Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Condolences and Anger - by Ta An Srok Khmer


Anonymous said...

អាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួនបីក្បាល ហ៊ុន សែន, ហេងសំ រិន, ជាស៊ីម
បើគ្មានសមត្តភាពទេ ល្មមចុះចេញទុកឱ្យ លោកសម រង្ស៊ី

Anonymous said...

Not sure if it was intentional or innocent comparison, but that comparison with the Khmer Rouge genocide was not at all appropriate. Never would any disco or festival stampede be compared to a genocide.

That said, the tragedy nonetheless is so unfortunate to the victims and their families. They need all kinds of support at this sorrorful moment. May they find peace and comfort.

Anonymous said...

Dear Khmer compatriot brothers and sisters,
I fill very sorry for the incident at Koh Pich that Khmer have been suffering again and again; I wish Khmer stop having the tragedies like this from now on. However, what I can see, if Yourn are still behind Hun Sen government, used Hun Sen ‘s hands to help killing Khmer in many different ways like that, Khmer never stop being suffered. This happening, at Koh Pich, is not the final tragedy for Khmer citizen. I do not believe that it is a real accident disaster; it has to have somebody plan to work on it to kill Khmer citizen for weakening us. If my view is correct, you will see Khmer will have a lot more tragedies than this in the near future. Therefore in order to stop something happen like this is to Pull Hun Sen and his clans out of the government (it does not meter how we do it) and change its structure and policies.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hun Xen and his officials are neglecting to this event.they let their own citizens come and go without supervision.The people who come and go should separate into small group.They should permit them in and out once at a time; all those officials didn't care so much about it.What they care is money.Now Hun Xen never love Khmer people because he was a Khmer Rouge;he always want to kill people and let the Vietnamese people live happily.He is a Viet slave.