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Small group of fed up women confront the regime's repression apparatus
Cambodian riot police disperse Boeung Kak Lake's villagers during a protest against local real estate developer Shukaku Inc. over unfair compensation, near Prime Minister Hun Sen's house in Phnom Penh October 1, 2010. Thousands of families living near the lake, which is currently half-filled with sand, are facing eviction after the government in 2007 awarded the land to a local real estate developer Shukaku Inc for private developments. Residents are demanding between $15,000 to $20,000 in compensation to move out but the government would only agree to around $8500 per family. The firm has been filling in the lake with sand causing frequent floods at the residents' homes, which prompted many protests over the years. REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea
Villagers from Boeung Kak Lake cry in front of Cambodian riot police during a protest against local real estate developer Shukaku Inc. over unfair compensation, near Prime Minister Hun Sen's house in Phnom Penh October 1, 2010. Thousands of families living near the lake, which is currently half-filled with sand, are facing eviction after the government in 2007 awarded the land to a local real estate developer Shukaku Inc for private developments. Residents are demanding between $15,000 to $20,000 in compensation to move out but the government would only agree to around $8500 per family. The firm has been filling in the lake with sand causing frequent floods at the residents' homes, which prompted many protests over the years. REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea
Villagers from Boeung Kak Lake help a woman (C) after she fainted during a protest against local real estate developer Shukaku Inc. over unfair compensation, near Prime Minister Hun Sen's house in Phnom Penh October 1, 2010. Thousands of families living near the lake, which is currently half-filled with sand, are facing eviction after the government in 2007 awarded the land to a local real estate developer Shukaku Inc for private developments. Residents are demanding between $15,000 to $20,000 in compensation to move out but the government would only agree to around $8500 per family. The firm has been filling in the lake with sand causing frequent floods at the residents' homes, which prompted many protests over the years. REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea
Villagers from Boeung Kak Lake help a woman (C) who fainted during a protest against local real estate developer Shukaku Inc. over unfair compensation, near Prime Minister Hun Sen's house in Phnom Penh October 1, 2010. Thousands of families living near the lake, which is currently half-filled with sand, are facing eviction after the government in 2007 awarded the land to a local real estate developer Shukaku Inc for private developments. Residents are demanding between $15,000 to $20,000 in compensation to move out but the government would only agree to around $8500 per family. The firm has been filling in the lake with sand causing frequent floods at the residents' homes, which prompted many protests over the years. REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea
People walk as Cambodian riot police try to disperse them during a protest against local real estate developer Shukaku Inc. over unfair compensation, near Prime Minister Hun Sen's house in Phnom Penh October 1, 2010. Thousands of families living near Boeung Kak Lake lake, which is currently half-filled with sand, are facing eviction after the government in 2007 awarded the land to a local real estate developer Shukaku Inc for private developments. Residents are demanding between $15,000 to $20,000 in compensation to move out but the government would only agree to around $8500 per family. The firm has been filling in the lake with sand causing frequent floods at the residents' homes, which prompted many protests over the years. REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea
People stand in front of Cambodian riot police as they protest against local real estate developer Shukaku Inc. over unfair compensation, near Prime Minister Hun Sen's house in Phnom Penh October 1, 2010. Thousands of families living near Boeung Kak Lake lake, which is currently half-filled with sand, are facing eviction after the government in 2007 awarded the land to a local real estate developer Shukaku Inc for private developments. Residents are demanding between $15,000 to $20,000 in compensation to move out but the government would only agree to around $8500 per family. The firm has been filling in the lake with sand causing frequent floods at the residents' homes, which prompted many protests over the years. REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea
A woman shouts at Cambodian riot police during a protest against local real estate developer Shukaku Inc. over unfair compensation, near Prime Minister Hun Sen's house in Phnom Penh October 1, 2010. Thousands of families living near Boeung Kak lake, which is currently half-filled with sand, are facing eviction after the government in 2007 awarded the land to a local real estate developer Shukaku Inc for private developments. Residents are demanding between $15,000 to $20,000 in compensation to move out but the government would only agree to around $8500 per family. The firm has been filling in the lake with sand causing frequent floods at the residents' homes, which prompted many protests over the years. REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea
People protest against local real estate developer Shukaku Inc. over unfair compensation, as they stand next to Cambodian riot police near Prime Minister Hun Sen's house in Phnom Penh October 1, 2010. Thousands of families living near Boeung Kak lake, which is currently half-filled with sand, are facing eviction after the government in 2007 awarded the land to a local real estate developer Shukaku Inc for private developments. Residents are demanding between $15,000 to $20,000 in compensation to move out but the government would only agree to around $8500 per family. The firm has been filling in the lake with sand causing frequent floods at the residents' homes, which prompted many protests over the years. REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea
Develop on the blood of the people.should also write in the history book.
Hey don't be too greedy, 8.5K usd is a lot of money in Cambodia. Beside these resident don't even have land ownership documents. They just come and live in the lake illegally.
Don't be stupid 4:18 PM
They have been there legally and they have the ownership pater but the compansation doesn't fit the reality . The value of your house is $15.000 to $20.000 but they give you $8.000 ,will you accept it ?
4:18 PM
These people are living ON the lake, asshole--not IN the lake, asshole.
Hun Sen
The Bible the Gospel of Matthew 25:31-44
When the Son of man comes as King and all the angels with Him, he will sit on the royal throne, and the people of all the nations will be gathered before Him. Then He will divide them into two groups, just as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the righteous people on His right and the others on His left. Then the King will say to the people on His right, "Come, you that are blessed by my Father! Come and possess the kingdom which has been prepared for you ever since the creation of the world. I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me a drink; I was a stranger and you received me in your homes, naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you took care of me, in prison and you visit me".
The righteous will then answer Him, "When Lord, did we ever see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and gave you a drink? When did we ever see you as stranger and welcome you in our homes, or naked and clothed you? When did we ever see you sick or in prison, and visit you?" The King will reply, "I tell you, whenever you did this for one of the least important of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it for me!"
Then He will say to those on His left, "Away from me, you are that under God's curse! Away to the eternal fire which has been prepared for the Devil and his angels! I was hungry but you would not feed me, thirsty but you would not give me a drink; I was a stranger and you would not welcome me in your homes, naked but you would not clothe me; I was sick and in prison but you would not take care of me."
Then they will answer Him, "When, Lord, did we ever see you hungry or thirsty or stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and would not help you?" The King will reply, "I tell you, whenever you refuse to help one of these least important ones, you refused to help me." These then will be sent off to eternal punishment, but the righteous will go to eternal life in God's kingdom."
To Hun Manet
I heard that you have become a christian.
Please read the Bible text above and practice
as you have believed.
Only God can provide perfect justice. Human government always fall short, whether it is monarchist, republic, democracy or dictator, it doesn't matter much, we always be selfish creature.
Many of these people don't even live on a lake. They live near a lake, but water spill over their residents.
Ah Kwack! dek-lop-men!
Please do not preach god here because he does not exist. Until proven other wise for now it's just a very good written fairy tale by humans not god dropping your bible on your head.
Just remember your god is not almighty because ne cannot stop the hate in the world and don't try to justify why because that is all you believers do.
So you get shot by a riot police and the team of doctors saved your life but instead of thanking the doctors who so tirelessly save your life, you thank god because he has a plan for you. And for the ones that don't make well god got a plan for you too. It's almost saying the dead has gone to a better place but in reality it's just easier to put it that way because I help the grieving.
Poor women! I feel pity for them. They tried everything, including wearing the CPP logo baseball cap and still couldn't get any help.
9"49 PM!you short sighted or you alost and eye communist motherfucker! With out god countries you motherfuckers would stave to death! like your motherfuckers Soviet and China!!!
What are those stupid people complaints about? Who fault is it? They support dictator regim, they must live with dictator. That is not the first time they come here to complaints, they should know that they struggle to live under this dictator regime almost 30 years, but they never learn their lesson. So their life will end up like as this pictur show above. If they want to improve their living standard, they must kick out this dictator regime!
See! How CPP used the people and even these women wearing CPP cap bearing logo of CPP didn't help them. Wow! CPP really deceiving the people. I want to see the next election.
Khmer PP,
They got what they voted for.
Dam Khmer people, I told you dont bring stick to a gun fight. Get a empty glass bottle and filled with gasoline add cloth and then throw it a the police....that will do it.. shit tires of this. Cambodian is too weak that why the government dont changes. even the VC live better in Cambodian then real Khmer.
That what they fucking deserves 4 go head keeps voting for the communist regimes and also slave to the fucking enemies of us too.
Why they are so bad against those victims ?
If they are good, they must build houses, for the victims, on the location where the victims were.
Because they will make money 1000 times on this location.
Do any of those CPP officials - including Sen, Sim, and Samrin - hold any legal documents for the numerous properties and estates they currently own except those papers issued by their own controlled authorities?
If all historical data had been destroyed by the Pol Pot regime, who is to say what is state property and what is not, what's legal tenure and what's illegal one?
It's apparent most of these poor folk are living where they are not out of choice, but rather out of necessity and desperation. Most of them have left behind their farms or villages in search of jobs and security of some sort in the towns or places within their proximity.
And the main reason why they left their villages in the first place is partly to do with the State's lack of interest in, or failure to device coherent rural development strategies for the provinces.
We learned not long ago that it took the PM's intervention to get a road in the middle of Siem Reap city paved. Until then the road itself had served as a popular chatting topic among tourists on their way to the hotel!
Now is this really down to lack of funding as the Royal Government tirelessly moan, or is it because local officials are far more preoccupied with lining their private pockets than giving thought to the importance of gearing up and beautifying the most important tourist destination in the country?
Why is it that the tycoons always find the finance to build their luxury casinos, but not other more wholesome public amenities? I understand further that many of these tycoons are Cambodians, in which case, how have they acquired and amassed their fortunes and capital in the first place? And are they not the same people now ejecting these poor folk off their shanty towns?
Enough is enough!
Power to the People!!!
School of Vice
Hey you fucking Viet slave @2:28AM,
If you want to be Viet's slave for life, go ahead - it is your right, your freedom of choice, but do not drag the Cambodian people along with you or you will be eliminated from the face of this green planet earth. This is not a warning nor is it a threat but rather a promise to you!
[Connard, l’esclave des Viêts à 2:28AM,
Si tu veux être l'esclave des Viêts à vie, vas-y: c'est ton droit, ta liberté de choix, mais ne pas essayer de prendre le peuple cambodgien libre avec toi ou tu seras éliminé de cette verte planète. Ce n'est pas un avertissement ni une menace mais plutôt une promesse sûre!]
ហេ អា/មី ងាប់ផុតពូជ ២:២៨AM
បើ អា/មី ងាប់ផុតពូជឯងចង់ធ្វើខ្ញុំកញ្ជះយួនអស់
មួយជីវិតនោះ ក៏ធ្វើទៅ តែកុំមកបញ្ចុះបញ្ចូលនាំខ្មែរ
អ្នកជា ផ្សេងៗទៀតទៅជាមួយអា/មី ងាប់ផុតពូជ
ឯងអោយសោះ ពុំនោះសោតទេ អា/មី ងាប់ផុត
បន្លាចនោះទេ តែវាជាពាក្យ សន្យាដ៏ពិតប្រាកដតែ
អញឪ អា ហ៊ុន សែន!
Chinese never cared if Khmers killed Khmers nor if any other race killed eachother, as long as they can install their puppet ruling party, for they are the instigators of the genocide!!
Here are reasons why Chinese in Cambodia couldn't have settled in Cambodia prior to the "Angkor Khmer Empire Era"
China was once conquered by Genghis Khan of the Mongol Empire 1206-1227. Then on the other hand, there was never any evidence of Genghis Khan and the Mongol Army ever invading the Khmer Empire. So if China was taken over by the Mongols during that time, what would Chinese be doing in Cambodia during the Khmer Empire?? King Jayavaraman VII reigned during the years 1181-1215, and Genghis Khan reigned during the years 1206-1227. Therfore, how is it possible for the Chinese to migrate to Cambodia, unless a later King granted the Chinese to seek refuge in the Khmer Empire to escape the Mongols. The Chinese is more of a minority in every country it migrates to except in their own country. This explains why there are Chinese ethnic minorities in the Phillipines, Malaysia, Nepal, Myanmar, Indonesia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, in many other parts of the world and so on trying to spread their influence with their Chinese sword fighting movies and changing other countries history. Everywhere their people migrate to, they tend to think their ancestors been there since the countries ancient days especially if the country had an ancient glorious history. When in fact they had their own ancient turmoil with the mongols.
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