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Leaflet distributed in Poi pet? |
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The Banana Kingdom: Where the Strongman learns from his 800-lb mentor |
No Punishment for Diamond Bridge 'Accident': Hun Sen
Phnom Penh Monday, 29 November 2010
Chun Sakada, VOA Khmer
“I would like to inform our countrymen that nobody must receive punishment in an accident.”
Prime Minister Hun Sen said Monday that no officials will be punished for the Diamond Bridge stampede, which the government now says killed 351 people last week.
“This was a joint mistake that nobody expected,” Hun Sen said in a public speech at the inauguration of a government building. “I would like to inform our countrymen that nobody must receive punishment in an accident.”
A government investigative committee issued it final decision on Monday, claiming the incident was caused by panic when festival-goers thought the swaying suspension bridge would collapse. No authorities have been singled out for the incident.
The stampede was one of the worst disasters in Cambodia in decades, leaving the country shocked in the aftermath of the Water Festival tragedy. Monday marked the seven-day funeral ceremonies for the 351 casualties, a figure revised upward Monday from 345.
On Monday, Hun Sen said the government's “biggest mistake was not completely assessing all sides” of the festival situation. “It was not expected [and it was] carelessness.”
However, Yim Sovann, a spokesman for the opposition Sam Rainsy Party, said carelessness was not an excuse to leave the incident unpunished.
“If there is carelessness, or an inability of the men in charge of the National Festival Committee, they must resign from their posts to increase the confidence of the people in national institutions,” he said. “If they do not do so, the souls of the dead cannot rest in peace.”
Hun Sen on Monday also denied accusations of a leaflet circulating in Poipet, on the Thai border, that said the government had intentionally allowed the bridge incident.
Meanwhile, he said, hospitals were continuing to treat some of the 395 injured. For those with serious injuries, the government will pay for transport and treatment in hospitals in Vietnam, he said.
“This is our responsibility to the victims,” he said.
Concernat ce génocide II:
- Comme Usal, il faut "identifier et de préserver la place intacte» - sous la supervision d'un procureur ou son substitut - il ne touche plus les morts, sans l'autorisation du procureur. Pas même par la police ou PM.
- Pas de police de plus en PM (ou toute autre personne) à l'intérieur de l'enceinte entourée d'une ceinture ou une corde pour faire la recherche ou de preuves, les tâches, fils électriques endommagés ... habillements humide, des gouttes de jet d'eau pulvérisée par des policiers qui doivent être soumis à des entretiens approfondis (son ou geste): analyse technique et de numérisation / photos
Cela peut prendre plusieurs jours avant de "résultat ou DECISION".
Même en analysant toutes les thèses à Phnom Penh (si le laboratoire que l'éthique fiable et professionnel). Singapour serait heureux de le faire "gratuitement" dans la recherche de la vérité.
- Mais non Procureur ou Procureur adjoint de décider de façon indépendante (si la justice dans ce pays est toujours indépendant) avant de faire procéder plainte «contre X».
- Vous ne pouvez pas déplacer les corps de personnes tuées après l'autorisation du procureur ou son substitut. Et pour incinérer.
- Le tribunal fournir des dossiers et entretien avec la personne ou groupe de personnes «réputées» suspectes. Ou même les policiers qui ont reçu l'ordre ou non à l'eau de pulvérisation. L'Etat victime de répondre aux questionnaires de la Cour de 1 à 1000 ou plus en fonction du nombre enregistré.
- Il est plus à déterminer les peines endurées vient: ce n'est pas seulement pleurer et à une carrière de mode et de manière cohérente ou écrire ls condoléances. car l'heure est à ce stade des enquêtes approfondies pour trouver la vérité sur l'affaire.
Cependant, les grandes valeurs de respect des droits de l'homme sont donc «rabaissés» raisons faux prétexte de nombreux inhiber la vérité à la lumière, au nom de l'immunité, un de plus pour la société khmère permanente imposée.
Les pauvres dans un système indigne de sa race!
It's a shame to persist this rudeness. The next TKR which will start following the same immunity as "Biggest Mistake Was Not Completely Assessing all sides" Of The festival situation. "It was not [...] Expected carelessness."(HUNSEN said).
Dear patriots, you're all good to die or become Kanh Cheass Youn. Choose therefore: "Passive or Reactiv".
I will be told that I am in politics. We're playing vietnamese game, Dear Ministers ... Vetnam!!§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§
Hun Sen has more Crimes than any other in Cambodia.
His Crimes Such as :
1)- Brought Yuon to Invade Cambodia.
2)- Created K-5 plan.
3)- Bombast in front of the old ASS.
4)- Coup D'etat 1997
5)- Koh Pich Murder
All these crimes are enough evidences for International Prosecution.
I ask all khmer to file International lawsuit against Hun Sen for his "Axis of Evil" on Khmer People. And make The CASE "OO4" for KRT. backed by United Nation.
បងប្អូន ប្រុសស្រីជាទីស្រឡាញ់ ,
កូនយួន ៧៩ធំអស់ហើយ !
ឯយួនក៏ចូលមកកាន់តែច្រើនឡើងៗ គ្មានទីបញ្ចប់ឡើយ
ដោយមានឥទ្ធិពល :
បក្ខពួក គណៈបក្សប្រជាជន ជាក្រុមភាវកម្ម នឹង ជាបិសាចប្រែរូប ដែលមានទាហាន យួនយៀកកុង ជាងមួយរយពាន់(១០០.០០០)នាក់បង្កប់នៅពីក្រោយខ្នង រាយគ្រប់ក្រសួង, រដ្ឋបាល សំរាប់ ធ្វើកុប្បកម្ម , វិច្ឆេទកម្ម ដើម្បី ប្ដឹង ចោទប្រកាន់ ពីបទឧក្រិដ្ឋនានា
ឬ បាញ់សម្លាប់បំបិទមាត់ខ្មែរអ្នកស្នេហាជាតិ, ខ្មែរអ្នក
ជាតិនិយមនានា ឬ ចាប់ដាក់គុក បំបាក់ស្មារតី់ ឱ្យខ្លាចបាក់ស្បាត លែងហ៊ាន ប្រយុទ្ធ ប្រឆាំងដើម្បីសេរីភាព បូរណភាពទឹកដី !
គណបក្សប្រជាជនកម្ពុជា គឺជា : បក្សកុម្មុយនិស្តក្រុមហាណូយ ជាបិសាចប្រែរូប ជញ្ជក់ឈាមខ្មែរ បំផ្លិចបំផ្លាញពូជសាសន៍ខ្មែរ ឱ្យរលាយ រលត់ដូចប្រទេសចំប៉ា!
បើខ្មែរមិននាំគ្នារើបំរះទេ ខ្មែររងចាំតែថ្ងៃងាប់ប៉ុណ្ណោះ….!។
9:38 am ហ៊ានស្លាប់ដើម្បីរស់ ....
Good work hun sen and cpp.. and thank you for SOK SIPHANA, SARIN DENORA and PHAY Siphan for your lip services to support your master in Hanoi
AND KOS PICH Own by HUN SEN and Family under the name Canadia Bank Mr. SEA
Just like TELA GAS Station all over Cambodia which own by BUN RANY HUN SEN under different name.
87 of our vietnamese brothers and sisters die there but the cambodia government did not report this... but are understand to do what it take for US to control this sutpid country call CAMBODIA
Good work hun sen and cpp.. and thank you for SOK SIPHANA, SARIN DENORA and PHAY Siphan for your lip services to support your master in Hanoi
AND KOS PICH Own by HUN SEN and Family under the name Canadia Bank Mr. SEA
Just like TELA GAS Station all over Cambodia which own by BUN RANY HUN SEN under different name.
87 of our vietnamese brothers and sisters die there but the cambodia government did not report this... but are understand to do what it take for US to control this sutpid country call CAMBODIA
Good work hun sen and cpp.. and thank you for SOK SIPHANA, SARIN DENORA and PHAY Siphan for your lip services to support your master in Hanoi
AND KOS PICH Own by HUN SEN and Family under the name Canadia Bank Mr. SEA
Just like TELA GAS Station all over Cambodia which own by BUN RANY HUN SEN under different name.
87 of our vietnamese brothers and sisters die there but the cambodia government did not report this... but are understand to do what it take for US to control this sutpid country call CAMBODIA
អាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួនបីក្បាល ហ៊ុន សែន, ហេងសំ រិន, ជាស៊ីម
បើគ្មានសមត្តភាពទេ ល្មមចុះចេញពីតំណែងទៅ ទុកឱ្យ លោកសម រង្ស៊ី
នឹង លោកកឹមសុខា ធ្វើវិញម្ដង។
Whoever wrote the leaflet is an idiot and blinded by hatred.
It seems KI modia is becoming a place that gathering idiots and fools who has nothing good to say but hatred, anger, and bitterness.
Transated by "G" for 9:22AM
Concernat this genocide II:
- As Usal, must "identify and preserve intact the place" - under the supervision of a prosecutor or his deputy - he does not touch the dead without the permission of attorney. Not even the police or PM.
- No more police in PM (or anyone) inside the enclosure surrounded by a belt or a rope to do the research or evidence, tasks, son damaged electrical ... clothes wet, drops of water spray by police officers who must undergo extensive interviews (sound or gesture): technical analysis and scanning / photos
This may take several days before "result or DECISION."
While analyzing all theses in Phnom Penh (if the laboratory that reliable and professional ethics). Singapore would be happy to do "for free" in the search for truth.
- But no prosecutor or assistant prosecutor to decide independently (if justice in this country is still independent) before proceeding complaint "against X".
- You can not move the bodies of those killed after the approval of the prosecutor or his substitute. And incinerated.
- The court provide records and interviewing the person or group of persons "deemed" suspicious. Or even the police officers who ordered or not to spray water. The victim state to respond to questionnaires of the Court of 1 to 1000 or more depending on the number registered.
- There is more in sentencing is endured: it's not just cry and a fashion career and consistently or write condolences ls. for the hour is at this stage of thorough investigations to find the truth about the case.
However, large values of respect for human rights are "belittled" false pretext many reasons inhibiting the truth to light, in the name of immunity, one more for Khmer society permanently imposed.
The poor in a system unworthy of his race!
Read phonetically
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មានកោះ មិនធ្វើចំណតរថយន្តឬម៉ូតូឲ្យគេចត។
មនុស្សដើរចូលស្ពានហួសចំណុះប៉ូលីសមិនព្រមឃាត់ ហើយធ្វើមិនដឹង។
មនុស្សកំពង់តែដួលផ្ងារមុខ យកទឹកទៅជះ។
ប៉ូលីសអ្នកជួយមើលឃើញហាក់ដូចជា៤, ១០នាក់ ហើយប៉ូលីសខ្លះឈរធ្វើមិនដឹង។
គេកំពង់តែចលាចលលើស្ពាន ហ៊ុន សែនប្រកាស
រឿងទាំងអស់ខាងលើនេះ គ្មាននរណាម្នាក់ខុសទេ
គឺមកពីអ្នកងាប់ជាន់គ្នាឯងឲ្យងាប់ hun sen Said.
ពេលរាស្រ្តបើកឡានឫម៉ូតូបុកគ្នាងាប់ គឺមកពីពួកវា
បើកបរមិនមើល។Hun Sen said.
ប្រជារាស្ត្រស្លាប់ ព្រោះមេដឹកនាំល្ងង់។
Thanks "G" for the translation - your service is highly regards.
Hun Sen and Gorilla are alike.
KI media and Hun Sen's SHIT are alike.
hello my banana prime minister of kingdom of cambodia. look it is two things that are completely differrent. the plane which flew and crushed america building the reson that W bush did not get out of his power because it was not his fualt and it was not any fault. there was no body knew it happened but here the peole died on koh pich died all these fucking police know and can help but just all you fucking dick and shit did not carefully and did not care of the people. if all you fucking police were there those that people would have been survived. it is true hun sen this is the weakness of your government and your under orders. so the first person who must have been out of the government position is you My Friend ( Ah Sen) then Ah Kepchutima and the commissioner Ah Touch Naroth. you only know how to fight for the protesters and only know how to use the water cannon to poor people so that is why you this water cannon to kill people. it only your learning as police job my shit and dick commisioner. there must have a punishment for this case.
I am sure peolpe got the statement from Hun Sen that speeched on radios and tv. but this is just a fake politician in public. wolf in sheep clothing. it means after the wolf kills a sheep and it can take the sheep skin to make its shirt and one day the wolf walks with sheeps and can kill them.
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