Thursday, October 14, 2010

Let's Make an Ass of Dictators Series

New Cambodian anti-corruption plan will not stop high-level offenders


Let's Make an Ass of Dictators Series


Anonymous said...

Can Heng Soy or Socheata kick out Khmer Democrat of this blog? He should create his own WASABI blog. He keeps repeating himself.

Anonymous said...

There are supposed to be a rally in front of UN in Europe and New York. Where is the posting in here?

I went to Khmer Krom website, there are supposed to be a rally with time schedule coming up.

Please rise up all Fellow Khmer!!

Anonymous said...

Awe man, here we go again. Please Khmer Democrat, Content, not graphic! I'm tier of seeing boldface letter that takes the whole screen in place witty commentary and synopsis.

I am speaking as avid reader and fervent support of the blog. I follow your blog faithfully since it was a site. If I am expressing this frustration as a faith follower, I can't imagine how many others are there like me.

Please, stop wasting space with dry graphic in place of good contents. If you don't have something good to post, wait.

Thank you,
Keo Chamnam

Anonymous said...

It's pwoerful message, KD!I join in your frustation and expression!!!!

Anonymous said...

Its great commentary! to the point! Keep them coming, khmer democrat!!

. said...

6:19 AM,

KIM is not SUSHI. If KIM were to be SUSHI, it would be too hot for you to handle thus Khmer democrat is here to stay, comprenez? MDR!

Anonymous said...

Khmer Democrat or CPP took over Ki-media and wanted to shutdown Ki-media please don't shutdown.

Anonymous said...

Khmer officials are leeches sucking the blood of the people and motherland.

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Anonymous said...

some people just say "keep it up" just because they believe they support KI. Just riding on the train and not taking the time to think and evaluate things for yourself. Everything is "keep it up", good etc. You need to stop being a goat and think for yourself for once. Just because some of KI's view about CPP or Cambodia is in line with yours does not mean you should relinquish your own opinions and let others lead you.

Some people have used KI as an intellectual and mental crutch, when instead they should use it as a critical thinking tool and resources.

So Khmer Democrat, "don't keep it up" just because some people will say that to everything. Keep it up if you reasonably think the short and aesthetically unpleasant WARBI word is giving the necessary impression and effect that you wish.

To me, I personally think you're overdoing it. This is what I would expect from high school freshmen - not journalistic minded or mature adults.

Then again, Khmer Democrat might be just a high school freshmen trying to find his voice. Whatever the case, take my constructive advice and tone down on this obscene baby cry.

Anonymous said...

just for those who fail to think, let me clarify to save those readers the trouble:

I said obscene, not because WARBI is an obscene word or a word at all but because I find its use offensive to intelligent people and people who came to KI for content rather than graphics.