Friday, November 26, 2010

Cambodia mourns fatal stampede


Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hun Sen TEARS of Fake is meaningless to innocent khmers

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i can not see the honesty of leaders of cpp for khmers

Anonymous said...

អាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួនបីក្បាល ហ៊ុន សែន, ហេងសំ រិន, ជាស៊ីម
បើគ្មានសមត្តភាពទេ ល្មមចុះចេញទុកឱ្យ លោកសម រង្ស៊ី

ភស្ដុតាងពិឃាតជីវិតមនុស្ស របស់រដ្ឋាភិបាល ហ៊ុន សែន មានគ្រប់គ្រាន់នៅជុំវិញសារពត៌មានពិភពលោកនេះ
ចាំមើល មើល
តើរដ្ឋាភិបាល ហ៊ុន សែន និងបង្វិលរឿងនេះ
ទៅរកអ្នកណាឱ្យទទួលទោសជំនួស ?

ចាំមើលគេចេញមុខ រៀបចំបត់ចុះបត់ឡើង យ៉ាងណាទៀត ?

Anonymous said...

may all the dead souls come back to hunt hun sen

Anonymous said...

We the Cambodian people inside and outside the country call on Hun Sen and it cabinets to step down for its incompetence during Koh Pich chaos.

Anonymous said...

Let's put the blame aside and pray for the lost soul. This is really NOT a good time to point fingers. There will be time/place and consequences to follow after this is set and done.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen the "CROC" will eaten by Vietcong Croc.soon

Anonymous said...

យោងតាមរូបភាពនេះ ទោះបីប្រជារាស្ត្រស្លាប់ជាង
៤០០នាក់ក៍ដោយ ក៍មិនអាចបំបែកទឹកភ្នែកក្រពើ
ញី ប៊ុនរ៉ានី បានដែរ។

Anonymous said...

For me i had one question for y'all, Had you done anything for Cambodia or Cambodians? If not, please shut the fuck up and stop complaining for all this shit.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is a good playing actor like Sihanouk used to played in the 50's-80's.

Anonymous said...

This is the secrecy YOUN Killing Khmers

Anonymous said...

TODAY I see the fake tears of Ah Krâpeou Yuon named Ah Choy Maday
(Mother Fucker) Ah HOON XEN. The Yuon Crocodile's tears are not the real tears of Khmers Men or Khmers women.


Anonymous said...

people on KI blogger can be too extreme sometimes or most of the time. i guess they are practicing their rights, however, the real cambodia is what we all must educate to know and udnerstand. we all know changes for the better, however, we must have patience, too and be fair, not bias of all sort! you have to hear both sides of the story before buying into it, plus, keep in mind the concrete evidence, etc, before you accuse someone of something, otherwise, it's ridicule or ludicrous or laughable in the court of law. yes, we must demand the strength and reform of our judicial system, healthcare reforms, standard of living reforms, thinking reforms, etc, etc... always keep in mind that the KR killed off a lot of educated and civilized people during their reign of terror; so, it's almost like cambodia is now rebirth and starting anew, almost. together, we all can be proactive and help to make all the difference in cambodia. god bless us all.

Anonymous said...

Poor innocent kHmer will outlast YOUn Sen Croc.. Khmer live forever...

Anonymous said...

how's about the coup that hunsen ordered to kille his oppositions and the greanade attacked? did hunsen cry about lost of inocent lifes? he just wantes to show to the wolrd he's a human who really care about lost of his pple lifes, but in fact he's an hypocrite. he's the one who should be blame on it. there're about 1 millions came to the event, where was the security mesure to control thecase emergency ? the bridge should be controled by authorities to allowed the flow access, why the bridge is blocked? major trouble with his government. hang yourself hunsen to pay all you owed to the victims, crying just not enough to show your sympathy.

Anonymous said...

my god some people comments are so evil, here. god forbid they become the leaders of cambodia. the world and cambodia don't need evil people who wish death, destruction, etc upon cambodia and khmer people! may god protect and always bless my country cambodia and good khmer people forever.

Anonymous said...

this is call a cries for longer power, for money, for self echo

Anonymous said...

Believe me all Khmers: this terrible tragedy is not an accident, it is totally fucking murder, the question is: what are those stupid policemen HunShin doing? They should at least control the crowds.

Anonymous said...

this is no accident this is a well plan set up by YOUN to kill Khmers

Anonymous said...

superstition is only good for the peace of mind, but not good with the law, science, etc.

Anonymous said...

Khmer believe in Mighty forces of Mother Nature Khmer Believe in Science, Khmer Believe in Hard work, Khmer believe law of nature, khmer believe in good luck... khmer people will have a mighty future

Anonymous said...

May all the spirit of khmers people whom dies in the "Island of Death and the Bridge to nowhere" come back give all the curse to Hun Sen and its CPP to go hell soon..

Borey said...

This media called Hun Sen, the Cambodia's president, when did he become president? I didn't know that! sic!

As PM.Soun Chaiy said, Kep Chottema, police chief have to resign from their position.

For me, the company bulding and investing Koh Peach must be investigated...

Anonymous said...

mr parliament, soun chay, it's not up to you to call this, it the khmer people have to be better educated and smart and wake up, ok! there are laws in cambodia, you have to respect the law, you don't take the law into your own hand, ok!

Anonymous said...

how do you stupid people like my fate cry? i you all like it.hell bless you all.

Anonymous said...

I think, Hun cried is because he was unable to manage to the situation.

He may need to STEP DOWN better than crying.

Anonymous said...

to those whom call people stupid, may that curse go back to you, khmer are not stupid, khmer are smart and honest, Khmer believe honesty the best policy in life.....

Kulen Monorom said...

Your Majesty Samdech Ta former King Norodom Sihanouk,

Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen,

Thank you for your both kindness and understanding.
What we need is prevention methods, not to let this type of accident happen again in the future.

It also makes me very worried to see so much alcohol allowed to enter or be produced in our beloved Kingdom of Cambodia? What about “ YA BA “ and other types of DRUGS from Thailand and Vietnam?

Can His Majesty Samdech Ta and Samdech Hun Sen stop all sorts of drugs coming to Cambodia? The accident may not be related to drugs and alcohol but just some thing that I could not sleep peacefully from now on to the future, in the names sake of true Khmer citizen.

Can Samdech Hun Sen kindly ask all 5 million Vietnamese illegal immigrants to peacefully return to Vietnam, so Koh Pich will not be too crowded more and more every day, every month and every year to come.
All Vietnamese illegal immigrants can easily come in and settle inside Cambodia even though they already have their own country Vietnam.

When Cambodia is too crowded, definitely we Khmer people can not go to settle inside Vietnam, can we?
Please Vietnamese, you said you came to rescue us from Pol Pot, and you don’t want to return home, it is not right according to 23rd October 1991 Paris Peace Agreement, can all of you go back to your country now.

Vietnamese illegal immigrants, you see because 5 million of you are inside Cambodia, it makes us too crowded and we wasted our lives at Koh Pich without good reasons.

Your Vietnamese Communism expansionist mind in Cambodia, is to give an excuse to China mainland to occupy your Spratly Islands, Parcel Islands, the whole of your Eastern sea border and perhaps the Northern border sooner or later.

5 million Vietnamese illegal immigrants in Cambodia, please go back home to defend your country from Chinese mighty economic invasion.

May I pray to God and the Lord Jesus Christ that those who have lost loved one will be comforted.

My condolences to all the victim's family.


Kulen Monorom
(The rice farmer's son)

Anonymous said...

How come, there are so many blogger and people around the world blaming to Hnu Xen?Because he is lacking of leadership,management,and responsibility for the country and
Khmer people;he neglect them,but he
takes very good care of Viet immigrants.

Anonymous said...

One day Thanksgiving will be made a National Holiday in Cambodia celebrated by youn(Vietnamese)in Cambodia for forfeiting Cambodia's land, country, and sea to Vietnam!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hun Xen is crying because Koh Pich is belonging Bunranny Hun Xen. Nreth,USA

Anonymous said...

Cambodia's first man and lady rarely involvr themselves in any positive social cause. They should actively and visbily be in causes to eradicate diseases and poverty.

Anonymous said...

Koh Pich tragedy may not be direct resonsibility for HS, but the accident was just the last straw for people to pull after they have been so fed up with the way his corrupt cronies and government have been robbing of the country's wealth to benefit just their oiwn circles.