Sunday, October 03, 2010

Politiktoons No. 122: Palestine-Israel

Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at


Anonymous said...

Ask those Cambodians for their name and let them speak Khmer...listen to their accent, tone etc...and see for yourselves if they are Khmer or Viet protitutes in excess that were dumped in to Cambodia...Enough said?

Anonymous said...

ooops wrong article to comment on. Sorry!

KhmerIsrael said...

What Peace? There is no peace to the wicked. Palestinians sacrifice their children to Moleck god. They will be destroy by Israel.

KhmerIsrael said...

If anyone dear to look beyond the condemnation of UN on Israel should look at this documentary video.

After you watch this video you can decide who side God is on. How can 1 chase a 1000 and 2 10,000 unless God is on their side. If you ever doubted the supernatural you will see on this video. Because the God of Israel behind it all.

Anonymous said...

Many thanks to 6:30 AM of inf.
It's good to learn the history and God.
Every God had created Love & Peace for Mankind to live together but some of us have been used Gods as the tools for our desire & power.
Like or not Palestine & Israel have to have live together.
It's not the issue of right or wrong,strong & weak ....Would the both sides have to be killed until the end of the world ?

KhmerIsrael said...

7:32 AM,
it is an issue of right and wrong!
Why don't you view the documentary video.
.Palestinian children are taught to hate Jews.
.Saudi king paid the parents of suicide bombers to blow up buses.
.Palestinian fighters us children as shield when they engage with Israeli soldiers in fighting

How many Israeli children were sent into Gaza Strip to blow themselves up?

Has Israel threaten to destroy her many enemies surrounding her? Only if they try to destroy her will she retaliate.

Beside, I'm into bible prophecy and I view the Middle East as been written before it came to pass.
Israel shows herself great restrain in dealing with her enemies. But there will come a time when she has to annihilate her foes to find her own security.

Anonymous said...

The Hatred & Anger do not solve anything but will bring more sufferings to both sides,the small people only.
I do not see any Winner in this struggling.