បច្ចុប្បន្នពួក អ្នកមាន «ស៊ីរើស»
ប៉ុន្តែ ពួក ខ្ញុំដើរ «រើសស៊ី»!
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Two girls can be seen picking up food from trash along the park near the Naga Casino in Phnom Penh on Tuesday. Due to hunger these children have to pick up food thrown away in the trash can to fill their stomach. Cambodia is noted for its development in the past few years, but the gap between the rich and the poor is getting wider with the development (Photo: Heng Chivoan, The Phnom Penh Post) |
ឱ!វាមានឈាមជ័រដូចអញដែរតើ គឺ ខ្មែរ!!!!
ឱ! មិនគួរអញមានឈាមខ្មៅសោះ! ចង់រស់ម្នាក់ឯង តែមជ្ចរាជមិនអនុញ្ញាតិទេ។
ដូច្នេះ គួរតែអញគឹតដល់អ្នកមានឈាមជ័រដូចអញផង។
We all can be a fussy eater at a time, especially when we really in the position to be fussy.
I remember my brother who was so fussy with foods and mum was always spoil him to get what he enjoy to eat. During Pol Pot he would rather ate just salt but not Prahok, our Khmer enchovy... because he did not like it while many others who willing to exchange with gold...
One of our sister said to him:
"common just try it, don't be silly. You just don't know what have you missed in your life!"
he was taken from his mobile brigade to clubbed to death. We would never know if he had tried the most precious and staple foods of many many Khmer people.
Farewell my angle as you was only 16 years old but deadly handsome, you are always in my heart and I will honor your beautiful self by doing something to help these kids with some indirect actions to save them from hunger and poverty in being outside our homeland.
Could KI media re-post Kamnap of Mr Sam Vichea about The plight of the destitute children, I think you post it in early this year. It will remind us all our the suffering of our Khmer children with whom many of them are forgotten and live in much worse condition than the noveau riches'pets.
To 3:55PM
3:35PM how about akvak? doesnt he allow youn to control his head nd all khmers until today?
I agree with you 5:49 PM
Akvak is a Yuon's slave.
Akvak never see poor Khmer,Poor kids.
Akvak want to see more Youn illegal migrants to come to vote for Akvak in upcoming 2013 election.
Akvak want more Youns soldiers in Akvak solders uniform.
Down Yuon and its slave Hun Sen.
3:55 you are forgot to see yourself in the mirror? Ah Hun Sen said there were 100,000Vietnam on khmers head and him and your self is youn dog(Vietnam puppet) so learn how to cover your mouth while you are speak out because yours is stink,I really don't know what kind of food you are boripoke=jraz jrom?
Why the SRP spend millions (mostly donation from Khmer oversea) trying to over throw HS government. If they use those millions dollar to feed hungry children, there would be no hungry children on the street.
Hun Sen steals 500 millions of US dollar per year from Cambodians,
Sam Rainsy steals nothing from Cambodians.
If Hun Sen stop to steal from Cambodia, Cambodian children could have enough food to eat.
7::24 pm
why are you so stupid ?
7:24 pm
why are you so stupid ?
do not post your comment please
i can see your stupid brain by your comment.
LONG LIVE VEIT NAM.. You all should wishes that you never born and if you born next born as vietnamese so you be smarter...
Hun sen and CPP doing a good job for US... the master.. and Phay siphan providing a good lip services and SOK Siphana and Sarin Donora are working hard to manipulate all the foerigners there for us.. the rest of our vietnamese brother and sisters are all in every officials position in the cambodian government.
Long live Viet Nam
soon we will take thailand too
You all khmer wishes you never born.. next time make sure you born as a vietnamses maybe you a little smarter
you all useless khmer peoples have no more chance.. we vietnam controle your idiot king... HUN SEN and all the family and CPP.. we have our citizen in every level of your government.. basically we run you whole country for you.. becuase you khmer are useless and stupid and idiot.. if you dont believe ask you parent..
look you country now.. it is the fact you wishes you never born.. next time you better born as vietnamese.. Long live viet nam.. soon we will control even thailand the land of gay and lesbian they dont care they only make love .. so it will be more easy..
we want to thank hun sen and cpp ... personal that to phay siphan for his lip services and sok siphana the brother inlaw to the rapist young girls minister of information and Sarin Denora for their manipulation to all the idiot foreigners in cambodian .. we will reward you and we will keep you in power.
Indeed it is so sad to see Khmer children living the way we see in this picture... Statistic had also showed there a lot of them can not afford to go school because of the poverty. Is this building society for the Khmer people Mr. Hun Sen??? They're getting poorer and poorer and becoming more ignorant... I think you have forgotten the Khmer proverb.. " Dumpang Snorng Reusey... Kolabotr Prohh Srey Snorng Jeat " You need to step down if you want Khmer to survive..
Khmer Trakaulrungreung
8:29 PM
bạn ăn đồ ngu mẹ con chó.
Go back to Vietnam to live your miserable life, con chó.
នែ!ពួកអាខ្វាក់ទាំងពីរ កុំយកពាក្យបក្សប្រឆាំងមកនិយាយ រឿងសំខាន់នៅពេលនេះ គឺពួកអាខ្វាក់ឯងទាំង
ពីរនាក់មានមើលឃើញក្មេងស្រី រើសស្អីស៊ីក្នុង
ឲ្យមានស៊ីផង ហើយខំប្រឹងធ្វើយ៉ាងណាកុំឲ្យអ្នក
កាសែតថតរូប ឲ្យអញឃើញយ៉ាងនេះទៀត បើឯង
ជាអ្នកខ្លាំង ហើយប្រាប់ចៅហ្វាយខ្វាក់ឯងផង ឈប់
សួមអរគុណកាសែត Phnom Penh Posts ដែលបានថតរូបនេះ ជាពិសេសអរគុណលោក
Heng Chivoan.
If the rich only leave the crumbs out of the trash cans for the poor I would consider that humane act.
7:24 PM has good brain
If all the money been spent to over throw the regime has been used to feed the poor, in the long run the desire change can come through the solid base that has been established through this act of kindness, will not the common people support your goal for a better society by actually lifting the oppress out of the "dumpsters?"
It may take 15 years to do it.
My point is, instead of banging heads against Hun Sen Regime--go reach out to the truly poor, educate them to a level of decent human thinking in 15-20 years you will have people enough who will rise up as a mighty army that Hun Sen cannot crush easily. Change come through being dirty with the dirty and gritty, from the bottom up and not from the top down.
Jesus said, "If you want to be great be a servant to all." That was how he won the mass to his side. I won't guarantee my 1 kilogram brain worth of advice.
If my advice is to be implement I would do so without raising threaten to the regime. It maybe through this peaceful process the regime become dissolve by itself.
Khmer people DON’T subscribe to CTN! They only support CPP and Hun Sen’s Government. They don’t show or tell the Truth about Cambodia.
Continue with my ranting
Being that there is anymosity now between the two opposing forces to implement such an idea will be a tough field to plow. Another words, enemies has been made any move of the opposition is taken as a threaten by the power that be.
KI Media និង ក្រុមប្រឆាំងពេញចិត្តណាស់នឹង
ឃើញរូបរបៀបនេះ។ សួរថាតើពួកនេះក្រៅពីពួត
រាជរដ្ធាភិបាល។ បើអញ្ចឹងនាំគ្នាបិទចំពុះខ្លៈទៅ
នៅសហរដ្ធអាមេរិក ជាប្រទេសមហាអំណាច
តែនៅតែមានអ្នកអត់ឃ្លាន នៅបារាំងក៍មានអ្នក
ដេកស្លាប់តាមចិញ្ចើមថ្នល់ ចុះប្រទេសខ្មែរដែល
តាំងពីបាតដៃទទេ តែយើងក៍មិនចង់អោយកូន
ចូរមានសតិខ្លៈទៅ កុំយករូបថតក្មេងអត់បាយជា
ដើមទុននយោបាយអោយសោះ អាណិតទុក
មុខទុកមាត់អោយក្មេងទាំងនេះផង ពីព្រោះជួន
ច្បាប់រក្សាសិទ្ធិ ត្រូវតែគោរព កុំឃើញគ្នាក្រមើល
ងាយគ្នាយ៉ាងនេះ វាមិនសមរម្យជាអ្នកមានសុជិវ
7:24 and whose responsibility that is. Don't be naive! Isn't the PM of Cambodia suppose to take care of it's people?
Wake up moron!!
All Khmer victims in Cambodia and around the globe knew that ah Hun Sen does the evil deeds.How to get rid of this evil man? We need support from the free world countries,specially from the West superpower;Khmer Love Khmer must wake up,stand up tall,and get revolved all over the Cambodia and Khmer oversea protest to support them.Be brave dear Khmer compatriots.
To Vietcong dog eater 8:29 PM
Just shut the fuck up fool! Everywhere you go and you see your Viet people and so it is natural for you to think that your Viet race is successful! Tell me if your Viet race is so successful and how come they take over the world by now? ahahhahahah
It is the Vietcong high culture to talk big to disguise their weakness and it is also the Vietcong high culture to eat dog and worship naked women! ahahhahah
The Khmer don't need to worry because the 2.1 billion Chinese will eat the Viet alive! ahahhahahh
children should stay in school, not being staged to pick trash for food like this, ok! stop the political bias, people! people aren't stupid, you know!
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