Saturday, October 09, 2010

Let's Make an Ass of Dictators Series

By Khmer Democrat, Phnom Penh
Let's Make an Ass of Dictators Series

What does WARBI stand for?

Congratulations to the smarty-pants of 10:47 AM who went to Buddha for help. Your grand prize is a year supply of Pin the Tail on the Ass (Let's Make an Ass of Dictators Series) photos, pushpins and thumbtacks for the parties during all the generous Cambodian holidays!


We Are Ruled By Idiots


khmertear said...

funny !!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


son: warbi
ma: wabbi
son: I said warbi
ma: I said wabbi
son: we are ruled by idiots
ma: we are busted by idiots
son/ma: Their identical twin!

Anonymous said...

Please noted that you guys KIM are being monitored every single day, hour, minute and second. Sooner your fate will be the same like lesson in Malaysia. See this?

Anonymous said...

Great! More! More! We want more!

Anonymous said...

who is this idiot khmer democrate? ah heng soy shoud boot his ass out.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

KD is kicking ass with these ass kicking posts. i love them, more!! more !!! more! it's his right to free expression!!!

Anonymous said...

Khmer Demo only make an ass of himself. He is speaking like a mad fool every day.

Anonymous said...

I and other like them, you dont have to read them if not like them!

Anonymous said...

Who are you calling idiots? They are smarter than us, that is why they rule us for 30 years and counting....The bottom line is finding a way to overturn this status quo...Remember the fittest will survive..

khmer Republic, USA said...

We Are Ruled By Idiots

very funny.....!

I laughed all day long !!

What is such an I D I O T !!!


Anonymous said...

Mugabe ruled for 30 yrs. Kim Jong-il of north korea ruled for a lifetime. they are violent, not smart. democracy takes a little bit longer because we believe in sanctity of life of everyone.

So, they are still idiots and WARBI, unfortunately, for now. we will change this.

Anonymous said...

8:03 PM, you said:

“Please noted that you guys KIM are being monitored every single day, hour, minute and second. Sooner your fate will be the same like lesson in Malaysia.”

That is very good. If you are a media outlet, don’t you wish to be read and watched by everybody, no matter whomever?
Anyway your link is shit. Next time do a better job.

Anonymous said...

Scam Rainsy is the idiot by all mean.

Anonymous said...

Let me repeat WARBI means we are ruled by idiots...(full stop)

Anonymous said...

You are so smart 12:20AM.You got it!

Khmerocrat said...

If you say you are run by idiots, it means you are more idiots, if not you will become leader, because you are smarter. Is that right Khmer Democrat. Frankly speaking, you are just a gang of unemployed drop-outs of school hired by the SRP to write any thing critical to the Government and the CPP. It's a pity for you, maybe you will continue like this till the ned of your life!