Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cambodia: China's Newest Appendage?

During my stay, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was also present in Phnom Penh. Her visit was not mentioned on local television or in the local newspapers. The Cambodians I spoke with stated that they feel the U.S. has written off Cambodia as an investment target. In particular, they see the close relations of the U.S. with Viet Nam and Thailand as a threat to Cambodia. As a result, Ms. Clinton’s visit was treated as a non-event.

November 15, 2010

Co-bloogger Steve Dickinson just returned from a business trip to Cambodia. As China's costs rise, American and European companies are beginning to turn to Vietnam, and to a lesser extent, Cambodia, and even Laos, for their manufacturing outsourcing. This post focuses on Steve's time in Cambodia, and, specifically on its growing relationship with China.

By Steve Dickinson

I just returned from Cambodia. On this trip, I stayed in Phnom Penh and explored the city carefully for the first time. There are a number of notable changes from the last time I was there, about a year and a half ago:

• The Cambodian government has worked hard to develop the riverfront area. Though the rest of the city remains in a state of remarkable disrepair, the parks and riverfront along the Mekong and Tonle Sap have been entirely modernized. The locals have taken to the modern park-like atmosphere and have made the waterfront a local hang-out, especially on mornings and weekends. This is in marked contrast to the old days, where the riverfront was mostly relegated to tourists.

• Most of the current development seems to be highly dependent on Chinese (Hong Kong/Mainland/Singapore) investment. The visible, modern developments in Phnom Penh all seem to be based on Chinese money. The locals even claim that their new parliament building and prime minister’s office were funded by the Chinese. On a larger scale, the Chinese and Cambodian governments on November 4 announced that China had agreed to invest $USD1.6 billion on infrastructure projects in Cambodia over the next five years.

• Cambodia has become a center for outsourcing of textiles. Conditions in this business seem to have improved. When I was last in Cambodia, five of the textile factories in Phnom Penh were on strike. The strikes were all directed at mainland Chinese employers. This worker unrest seems to have passed and on this visit all the factories were operating at full capacity. Cambodia has a small but skilled workforce, primarily composed of young women from the countryside. The government plan is to move more aggressively into outsource-focused manufacturing. The major limitation is the supply of electricity. During my visit I had talks with several consultants who are working on electricity issues throughout S.E. Asia. The problem for Cambodia is that it has no good locations for hydro-power. The Chinese are rumored to be planning a major power plant project in Cambodia as part of the investment program discussed above. The mystery is what will be used to fuel the proposed power plant. Cambodia has no coal resources, no coal port and no coal transport infrastructure. So the building of a power plant requires consideration of all these infrastructure issues.

• The Cambodians I talked with appear to have accepted that their economy will become dominated by China. If true, this would mean that China has successfully moved to dominate Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar in S.E. Asia. The presence of the Chinese is greeted by the locals with indifference. There is very little evidence of any real interest in Cambodia by any other country, so the impression given by the locals is consistent with the facts on the ground. From the standpoint of the Cambodians, Thailand and Viet Nam are their traditional enemies. Alliance with China is seen as a way to keep those traditional enemies at bay. This is in stark contrast with Viet Nam which is moving closer to the United States, in large part as a counter to China.

• During my stay, Prime Minister Hun Sen announced a plan to close down the United Nations War Crimes Tribunal and terminate trials of the remaining Khmer Rouge. This was a topic of interest in the foreign NGO community. The locals greeted the news with indifference.

• During my stay, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was also present in Phnom Penh. Her visit was not mentioned on local television or in the local newspapers. The Cambodians I spoke with stated that they feel the U.S. has written off Cambodia as an investment target. In particular, they see the close relations of the U.S. with Viet Nam and Thailand as a threat to Cambodia. As a result, Ms. Clinton’s visit was treated as a non-event.

• I took a number of visits into rural villages. In the area around Phnom Penh there is definitely a feeling that more money is moving into the rural economy. The people are starting to paint their houses and they are moving from wood construction to concrete. These are the usual signs of rural wealth. The birthrate in the country side is high, which means there will no doubt be plenty of laborers down the road to work in the textile, shoe and furniture factories being planned for the Phnom Penh area. Let’s hope they get the electricity situation figured out by the time these kids are ready to go to work.

• I visited for the first time the National Museum in Phnom Penh. This museum houses most of the fragile sculpture from the Angkor Wat temple complexes. This museum is one of the best I have been to in Asia and is well worth a visit. It is very laid back, like the rest of Cambodia. The exhibits, however, are world class.

• My overall impression is that Cambodia is not trying to compete with Viet Nam for American business, nor would it be likely to succeed if it did. At this point, most foreign direct investment in Cambodia is coming from China and from overseas Chinese and I do not see that changing in the shot term.

What are you seeing out there?


Anonymous said...

Cambodians, like people the world over, would like to see their country free from any foreign domination. However, if there was no choice but to be strongly influenced by a foreign country, and that country would be either China or Vietnam, the overwhelming majority of Cambodians would prefer China. Vietnam has a long history of encroaching on Cambodia's territory, firstly through wars, then through the help of the French, and lately through the help of their puppet- Hun Sen. Vietnam has never been viewed as a trusted friend, but always as a smiling assassin who will swallow Cambodia whole. And history has backed up this view to be the most accurate one.

There are many Cambodians of Chinese descent in Cambodia and abroad. In virtually all cases, those Cambodians are proud of their Khmer heritage, and have been some of the leading lights in defending Cambodia. This link helps ease the mind of the Cambodians about Chinese influence.

Anonymous said...

LONG LIVE VIET NAM... let our brothers and sisters who hold all level of officials cambodian government position to take full control of this useless country and make it into our new viet nam provinces. LONG LIVE VIET NAM..Thank to HUN SEN for doing a good work to take more money from china..

thank also to His Excellency SOK Sihpana, Phay Siphan and Sarin Denora for their lip services and manipulates international communities for our vietnam interest.

Anonymous said...

i know, historically, chinese or chin is better than youn in in cambodia. chinese assimilated into khmer society, culture, language, nationality, etc, while youn tend to cling on to their youn identity, culture, etc even when they live in cambodia. in other words, youn don't assimilate into khmer society, nation, etc... this is the reason why khmer people hated and cannot trust youn, since historical time, you know! yes, if khmer have to choose between chinese and vietnamese, i can reassure the world that khmer people would choose chinese over vietnamese, really! vietnamese or youn in khmer is hated in cambodia due to their resistance to assimilate into khmer nation, etc..., not to mention they stole khmer lands and territories to includes the mekong delta, koh tral island, etc, etc... it would take a miracle for khmer people to love and trust youn, you know! and the way they mistreated khmer krom indigenous people did not help their friendship with khmer people either, you know! for this reason, most khmer people hated and cannot trust youn and viewed them with suspicion and evilness, you know!

Anonymous said...

also, in cambodia, when khmer people have confidence and have peace and stability, etc, we then start building nice homes for ourselves and our families. it's a sign of peace, prosperity, stability, etc... yes, cambodia don't compete with vietnam for american influence in development, etc because we china is already helping us to develop etc... the way we see it, if china become the world's economic power, growth, prosperous, changed, etc, then cambodia will always look up to china for assistance, in development of our beautiful country. that said, however, we also welcome america and the western nations as well, but it is up to the west to want to help cambodia or not, so cambodia will always looks to china in our foreign policy. remember, cambodia said it before, we wait for no one, that is so true! it's life and we must go on in life, with or without the west, you know! but we always welcome the west, despite their political and cultural differences from that of cambodia! if we can accept each other without so much politics involved and string attached, etc, then who to say we prefer china! and yes, if the west play politics with cambodia by being biased and exert more toward vietnam or thailand, then it will upset cambodia because vietnam and thailand never care about cambodia in the first place. so, cambodia will do whatever we can to protect our country and our national interest as well, you know!

Anonymous said...

i think cambodia should dam the mekong in sambor area in kratie province so we will have plenty of electricity!

Anonymous said...

of course, cambodian culture is so different from the rest of the world. get used to it! we're here and we're cambodian or khmer people, you know!

Anonymous said...

I told you all around the world to stop support CTN TV is nothing but lied. It alway talk good about CCP and Hun SEN good side. CTN not telling the truth.

Anonymous said...

I tell you now...Cambodia are not like Vietnam, Laos or China Communist country. We have free election at least. But the country is headed toward communist. After all, UN community help the country is getting support by commy.

Anonymous said...

please don't be so jealous with cambodia. instead be proactive to make a real difference for cambodia. thank you.