Sunday, October 10, 2010

I Love Living Life. I Am Happy.

"If I fail, I try again, and again, and again..." - Nick Vujicic


Anti-CPP in PP said...

CPP ganster should learn from Nick Vujicic....

Don't threaten people but try again and again even you (CPP) alrady tied down and thrown into the Viet - cage don't stop trying.

Keep On Trying CPP members...

We know you and your gangsters CPP are already DEAD while still alive since You brain are only directed by VIet-Kong Hanoid Parnoid...

talking about Hun Xen ordered to kill Khmer in K 5 and Funcinpec membrs... We know you ass out alrady.

Honestly and wholeheartedly from CPP insider in PP. WE are anti- hanoid & Hun xen hanoid paranoid.


CPP in PP - anti-hunsen. said...

--- Talking about threatening Khmer Khnear Ang.

--- Now the whole world know HS killed khmer people in K 5.

--- We now Know HS killed Funcinpec official. ans destroyed Khmer society.

--- We now Know HS is scare to go out he will arrestd.

--- We now Know HS will be replaced by A new effective leader.

--- We now know HS can't trust no one but his Son HUN Maggot.

--- We now know there are 90% of CPP memebers are not satisfied with HS leadership.

--- WE now know that HS can run but can't hide.

--- We now know some of his TANKS drivers are anti-hun sen.

--- We now know there will or already an internal coup within CPP to over-thrwon HS from Power.

--- We now know HUN SEN stole money from the khmeer people.

this is messages from CPP insiders in PP who disloyal and anti-hunsen gov't and his affiliation with Hanoid.

Anonymous said...

Please help me, I cannot sleep and am very scared. I shit in my pant.
Hanoi is going to kill me.

Hun Sen

Anonymous said...

No can don. You going away would be good riddence just like Hok Lundy going away was a good riddance for us Khmer. No more big mafia boss to take our land, threaten us with guns, and kick and beat up our demonstrators.

If that is your fate, you deserve it!
Men Sam An, the Hanoi advisor to CPP will soon be Xmer Prime Minister! Be scared crook!

Anonymous said...

KI Media Team,

Thank you very much for such an inspirational video depicting the life of Nick Vujicic.

Life is a struggle and we shall overcome this struggle when we refuse to give up no matter what circumstance we are in.

Anet Khmer

vichea said...

nick god bless u brother!!!

Anonymous said...

"He who cannot agree with his enemies is controlled by them."

Chinese proverb

Anonymous said...

China government is controled by NOBEL PRICE commitee ?

Idiot proverb

Anonymous said...

shit news k1 out of touch!