Friday, November 12, 2010

Cambodia's first gay town

Sok Somnorb stands in the doorway of his room in Beoung Kak 2 community, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. (Vinh Dao/GlobalPost)
Make no mistake: This is not a place to celebrate sexuality. This is a place for survival.

November 12, 2010
By Terry McCoy
Special to GlobalPost

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — Along the train tracks in one of Phnom Penh’s ubiquitous slums, the noise never stops and everything is changing. Longtime residents are fearful that they’ll soon have to move. This place isn’t safe anymore, they say. It isn’t moral anymore.

Along these same tracks, roughly 100 new residents, in search of asylum and community, have trickled in over the last several years and now lead lives of shocking desperation. Most of them only sleep during the day. Some perform acts of prostitution. Others dress as women. Almost all of them are homosexual men. And this place, Beoung Kak 2, has become a home: Cambodia’s first gay town.

But this isn’t Boystown in Chicago, nor the Castro in San Francisco. This isn’t a place where homosexuals can celebrate sexuality, individuality, love. Make no mistake: It’s a place for survival.

Every month more newcomers arrive, and as this community expands and supplants longtime residents, it represents both a burgeoning confidence among Cambodia’s gay population, as well as the difficulties that lie ahead for homosexuals here struggling for acceptance and equality.

As two worlds converge and clash in Beoung Kak 2, each seems allegoric, as though re-enacting a bigger national issue. The young, radically sexual newcomers stand juxtaposed against a traditional set of neighbors that are baffled, and sometimes frightened, by the swelling number of openly gay Khmer down the road.

“We’re scared that more [homosexuals] will keep coming here and make more terrible activities back there,” said Srey Oun, 48, who lives behind her now-defunct hair salon in Beoung Kak 2. “Everyone is scared like me. Khmer culture isn’t changing, but the people are.”

Since 2004, the number of “out” homosexuals in Phnom Penh has exploded from around 900 to approximately 10,000 today, according to nongovernmental organizations that track the city’s gay community. Other provinces have seen such staggering growth among their gay communities as well, census records show.

For years, the ever-growing number of openly gay Khmer had scattered themselves, meeting socially, but living separately, NGO workers say. Last March, however, Prime Minister Hun Sen castigated Cambodia’s reputation as a destination for sex tourism. Soon after, police shuttered brothels and karaoke bars across the capital, where many transgenders worked and lived. Destitute and homeless, some staggered to the slums of Beoung Kak 2.

“If we’re not with each other, we’re scared everyone will look down on us or beat us,” said Kong Chan Rattna, 24, amid eight fellow transgender homosexuals inside a hut stilted above a stream. “Together, we can have happiness — we can go anywhere. Nothing’s a problem.”

Cambodia’s definition of homosexuality and gender challenges Western notions. In Cambodia, there’s a third gender — frequently called “lady boys” — that falls somewhere between male and female. By all appearances and mannerisms, they’re female and identify as such though born male; most haven’t undergone any sex-change operations, they say.

Transgender homosexuals inhabit the shadows of Khmer society. Though they’re emphatically proud of their lifestyles and sexuality, such proclamations might come out stilted or forebode some admittance of shame. Don’t tell my parents. Don’t use your real name. Don’t go home. Don’t.

Of the many narratives that have taken Beoung Kak 2’s homosexual residents into this fetid and cramped place, the story of a slight, curly-haired transgender named Srey Pisey seems emblematic. Pisey, gregarious and bright despite little formal education, has always had a secret inside her.

Pisey, now 28, was 13 when she realized she was different. Living in rural Kandal just outside Phnom Penh, she couldn’t stop the thought that she wasn’t right in this body, that she couldn’t relate to her family or anyone in her village. She felt alone. She felt scared. She said she knew she was supposed to be a woman, and the recognition was tortuous.

“I tried to kill myself twice when I was a child,” she said at home in Beoung Kak 2. “I took too much medication. I was very upset and disappointed that I was gay and my parents beat me and wanted me to go away from my home. I tried to change myself into a boy, but I couldn’t. Because, me as a woman, it’s natural.”

In 2002, Pisey’s parents disowned her and kicked her out, she said. So, without any skills, she came to Phnom Penh. She hasn’t been home since and says she misses her family every day though not sure what they would think of her now, a homosexual prostitute in Phnom Penh.

“I don’t know how to read,” Pisey said, echoing a theme in many stories here. “I don’t know how to write. I only know how to be a prostitute.”

Meanwhile, around 100 meters down the tracks, longtime resident Kaulap Kho sat inside her wooden shack rocking her 5-month-old son in a hammock. While she talked and her baby slept, Kho became angrier and angrier. This squat woman, with her husband, Tho, has lived here selling clams for 10 years. It has become their home. Where they want to raise their four children. But soon, she said, they’ll have to move back to the provinces to find work.

Kaulap’s profits selling clams have recently plunged 50 percent from $5 per day to $2.50, and the homosexuals, she spat, are to blame. Good Khmer folk don’t come to shops near such “sinful” people, she said. And so Kaulap broods as she rocks her baby, hatred in her eyes.

“These people are not the same as the general people; they talk and act very differently” said Meas Chanthan, executive director of Cambodia’s Corporation for Social Services and Development, one of Phnom Penh’s dozen non-governmental organizations that study and assist the country’s homosexual population. “They talk loudly, they scream and they’re not afraid of their neighbors.”

Meas continued, “These homosexuals think they’ve become isolated and that they have no one. They don’t like the general people either so they have no choice but to live together and so the homosexuals are so sad.”

Isolation seems an insurmountable and profound thing for some transgenders in Beoung Kak 2. At 9 a.m. on a recent Friday, while most residents here were already thinking about lunch, five transgender homosexuals slept inside their shack on a wooden floor. They had gotten back late the night before. No one had purchased them, and now they didn’t have enough money for rice.

Yet deep into midmorning, despite the light, the hunger, the noise spilling inside, the transgender homosexuals snuggled together, eyes closed: The rest of the world firmly outside.


Anonymous said...

It's shameful that many people don't understand gay and lesbian's life style. They are people just like us, except that their loves' preference are different. In fact these people are such a nice people. Take International Super Star singer Ricky Martin for example: what did he do beside producing and singing the most lovable songs on earth? Anybody can say anything about Ricky, but Ricky is a good man. His heart is gold.

Anonymous said...

these people need law for protecting their rights as well!

Anonymous said...

People like them destroy human race by not reproduce.

Anonymous said...

And generate deseases.

Anonymous said...

The Chinese have 40 millions men that cann't find a wife. Here is a way. There is over a billion people in China and one child policy. The chinese made women having an abortion and taking baby out when they are 8 months pregnant, if they know those women had already have one child. Who needs it? and if people keep producing, where are we going to live in 1000 years?

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, Cambodia always tolerate and accept homosexuality,
Cambodians are not dump like some other nationalities and religion practicians who kill gay and lesbians, we are civilized and opened mind people.

Anonymous said...

phnom penh should have a gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender district of its own like say castro in san francisco, hillcrest in san diego, west hollywood in los angeles, etc... get used to it, they're here and they're queer! god love all his children of all colors, and from all over the world, you know!

don't stereotype gay people as unproductive or diseased people, etc... by the way, diseases of all sort know no boundary and do not discriminate, ok! scientists all over the world are working now to find a cure for all diseases, so, be hopeful and be happy one day when they can find a cure for all kind of diseases, etc!

Anonymous said...

Because of $$money people willing to do stupidity and nonsense..? It's a shameful to see cambodian people become like this..? The supid cultural from the WEST is spreading like cancer!

Anonymous said...

Yep! too many white man keep pouring in cambodia for cheap sex with boy...."Sihanoukville" I hope PM Hun Sen do something about this matter quick!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LONG LIVE VIET NAM for gay people. Pic look like Youn to me

Anonymous said...

Let's gas them all so they can reborn as normal people. Have nothing against them, just want to help them to end their miseries.

Anonymous said...

If I go to Cambodian I wanna kill all those animals fagget people it so disgraceful. Mother fuckers this is so embarrasing.

Anonymous said...

I am so sick to see my people became like this man! cambodia used to be pure, clean and white stain on it, but now everything fucken destroyed..? I have notice that at Capitol-guesthouse in phnom penh...there's gay boy hanging around for white customer..I can't believed this shit man! Not cambodia man? Not to my people man? The WEST destroyed everything...i hope our leader start to do something quickly!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You might want to try it big boy. Calm down.

KhmerIsrael said...

Cambodia is being destroy from within. Being gay is not normal. The article brought that out being "uneasy feeling" for being crooked. They must make "loud" noises to drown out the uneasy feeling.

There are studies done showing homosexuality life style shorten the life span of individual. Whatever a man soweth that shall he reaps: sow to the flesh will reap destruction. This life style definetly violates natural law set in force and will produce un-desireable results.

Phnom Penh Khmer said...

don't stereotype people cuz they are different then you are. No one wants to be born GAY. 2:27am made a good point. Diseases have no preference or boundaries. They will strike all sex and all classes. Don't be so ignorant.

There are gay people all over the world. It's nothing new. It's just here in Cambodia, we are more acceptance because we are a buddhist country. We believe in Karma or paul. "If you made fun of people, next life it's your turn!" GET THAT???? that's to those HATERS out there. Sometimes it doesn't have to be "next life"... can happen to your love ones later on in this life, like your kids.


Anonymous said...

when one is brainwashed by another religion he HAD JUST ACQUIRED, then there's no point explaining. These NEW believers are more "sup" or hardcore believers than the "real" Christians whose ancestors have been converted for hundreds of years ago. Can't talk any senses to these "new believers" cuz they have their preconceived notion. It's like pouring water on a duck's head.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sexuality is an integral part of the personality of every human being. Its full development depends upon the satisfaction of basic human needs such as the desire for contact, intimacy, emotional expression, pleasure, tenderness and love. Sexuality is constructed through the interaction between the individual and social structures. Full development of sexuality is essential for individual, interpersonal, and societal well being. Sexual rights are universal human rights based on the inherent freedom, dignity, and equality of all human beings. Since health is a fundamental human right, so must sexual health be a basic human right. In order to assure that human beings and societies develop healthy sexuality, the following sexual rights must be recognized, promoted, respected, and defended by all societies through all means. Sexual health is the result of an environment that recognizes, respects and exercises these sexual rights.

The right to sexual freedom. Sexual freedom encompasses the possibility for individuals to express their full sexual potential, sexual preferance and sexuality. However, this excludes all forms of sexual coercion, exploitation and abuse at any time and situations in life.
The right to sexual autonomy, sexual integrity, and safety of the sexual body. This right involves the ability to make autonomous decisions about one's sexual life within a context of one's own personal and social ethics. It also encompasses control and enjoyment of our own bodies free from torture, mutilation and violence of any sort.
The right to sexual privacy. This involves the right for individual decisions and behaviors about intimacy as long as they do not intrude on the sexual rights of others.
The right to sexual equity. This refers to freedom from all forms of discrimination regardless of sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, race, social class, religion, or physical and emotional disability.
The right to sexual pleasure. Sexual pleasure, including autoeroticism, is a source of physical, psychological, intellectual and spiritual well being.
The right to emotional sexual expression. Sexual expression is more than erotic pleasure or sexual acts. Individuals have a right to express their sexuality through communication, touch, emotional expression and love.
The right to sexually associate freely. This means the possibility to marry or not, to divorce, and to establish other types of responsible sexual associations.
The right to make free and responsible reproductive choices. This encompasses the right to decide whether or not to have children, the number and spacing of children, and the right to full access to the means of fertility regulation.
The right to sexual information based upon scientific inquiry. This right implies that sexual information should be generated through the process of unencumbered and yet scientifically ethical inquiry, and disseminated in appropriate ways at all societal levels.
The right to comprehensive sexuality education. This is a lifelong process from birth throughout the life cycle and should involve all social institutions.
The right to sexual health care. Sexual health care should be available for prevention and treatment of all sexual concerns, problems and disorders.
Sexual Rights are Fundamental and Universal Human Rights