democrat Chris Coons in the November general election.
Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Bye bye French, hello English!
A lot of dumb asses Khmer living in Quebec Canada can only speak French. Their children can't speak English and even their own language Cambodian.
Adieu les francais !
មិនថាតែកាសែតភាសាបារាំងនេះ ដែលគ្មានអ្នកអាន សូម្បីតែកាសែតភាសាដទៃទៀត ក៏កំពុងតែ
ដាំដូងស្ទើតែគ្រប់គ្នា ព្រោះថាសព្វថ្ងៃនេះ គេនិយមអានសារព័ត៌មានតាម បណ្ដាញអិនធ័រណែតជាង ។ មួយវិញទៀត នៅកម្ពុជា អ្នកដែលចេះភាសាបារាំង គឺភាគ
ច្រើនជាមនុស្សកាលីប្រ high-class ហើយពួកទាំងអស់នេះ ភាគច្រើន សុទ្ធតែមានលទ្ធភាពអាចតផ្ជាប់បណ្ដាញសេវ៉ា នៅតាមផ្ទះរបស់គេ ដូច្នោះហើយ បានជាពួកគេចូលចិត្តអានតាមអិនធ័រណែតជាង ៕
French language is fading out in the former colony.
That good news cause of the France we lost Khmer Krom to Youn. I'm fucking hating France since I knew that France is the one given Khmer Krom to Youn.
Hey you fucking Vietnamization, Viet slave @11:03AM,
If you want to be Viet's slave for life, go ahead - it is your right, your freedom of choice, but do not drag the Cambodian people along with you or you will be eliminated from the face of this green planet earth. This is not a warning nor is it a threat but rather a promise to you!
[Connard, l’esclave des Viêts (Vietnamisation) à 11:03 AM,
Si tu veux être l'esclave des Viêts à vie, vas-y: c'est ton droit, ta liberté de choix, mais ne pas essayer de prendre le peuple cambodgien libre avec toi ou tu seras éliminé de cette verte planète. Ce n'est pas un avertissement ni une menace mais plutôt une promesse sûre!]
ហេ អា/មី ងាប់ផុតពូជខ្ញុំកញ្ជះយួន (វៀតណាមូនីយកម្ម?) ១១:០៣AM
បើ អា/មី ងាប់ផុតពូជឯងចង់ធ្វើខ្ញុំកញ្ជះយួនអស់
មួយជីវិតនោះ ក៏ធ្វើទៅ តែកុំមកបញ្ចុះបញ្ចូលនាំខ្មែរ
អ្នកជា ផ្សេងៗទៀតទៅជាមួយអា/មី ងាប់ផុតពូជ
ឯងអោយសោះ ពុំនោះសោតទេ អា/មី ងាប់ផុត
បន្លាចនោះទេ តែវាជាពាក្យ សន្យាដ៏ពិតប្រាកដតែ
អញឪ អា ហ៊ុន សែន!
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