Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Thai prime minister accused of war crimes

Abhisit Vejjajiva (R) with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in Bangkok today
Abhisit Vejjajiva, the Old Etonian prime minister of Thailand, was accused of crimes against humanity during military operations to break up the Bangkok riots earlier this year in a complaint lodged on Tuesday at the International Criminal Court (ICC).

26 Oct 2010
By Damien McElroy, Foreign Affairs Correspondent
The Telegraph (UK)

Mr Abhisit, who is expected to host David Cameron during the UK prime minister's holiday in Thailand at Christmas, was accused of ordering a military operation against Red Shirt demonstrators that left 90 dead and more than 1,800 injured.

The embattled Thai leader was one of 15 senior figures, mostly from the military, said to be responsible for targeted assassinations, torture, illegal detention and inhumane acts by military forces by the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship.

Supporters of Thaksin Shinawatra, the ex-prime minister deposed in 2006, blockaded the centre of Bangkok in an attempt to force Mr Abhisit's government – which was installed under heavy military and royalist pressure on MPs – to resign. After weeks of turmoil, the army moved in to clear the streets of protesters. Parts of Bangkok were declared a "live fire zone".

The opposition report said activists had documented the execution of a number of people by army snipers. Among the victims were Major-General Khattiya Sawasdipol, known as Seh Daeng, or "Commander Red", three nurses working in a temple and Fabio Polenghi, an Italian photographer.

Under ICC rules, the chief prosecutor has eight weeks to examine the petition before deciding on whether or not to bring charges. Mr Abhisit is also facing a court verdict that could see his Democrat Party dissolved, a development that would also trigger his resignation.


Anonymous said...

Abhishit vejjajiva should step down, because he use force to kill his own people inorder to stay in power...

Anonymous said...

I really admire people in Yala they have guts to fight every day...not like Red Shirts?

Anonymous said...

It is about time for the international community step in to help the poor red shirt in Thailand.
What do the US and UK think about it ????? Is it a humand right issue ????
Or as long as you can provide the young virgin girls for the UK prime minister during Christmas Holiday, you are OK to do whatever you wanted !!!!!!!!
I wonder if Hillary Clinton issues any statement reguarding to this issue !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Red Shirts are Communist Thai Dengs,they are support by Taksin,and some countries around Thailand,specially Vietnam govt,and ah Hun Xen Yuon slave;and also Hun Sen is close friend to Taksin.Now Vietnam and Cambodia are training Red Shirts in Siem Reap.Abhisit is lucky;Vietnam almost take over Thai,Taksin will become a dictator in Thailand.One day Hun Xen will fail of power because the power Khmer movement will catch alive and his head down.Viva Khmer movement! Down hell ah Hun Xen and his clans!

Anonymous said...

How about Hun Sen who behind the grenades killing on peaceful demonstration in 1997 and K5 plan?
Several thousands khmers were kill under his rule. He must be brought to stand trial with ICC the same as Abhisit

Anonymous said...

LONG LIVE VEIT NAM.. You all should wishes that you never born and if you born next born as vietnamese so you be smarter...

Hun sen and CPP doing a good job for US... the master.. and Phay siphan providing a good lip services and SOK Siphana and Sarin Donora are working hard to manipulate all the foerigners there for us.. the rest of our vietnamese brother and sisters are all in every officials position in the cambodian government.

Long live Viet Nam

soon we will take thailand too

You all khmer wishes you never born.. next time make sure you born as a vietnamses maybe you a little smarter

you all useless khmer peoples have no more chance.. we vietnam controle your idiot king... HUN SEN and all the family and CPP.. we have our citizen in every level of your government.. basically we run you whole country for you.. becuase you khmer are useless and stupid and idiot.. if you dont believe ask you parent..

look you country now.. it is the fact you wishes you never born.. next time you better born as vietnamese.. Long live viet nam.. soon we will control even thailand the land of gay and lesbian they dont care they only make love .. so it will be more easy..

we want to thank hun sen and cpp ... personal that to phay siphan for his lip services and sok siphana the brother inlaw to the rapist young girls minister of information and Sarin Denora for their manipulation to all the idiot foreigners in cambodian .. we will reward you and we will keep you in power...

Anonymous said...


Shut your dirty mouth. I shall shoot you at your dummy head. Ah Youn Vietcong invaded Cambodia to pretext that they help deliberate Khmer from Khmer Rouge. In reality they planned for a long time since Ah Ho Chi Minh era to conquer Khmer and Lao land.

I agreed Khmer leaders are dumb ass, but Khmer people are not dumb. We shall kill all those bastard Hun Sen and his followers.

Why ICC are quick to put Abhesit on trial where Ah Hun Sen commits 100 folds than Ah Abhesit? Ah Kwak should be jailed first.

Anonymous said...

ហ៊ុនសែនក៏សម្លាប់មនុស្សអស់ច្រើនដែរ​ កាលពី

Anonymous said...

Same for HunXen, when he order grenade attacked up puplic demonstration in 1997.

He should be facing a war crime charges also.

Anonymous said...

every thing you said are right we even plane to take over thailand also.. now you see the process.. Good work HUN SEN.. and CPP.. even thaksin is beg us to help him in power in thailand also...

LONG LIVE VEIT NAM.. to late for god to help you and you should wishes you never born .. if born you should born as vietnamese..

face what ever at the end we controled all of even your soul..

Anonymous said...

Fuck you 12:06Pm
you are just a freak born from a viet whore .. you should crawl back to that whore's womb...cuz, you are so retarded as being a human..

Anonymous said...

Ah chhkae yuon hun xen ban chak ruk lok ban kimoon aoy do lok christophe peschoux chenh pi srok khmer, boe min do vea bet angka sit monus sahak prochea cheat nov Kampuchea.

Yuon doggy hun xen convinced Ban Kimoon to change Christophe Peschoux from his position in Cambodia, otherwise he will close the UN Human Rights in Cambodia.