Sunday, October 10, 2010

Let's Make an Ass of Dictators Series

By Khmer Democrat, Phnom Penh
Let's Make an Ass of Dictators Series








But this will change!


Anonymous said...

Keep going, Khmer Democrat! These asses should be ridiculed for their violence and backwardness! WE ARE RULED BY IDIOTS and we must change. LET'S ALL BE THE CHANGE!!!!! PEACE TO CAMBODIA! JUSTICE FOR CAMBODIANS!!!!

Anonymous said...

What the heck is Warbi warbi! If you have nothing good to say just shut the fuck up, why make an ASS out of yourself! Fuck you idiot!

Anonymous said...

In a not so harsh tone, I second 8:54. What in the world is Warbi? Is that some sort of primitive war cry?

Anonymous said...

We Are Ruled By Idiots

Anonymous said...

KI-MEDIA should ban Khmer Democrat from posting stuff on this blog... He only post the same and useless thing... Only my opinion.

Anonymous said...

HOw could be change if more tanks are seround Hun's resedents.

Anonymous said...

Since now,
all of CPP members and supporters,
all of CPP members and supporters children,
all of CPP members and supporters grand-children,
must venerate Hun Sen as GOD, Hun Manet as GOD SON,
and tanks will be used to kick the asses of those who don't do that.

Anonymous said...

It's such ashame! The world laughs at us because we have poor leaders.

Anonymous said...

We die if we don't change regime and and leadership, so bad!

Anonymous said...

The Media news are very important keep fighting Khmer Democrat.The radios,the newspapers,TV keep spreading the evil news about Sihanouk,Sihamoni,Hun sen,and his clans.Khmer democrat oversea and Khmer democrat in Cambodia get together setting in groups.Khmer want to survive from Viet and his dogs in Phnom Penh and some in oversea,specially the Khmer M'chas Srok,Sok Sakhon Hun Sen dog.Elle est le chien de Hun Sen.

Fact Finder said...

I can't help to feel pity for Khmer Democrat who posted this article. It looks like a kid who keep crying bcoz he cannot get what he wants. Seeing is believing. Everyone should take note that one always wants to try a new shirt or item. This was proven by the FUNCINPEC winning the elections in 1993 that led prince Ranariddh to be 1st Prime Minister of the 2nd Kingdom of Cambodia. What happens later on clearly demonstrate who are idiots and who are smarts. I think that what Khmer Democrat wants to tell is the opposite. believe it or not?