Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Who has the best N-Reactor for Cambodia: India, China, North Korea or Iran?

India May Export N-Reactors to Thai, Cambodia, vietnam

Oct 06, 2010

The Nuclear Power Development Corporation of India is in talks with some countries of the Asia-Pacific region for the sale of its mainstay 220 MWe and 540 MWe reactors, its chairman S K Jain said today.

"We are having detailed discussions (about sale of the reactors) with Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam," Jain told newsmen on the sidelines of a technical session at Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre auditorium here.

NPCIL, which has two models of Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor (PWHR) on sale, has signed an MOU with a company in Kazakhstan on the export of the reactors and it was in its "final phase", Jain said.

India had moved a resolution in 2007 at the IAEA General Conference of Member States in Vienna to enable export of small reactors.

The country had been targeting exports of indigenous PHWRs to developing nations that wanted nuclear power, but were constrained by small grids.

The 220 MWe reactors, according to sources, were particularly useful for countries with small grids and it involved relatively low investments.

Major developers of nuclear reactors in the European Union and North America have moved on to reactor size of 700 MWe or 1,000 MWe and above.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I trust none of them.

Anonymous said...

If I have no choice, China is less bad.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen will love to have his hands on these, he will secretely build and bomb the neighbor to coll his temper down...