Friday, November 12, 2010

Cambodia receives 40 mln USD from WB for Typhoon Ketsana recovery [-Will it ever reach the victims or will it end up in the pockets of corrupt gov't officials?]

November 11, 2010

The Cambodian government received Thursday 40 million U.S. dollars from the World Bank for restoring the losses and damage caused by Typhoon Ketsana that hit the country last year.

Speaking at the signing ceremony to receive the assistance from World Bank, Keat Chhon, deputy prime minister and minister of finance and economy said the assistance is classified into two forms, one of which is 20 million U.S. dollars as in grant and another 20 million U.S. dollars as in credit.

The assistance will target specifically to the poor under the World Bank's form of the Ketsana Emergency Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Project (KERRP) which aims to restore transportation and water and sanitation services to the affected people who are mostly poor and live in the rural areas, as well as to strengthen the capacity of the government in disaster preparedness and management.

"Typhoon Ketsana devastated the lives and livelihood of tens of thousands of Cambodian people, particularly the poor," said the World Bank Country Manager for Cambodia, Qimiao Fan.

"This project will help to restore the damaged infrastructure such as rural roads and provide basic services such as water and sanitation facilities, to the affected people in mostly rural areas," he said.

This four-year rehabilitation project will focus on four main components such as the rehabilitation, reconstruction and improvement of 920 km of existing rural roads, including bridges, culverts and drainage facilities.

The World Bank's program in Cambodia is designed to provide support to the poorest segments of the population, within the overarching goal to improve governance.

Keat Chhon said that including the 40 million U.S. dollars aid, World Bank has financed a total of 1,099 million U.S. dollars to Cambodia since 1993, of which 733.5 million U.S. dollars is credit and 365.5 million U.S. dollars is grant.


Hun Family............ PP said...

all the Khmer loving country people!!!

We need a sniper shooting at our father’s forehead..... That is the only way to get rid of him.

He thinks he owns Cambodia. We are his kids are so embarrassed when he talks like a barbarian or like a singing monkey on a tree.

Our mother is also making us ashamed of her skin bleaching, awkward jewelries wearing and flirting around...(my mother bun runny is seeing this hot looking 18 years old man behind my father's back - my father did not khow)

Please help us to get rid of them; we don’t want to be the Viet slaves.

Anonymous said...

Dear Heng soy,
Now it is time that KI either go intangible success or you perish, and it is very importance to see the future. Let go to future now, today in order for you KI to be success it obviously you have to provide a unique news, you have to have some things that other don't. In news 80 percent innate negative by itself so if you add more criticizing and negative news, it will overloads. can you imagine no man wake up in the beautiful morning and load their mind with negative. Negative is the form of garbage it will magnet giant garbage to you editor and viewers, now please avoid that. do not follow KI, KI is the boiler room.
I like you Heng soy , now who is your target customer(viewer) ? all side of political viewers or SRP only? to be success you have to go for the majority and you have to see the viewer interest in reading your news.
Trust and reliable building. people easy to accept your suggestion and open mind to invite you into their community if they trust you, and they will be honest, trust for life long. Trust and reliable is very powerful thing in communication. you have to build trust, mean plant the seed of love and pleasure loyalty deeper and deeper in viewers mind. I hope your block is the source to provide only news of building love, unity and team works in all Khmer political ideology, and most importantly you are the professional media shall focus on educate and make people smarter it reflect back to you are a smarter media. I can see KI is not a reliable media, KI don't have principle and disciplinary by the person who run it. Its not smart editor so it less organize and provoke more demagogy, and you know demagogy policy is unenviable opposed. Good luck

Best regards

Anonymous said...

I don't think it gonna reach the victims families it'll go to ah CPP mother fucker pocket. 40 million is alots just give the families each one milliions is still have over 20 million left.

Anonymous said...

40 mills is a lot of dollars. The poor will be lucky if they even see a million of it. Rest will go to those damn, rotten, thief CPP and cronies! They will pay one day.. soon mr Saddam Hun Sen and companies will be locked up and kicked back to w/e they came from.

Anonymous said...

these ignorant from jungle extremely concern about politikal motives and base. they cheat, theys steal they rob everything khmer. they take in big amount, but spill out very little just enough for people to survive to fight with each for this little to become wealthy. they laugh behind stupid back of people. this isn't crasy, stupid? like dog fighting to get left-over!!! when youn outnumber, khmer no longer presence on this planet!!!!