Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Open Letter to Sec. Gen. Ban Ki-moon by Cambodian Victims of the Khmer Rouge Atrocities

(Updated 25 Oct 2010)

October 22, 2010

The Honorable Ban Ki-moon
Secretary General of the United Nations

Dear Secretary General Ban Ki-moon:

Cambodian victims of the Khmer Rouge atrocities, including the first Association of Khmer Rouge Victims in Cambodia registered as an official civil party and victims' representative with the ECCC, and other regional and international groups representing Cambodian victims’ rights, hereby bring this formal Complaint and informational submission to your personal attention, and to the attention of the United Nations, in conjunction with your scheduled visit to Cambodia that begins on October 26, 2010. It has been reported that one of the issues you plan to discuss concerns the operation of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (the Khmer Rouge Tribunal) that was created under an Agreement between the United Nations and the Government of Cambodia in 2003 to bring justice and accountability for victims of the Khmer Rouge genocide in the late 1970s. We hope and trust that the substance of the allegations and information in this Complaint will be shared and discussed by you and United Nations delegation with Prime Minister Hun Sen and other relevant Cambodian and Extraordinary Chamber officials.

Specifically, our Complaint fully adopts the series of Reports and Working Papers issued by the Open Society Justice Initiative, including the report entitled “Political Interference at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia,” dated July, 2010, and the Working Paper on the ECCC issued on 25 August 2010, which extensively document ongoing and widespread practices involving improper and unlawful interference by the Government of Cambodia with the operations of the ECCC that violate a number of provisions of the United Nations Agreement establishing the Tribunal, as well as provisions of the Cambodian law implementing the U.N. Agreement and widely acknowledged and universally accepted standards of international law governing the operation of these types of internationally established war crimes tribunals in addition to the ones listed below. Moreover, the serious issues of corruption, that include the forced payment of kickbacks by Cambodians assigned to work with the ECC to the high level government officials who appointed them, have not been properly addressed, as no mechanism has been adopted to prevent further abuse. These improper and unlawful interferences by Cambodian Government officials at the highest levels have seriously jeopardized the ability of the Tribunal to effectively carry out its functions, and place into question the nature and extent of the Government of Cambodia's commitment to bring justice to the victims of the genocide, and to hold the perpetrators legally responsible in a meaningful way, contrary to the terms of Agreement with the U.N. We do not hesitate to point out that this policy to obstruct justice and the operation of the ECCC Tribunal amounts to a continuation and perpetuation by the present Government of the practice of genocide and crimes against humanity that were carried out by the Khmer Rouge regime.

Among the types of ongoing and systemic interference by the Government of Cambodia with the operation of the ECCC Tribunal that are detailed and documented in our full Complaint are the following:

● Preventing indictments and prosecutions from being brought -- only one case (the "Duch" case) was brought to trial and decided in the first four years of the Tribunal's operation, and serious concerns exist as to whether Case File 002 concerning the four senior Khmer Rouge leaders will be started and finished without further delays and without the deaths of any one of these four individuals;

● Preventing indictments and prosecutions of 5 other individuals comprising Case File 003 and 004;

● Forcing the UN defense lawyer Francois Roux and other key ECCC foreign officials from their position, causing further delays and serious concerns about the nature of the hybrid approach established by the ECCC that gives majority control over decisions to Cambodian officials;

● Causing the reduction in the penalty applied in the Duch case to a level inconsistent with the severity of the massive crimes against humanity (including 15,000 executions) that he committed, raising concerns that the purpose of the lenient verdict combined with the removal of the international defense lawyer Francois Roux is to lay a basis for discrediting Duch as a star witness in Case File 002 against the senior KR leaders; and,

● Not permitting witnesses who are officials of the present government to testify before the Tribunal, suggesting a "cover-up" of the fact that present government officials were associated with the Khmer Rouge regime.

These practices are part of a more general tendency by the Cambodian Government that has been extensively documented and criticized by the United Nations and the international human rights community to interfere on a regular and systemic basis with the independence of the courts and the judiciary in cases that involve criticism of Government actions and policies. The United Nations' own Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Cambodia and its Human Rights Council Working Group have noted government interference with the courts as a major, systemic problem that has affected the independence and effectiveness of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, and has contributed to current human rights abuses. It is noteworthy in this regard that when the Tribunal Agreement was being negotiated with Cambodia, Hans Corell, the U.N. Chief Legal Advisor, and then Secretary General Kofi Annan, both openly criticized the Cambodian Government for failing to include standards and provisions that would assure independence and effective functioning. At one point Sec. Gen. Annan withdrew from the negotiations, questioning whether the Cambodian Government had a sufficient commitment to establish an impartial court with the independence to effectively pursue Khmer Rouge war criminals. These concerns are being confirmed by the recent policies and actions of the Cambodian Government interfering with the Tribunal’s operations, and preventing it from carrying out its mission on an independent and effective basis.

We call upon the Secretary General during his visit to Cambodia that begins on October 26, 2010, and call upon the United Nations more generally in association with their responsibility for establishing the ECCC and supervising its operations, and for securing justice for war crimes and crimes against humanity more generally, to make clear to Cambodian officials that their long-standing and continuing obstruction of the effective operations of the ECCC violates the United Nations Agreement setting up the Tribunal, as well as the Cambodian implementing laws, and international legal standards on which they were based. These obstruction of justice practices, which amount to a continuation and support of the Khmer Rouge genocide, must not be tolerated by the international community.

We are gravely concerned that Duch, not any of the “senior Khmer Rouge leaders” will be made the sole scapegoat of the KR regime, while none of “senior KR leaders” will be held accountable.

Respectfully submitted this 22nd day of October, 2010 on behalf of the victims of the Khmer Rouge atrocities by:

Theary C. SENG, President, Association of Khmer Rouge Victims in Cambodia, the first civil party and victims' group recognized by the ECCC, Email address: theary.seng@gmail.com

Sarini ROS, civil party, Email address: sariny.ros@free.fr

Névinka KIMARI-LIM, civil party, Email address: nevinka.kimari@gmail.com

Visaka KIMARI, civil party, Email address: visalux@gmail.com

Antonya TIOULONG, civil party, Email address: atioulong@lexpress.fr

Néva ROHMER, civil party, Email address: fnrohmer@yahoo.fr


Anonymous said...

What UN can do is to talk to Hun Xen.
Xen will say ok to UN, but he won't do.

ជនពាល said...

យកល្អ កាត់ទោសបានប៉ុន្មានយកប៉ុនហ្នុងទៅ!
កុំមកចង់ទាមទារអ្វីផ្សេងទៀត ជាពិសេស សម្រាប់អ្វី​ ដែលវាធ្វើទៅមិនរួចនោះ ។ គេគួរណាស់ តែត្រូវទុកអោយអ្នកដទៃ មានក្រឡាដើរផង ប្រយ័ត្ន
ដេញឆ្កែរអោយទាល់ច្រក ឆ្កែរបកមកខាំវិញ​ នោះ! នឹងស្ដាយក្រោយជាមិនខាន ។

សម្រាប់យុត្តិធម៌វិញ ​គឺត្រូវបានពេលវេលា ជាអ្នករកយុត្តិធម៌អោយហើយ !
និយាយអោយខ្លីទៅ ពួកមេៗខ្មែរក្រហមគ្រាក់ៗ ទាំងនោះ ពួកគាត់ក៏នឹកស្មានមិនដល់សោះ ថា ការអនុវត្តមាគ៌ាកម្មុយនិស្ដរបៀបតក់ក្រហល់
ជំនាន់ហ្នុង បែរជាក្លាយជាមហាសោកនដកម្មយ៉ាងនេះទេ ​បើពួកគាត់បានដឹងថា វាក្លាយទៅជាមហាវិនាសកម្មយ៉ាងនេះ ប្រហែលជាពួកគាត់ នឹងមិនថ្វើដូច្នោះឡើយ ។ ពោល រឿងដែលកន្លងផុតទៅទាំងនោះ គឺដូចតែជាកំហុសវិជ្ជាជីវះសម្រាប់អ្នកនយោវាយ តែប៉ុណ្ណោះ !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OK 11:50am - definately that Sen will say yes, but this is up to the secretary general to put certain criterial for Sen's regime to follow in order for ECCC to meet the requirement of international standard. Justic is only one standard for all that commited criam against humanity...that mean include others that are participated. That event mean to include King father...if he is responsible to Khmer and represent Khmer people, he has to have currage to admite of what he had done wronge...because as the leader...he has to take responsibility that come with the title. It is better for King father, and include the higher people in the current government that participate or contribute to the process during that period...it is better to admite that you are guilty thant to waite for the International community to bring out the evidence against you! American as well as China, and of course one couldn't leave out the Soviet Union out either. They were using Khmer teritory as a prowcy war. Now, they are all have to take responsibility and pay for the war crime that they commited on Khmer's soil!!!

Anonymous said...

Theary Seng just wants to show up. She is a trouble maker. What she is doing are only for her own interests. She has not fair intent to serve the civil party interest. she was made in US and know nothing about Cambodia. This kind of letter is only a flip flop.Interestingly, she know how to train those victims to cry before the judges. the suffering of victims is not crying, they have to stand firm and see what the tribunal will prosecute the accussed. It is commonly heard that Theary Seng always runs to Camera media to have her interviewied. She is angry with ECCC as once she was kicked off the court room by the judges. Bravo Theary Seng.

Anonymous said...

12:14 pm - you can use such analogy that don't chase the dog to the coner otherwise to it will bit them back. This is rather than just an excuse for those committed cream without taking responsibility. This is 21st century. Khmer should not think backward like this again. Those old saying no longer apply with the new Khmer younger generation. They have tast democracy. They wouldn't want to go back under the sen's regime which only dripping little resources to them enough to service without freedom of expression, etc.

You are too old to judge Khmer future. Let the young take care their own future...and loet them take responsible for their furture. Those know that they had committed criam, come forward for the ECCC. Because they are leaders, they have tho show courrage and willing to let the law proved them annocient. Well, it is like Mr. Hun Sen call Rainsy to face the law...no two law in one country...event Hun sen himself support one China policy...so what does hun sen thinks that in his case is exceptional that one law apply for him and the rest apply to others???

Anonymous said...

Political interfering within ECC is a grave breaching of Universal Declaration of Rights.

Hun Sen government has perpetually violated its contact with the world.

Look at ECC, Hun Sen government has shaped it like what this government is doing with its judicial system.

Old mentality like 12:14pm is out of date...and yes it is stint inside their narrow mindset.

Anonymous said...

Sir/Ma'dam 12:49pm
you post shows your lack of critical thinking skills as your only interest was to attack Theary Seng, and not the content of her letter. Obviouslly you either do not know how to read for comprehension or you lack the basic understanding of the main idea of the article. In addition, this indicates that your lacking EI since you outlandishly resort to personal attack.

khmer ........ pp said...

That is right on ... Do not disgrace Mrs. Theary Seng she does every thing in her self right power to help protect our lands.
You know Viet Nam was also involved with the killing during the KR 's regime.

You know what is next my brother?

Khmer Citizen....... PP

Anonymous said...

12:14pm - why are you defending the Hun's regime? Are you willing to allow a few benefit at the expense of Khmer's future generation (which mean include your children)? Or unless you don't have children and you don't care, further you want to continue to fight each others to die, than allow the Viet to come and control the country? Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Vietnamese people...I hat Vietnamese's policy! The samething, I like American people, but I dismay of what US policy had done to Cambodia. I think one of the blogger had said, which I had come a cross is that American foreign policy is base on the National interest (which is pure and simple policy)...but don't mass around with this policy. Whoever stood against American interest...American will take it out!

I think one of our compatriate blogger said something that at the end of the day, it is up to the khmer people to pull themselves out of Hun's regime themselves...if they don't like it. No! and I repeat No foreign love khmers that the Khmers love themselves...stop allowingg individual using Khmer resources in the name of development and chasing people out of their land....Khmer compatriate this is the time and this is your time to make Cambodia your nation that can stand strong vis-a-vis the neighboring countries and in the international arena.

May buddha guy you to know your true potential!

Anonymous said...

useless with bastard ban kimoon. he is the same brain to bastard hun xen. they compromise for their power. silly and stupid United nations, shit.

Anonymous said...

Sir 1:08

Eeverything in Theary's letter are repeated issues which both side of the court have dealt with. She only takes this occassion to show up for her reputation. The letter if purely of Theary not of Khmer Victims. She and you only know a small piece of ECCC. Everyone at ECCC are trying to bring justice for Victims not Theary Seng. Khmer is my native language and I learned English at pagoda so mine is not good as yours. You should attack vision not language using if you are an educated one.

Cambodian Victim Australia said...

Please don't wast your times to writ any letter to complaint to the United Nation Secretary General Ban Ki Moon about the Khmer Rough / Pol Pot regime at all, because during yeat 1975 to year 1979 during Kgmer Rough / Pol Pot regime under a cruel Vampire Yuonese / Vietnamese hidden faces behind the killing fields and now the a cruel Vampire Yuonese / Vietnaese they using the Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen to killing more Cambodians Victims, during the Khmer Rough / Pol Pot regime the Yuonese / Vietnamese they was been killed good education peoples dies & keeping poor education peoples to live, after year 1979 toll presenting they using Hun Sen kill more Cambodians peoples, my idea during Khmer Rough / Pol Pot regime the cruel Vampire Yuonese / Vietnamese secret agent should kill all the Cambodians peoples on that times, because now the Cambodians peoples learing cruel like their Master Yuonese / Vietnamese and does not know anything right or wrong at all, from Australia.

Anonymous said...

Millions of Cambodian victims are looking up to Ms. Theary Seng for her bravery and true voice. Thanks God she speaks and writes English so well that many of you arrogant and ignorant can just back off. Our eyes are on you and the UN, Mam. Thank you

Anonymous said...

I take my hat off for Theary Seng who is one of the best Khmer intellect and academic, and a devotee for her people and country of origin.
The poor souls who make negative comments about her are struggling to cope with their incompetency and having difficulty to accept her brilliant abilities and achievements.
They don't even have courage to come out from their anonymous names but cowardly fire cheap shots at her. In addition they are just like parasites in this forum to just serve their individual views because they cannot find a better forum to play their stupid game.

Anonymous said...


havuz said...

he has to take responsibility that come with the title. It is better for King father, and include the higher people in the current government that participate or contribute to the process during that period...it is better to admite that you are guilty thant to waite for the International community to bring out the evidence against you! American as well as China, and of course one couldn't leave out the Soviet Union out either.

peruk said...

it is better to admite that you are guilty thant to waite for the International community to bring out the evidence against you! American as well as China, and of course one couldn't leave out the Soviet Union out either.

prefabrik said...

Please don't wast your times to writ any letter to complaint to the United Nation Secretary General Ban Ki Moon about the Khmer Rough / Pol Pot regime at all...

maç özeti ve golleri said...

everything in Theary's letter are repeated issues which both side of the court have dealt with. She only takes this occassion to show up for her reputation. The letter if purely of Theary not of Khmer Victims. She and you only know a small piece of ECCC. Everyone at ECCC are trying to bring justice for Victims not Theary Seng. Khmer is my native language and I learned English at pagoda so mine is not good as yours. You should attack vision not language using if you are an educated one.

fotoğrafçı said...

useless with bastard ban kimoon. he is the same brain to bastard hun xen. they compromise for their power. silly and stupid United nations, shit.

çocuk montu said...

why are you defending the Hun's regime? Are you willing to allow a few benefit at the expense of Khmer's future generation (which mean include your children)? Or unless you don't have children and you don't care, further you want to continue to fight each others to die, than allow the Viet to come and control the country? Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Vietnamese people...I hat Vietnamese's policy! The samething, I like American people, but I dismay of what US policy had done to Cambodia. I think one of the blogger had said, which I had come a cross is that American foreign policy is base on the National interest (which is pure and simple policy)...but don't mass around with this policy. Whoever stood against American interest...American will take it out!

toptan takım elbise said...

That is right on ... Do not disgrace Mrs. Theary Seng she does every thing in her self right power to help protect our lands.
You know Viet Nam was also involved with the killing during the KR 's regime.

You know what is next my brother?

Anonymous said...

Vietnamese soldiers invaded Khmer in 1970.The year of 1979 came back killed Khmer people again.Vietnam is Khmer killers,Khmer must kill them back.

Anonymous said...


Open Letter to Sec. Gen. Ban Ki-moon by Cambodian Victims of the Khmer Rouge Atrocities

Published: January 8, 1990

LEAD: In the last year, the Phnom Penh Government has recruited increasing numbers of non-Communist professionals who were either students or public officials associated with the old Sihanouk and Lon Nol Governments.

In the last year, the Phnom Penh Government has recruited increasing numbers of non-Communist professionals who were either students or public officials associated with the old Sihanouk and Lon Nol Governments.

Kung Sam Ol, a Deputy Prime Minister, worked at the Agriculture Ministry in the Lon Nol years from 1970 to 1975. Chheng Phon, the Minister of Information and Culture, was a fine arts professor then.

French-Trained Physicist

Taing Sarim, the Commerce Minister, was a student in Paris, and Chhay Tan, the Finance Minister, was a student in Phnom Penh in the 1970's. The Minister of Public Health, Yit Kim Seng, is a French-trained physician. None of them are Communists.

The United Front for the Construction and Defense of Cambodia plays a crucial role in the nation's politics, serving as an official bridge between the Government and the people. Ten of the 17 members of its standing committee are former officials from the Lon Nol years with no record as Communists.

Religious Figures

They include religious figures and pro-Western intellectuals like Venerable Um Sum, a Buddhist monk; My Samedi, a French-trained physician who is dean of the School of Medicine in Phnom Penh; Chan Ven, a writer; Venerable Tep Vong, the patriarch of the Buddhist clergy; Chem Snguon, a non-Communist diplomat; Khieu Kanharith, an outspoken journalist, and Lyda Sisowath, a cousin of Prince Norodom Sihanouk.

Many veterans of Mr. Lon Nol's army now serve in the Government of Prime Minister Hun Sen and as provincial governors.

Anonymous said...

king of khmer rouge


Anonymous said...

Why would Vietnamese soldiers invaded Khmer in 1970 if your stupid King or who's was incharged was doing at that time?

Anonymous said...

10:25 pm,

Thanks for the information. But can this documentary/news translate into Khmer...so that more Khmers would understand their history. Only the True will set us free. And only the true that allow all of us to learn how to trust again. In addition, the Khmer history will allow younger generation leaders not to make the same mistake.

Thus, the responsibility is upon the Khmer intellectual to share the information with the younger generation...as one of our compartirate had said...that no foreigners love khmers than the Khmers themselves. Only Khmer can make Khmer country a better nation.

Anonymous said...

Khmers CPPs are so stupid and always listen to Youns.

Anonymous said...


ជនពាល said...

សូមសួរថា តើឪពុកម្ដាយរបស់អ្នកនាង
សេងធារី មានអីពាក់ព័ន្ធនិងជនរងគ្រោះ នៅ
មន្ទីឃំឃាំងគុកទួលស្លែងដែរឬទេ ? ​ព្រោះថា ជនរងគ្រោះនៅគុកទួលស្លែង ភាគច្រើនគឺ
ទេតើ !ប្រជាជន១៧មេសា ភាគច្រើនគ្មានសំណាងបានមកដល់មន្ទីឃំឃាំងនេះឡើយ ។ តើអ្នកនាងសេងធារី សំអាងអីបានជា
តុលាការទទួលរូបនាង ​ជាដើម​ បណ្ដឹងរដ្ឋប្បវេណី ? ដូច្នេះក្នុងរឿងនេះ តើវាមានតម្លាភាពឬទេ សម្រាប់​អ្នកដទៃ ដែលត្រូវតុលាការមិនទទួលស្គាល់ថាជា ដើម​បណ្ដឹងរដ្ឋប្បវេណីស្របច្បាប់ !!

Anonymous said...

shut the fuck up !motherfucker pas de wat [pass wat pass wat ]MIN DEURNG TRORP SAMBAT ROBOSS Ke you R youn secret agent in cpp al right?

Anonymous said...

12:02 am, whether Theary's parents kill under the palm trees or on the field does not made her parents dead any less value that those who kill in S-21. Come on 12:02 am....bottom-line people dead under this regime. Just don't make the dead at s-21 sound more valueable than those who somewhere else. This the crime against humanity (not just to Khmer people)...this trial represent to more than just the Khmer's dead. Through this court, it is ever deed to be successful with the international partnership with the govt. would bring those dictator into just in front of the court...it will send a strong signal to those leaders that want to kill their people...to let them know that the world will bring them to justic. This my compatriate...that could include the Hun's regime that implement the K-5 (kar - 5) after the Vietname tookover Cambodia....Please understand...
Thus, Theary is good enough to represent those Khmer's voiceless to have voice in at the ECCC...
12:02 ...if you don't mind - can you write your comment in English...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

4:05 - there is no concilation between the good deed and the bad deed!....at the end of the day - according to the Buddhist teaching -- the karma will prevail...the dead are gone..., but what are we khmer are doing with the leaving? Are you subject them to under un-democratic regime again? Right now, Khmer is 30 years aways from the end of the KR regime...thus, it is no longer the stick to measure by. We all Khmer have to make and build Khmer a better country. And that all Khmer should be benifit from the prosperity. Subsidizing education for the poor and access to health care...so that they could live better and become a productive members of the Khmer society.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

5:02 am - I hear you! but what you are not respond is to the point I made...30 yrs after the KR regime...does Sen's regime still use that as excuse to keep more than 30% to live under 67 cent per day? The wealth just need to triggle down more to the poor...the the Hun's regime maintain Khmer poor and uneducate the more threat to his regime in the Long-Run...what will you seeg Cambodia to be 30 yrs from now - given the current condition without chang?...event some of the Children of so call the elite class in Cambodia rights now...their children seek place to stay out side of Cambodia? How about the regular people's children that made up more than 80% of Khmer population? If Cambodian condition is hospital to all Khmer people---than those elitist children seek place to stay outside Cambodi?...

for your informaton...I live through KR regime - more than 100 relative of my family killed during the Khmer Rouge. We live under the Viet's regime as well - as seller - we trade paper for rice, and sale Khmer food in exchange for rice..So you know where I coming from - not just the Khmer who live in aircondition and eating bread...

Anonymous said...


Your main 3 reasonable motives to write in Khmer language is telling me the following:

- You try to avoid responses from others who cannot read your comments in Khmer language thus you would be selectively dealt with those who can read and understand you comments

- You try to pollute this forum discussion and sway the productivity resulting from good debates by making the young writers to lost interest and get away from active discussion

- You can enjoy your unethical, immoral and racial slurs as much as you like to put in your comments to annoy genuine participants ; because you are totally incapable of expressing through English or French language. You certainly can't take other languages to play with because this forum are predominated by Khmer intellectuals.

So this is your new trend after several attempts have failed to deter the successful establishment of KI blogger.
You can keep trying to bring in what ever dirty trick you have for us to learn. However just don't forget when you are not a genuine contributor, you will be always a failure. I know you have your agenda or may be a specific task to do this but just be reasonable and STOP INSULTING PEOPLE INTELLIGENT with these dirty tricks. Living life as a coward and non sport person is not easy as I could imagine because when you stand in front of a mirror you would never see your true self.
Why waste your life this way?

Anonymous said...

Thanks 5:31 am - to get this Khmer 4:05 am to face with the reality of the current Sen's regime! If he is concern of Khmer people...he has to think about Khmer's future vis-a-vis other nations in the global arena! Nation prosper is not belong to the leader that have short vision and only care for a few...

Anonymous said...

The good deed gets good deed;the evil deed gets evil deed. And also the truth is the truth,no one can't escape from the truth.Hun Sen does evil deed,he must get evil deed.The truth is the way he treats Khmer people violently.Now they are not afraid to talk back.One day Khmer people will stand up as a whole against Hun Sen and his clans.Khmer people is trying to speak up,and then Khmer oversea them give them support.May the CPP ends soon.

Anonymous said...

Correction:One day Khmer people are trying to speak up and then Khmer oversea will give them support.

ជនពាល said...

To 5:02 AM
សន្ធិសញ្ញាទីក្រុងប៉ារីស គឺជាគន្លិះមួយ ដែលឈានទៅបញ្ចប់សង្រ្គាមនៅកម្ពុជាទាំងមូល
។​ សូមកុំយកថ្ងៃ៧មករា មកប្រៀបធៀបនិង ថ្ងៃ២៣តុលាសោះឡើយ ។ ថ្ងៃ៧មករា ថ្វីត្បិតតែ
ជាថ្ងៃដែលរបបប្រល័យពូជសាសន៍ត្រូវរលំរលាយមែនពិត តែវាក៏ជាថ្ងៃមួយ ដែលយួន
ពោល គឺខ្មែរយើងបានទទួលរងទុក្ឋ ពីរបបមួយ ទៅរបបមួយផ្សេងទៀត ។ គណបក្សប្រជាជន តែងតែអួតក្អេងក្អាង ថាពួកគេគឺជាអ្នករំដោះ ដោយមានកងទ័ពយួនស្មាក់ចិត្តចូលរួម ត្រង់ចំណុចនេះ
គឺខុសទាំងស្រុង ពេលហ្នុង កងទ័ពខ្មែរមានមុខងារ បានត្រឹមតែជាកងស្វ័យត្រានបន្តិចបន្តួច ដែលយួនដាក់បញ្ជារពីលើ អោយឈរយាមគោ យាមក្របី នៅតាមភូមិ តាមស្រុកតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ ។ រីឯ ពាក្យដែលថា
កងទ័ពយួនស្មាក់ចិត្តនោះ ក៏ជាពាក្យភូតភរមួយផងដែរ ហើយគួរអោយអស់សំណើចខ្លាំងណាស់ ! នាអំឡុងពេលហ្នុង កងទ៏ពយួនដែលមកធ្វើសង្រ្គាមនៅកម្ពុជា សុទ្ធតែត្រូវរដ្ឋាភិបាលហាណូយ ចាប់បង្ខំអោយមក ព្រោះថាវាជាកំណែនកងទ័ព្វ ហើយក៏ជាច្បាប់អាជ្ញាសឹកដ៏សហាវ អ្នកណាមិនមក និងត្រូវផ្ដន្ទាទោសអោយជាប់គុក ។

ចំណែកគោលដៅរបស់យួនវិញ ការចូលមកកម្ពុជា គឺជាមហិច្ឆិតាលេបយក
ទឹកដីខ្មែរយើង អោយខាងតែបាន ។ព្រោះថានៅសុខ គេមិនមែន
យកទាហ៊ានរបស់ពួកគេ អោយមកងាប់ដោយអាសាបងនោះឡើយ ។ ដូច្នេះ
ដោយសារបានសន្ធិសញ្ញាទីក្រុងប៉ារីសនេះហើយ ដែលធ្វើអោយយួនខកបំណង មិនអាចបំពេញទៅ
តាមពាក្យបណ្ដាំរបស់បុព្វបុរសពួកគេឡើយ គោលដៅរបស់បុព្វបុរសយួន គឺ សហព័ន្ធឥណ្ឌូចិន ដែលមានដីធំល្វឹងល្វើយ មានទន្លេសាប ទន្លេមេកុង ព្រមទាំងផ្ទៃសមុទ្រដ៏ធំល្ហល្ហេវ ទាំងឡយ ។ តែសូមកុំភ្លេចថា រហូតមកដល់ពេលនេះ ផ្នត់គំនិតយួន គឺពួកវាមិនប្ដូរជាដាច់ខាត ពួកវានៅតែខំបន្តរិះរកយុទ្ធសាស្រ្តថ្មីៗផ្សេងទៀត ដើម្បីលេបយកកម្ពុជាយើងជានិច្ច៕

ជនពាល said...

To 5:02 AM
សន្ធិសញ្ញាទីក្រុងប៉ារីស គឺជាគន្លិះមួយ ដែលឈានទៅបញ្ចប់សង្រ្គាមនៅកម្ពុជាទាំងមូល
។​ សូមកុំយកថ្ងៃ៧មករា មកប្រៀបធៀបនិង ថ្ងៃ២៣តុលាសោះឡើយ ។ ថ្ងៃ៧មករា ថ្វីត្បិតតែ
ជាថ្ងៃដែលរបបប្រល័យពូជសាសន៍ត្រូវរលំរលាយមែនពិត តែវាក៏ជាថ្ងៃមួយ ដែលយួន
ពោល គឺខ្មែរយើងបានទទួលរងទុក្ឋ ពីរបបមួយ ទៅរបបមួយផ្សេងទៀត ។ គណបក្សប្រជាជន តែងតែអួតក្អេងក្អាង ថាពួកគេគឺជាអ្នករំដោះ ដោយមានកងទ័ពយួនស្មាក់ចិត្តចូលរួម ត្រង់ចំណុចនេះ
គឺខុសទាំងស្រុង ពេលហ្នុង កងទ័ពខ្មែរមានមុខងារ បានត្រឹមតែជាកងស្វ័យត្រានបន្តិចបន្តួច ដែលយួនដាក់បញ្ជារពីលើ អោយឈរយាមគោ យាមក្របី នៅតាមភូមិ តាមស្រុកតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ ។ រីឯ ពាក្យដែលថា
កងទ័ពយួនស្មាក់ចិត្តនោះ ក៏ជាពាក្យភូតភរមួយ ដែលគួរអោយអស់សំណើចខ្លាំងណាស់ ! នាអំឡុងពេលហ្នុង កងទ៏ពយួនដែលមកធ្វើសង្រ្គាមនៅកម្ពុជា សុទ្ធតែត្រូវរដ្ឋាភិបាលហាណូយ ចាប់បង្ខំអោយមក ព្រោះថាវាជាកំណែនកងទ័ព្វ ជាច្បាប់អាជ្ញាសឹក អ្នកណាមិនមក និងត្រូវផ្ដន្ទាទោសអោយជាប់គុក ។

ចំណែកគោលដៅរបស់យួនវិញ ការចូលមកកម្ពុជា គឺជាមហិច្ឆិតាលេបយក
ទឹកដីខ្មែរយើង អោយខាងតែបាន ។ព្រោះថានៅសុខ គេមិនមែន
យកទាហ៊ានរបស់ពួកគេ អោយមកងាប់ដោយអាសាបងនោះឡើយ ។ ដូច្នេះ
ដោយសារបានសន្ធិសញ្ញាទីក្រុងប៉ារីសនេះហើយ ដែលធ្វើអោយយួនខកបំណង មិនអាចបំពេញទៅ
តាមពាក្យបណ្ដាំរបស់បុព្វបុរសពួកគេឡើយ គោលដៅរបស់បុព្វបុរសយួន គឺ សហព័ន្ធឥណ្ឌូចិន ដែលមានដីធំល្វឹងល្វើយ មានទន្លេសាប ទន្លេមេកុង ព្រមទាំងផ្ទៃសមុទ្រទាំងឡយ ។ តែសូមកុំភ្លេចថា រហូតមកដល់ពេលនេះ ផ្នត់គំនិតយួន គឺពួកវាមិនប្ដូរជាដាច់ខាត ពួកវានៅតែខំបន្តរិះរកយុទ្ធសាស្រ្តថ្មីៗផ្សេងទៀត ដើម្បីលេបយកកម្ពុជាយើងជានិច្ច៕

ជនពាល said...

To 5:02 AM
សន្ធិសញ្ញាទីក្រុងប៉ារីស គឺជាគន្លិះមួយ ដែលឈានទៅបញ្ចប់សង្រ្គាមនៅកម្ពុជាទាំងមូល
។​ សូមកុំយកថ្ងៃ៧មករា មកប្រៀបធៀបនិង ថ្ងៃ២៣តុលាសោះឡើយ ។ ថ្ងៃ៧មករា ថ្វីត្បិតតែ
ជាថ្ងៃដែលរបបប្រល័យពូជសាសន៍ត្រូវរលំរលាយមែនពិត តែវាក៏ជាថ្ងៃមួយ ដែលយួន
ពោល គឺខ្មែរយើងបានទទួលរងទុក្ឋ ពីរបបមួយ ទៅរបបមួយផ្សេងទៀត ។ គណបក្សប្រជាជន តែងតែអួតក្អេងក្អាង ថាពួកគេគឺជាអ្នករំដោះ ដោយមានកងទ័ពយួនស្មាក់ចិត្តចូលរួម ត្រង់ចំណុចនេះ
គឺខុសទាំងស្រុង ពេលហ្នុង កងទ័ពខ្មែរមានមុខងារ បានត្រឹមតែជាកងស្វ័យត្រានបន្តិចបន្តួច ដែលយួនដាក់បញ្ជារពីលើ អោយឈរយាមគោ យាមក្របី នៅតាមភូមិ តាមស្រុកតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ ។ រីឯ ពាក្យដែលថា
កងទ័ពយួនស្មាក់ចិត្តនោះ ក៏ជាពាក្យភូតភរមួយ ដែលគួរអោយអស់សំណើចខ្លាំងណាស់ ! នាអំឡុងពេលហ្នុង កងទ៏ពយួនដែលមកធ្វើសង្រ្គាមនៅកម្ពុជា សុទ្ធតែត្រូវរដ្ឋាភិបាលហាណូយ ចាប់បង្ខំអោយមក ព្រោះថាវាជាកំណែនកងទ័ព្វ ជាច្បាប់អាជ្ញាសឹក អ្នកណាមិនមក និងត្រូវផ្ដន្ទាទោសអោយជាប់គុក ។

ចំណែកគោលដៅរបស់យួនវិញ ការចូលមកកម្ពុជា គឺជាមហិច្ឆិតាលេបយក
ទឹកដីខ្មែរយើង អោយខាងតែបាន ។ព្រោះថានៅសុខ គេមិនមែន
យកទាហ៊ានរបស់ពួកគេ អោយមកងាប់ដោយអាសាបងនោះឡើយ ។ ដូច្នេះ
ដោយសារបានសន្ធិសញ្ញាទីក្រុងប៉ារីសនេះហើយ ដែលធ្វើអោយយួនខកបំណង មិនអាចបំពេញទៅ
តាមពាក្យបណ្ដាំរបស់បុព្វបុរសពួកគេឡើយ គោលដៅរបស់បុព្វបុរសយួន គឺ សហព័ន្ធឥណ្ឌូចិន ដែលមានដីធំល្វឹងល្វើយ មានទន្លេសាប ទន្លេមេកុង ព្រមទាំងផ្ទៃសមុទ្រទាំងឡយ ។ តែសូមកុំភ្លេចថា រហូតមកដល់ពេលនេះ ផ្នត់គំនិតយួន គឺពួកវាមិនប្ដូរជាដាច់ខាត ពួកវានៅតែខំបន្តរិះរកយុទ្ធសាស្រ្តថ្មីៗផ្សេងទៀត ដើម្បីលេបយកកម្ពុជាយើងជានិច្ច៕

ជនពាល said...

To 5:02 AM
សន្ធិសញ្ញាទីក្រុងប៉ារីស គឺជាគន្លិះមួយ ដែលឈានទៅបញ្ចប់សង្រ្គាមនៅកម្ពុជាទាំងមូល
។​ សូមកុំយកថ្ងៃ៧មករា មកប្រៀបធៀបនិង ថ្ងៃ២៣តុលាសោះឡើយ ។ ថ្ងៃ៧មករា ថ្វីត្បិតតែ
ជាថ្ងៃដែលរបបប្រល័យពូជសាសន៍ត្រូវរលំរលាយមែនពិត តែវាក៏ជាថ្ងៃមួយ ដែលយួន
ពោល គឺខ្មែរយើងបានទទួលរងទុក្ឋ ពីរបបមួយ ទៅរបបមួយផ្សេងទៀត ។ គណបក្សប្រជាជន តែងតែអួតក្អេងក្អាង ថាពួកគេគឺជាអ្នករំដោះ ដោយមានកងទ័ពយួនស្មាក់ចិត្តចូលរួម ត្រង់ចំណុចនេះ
គឺខុសទាំងស្រុង ពេលហ្នុង កងទ័ពខ្មែរមានមុខងារ បានត្រឹមតែជាកងស្វ័យត្រានបន្តិចបន្តួច ដែលយួនដាក់បញ្ជារពីលើ អោយឈរយាមគោ យាមក្របី នៅតាមភូមិ តាមស្រុកតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ ។ រីឯ ពាក្យដែលថា
កងទ័ពយួនស្មាក់ចិត្តនោះ ក៏ជាពាក្យភូតភរមួយ ដែលគួរអោយអស់សំណើចខ្លាំងណាស់ ! នាអំឡុងពេលហ្នុង កងទ៏ពយួនដែលមកធ្វើសង្រ្គាមនៅកម្ពុជា សុទ្ធតែត្រូវរដ្ឋាភិបាលហាណូយ ចាប់បង្ខំអោយមក ព្រោះថាវាជាកំណែនកងទ័ព្វ ជាច្បាប់អាជ្ញាសឹក អ្នកណាមិនមក និងត្រូវផ្ដន្ទាទោសអោយជាប់គុក ។

ចំណែកគោលដៅរបស់យួនវិញ ការចូលមកកម្ពុជា គឺជាមហិច្ឆិតាលេបយក
ទឹកដីខ្មែរយើង អោយខាងតែបាន ។ព្រោះថានៅសុខ គេមិនមែន
យកទាហ៊ានរបស់ពួកគេ អោយមកងាប់ដោយអាសាបងនោះឡើយ ។ ដូច្នេះ
ដោយសារបានសន្ធិសញ្ញាទីក្រុងប៉ារីសនេះហើយ ដែលធ្វើអោយយួនខកបំណង មិនអាចបំពេញទៅ
តាមពាក្យបណ្ដាំរបស់បុព្វបុរសពួកគេឡើយ គោលដៅរបស់បុព្វបុរសយួន គឺ សហព័ន្ធឥណ្ឌូចិន ដែលមានដីធំល្វឹងល្វើយ មានទន្លេសាប ទន្លេមេកុង ព្រមទាំងផ្ទៃសមុទ្រទាំងឡយ ។

Anonymous said...

Questions to Seng Theary:

You claim to be a lawyer, so I would like you to explain certain of you allegations, by applying facts, and not paranoid disillusions.

Some of your allegations, that you claim is proof of interference in the ECCC proceedings:

1."Preventing indictments and prosecutions from being brought -- only one case (the "Duch" case) was brought to trial and decided in the first four years of the Tribunal's operation, and serious concerns exist as to whether Case File 002 concerning the four senior Khmer Rouge leaders will be started and finished without further delays and without the deaths of any one of these four individuals;"
Question to Seng Theary: Please explain to the readers how the RGC can be blamed for the time deemed necessary by investigating judges and trial to investigate and adjudicate the case against Duch, and to investigate the cases agianst the other KR leaders Nuon Chea,Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary, and Ieng Thirith.

2. Forcing the UN defense lawyer Francois Roux and other key ECCC foreign officials from their position, causing further delays and serious concerns about the nature of the hybrid approach established by the ECCC that gives majority control over decisions to Cambodian officials;

Question to Seng Theary: Please explain how the RGC can be blamed for the fact that Duch exercises his right to choose his own defenders, a fundamental right for any defendant in any civilised or semi-civiled country. Please also explain which key ECCC foreign officials that have been "forced" out of their positions by RGC.

3. Causing the reduction in the penalty applied in the Duch case to a level inconsistent with the severity of the massive crimes against humanity (including 15,000 executions) that he committed, raising concerns that the purpose of the lenient verdict combined with the removal of the international prosecutor is to lay a basis for discrediting Duch as a star witness in Case File 002 against the senior KR leaders; and

Question to Seng Theary: Please explain how the RGC can be said to have been guilty of "Causing the reduction in the penalty applied in the Duch case to a level inconsistent with the severity of the massive crimes against humanity". 4 out of 5 judges, including one international judge, decided that 35 years imprisonment before reduction was appropriate. Another international judge wanted to reduce the sentence with even another five years. Was these international judges, that you normally hold so dear, also part of the RGC conspiracy?

Your are very good at criticizing others. For the interest of KI-media readers, can you also explain how many of your key staff members in your NGO Centre for Justice and Reconciliation have left their positions in the last months? Were they also pressured to leave their positions by the RGC?

Anonymous said...

Questions to Seng Theary:

You claim to be a lawyer, so I would like you to explain certain of your allegations, by applying facts, and not paranoid disillusions.

Some of your allegations, that you claim is proof of interference in the ECCC proceedings:

1."Preventing indictments and prosecutions from being brought -- only one case (the "Duch" case) was brought to trial and decided in the first four years of the Tribunal's operation, and serious concerns exist as to whether Case File 002 concerning the four senior Khmer Rouge leaders will be started and finished without further delays and without the deaths of any one of these four individuals;"
Question to Seng Theary: Please explain to the readers how the RGC can be blamed for the time deemed necessary by investigating judges and trial to investigate and adjudicate the case against Duch, and to investigate the cases agianst the other KR leaders Nuon Chea,Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary, and Ieng Thirith.

2. Forcing the UN defense lawyer Francois Roux and other key ECCC foreign officials from their position, causing further delays and serious concerns about the nature of the hybrid approach established by the ECCC that gives majority control over decisions to Cambodian officials;

Question to Seng Theary: Please explain how the RGC can be blamed for the fact that Duch exercises his right to choose his own defenders, a fundamental right for any defendant in any civilised or semi-civiled country. Please also explain which key ECCC foreign officials that have been "forced" out of their positions by RGC.

Anonymous said...

Everyday you see KI posted news articles are always peppered with Theary Seng commenting on this and that. I can no longer stand on the sidelines and let this woman having too much fun in the spotlight without revealing some facts.

First of all Theary Seng is the embodiment of everything that a Khmer person is not.

She is a Jesus worshiper and always will be.

She prefers a white person as a lover as like those countless Cambodian girls who are US educated and think of themselves as no Cambodian men can rise to their level of intellectual prowess.

Her last name is Seng, so naturally as most Chinese Cambodians, and I do say most not all, do pronounce themselves only as Chinese in the west, and Chinese-Cambodian when they are standing on Cambodian soil. As most Chinese Cambodians displaying their true character, they will not do anything out of their heart for humanitarian purpose but to serve themselves with tangible benefits and Theary’s book speaks volume of how much she likes to glorify herself.

And speaking of self-glorification, Theary likes to indulge herself in the spot light in front of TV cameras, micro-phones, or talking to a well-known personality before any second-in-rank guests could reach the presiding personality. The eerie absent of a single photograph of Theary crouching down to the level of a garbage pilfering child at Steung Meanchey or elsewhere is more than evidence Theary is there in Cambodia for exposure not for humanitarian work.

Theary does not have any experience working in the US as a trial lawyer or a full-time staff for any reputable law firm or government agency. Having interned briefly at the Department of Labor was the closest thing that could be dubbed a “good job” for her.

Her dismissal from a long-established NGO is a testament to her inability to do the "REAL" work but just to satisfy her insatiable thirst for notoriety.

KI-Media is a perfect platform to lunch her ever-growing ego, by capitalizing on the suffering of those actual KR victims who are voiceless and not as deceitful in their quest for justice as Theary Seng.

The curator of KI-Media, the brainchild behind those cut-and-past media articles or I should hint the First Lady of SRP should consider taking her exposure a notch down, and refrain from being so defensive every time someone passes a critical comment on Theary Seng.

Lastly, for those MOVE-ON overseas Cambodians like myself, we are no longer interested in being identified as KR victims, much being represented by Therary Seng, in the mainstream media or the host countries. This is 21th century, and we would like to be identified as doctors, lawyers, engineers, scientists, bankers, entrepreneurs, and much less victims of a past genocidal regime.

Anonymous said...

Dear 5:39,
Thank you for sharing your heart felt concerns about Ms. Seng. From your comments, it is safe to assume that you know her more than most of us here. For that I thank you.
As a Khmer oversea, although I shared your sentiment when it comes to many of the educated Khmer women in the U.S. who prefer white than Khmer men, I think it is their prerogatives. I don’t feel bad about that.
There are plenty of educated Khmer women in Cambodia who rather prefer us educated Khmer oversea men. There is a balance. Just choose carefully.
I am not sure that I share your observation about her last name. “Seng” may sound Chinese, I know many Sengs that are Khmer to the bones. Plus, in my mind that is not a legitimate complain. None of us had a choice as to what last name we were going to be born into.

Anonymous said...

Seng Theary wants to be lawyer it gonna worst than situation lawyer.

Anonymous said...

To what my understand is that she is an independent woman. She can decide and choose what is her refereces. I think we are here still have that sentiment about our Khmer women. She just want to speak her heart. She is a woman she wants to be equal just to us man.


Anonymous said...

LONG LIVE VIET NAM// Forever contolled useless khmer.. good work HUNSEN and CPP..

Anonymous said...

yes.. useless Cambodian you all should never born ..

LONG LIVE VIET NAM.... we conrtoled all of you,, your KING beg for us to keep him in power.. your PM HUN SEN AND CPP all under our command ..

all of your government our own vitnamses run your country..

Anonymous said...

yes our vietnamese live every where in cambodia..

khmer peoples are so useless can not even defence their own country ..

Anonymous said...

Yo! 5:39, I agreed with 8:09 pm. For that being said, I thank you for sharing the information about Theary. As you well point out - the lack of her experience in a real professional world, it is more difficult for her to deal with the reality, leave a lone the reality such as in Cambodia. In addition you are well point out that her employmemt in Cambodia, she had distroyed the organizationed completely. I cannot comprehand if she is going to be any prominate leader for Khmer people. Her attitude is either "my way or high way"...a lot of people...such as the younger generation of Khmer...which glorify her...just a few more Theary...I would be afraid for Khmer nation. I want to add of what you're already said is that... my impression of her is that she present herself as mini-dictatorship...those who had or have working for her organization...if they're not agreed with her..."you are fire"...Of course I impress with her strong charector, but she has to learn how to manage her staffs and value their opinions and their capability...she had to allow them to express themselves.

Now back to 5:39 ...I can see the ton with your writing. I can see that you cannot stand with these hot air of Ki media glorify her without substand...I'm glad that you come out and share with all of us bloggers like to come to ki media to read something with more substant and hope to learn something from our Cambodian compatriate...For one thing, you have to give credit to Theary, she made you agreed enough to come out and share with us...of what you know of Theary Seng. I hope you get angry this often...so that you can share with us more about Theary. I agreed with 8:09 that you know her more than any of us. You must been in the same space as to give this kind of observation. So come back again and enlighten us with Theary Charector...because if she going to be any leader to represent Khmer...her charector is very important...and charector is what count...we Khmer don't want to have another Hun sen's and the only different is that she wear skirt...

May Theary nameste you...

Anonymous said...

រឿងពិតសមមិត្តហេង​ សំរិន សមមិត្ត ជា ស៊ីម
នឹងអាកូន សមមិត្តហ៊ុន សែន
ដឹងជាងពួកអាអ្នកប្រឹងនិយាយខាងលើ កាពិតកាលនោះឯងប្រហែលមិន
ផង មានគេនៅចាំយ៉ាងប្បាស់ថា ក្នុងអំឡុងប្រហែល
ពាក់កណ្តាលឆ្នាំ១៩៧៨ ទ័ពយួនបានឡោមព័ទ្ទ
អស់នៅតែដៃទទេរ រួចយួនបានចាប់ទាហានវា
ទាំងបី យកទៅស្រុកយួនជាឈ្លើយសង្រាម
រួចយួនបានរៀបចំផែនការ ឈ្លានពានប្រទេស
ខ្មែរ ដោយបានលេសពីពួកអាសមមិត្តទាំងបី
ជាអ្នកចេះចូលវា រួចក៏បំពាក់អាវុធឲ្យពួកទា
ហានអា សមមិត្តទាំងបីនឹងបងប្អូនខ្មែរមួយ
ចំនួនដែលបានភាសខ្លួនពី ពុល ពត ទៅ
ស្រុកយួន ឲ្យធ្វើជាទាហានរំដោះ ជាមួយ
ស្រុកខ្មែររហូតដល់ថ្ងៃទី២៣​តុលា ឆ្នាំ១៩៩១
ស្រុកវាវិញ ពួកអាហ្អែងចំជាក្បត់មែនគ្មានដឹង

Anonymous said...

Some of posters on here are jealous of Theary Seng success so they try hard to discredit her work in every possible way...undoubtedly these posters' credibility take a step bacward and lose their own credibility when they claim they know what Theary does in her life. These same posters need to get a fuckin life...Theary Seng isn't your typical khmer girl and cut out from the same cookie mold, period. And she is not that kind of girl that just wanna have fun. I am appalled by negative nonsensical comments aimed to put down her credential on the Khmer Rouge issue. I have a message for negative posters: stay out of her way.

Anonymous said...

I don't kow why some people attack Theary. We should encourage and support her because we don't have many Cambodian women intellectuals and brave who can advocate for herself and for all Khmer victims of the killing field. I felt I was unlucky to live under the threaten society always criticize and less support.
I think Cambodia has a lot of illegal migrants and those people educated their children not to love Khmer people. They really made a big mistake, because their countries of origin never recognised them as their own population. These countries used them as their spies for their own interests and they killed these spies later. Please, all migrants old or new to Cambodia serve for interest of Khmer people and living together peacefully because you choose this country as your second mother and you clearly know that your cannot survive on your native land. Don't look down on native Khmer because they supply rice and water for you.

Thank you

From native Khmer women

Anonymous said...

Just leave Theary Seng's private life alone!

The nationality of the man she decides to date or love is none of our business; it is indeed her choice and right.

People who criticize her claim to be living in the US or other western countries and yet can't accept the fact that she can date anyone she likes. That really surprises me. I guess western civilization and education cannot yet change their narrow-minded mentality! I wonder what they would do if a lot of those beautiful western girls ask them for a date. Would they still insist on dating the Khmer girls?

Well, I am pretty sure they will leave the Khmer girls for me and other Khmer men in Cambodia.

Be fair in your criticism on her work by leaving her private life out of this forum!

Anonymous said...

Dear compatriots,

I am disturbed with the comments show with negatives criticism to Theary Seng. These comments seem to express personal attack on her rather provide ethical and professional critiques.

Is this a battle of the sexes or what?

Theary is just a human being like everyone of us, making mistakes ectc...
But she have made an outstanding commitment by being there in Cambodia to directly involve with the current situation especially the ECCC, which is a very complex issue and most challenging in our modern history.
So far I haven't heard about any scandal she made to disgrace Cambodia in relation to corruption, stealing national resources, involving with land grabbing or causing pain suffering to any Khmer people at all.

1- In relation to her name, for those who raise issue about Seng is being a non Khmer name. I can safely say to you that you are the most ignorance, racist and discriminate person to the local and worldviews. Why don't you look at Hun Sen, Heng Samrin for example... are these surnames pure Khmer to you? and suppose they are, what have these two have been doing to Cambodia and Khmer people? What about senator Ly Yong Phat to you?

2- In relation to personal preference on relationship. For those who are critical about Khmer women that involve with white men. Why can't they do that? please explain one good reason for why not?
Do you know that the society everywhere even move to accept gay married, let a lone racial different.

3- In relation to her leadership and gender. Just remember that you have no right to judge on the issue involving the sacking of her staff when you do not know the insight situation. This reflects your lack of leadership skill when you take your stand this way and simply blame her with the word dictatorship which is very unjust to her.
Just remember Theary has every right to be successful with her work, career and relationship choices like you all. And this is what she has been doing. If you are encountered with problem to get to her level do not blame her, blame yourselves. Women these days are very fed up with the glass ceiling attitude and keep on excel themselves to emerge from that obstacles. The more men try to bring her down the more strength you are given to her.

I remember clearly the late former first lady Nancy Reagan said: "Women are like a tea bag, the more hot water pour over it the more strength it sustains."

Yey Tep

sincerely...............pp said...

Anyone has the rights to express his sentiment over this woman "Theary" in order to have check and balance, there should be an opposition to this woman's opinions... right?

Obviously.... Ms. Seng just wanted to show her face as a woman, so no one would think she is a Viet Nam's spy.

We all have the right to dislike certain thing or character about someone....Ms. Seng is a bit annoying in a way....her pic took a way her idea and personality.

Just post your comments without a pic is good. So we don't have to look at someone face and think "dame she looks like that and think opposite of how her look"


Anonymous said...

Ok 5:08 AM - I agreed, we should be judge the person by her work. What I notice is that there is some true to both sides, thus in this case, we should be able to separate what is useful for Khmer nation and what is not. Than we can go from there. The bottom line is that we should all share the comment goal to build Khmer nation and to bring her at par vis-a-vis with the rest of the nations in the global arena. We have to be able to agree to disagree. Furthermore, I believe that majority bloggers here are capable enough to understand that.

For theary charector -- I respect her as a person, but I don't respect her in the way that whe put everybody down...she seems to present herself that only she is the most educate than any body else (of course beside Bono..). She has to come to realize that if she want to build peace for Cambodia rather than bring fame for herself, than work cooperatively with others that are working in the same area as her.

I would strongly recomment those come to this column read Dr. Peang-Meth's columns...he is indeed the true Khmer intelectual and dedicate his life to share Khmer history.

Anonymous said...

6:33AM said

Anyone has the rights to express his sentiment over this woman "Theary" in order to have check and balance, there should be an opposition to this woman's opinions... right?


Using your right to abuse other's rights is not acceptable.
You can do check and balance with productive criticism not personal attacks. And I really like to see picture/s of people post with the article if possible. It's up to the blogger administration to decide on this matter.

Anonymous said...

6:33 AM,

It's just your opinion, screw you - who cares???

I don't.

So, get the fuck out of here, ok?

Theary, more power to you, we love you!!!


Anonymous said...

I think Theary Seng is a very intelligent individual who works tirelessly to promote the democracy in Cambodia as well as the world community. There are a few Cambodian scholars I know who earned advanced degrees from prestigous academy, but I hardly think of any who is as intelligent as she is.

She is also a great writer and a powerful speaker!

Theary, you are great!

Thank you for everything you have done for humanity.

Tony Lach,

Middle School Social Studies teacher

Anonymous said...

Paris Peace Agreements in 1991 is bigger than 7 january so far 7 january beause youn dead khmer
than become help you know !!if youn encraoch cambodia maybe cambodia have freedom no sdach chou hun xen that the pepet of youn ,afraid some day was kick out everything not strong not stability too

Anonymous said...

--- You all: what is Jan 7? What the hell is that date?

can you please anyone who tell and give details to me.... younger generation!

Kone Khmer young....

Anonymous said...

Ah Hun Sen premiership is numbered. He has committed so many crimes so his chance to live peacefully is very meagre. His body will splashed into a big messes like his in law.
HoK Lungdy was killed by God and now his wife is completely paralised. It will also be happened to Hun sen and his wife for their crimes. I will run away from them once I made enough moneys from them.

Tith Sothea

Anonymous said...

January 7th, 1979 was the day of Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia. But to Hun Sen and his government, that day was the day of libereation from the Khmer Rouge Killing Field. So Hun Sen thinks that January 7th was the rebirth of Cambodia, whereas many people think that October 23rd, 1991 was the real rebirth of Cambodia because it was the day that all Cambodian factions along with many countries came to Paris and signed a peace agreement and contacted a democratic election in 1993.

Correct me if I'm wrong. I hope it helps.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen was a member of the Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime.

Hun Sen is a leader of the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime.

Hun Sen was behind the terrorism on March 30, 1997 grenade attack in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
A U.S. citizen Ron Abney was injured during the grenade attack.
Federal Bureau of Investigation
United States Senate Foreign Committee Investigation

Hun Sen attempted to assassinate Sam Rainsy (leader of opposition party) and Chea Vichea (leader of the Free Trade Union) during grenade attack on March 30, 1997 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Hun Sen is responsible for murdered Chea Vichea (leader of the Free Trade Union).

The Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime is responsible for killing 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples.

The Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime is also responsible for killing 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples and counting.

The Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime is responsible for extrajudicial execution over 100 members of FUNCINPEC Party.

The Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime is responsible for murders over 80 members of Sam Rainsy Party.

The Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime is responsible for murders 3 leaders of Free Trade Union.

The Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime is responsible for murders 10 journalists

The Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime is responsible for murders at least 16 innocent Khmer peoples during a grenade attack on March 30, 1997 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Tribute inscribed on stupa those who died

"To the heroic demonstrators who lost their lives on 30 March 1997 for the cause of justice and democracy. The tragedy occurred 60 meters from this monument on the sidewalk of the park across from the National Assembly.”

1. Chet Duong Dara, medical doctor/journalist, 29
2. Hann Muny, bodyguard, 32
3. Yung Srey, female garment worker, 21
4. Yos Siem, female garment worker, 36
5. Sam Sarin, bicycle repairer, 50
6. Ros Sir, high school boy, 13
7. Sok Kheng, female student, 18
8. Yoeun Yon, high school boy, 17
9. Yung Sok Nov, female garment worker, 20
10. Chea Nang, high school teacher (passerby), 28
11. Nam Thy, motodop driver, 37
12. Chanty Pheakdey, high school girl, 13
13-16. Unknown others atleast.

Over 100 peoples were injures.

Attempted to assassinate Sam Rainsy (leader of the Khmer National Party).

Attempted to assassinate Chea Vichea (leader of the Free Trade Union of Cambodia).

Attempted to assassinate Ron Abney a United States citizen (employee of the International Republican Institute).

The Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime is responsible for murders at least 16 innocent men, women and children during a grenade attack on March 30, 1997 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Hun Sen was behind the March 30, 1997 Grenade Attack.
Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation

The Cambodian government officials were responsible for the March 30, 1997 Grenade Attack.
Source: United States Senate Foreign Committee

Hun Sen is personally responsible for the March 30, 1997 Grenade Attack.
Source: Department of State

Anonymous said...

The Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime and the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime are responsible for killing almost two million innocent Khmer peoples and counting.

Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime's leaders and members:
Pol Pot
Nuon Chea
Ieng Sary
Ta Mok
Khieu Samphan
Son Sen
Ieng Thearith
Kaing Guek Eav aka Samak Mith Duch
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong aka Samak Mith Yaem
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka aka Samak Mith Muth
Hun Sen...

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime's leaders and members:
Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong aka Samak Mith Yaem
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka aka Samak Mith Muth...

Hun Sen,
Chea Sim,
Heng Samrin,
Hor Namhong aka Samak Mith Yaem,
Keat Chhon,
Ouk Bunchhoeun and
Sim Ka aka Samak Mith Muth... are also leaders and members of the Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime.

The current Cambodian government are run by Khmer Rouges.

Anonymous said...

Which one of these Khmer Rouge(s) list below is the current Khmer Rouge Regime's leader?

a) Pol Pot
b) Nuon Chea
c) Ta Mok 
d) Khieu Samphan 
e) Son Sen 
f) Kaing Guek Eav aka Samak Mith Duch
g) Ieng Sary 
h) Ieng Thearith
i) Chea Sim
j) Heng Samrin
k) Hor Namhong aka Samak Mith Yaem
l) Keat Chhon
m) Ouk Bunchhoeun
n) Sim Ka aka Samak Mith Muth
o) Hun Sen

Pol Pot is a Khmer Rouge leader of the Democratic Kampuchea Khmer Rouge Regime.

Hun Sen was a Khmer Rouge commander of the Democratic Kampuchea Khmer Rouge Regime and now, a Khmer Rouge leader of the Cambodian People's Party Khmer Rouge Regime.

Anonymous said...

Which one of these Khmer Rouge(s) list below is a dictator?

a) Chea Sim
b) Heng Samrin
c) Hor Namhong aka Samak Mith Yaem
d) Keat Chhon
e) Ouk Bunchhoeun
f) Sim Ka aka Samak Mith Muth
g) Hun Sen

Chea Sim, Heng Samrin, Hor Namhong, Keat Chhon, Ouk Bunchhoeun and Sim Ka has been summon by the UN back Khmer Rouge Tribunal court (EEEC).

Hun Sen was a former Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime's commander and now, a Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime's leader.

Anonymous said...

Who killed 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples?

a) Pol Pot
b) Nuon Chea
c) Ta Mok 
d) Khieu Samphan 
e) Son Sen 
f) Kaing Guek Eav aka Samak Mith Duch
g) Ieng Sary 
h) Ieng Thearith
i) Chea Sim
j) Heng Samrin
k) Hor Namhong aka Samak Mith Yaem
l) Keat Chhon
m) Ouk Bunchhoeun
n) Sim Ka aka Samak Mith Muth
o) Hun Sen...
p) all of above

Document Center of Cambodia

On October 7, 2009 Chea Sim, Heng Samrin, Hor Namhong, Keat Chhon, Ouk Bunchhoeun and Sim Ka has been summoned by the UN backed Khmer Rouge Tribunal court (ECCC).

Anonymous said...

Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime's leaders and members:
Pol Pot
Nuon Chea
Ieng Sary
Ta Mok
Khieu Samphan
Son Sen
Ieng Thearith
Kaing Guek Eav aka Samak Mith Duch
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong aka Samak Mith Yaem
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka aka Samak Mith Muth
Hun Sen...

Mass Murder
Crimes Against Humanity
Force Labour
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Unlawful Detention

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime's leaders and members:
Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong aka Samak Mith Yaem
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka aka Samak Mith Muth...

Attempted Murders
Attempted Murder on Chea Vichea
Attempted Assassinations
Attempted Assassination on Sam Rainsy
Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leaders of the Free Trade Union
Assassinated over 80 members of Sam Rainsy Party.

Sam Rainsy LIC 31 October 2009 - Cairo, Egypt
"As of today, over eighty members of my party have been assassinated. Countless others have been injured, arrested, jailed, or forced to go into hiding or into exile."
Executed over 100 members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murdered 3 Leaders of the Free Trade Union 
Murdered Chea Vichea
Murdered Ros Sovannareth
Murdered Hy Vuthy
Murdered 10 Journalists
Murdered Khim Sambo
Murdered Khim Sambo's son 
Murdered members of Sam Rainsy Party.
Murdered activists of Sam Rainsy Party
Murdered Innocent Men
Murdered Innocent Women
Murdered Innocent Children
Killed Innocent Khmer Peoples.
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Police Brutality Against Monks
Police Brutality Against Evictees
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Abuses
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Border Encroachment, allow Vietnam to encroaching into Cambodia.
Signed away our territories to Vietnam; Koh Tral, almost half of our ocean territory oil field and others.  
Illegal Arrest
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation

Illegally use of remote detonate bomb on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and other military officials were on board.

Lightning strike many airplanes, but did not fall from the sky.  Lightning strike out side of airplane and discharge electricity to ground. 
Source:  Lightning, Discovery Channel

Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Removed Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country.
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Vietnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Use Dead people's names to vote for Cambodian People's Party.
Disqualified potential Sam Rainsy Party's voters. 
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Unlawful Detention
Death in custody.

Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leaders of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice.

Anonymous said...

Who killed Chea Vichea?

a) Hun Sen's Death Squad
b) Hok Lundy
c) Huy Piseth
d) Phan Sary
e) Oum Chamnane
f) Bon Na
g) Keov Vichet

Anonymous said...

Which one of these Khmer Rouge(s) list below is a prison chief of Boeung Trabek prison B32?

a) Pol Pot
b) Nuon Chea
c) Ta Mok 
d) Khieu Samphan 
e) Son Sen 
f) Kaing Guek Eav aka Samak Mith Duch
g) Ieng Sary 
h) Ieng Thearith
i) Chea Sim
j) Heng Samrin
k) Hor Namhong aka Samak Mith Yaem
l) Keat Chhon
m) Ouk Bunchhoeun
n) Sim Ka aka Samak Mith Muth
o) Hun Sen

Document Center of Cambodia

Anonymous said...

During the Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime;
There are 196 prisons.
There are 196 prison chiefs.
There are 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples killed by the Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime.

Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime's leaders and members:
Pol Pot
Nuon Chea
Ieng Sary
Ta Mok
Khieu Samphan
Son Sen
Ieng Thearith
Kaing Guek Eav aka Samak Mith Duch
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong aka Samak Mith Yaem
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka aka Samak Mith Muth
Hun Sen...

Kaing Guek Eav is a prison chief of Toul Sleng prison S21.
Document Center of Cambodia

The UN backed Khmer Rouge Tribunal court (ECCC) must indict 195 other prison chiefs.

"I will not allow the UN backed Khmer Rouge Tribunal court (ECCC) to indict more Khmer Rouge Regime leaders, I rather let the court (KRT ECCC) fail.  Indict more Khmer Rouge Regime's leaders will lead the country into a civil war."
Samak Mith Hun Sen
Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime's leader

Samak Mith Hun Sen will not allow the UN backed Khmer Rouge Tribunal court (ECCC) to indict more Khmer Rouge Regime leaders who is responsible for killing 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples.

Samak Mith Hun Sen threaten to turn Cambodia back into the Killing Fields all over again.

War with whom?
War with innocent Khmer peoples without weapon?

Once a Khmer Rouge, always a Khmer Rouge.

A good Khmer Rouge(s) is a dead Khmer Rouge(s).

Khmer Rouge(s) continue to kill innocent Khmer peoples.

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime's leaders and members:
Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong aka Samak Mith Yaem
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka aka Samak Mith Muth...

"(Samak Mith) Duch (Kaing Guek Eav) 19 years sentence is too short and doesn't fit his crimes."
Samak Mith Yaem (Hor Namhong)
Prison Chief of Boeung Trabek prison B32

Hor Namhong want the whole world to know that he is not a Khmer Rouge and a prison chief of Boeung Trabek prison B32.

Hor Namhong is a prison chief of Boeung Trabek prison B32.

Keo Bunthouk who was detained with her husband, former diplomat Ieng Kounsaky, at the Boeng Trabek camp (Section B32 presided over by Hor Namhong) from 1977 to 1979.

Q: Who should be held responsible for the murders of Boeng Trabek inmates?
A: Now you repeat this question and maybe Hor Namhong will want to assassinate me, what will happen to me? I've heard that Hor Namhong wants to sue the newspaper that said he was Khmer Rouge.

Keo Bunthouk died under suspicious circumstances in 2001, shortly after she gave interview to the Phnom Penh Post.

Keo Bunthouk was a survivor of Boeng Trabek prison B32.

Keo Bunthouk was a member of the Cambodian Parliament from FUNCINPEC Party.

Hor Namhong said to the French judge that he is not a prison chief of Boeung Trabek prison B32, in fact members of his family was killed by Khmer Rouge(s).

Hor Namhong can lies all he want, at the end, he got summoned and will get indict, prosecute, convict and sentence.

Criminals likes to lies.

The place where criminals lies the most is inside the court room in front of the judge(s).

On October 7, 2009 Chea Sim, Heng Samrin, Hor Namhong, Keat Chhon, Ouk Bunchhoeun and Sim Ka has been summoned by the UN backed Khmer Rouge Tribunal court (ECCC).

Anonymous said...

The Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime call Cambodia; Democratic Kampuchea which is completely opposite.
Cambodia was a Communist Kampuchea. 

Saying an opposite is an indication that they are a criminals that don't take any responsibilty for the crimes that they had committed.

The Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime likes to lies, mislead and opposite.

Anonymous said...

So you are motherfucker 100%you motherfucker Cambodian people,If you motherfucker Khmer 100% you have to know about Khmer got suffered from pol pot,but you didn't Khmer.
so your boss motherfucker Khmer opposition won't get the name on list of election day on the term motherfucker,because your motherfucker never helped Khmer people or saved their life from motherfucker of pol pot.So you fucking bitch asshole.Just only CPP helping all Khmer life you motherfucker understand.

cpp.........................Ta Khmao said...

Viet Nam is savages, which our ancestors had warned us that Viet Nam is the "Kro peu vong veng beng" International should condemn Viet Nam also, she is the root cause of our suffering, HS is just a Viet pawn who brain is dog brain.

WE want the UN condemn Viet Nam for stirring Cambodian Internal affair. Viet Nam needs to stop now.

Viet Nam needs to take car its own problem first before come to take other people.

Viet Nam destroy Khmer land.

CPP.....(non pro-Hanoi)

Anonymous said...

7:14 am.

Although you sounded very angry, I understand your frustration. I hope you are getting better soon.It is hard to be sensitive to opinions that are different than yours. Remember that you are not alone and nobody live in a perfect world. I feel so sorry for you. I wish I can help you.

Anonymous said...


I share 7:37's sentiment. I hope you feel better. It is not healthy to take these comments personally. People have strong views, and they are just what they are strong view.

Apparently you have strong view too.

I hope you feel better after you posted the comment. Sometimes you simply have to let it out. It is good a therapy.

Anonymous said...

To 7:14 AM

You needs to go see a doctor now, and don't come back.

You're supported the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime who is responsible for killing almost two million innocent Khmer peoples and counting.

Please do me a favor, don't ever tell anyone that you are Khmer because you make Khmer peoples look bad.

Anonymous said...

fuck you 8:43AM.
You fucking helping Siem and blame to CPP government.You don't have name on the list on the next term election.

Anonymous said...

fuck you 10:13am.
You fucking helping Youn thug hanoi and blame ,arrest innocent khmer peasants in svayrieng.


Anonymous said...

Khmer song for Sec. Gen. Ban Ki Moon


Anonymous said...

សេង ធារីយកវេទការខ្មែរក្រហម ដើម្បីធ្វើ ការ ផ្សព្វផ្សាយ ឈ្មោះខ្លួនឯង ដូច្នេះសុំបងប្អូនដែល មានចំងល់ជ្រាប បន្តិចទៀតការពិតនឹងបង្ហាញថា
សេង ធារីជាអ្នកធ្វើសកម្មភាពដើម្បីបំរើ គណបក្ស
សម រង្សីដូចជា Antonya TIOULONG។

Anonymous said...

LONG LIVE VIETT NAM.. Hun sen and cpp doing a good job..

You all are useless and should wishes that you all never born as khmer...

you all will be our slave..

LONG LIVE VIET NAM.. even you stupid PHAY SIphan giving a good lips services.. and Sok Siphana and Sarin Donora are all working for us to manipulate all the international communities ... and many many many vietnamese are all officials in your stupid country .. so we run the show...

all the money from chinese not for you is for us ..

Anonymous said...

LONG LIVE VEIT NAM.. You all should wishes that you never born and if you born next born as vietnamese so you be smarter...

Hun sen and CPP doing a good job for US... the master.. and Phay siphan providing a good lip services and SOK Siphana and Sarin Donora are working hard to manipulate all the foerigners there for us.. the rest of our vietnamese brother and sisters are all in every officials position in the cambodian government.

Long live Viet Nam

soon we will take thailand too


Anonymous said...

UN can't do no shit for my government
,because UN need good government to
make country growing up every year.
So how about Khmer opposition don't do no shit for people just known blah blah and blame to anyone.
Eh opposition you think the UN
will care about you?
Ok you go to bed and put your both hand on your face about two minutes
you might dream UN won't do anything for you Opposition.

Anonymous said...

Hi all idiots and the master of idiots,

Why don't you want to understand you are all idiots? It 's better to welcome the UN secretary and show the best of hospitality that Cambodia could provide ... and leave your idiot campaign for another time.

Thank you

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

to 6:47 PM

I do agree with you that they all are idiots!

Anonymous said...

Good now you know that khmer are idiot and stupid that is why we Viet Nam take all their land and use their leaders as slave and we installed our own peoples to run that country.


Anonymous said...

ពួក អាក្បត់ជាតិ កុំនិយាយ ពាក្យសំដីល្អ
ដាក់ ពួកវា ចាប់ផ្តើមនិយាយ ត្រូវតែជេពួកវាជាមុន។
ពីព្រោះ អាបក្សយួន វាមិនចង់បានពាក្យល្អៗ ពីនរណាមួយ មកពន្យល់វានោះទេ។

រួចទៅហើយទាំងមេទាំងកោយ សុទ្ធសឹងពួកអាឡប់ ទាំងអស់។

ស្តាប់ទេពីព្រោះអាពួកនេះជា កូនចៅរបស់
អាយួន និយាយមិនដែលពិត្យទេ។


ពួក អាបក្សប្រជាជនទាំងនោះហើយ
ដែលឲ្យដី ទៅយួន។

សូម អាបក្សប្រជាជនមើល ទៅមើ
ថា អាយួនយកដី ឬ អាបក្សប្រជាជនឲ្យដី ទៅគេ។

ពួកអាក្បត់ទាំងនោះហើយ ទៅចុះចូលជាមួយអាយួន ហើយមកវាយប្រហារប្រទេសខ្លួនឯង។

អាក្បត់ជាតិទាំងនោះ ពិតជាខ្មែរ
ជាមួយ យួន ទៅវិញ?

ដួច្នេះ ពួក អាបក្សប្រជាជន ទាំង
អតិកាលនឹង បច្ចុបន្ន គឺ អាទាំងនោះ
វាក្បត់ជាតិ ទាំងអស់។

KhmerIsrael said...

re:to Long Live Vietnam

I'm glad you have boasted, hear the word of the Holy One of Israel you Proud Dragon:

...Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance: behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing.

...All nations before him are as nothing; and they are counted to him less than nothing, and vanity.

...Have ye not known? have ye not heard? hath it not been told you from the beginning? have ye not understood from the foundations of the earth?

...It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:

...That bringeth the princes to nothing; he maketh the judges of the earth as vanity.

You think it was all the power of your doings? Nay, wait until God catch you with his fish hook and drag you out of the water to give you his judgment. God is deferring in judging Vietnam that does not mean you will escape of your evil doings.

None of us own anything...all things came from our Creator, God.

...The earth is the LORD's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.

...For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.

Give God glory or he will smite you in the mouth to break your teeth from devouring the inhabitants of Cambodia. God will judge, its a matter when.

Anonymous said...

LONG LIVE VEIT NAM.. You all should wishes that you never born and if you born next born as vietnamese so you be smarter...

Hun sen and CPP doing a good job for US... the master.. and Phay siphan providing a good lip services and SOK Siphana and Sarin Donora are working hard to manipulate all the foerigners there for us.. the rest of our vietnamese brother and sisters are all in every officials position in the cambodian government.

Long live Viet Nam

soon we will take thailand too


Anonymous said...

shut the fuck up hun sen Youn whore children.

Anonymous said...

LONG LIVE VietNAM. love you long time. Alot of whore from long live Vietnam selling gadail in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

people please why dont you write a book....your comments is too long...short and brife please.. and some comments are very stupid not even related to the story...

Anonymous said...

to 10:54 PM
I do agree with you and the book' s title is:

Well done

Anonymous said...

Youn and youn 's dog hun sen never have long live ,they die early than common khmer pplzs.coz they has committed alot of crimes.so the king of the hell never forgive them at all. look at Hok lon di[tom pourk kon duy Som Phoeurng youn ]his name stranslate in khmer.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
tepthidasombosnae said...

HI Dear Ki-media.
Could I bother to replace my site Pich Dara "Khmer Girl" to http://ladykhmer.blogspot.com/

because the site named:Pich Dara "Khmer Girl" already deleted by blogger

thanks you

Anonymous said...

11:28pm i'm not belong to any polictical party in cambodia.as A chinese cambodia born,i really love my cambodia homeland. so i don't want Siem or Youn to control my country.plz, be polite as we 're cambodian .i understand your suituation in cambodia ,you live with a crooks you have to follow them.

Anonymous said...

Passions seem to fly all over the cyber space about this issue, and that is wonderful. If we take just a few minutes to reflect on this issue, there is a fundamental issue here that we may have overlooked as our passion gears us into the mode of party advocacy. This issue goes beyond political party affiliations. Regardless of who controls the government, what is our notion of justice?

The tribunal will come and go and our professionals who are involving in this case will get to the bottom of the issue eventually, I am confident that the international community will not allow this case to hang like a pregnant chat in 2000 Florida election. Their reputation will be at stake.

We as a society, however, will be here to dealing with the harsh daily reality, if one day you are unfortunately end up sitting in the court room as a defendant in civil or criminal case. What would be your notion of fairness?

These are some the questions, we should be contemplating as members of a society.

Anonymous said...

គួរអោយ អស់សំណើច ខ្លាំងណាស់
អាខ្មែរ អាល្ងង់ អាឡប់
អញ អោយ អាក្រហម ប្រល័យវា
អញ ថ្វើ ជាសង្គ្រោះ វា
អញ យក្ ដី វា
វា អរគុណ អញ

អញ យួន

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Vietnam country suck...too many people living there not enough food, water and clothing That why they are in Cambodia. Hanoi Failed people

Anonymous said...

Yea Khmer around the world in Khmer or abroad. start doing your part. Show Bi-Moore what really going on in Khmer. No more complaints time to just in and start doing something about it.

Anonymous said...

Not even in Cambodian alot of Youn even in the United States and overseas alots of Vietcong dog all over the world.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Seng,
Thank for your letter to U.N Secretary General indeed no thank to forbid of your double standard political playing not to mention about K5 Vietnam/puppet mass killing: 1985-89 Thai-khmer Border's killing fields of more than 10 thousand civilian deaths caused by Samrin and Sen. This was another killing field, the SAMRIN, SEN and POL POT they are Frere D'ARME extreme mass killers..
As recall to your open letter in January 06, 2010, Vietnam liberation to invasion.....I've never frogot as you memtined in the letter to say "THANK YOU" to Vietnam.
What you want Ms. Seng.
To kiss butt.
Compatriot keep watching you game play.


MR OR MISS -- 4:12 AM ---- As recall to your open letter in January 06, 2010, Vietnam liberation to invasion.....I've never forgot as you mentioned in the letter to say "THANK YOU" to Vietnam.
What you want Ms. Seng.
To kiss butt.
Compatriot keep watching you game play.

...... Ms. Seng had "thanks" to Viet Nam? What is she nut or what? she may not know the dirty cruelty of Viet Nam who responsible for killing her parents and my parents and many cambodians.

Now we know. They can't no longer hide their dirty tricks any longer.

Theary Ba-oan Srey .... what we want to see what evidences can you and youk change can collect what Viet Nam had shared the culpability also. Find EVIDENCES WE WILL BRING VIET NAM TO THE WORLD COURT FOR KILLINGS.



4:12 AM

Anonymous said...

All of opposition in Cambodia almost done name in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

LONG LIVE VEIT NAM.. You all should wishes that you never born and if you born next born as vietnamese so you be smarter...

Hun sen and CPP doing a good job for US... the master.. and Phay siphan providing a good lip services and SOK Siphana and Sarin Donora are working hard to manipulate all the foerigners there for us.. the rest of our vietnamese brother and sisters are all in every officials position in the cambodian government.

Long live Viet Nam

soon we will take thailand too

You all khmer wishes you never born.. next time make sure you born as a vietnamses maybe you a little smarter


Anonymous said...

Mr. Secretary General,

Cambodia is in need of democracy. If Cambodia being ignored, chance it will lead itself toward to a dictator control country. Right now, CPP or HUN SEN are doing anything to make a one party system in Cambodia. Please watch the situation closely. We don't want to follow a foot step of Myanmar. We want to lead our country with a pluralic party.

Please help us to revise the 1991 Paris Peace Agreement.

Khmer Phnom Penh,

Anonymous said...

LONG LIVE VEIT NAM boom boom..mother whore of South east... vietnam have smal dong..

Anonymous said...

> Under Vietnam occupation of Cambodia in 10 years 1979-1989 :
> Under Le Duc Tho rule alone 1979-1989 an estimate 460 000 innocent Cambodian
> had died through TORTURE, BURIED ALIVE, SIMPLE EXECUTION, foced labor,famine
> ,stravation, malnutrition and sponsor starvation by the CPP regime recorded
> by Amnestry international and others.

Anonymous said...

LONG LIVE VEIT NAM.. You all should wishes that you never born and if you born next born as vietnamese so you be smarter...

Hun sen and CPP doing a good job for US... the master.. and Phay siphan providing a good lip services and SOK Siphana and Sarin Donora are working hard to manipulate all the foerigners there for us.. the rest of our vietnamese brother and sisters are all in every officials position in the cambodian government.

Long live Viet Nam

soon we will take thailand too

You all khmer wishes you never born.. next time make sure you born as a vietnamses maybe you a little smarter


Anonymous said...

Dame it! Dov Ma Do Ma Cong Cac!!!

Yes, smart my ass! If you're smart you wouldn't go around taking people land!!

Go eat more dog shit you motherfucker!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes you people smart in sex and kiss ass to the power country with out Soviet and China helping. You dead meat a long time ago assholes.

Anonymous said...

LONG LIVE VEIT NAM.. You all should wishes that you never born and if you born next born as vietnamese so you be smarter...

Hun sen and CPP doing a good job for US... the master.. and Phay siphan providing a good lip services and SOK Siphana and Sarin Donora are working hard to manipulate all the foerigners there for us.. the rest of our vietnamese brother and sisters are all in every officials position in the cambodian government.

Long live Viet Nam

soon we will take thailand too

You all khmer wishes you never born.. next time make sure you born as a vietnamses maybe you a little smarter


Anonymous said...

we smart we take your khmer land, your women and every thing that you have even your soul... ONLY you and your stupid leaders that can not even do anything about it but to beg us to keep them in power.. OK.. we do it as long they will be our slave... not just you we take Laos and soon will be thailand...

thailand even more easy.. because there more gay and les.. so they busy make love and war with us..


Anonymous said...

yes you are right bothers and sister.. we are just like USA we go anywhere and make our power and protect our peoples LONG LIVE VEIT NAM.. unlike useless khmer they can not even protect their our family .... becuase why we controles all of them.. Good work HUN SEN and CPP..

Anonymous said...

Dog eater......We khmer will beat your ass back to shithole VC. Your stupid vc-war killed 12 million of you own Youn

Anonymous said...

Wait until Khmer United and will see the Youn in Khmer going to run back and get killed by the VC itself....

Anonymous said...

you all useless khmer peoples have no more chance.. we vietnam controle your idiot king... HUN SEN and all the family and CPP.. we have our citizen in every level of your government.. basically we run you whole country for you.. becuase you khmer are useless and stupid and idiot.. if you dont believe ask you parent..

look you country now.. it is the fact you wishes you never born.. next time you better born as vietnamese.. Long live viet nam.. soon we will control even thailand the land of gay and lesbian they dont care they only make love .. so it will be more easy..

we want to thank hun sen and cpp ... personal that to phay siphan for his lip services and sok siphana the brother inlaw to the rapist young girls minister of information and Sarin Denora for their manipulation to all the idiot foreigners in cambodian .. we will reward you and we will keep you in power...

Anonymous said...

Dear 6:46 AM

As a Khmer I can judge that you are an educated man I respect you for your constructive comment.
If Seng Theary want to knows who killed 1.7 million innocent Khmer people she must know
who were Angkar ( in Khmer Rouge regime ) How many of them? Their real background,
who they are:
Does Seng Theary knows that Heng Samrin, Chea Sim were Khmer Viet Minh, before
they became Khmer Rouge?
Does Seng Theary Khnow that during Pol Pot Years ( 1975-1979 ) Who was Angkar or Angkar
Leu : Pol Pot, Nuoun Chea , Ieng Sary , Son Sen, if so she missing other killers So Pem,
Keo Meas were Angkar between ( 1975-1979 ). They both were Khmer Viet Minh as well.
So Pem was former boss ( military commander ) of Chea Sim , Heng Samrin, Hun Sen.
In Khmer Rouge regime So Pem hold 2 positions 1 ( 1 of Angkar ) 2 Commander of regional
Bo Pear. But So Pem was not lucky as Hun Sen, Chea Sim, Heng Samrim on his way to Vietnam
in 1978, he was surrounded by solders royal to Pol Pot in the jungle in Bo Pear with his last
bodyguard and he shot his last body guard and then he shot himself in 1978.
Let me have some comment about Seng Theary:
But before that let me make a few things clear, I support Khmer women to be part of politics.
But the way Seng Theary has been doing has not been useful for the nation.
She does not know what is useful for Khmer nation and what is not.
She try to put her personel matter before Khmer matter ( sort of showing off )
If she know real Khmer history. If she open her eyes wider she can she most Khmer people
suffering from Hun Sen court system, innocent Khmer people being killed everyday policians,
If she know real khmer history she know who killed her parents, who killed 1.7 million Khmer people.
I would strongly recomment that she must read Dr. Peang-Meth's columns. So she know more
about her real history, about Chams’s history , about Kampuchea Krom history.
about Indochina Federation.
Nice to see such good comment.
Long Live the Khmer people.
Long Live Cambodia.

Down late Ho Chi Minh.
Down Yuon and Yuon’s slave Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

Long live Vietname prostitute! Boom Boom sucky sucky 5 Dong dollaarr!

Anonymous said...

Long live Vietname prostitute! Boom Boom sucky sucky 5 Dong dollaarr!

Anonymous said...

LONG LIVE VEIT NAM.. You all should wishes that you never born and if you born next born as vietnamese so you be smarter...

Hun sen and CPP doing a good job for US... the master.. and Phay siphan providing a good lip services and SOK Siphana and Sarin Donora are working hard to manipulate all the foerigners there for us.. the rest of our vietnamese brother and sisters are all in every officials position in the cambodian government.

Long live Viet Nam

soon we will take thailand too

You all khmer wishes you never born.. next time make sure you born as a vietnamses maybe you a little smarter

you all useless khmer peoples have no more chance.. we vietnam controle your idiot king... HUN SEN and all the family and CPP.. we have our citizen in every level of your government.. basically we run you whole country for you.. becuase you khmer are useless and stupid and idiot.. if you dont believe ask you parent..

look you country now.. it is the fact you wishes you never born.. next time you better born as vietnamese.. Long live viet nam.. soon we will control even thailand the land of gay and lesbian they dont care they only make love .. so it will be more easy..

we want to thank hun sen and cpp ... personal that to phay siphan for his lip services and sok siphana the brother inlaw to the rapist young girls minister of information and Sarin Denora for their manipulation to all the idiot foreigners in cambodian .. we will reward you and we will keep you in power...

Viet Nam .... (pro democracy) ... USA said...

We will form globalization plan from all affected countries: Lao, Cambodia, and Myanmar, etc....to bring Viet Nam to world criminal court for being corrupted world peace.

Viet Nam is savages must not allow to live in this earth. Viet Nam free their own innocent people first before they can come to help others....

Viet Nam is namely " Earth Devils" and must be condemn by world nations.

Viet Nam is leaders are made out of Ho Chi Minh ill back ward policy.

Viet Nam .... (pro democracy) ... USA

Anonymous said...

Vietnam will become a Chinese province soon.

China is getting ready quietly to take over. Viet is nervous so Viet is turning to former enemy, USA for help.

Vietnamese fishermen are detained by Chinese boat patrol. Vietnam can do nothing to help their fishermen.

Anonymous said...

Long live Vietnam may not live that much longer.

China is will swallow Viet up sometime this century.

Viet should be nervous to big neighbor to the north.

Anonymous said...

Chinese generally cannot stand Viet.

Nervous Hanoi is buying more submarines to beef up defense.

All China has to do is fart, the Hanao's defense will crumble.

Soviet cannot save Viet next time.

Ho Chi Min is no longer around to help lead.

Viet is in trouble

Anonymous said...

Next time China decides to teach Vietnam a lesson China will cut off the Viet head in Hanoi.

After that Viet crabs will crawl into the ocean again.

Viet will long live in the Ocean.

Anonymous said...

During the Vietnam War, the Vietnamese casualties were over 1 million.

When China decide to invade Viet again, casualties will triple.

Yes long live Viet will only survive in dirt holes.

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