Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ah Thab Kantuy Khvien Chhker Kh-nhom (Ah Thab, my dog with a curly tail): A Poem in Khmer by Anonymous


Anonymous said...

សុជីវំ អហិរិកេន កាកសូរេន ធំសនា
បក្ខន្ទិនា បគព្ភេន សង្កិលិដ្ឋេន ជីវិតំ
អៀនខ្មាស)​ ក្លាហានដូចក្អែក មានប្រក្រតីកំចាត់បង់គុណអ្នកដទៃ
អួតឫកពា សៅហ្មងហើយរស់នៅ
យ៉ាងស្រួល​ ។
ហិរិមតា ច ទុជ្ជីវំ និច្ចំ សុចិគវេសិនា
អលីនេនាបគព្ភេន សុទ្ធាជីវេន បស្សតា ចំណែកអ្នកដែលមានហិរិ មាន
ជានិច្ចមិនរួញរា មិនមែនជាអ្នក
ក្រអឺតក្រទម វាយឫកមានជីវិត
រស់នៅបរិសុទ្ធ យល់ឃើញ
រស់នៅយ៉ាងលំបាក ។

Anonymous said...

Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama announced Wednesday his decision to resign, making him the fourth Japanese prime minister to step down in four years.

When is incompetitive HUN SEN going to resign??

Please step out let someone to take lead!

Kulen Monorom said...

Your Royal Highness Samdech Ta,

Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen,

Thank you for your both kindness and understanding.

What we need is prevention method, not to let this type of accident happen again in future.

It also make me very worry to see so much alcohol allowed to enter or produced in our beloved Kingdom of Cambodia? What about “ YA BA “ from Thailand? Can Samdech Ta and Samdech Hun Sen stop all sort of drugs coming to Cambodia? The accident may not related to drugs and alcohol but just some thing that I could not sleep peacefully from now to the future in the name sake of Khmer citizen.

May almighty God Jesus Christ accept all the victim souls into heaven too.

My condolences to all the victim's family.


Kulen Monorom
(The rice farmer's son)

Anonymous said...

អាឆ្កែក្ទុយខ្វែននេះទុកវាមួយរយះសឹន ចាំរួចរវល់ធំនេះសឹនចាំយើងយឹតវា។