Friday, November 12, 2010

China vs Vietnam [-Chinese money vs. Viet Army Telco.]

Thursday, 11 November 2010
David Boyle
The Phnom Penh Post

China’s commercial influence has grown in Cambodia with the signing of a refinancing deal for mobile provider Mobitel, according to international commentators, who said the People’s Republic may leverage its business interests for political advantage.

Last Thursday, Cambodian conglomerate The Royal Group signed a US$591 million deal to refinance its subsidiary Mobitel with the Bank of China.

It will enable The Royal Group to pay off a $421 million debt as well as fund future capital expenditures.

One week on, political and economic commentators said there were likely political considerations with the agreement – a viewpoint government and company officials have rejected.

“At the moment anything China does is viewed as having ulterior motives,” Carlyle Thayer, a politics professor at the Australian Defence Force Academy, a school managed by the University of New South Wales, told The Post.

“China has always manipulated loans to suit larger political purposes,” he said, highlighting the potential for a power play between Vietnam and China in the telecommunications sector.

Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications statistics show Mobitel is the largest mobile provider by subscriber numbers, while Metfone – a subsidiary of the Vietnamese military – has grown to become the second biggest.

China and Vietnam had been engaged in “something of a tussle” over influence in Cambodia since the 1991 Paris Peace Agreements, Thayer said.

ADDITIONAL REPORTING BY SOEUN SAY the full story in tomorrow’s Phnom Penh Post or see the updated story online from 3PM UTC/GMT +7 hours.


Hun Sen's family.....No Pro-Hanoi....pp said...

all the Khmer loving country people!!!

We need a sniper shooting at our father’s forehead..... That is the only way to get rid of him.

He thinks he owns Cambodia. We are his kids are so embarrassed when he talks like a barbarian or like a singing monkey on a tree.

Our mother is also making us ashamed of her skin bleaching, awkward jewelries wearing and flirting around...(my mother bun runny is seeing this hot looking 18 years old man behind my father's back - my father did not khow)

Please help us to get rid of them; we don’t want to be the Viet slaves.

Anonymous said...

Cambodian need to be closed friends with China in order to kick vietnam out of Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

CHINA and Vietnam would do anything they can to suck every drop from Cambodia's resources whilst our country is very vulnerable to be led by the Hun Sen and CPP cronies. These dogs, also include Sihanouk and the monarch and all opportunists are responsible to all suffering that Cambodia and her people have been endured.

The characteristic of all Khmer dogs are fit so perfectly to Mark Twain remark. He sai:

" If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man."

Anonymous said...

because Khmer is stupid as dogs, hahah, useless dogs

Anonymous said...

What the hell I didn't know that the VietDumbese are doing business in the Telecommunication in Cambodia. Why would any Cambodian at all be subscribing to the VietDumbese any business any way??????????? Between the stupid VietDumbese businesses and the Chinese businesses, I go for the Chinese always. I mean I prefer the Cambodian businesses as well.

Chinese and the Cambodians are eternal friends since time ancient time. Until today, the Chinese remain friends of the Cambodians. Chinese are the only friends of the Cambodians who dare point warning fingers to the PhoCongYucky Vietdumbese bullies to stop stealing more land from the Cambodians. Remember, the Chinese reserve the RIGHT to teach the stupid VietDumbese the second lesson in the future. So as long as the unruly VietDumbese are behaving as bullies to the Cambodians again, the Chinese will take out the biggest stick and start to use it on the small-headed VietMonkies. Lol. Take your stinky VietMonkie sh*tty business out of Camodia. In addition what the do the VietDumbese have anyway? They only copy and steal from the Chinese to call their own anyway.

Anonymous said...

Come on, Khmer dogs, come to lick my Tang' ass. You lick it, hahaha. Khmer is useless dog

Anonymous said...

Go China, and down with CPP and the Viet! We need a new leader; one that server the interest of the people and the country not those of freakin Vietnam. Time we all unite and kick out CPP and Viet to where they belong!

Anonymous said...

come chinese com kick ah youn ah kbal youn out of cambodia. swallow ah youn one for all.

come chinese com kick ah youn ah kbal youn out of cambodia. swallow ah youn one for all.

come chinese com kick ah youn ah kbal youn out of cambodia. swallow ah youn one for all.

come chinese com kick ah youn ah kbal youn out of cambodia. swallow ah youn one for all.

Anonymous said...

China shouls end 10 million Chinese to cambodia to counter balance the YOUN POPULATION THAT IS GROWING EVERYDAY! GO CHINAAAA! GET OUT YOUNS!

Anonymous said...

As much as I don't like Kith Meng but at least he's loyal to our country and have strong connection with China because he is CHINESE DESCENT! I rather live under CHINA THAN WHORENAM!

Anonymous said...

Cambodia needs to do business or be friend with the U.S.A or the European nation as much as possible not with the communist countries. If have to then be with the Chinese not with the youn.