Let´s mourn together again!
15 October 2010
During this mourning day, we would like Hun Xen, Var Kim Hong and some of Hun Sen´s gangs who repeatedly claim that Cambodia never loses lands to Vietnam due to this unconstitutional treaty swear to us just like once Hun Xen asked Abhisit to swear to him if Thailand did not invade Cambodia during his speech on Monday 08 February 2010 at 9:22AM.
Below is the excerpt from Hun Sen´s speech (please read his original course on Abhisit here) which I just change it into Hun Sen´s and his cronies´ swear and I hope they will bravely and publicly accept this in order to justify themselves.
- I Hun Sen and Var Kim Hong tells the truth that Vietnam does not invade Cambodia as you Oppositions, NGOs and border activists have claimed, If we Hun Sen and Var Kim Hong lie about this, let the magic objects break our neck, may we be shot, be hit by a car, may we be shocked by electricity or [may we be shot] by misfired guns.
- We assure that Vietnam never invade Cambodian lands in Svay Rieng, Prey Veng, Takeo, and other provinces bordering with Vietnam, if we do lie, let us be destroyed, know us well, you all.
- Ah Nis [derogatory for “this guy”] stop calling us crazy, we are not all confused, we don´t deserves to be scolded at. We Hun Sen and Var Kim Hong have family honor.
- Lastly, we Hun Sen, Var Kimhong and all other cronies will also swear to Preah Ang Dang Ker , Yeay Mao, Lok Ta Dam Bang Daek, and all magic objects in Cambodia on having all our family members be killed and having them [perish] in a plane crash, if we lie about Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia.
Let swear publicly for us Mr. Hun Sen and Mr.Var Kimhong! We mean it!
NOTE: In order to understand the contents of the Illegal 2005 Supplemental Treay please read the related explanations and documents here.
Just simple demonstration the path of Cambodia
This is cause and effect of dictatorship. Let's see the final one.
Puok ah lngi lngeu os nis keu puok ah chhkuot ning teuk kanduoy yuon/chen.
These silly guys are the mentalillness with yuon and chen pussies.
Again Ki Media, you are insane! It does reveal your malicious attempt to divide khmers overseas and Cambodians!
Nope we devide nobody; it's just the plain truth! I swear on your mother's grave 7:22PM!
Like every Khmer, I am very concerned about the loss of our territory. I don't know what behind all the treaties signed by the CPP. Can someone please explain to me why that treaty signed by CPP 5 years ago was constitutionally illegal? based on what ground? Please give me some details and hope everyone who don't know can learn.
Thank you.
I thought MEN IN BLACK only in movie!
I feels sad for the puppet regime.
I feels sad especially for khmer.
May this foolish and cheap regime collapse soon.
now we have his sons and the whole family and the cpp working for us the master of Veitnam.. these are our slave ...
Even his daughters and nieces were send to our top leaders in Hanoi for pleasures ...
Good work HUN SEN and the CPP... we will protect you ..
It looks like yuons want to get rid of Hun Sen and install a new puppet. Go to China for help HS before it's too late.
The 1985 treaty between Cambodia and vietnam is not international witness.
Vietnam can claim their territory or encroach into Cambodia anyway they want but that is baseless.
Cambodia has lost it's land to Yuon since Ah rorleay Chey Chettha II!
That 's going to be rweal bad! ready bodyguard, don't end up like Sadam's sons!!!
you all will be our DOG.. no matter what or who...
We will be your master forever.
10:03PM-you mean China will wack your evil race forever!
CHina have no chance my friend we are with the USA and we controlled all of you and USA will protect us from stone age china..
forever you stupid khmer or cambodian however you call you stupid race will be our vietnamese slave and dogs.....
our leaders in Hanoi love your khmer leaders daugthers when they send to our leaders for pleasures
your leader beg us to keep them in power and they will do what we want...
Cambodia is still hiden 100,000+ full arms communist vietnamese soldiers and 4-5 millions illegal vietnamese immigrantion. This is violation of Paris Peace Accords on 23, october 1991. we call upon the U.N and all signatory countries to intervence or go to war! when the Accords is failed.
ពួកអាក្បត់ជាតិ Khmer Idiots ah dog Hun Sen, ah Chea Sim, ah Heng Samrin អាសត្វថោកទាប, អាសត្វតិរិច្ឆាន!អាឆ្កែធ្វើខ្ញុំកញ្ជះ Youn បានលក់ក្បាលបំរើ នយោបាយ ក្បត់ជាតិរបស់ខ្មែរ ធ្វើឆ្កែខ្ញុំកញ្ជះ ah Youn ។
USA protect you, dream on. USA comes and goes where it can make profit. Once it realizes that insulting China is bad for its economy/business, USA will change its plan, and your country VN will be left just like in 1975.
But China will never forgive you for daring to insult her. She will arm Cambodia and make your country miserable for ever.
Long live China-Cambodia friendship.
Dear 7:22 PM,
As a Khmer I think it won't help to keep Khmer traitor and It is will be benifit for Cambodia as a whole if we can devide traitor and nationalist.
Mostly people like you that try to trist the true from Cambodian and you trick won't work because knew you better than you know yourdelf.
Pourk ah hun sen khlach youns nas.
Ah hun sen and clan are afraid of their master youn. they prefer to lose the khmer nation and the territory to the youns as they remains in power thanks to master youns.
One day, I hope that ah hun sen and clan will be condemned to life for treason of the Khmer nation and Khmer people.
Pourk ah chor louch cheath !
1:09 AM I agreed!
We're all ended up in Tonle Sap. Every single day we'll see sunrise and sunset in the middle of the lake and also the moon.
ខ្មែរទាំងអស់គ្នាគួរតែក្រោកឡើងកុំឱយពួកអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួន ដូចជាអាហ៊ុន សែន និងពួក អាគណបក្សប្រជាជន ផាត់ពណ៌យើងបានតាមចិត្ត ។
ខ្មែរជាពូជអ្នកជា ចេះជួយយកអាសារ គ្នាទៅវិញ
ទៅមកតាំងពីដូនតាយើងមក ។ ចូរយើងកុំជឿតាមពួកវា កុំជឿតាមការ ញុះញង់ បំបាក់ បំបែកខ្មែរគ្នាឯង ដូចជា
អាកញ្ជះយួនហ៊ុន សែន,សុខអាន,វ៉ា គិម ហុង, ហោ ណាំហុង, ឱម យិនទៀង, ចៀម យីប, ហេងសំ រិន,ជាស៊ីម ។ យើងត្រួវចេះជួយការពារទឹកដីកេរ្តិពីដូនតាយើង
ឱយបានគង់វង់ ។ កុំចាញ់បោកពួកអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួនតទៅទៀត ។
អាយ៉ង ហ៊ុន សែន, ហេងសំ រិន,ជាស៊ីម ,សុខអាន, វ៉ា គិម ហុង, ហោ ណាំហុង ជាមេឃាតករ ឈាមត្រជាក់
ហើយក៏ជាមេគ្រោះ ថ្នាក់ធំជាងគេ បើមិននាំគ្នាកំចាត់
វាចោលទេពួកវា ប្រទេសខ្មែរគ្មានថ្ងៃបាន សុខសាន្តឡើយ។
អាយ៉ង ហ៊ុន សែន, ហេងសំ រិន,ជាស៊ីម ,សុខអាន, វ៉ា គិម ហុង, ហោ ណាំហុង ជាមេឃាតករ ឈាមត្រជាក់
ហើយក៏ជាមេគ្រោះ ថ្នាក់ធំជាងគេ បើមិននាំគ្នាកំចាត់
ពួកវាចោលទេប្រទេសខ្មែរគ្មានថ្ងៃបាន សុខសាន្តឡើយ។
Let me remind your again all of ah CPP clans is the treason of our people and our nation don't fucking believing in swears it fucking useless.
Fuck you KI, I am fucking your mom from behind, you stupid Montreal Dog
pouk ah kbat CPP mouy chamnoun tray slap ning tayhoong roum chea mouy ning ah 3.13 am phang
20 million reward to hunting ah Kwack kbot jeat and his clans. If we want our country to save from the Vietcong swallow just get rid of CPP regimes please.
i will fuck all your mothers ... fucking vietnam .....
come here bitch.... i show my dick which was in your mothers pussy......
patriot khmer
Your motherfucker, fuck you, dumb dogs
រដ្ឋាភិបាលអាហ៊ុន សែន គឺជារដ្ឋាភិបាលក្បត់ជាតិ, ពុករលួយ, កៀបសង្កត់, ជិះជាន់ , បង្ខិតបង្ខំ, ប្រើអំណាចហឹង្សា, មកលើពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ
ក្រីក្រទន់ខ្សោយតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ !
និងអំណាចផ្តាច់ការអាយ៉ងយួន ហ៊ុនសែន?
Hun Xen and Var Kimhong never allowed the Cambodia Land lost only 1mm to Vietnam and Thai, but perhaps he did not see, because his eye only one can not see clearly as the peopl who have two eyes to see clearly the Vietnam and Thai are invading into to Cambodia about 500m, such as the place where Sam Rainsy and Farmers to pull out the pol of border.
ពួកអាភ្លីភ្លើទ្រពងក្តអាសែន អាKimហុង អា5ហុង អាយៀប អារិន មីខ្នី ។ល។និង។ល។ វាមិនមិនដឹងខ្យល់អីសោះ ចេះតែនាំគ្នាចាញ់បោកអាអស់ហ្នឹង ហើយបោះឆ្នោតទាំងល្ងីល្ងឺ ឲ្យពួកអា CPP អត់ដឹងថាះនាគតទោះក្បាលវា និងក្បាលអញធ្លាក់ចូលរណ្តៅ ឬត្រូវយួនចាប់ដោតដាំទឹកតែ ឲ្យអុងវាដូចជំនាន់ដូនតាជំនាន់មុនទៀតអីអត់ដឹង វាស្មានថាយួនហ្នឹងល្អជាមួយវាណាស់? ដល់ពេលនោះសូម្បីតែពួកអាប៉ុន្មាននាក់ដែលបានរាប់ឈ្មោះខាងលើនោះក៏ត្រូវយួនកំចាត់ចោលមុនប្រជារាស្រ្តទៅទៀត។ សូមស្វែងយល់ពីប្រវត្តសាស្រ្តខ្មែរនិងយួនឲ្យច្បាស់ផងទៅមុននឹងគាំទ្រ CPP នោះ។ SR party មិនបានធ្វើអ្វីមែនព្រោះ SR មិនទាន់ជាអ្នកដឹកនាំរដ្ឋភិបាល បើឲ្យ SR ធ្វើអ្វីៗក្នុងខណៈដែលSRកំពុងតែជាគណៈបក្សប្រឆាំងនោះគេមិនចាំបាច់ធ្វើនយោបាយប្រជាធិបតេយ្យធ្វើក្តគេធ្វើអី? តែគណៈបក្សកាន់អំណាចនោះត្រូវតែទទួលខុសត្រូវគ្រប់បែបយ៉ាងក្នុងនាងខ្លួនឯងជាអ្នកដឹកនាំរដ្ឋភិបាល មិនមែនមកនិយាយថា គណៈបក្សប្រឆាំងអត់ធ្វើអីចាំតែស្រែក ចាំតែថាមិនធើ អ្នឯងគឹតបែបនេះមិនមែនជាអន្កយល់ពីប្រជាធិបតេយ្យទេ។ ដើរទៅមើលស្រុកគេមើល មានស្រុកអាណាឲ្យគណៈបក្សប្រឆាំងតើតួជាអ្នកអភិវឌ្ឍន៍ជំនួនរដ្ឋាភិបាលនោះពួកអាល្ងីល្ងឺអើយ។
China will swallow Vietnam alive.The USA will leave you behind.The china is the second superpower.The monies are the king.
You know why Khmer people that live in Cambodian they're so scare to dead since ah Pol Pot give them a lesson that why they don't riots against ah Kwack regime, pluss we don't have any braves leader to bring all of the people to riots up against ah CPP.
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