Thursday, November 25, 2010

Crocodile Tears OR Tears of Self-Pity

By Khmer Democrat, Phnom Penh
Dictators are Wimps and Asses Series

“Crocodile tears”

To weep crocodile tears is to put on an insincere show of sorrow.

The allusion is to the ancient notion that crocodiles weep while devouring their prey. Crocodiles do indeed have lachrymal glands and produce tears to lubricate the eyes as humans do. They don't cry with emotion though. Whatever experience they have when devouring prey we can be certain it isn't remorse.


“Real tears” of self-pity

The bloody weight of 30 years of bloody, dictatorial rule along with family/CPP members gone wild - came crashing down in a flood of emotions of self-pity.

Strongman? God-king?

No. No, only a man after all, who just happened to be cursed by his Khmer Rouge history; by his innocent allure and enthusiasm to be a Khmer front for the invading Vietnamese army and un-creatively imprisoned by it; by the confluences of domestic-regional-international events swirling out of proportion to his middle school/jungle education; by family members who lack decency and proper socializing; by democracy of diverse voices and opinions.

So, yes, if they are real tears, they are tears of self-pity under the crushing weight of having to rule violently for 30 years.

Not tears for Cambodia or Cambodians, or else we wouldn’t have had the following:

K-5 plan

March 1997 Grenade Massacre

1997 Summary Executions of Funcinpec during the coup d’etat

Violence against Monks and other Peaceful demonstrators to protest elections fraud in 1998

Dey Krahom land evictions

Boeung Kak land evictions

Thun Bunly, Chea Vichea, Ho Sok etc.

Violent fatal escapades of nephews run wild

Love-triangle murder of Piseth Pilika

Sex-trafficking, drug-trafficking, environmental raping by his military and tycoons under his watch
So on and so forth…



Anonymous said...

He cried for real because he just found out that a few of close relatives were among those victims. If he cried a crocodile tears then he is still a damn good pretender trying to fool Khmer people that he really cares for them deep down to the bone.

Anonymous said...

Khieu Samphan also started out good, then thought killing was the only solution.

Anonymous said...

The tears of ah choy maray (mother-fucker) Ah HUN SEN, yuon's slave is the real tears of Yuon's crocodile.
From :

Anonymous said...

some mean, political comments here shows a clear different mentality between some frog in the well mentality of the khmer and those of western, civilized countries. in cambodia, it is almost a mean culture or old tradition to make fun of sad, crying people, whereas in the western society, a scene like this brings a lot of compassion, forgiveness, grief, etc, etc... yes, it shows the different of mentality in cambodia and the western society, really! no wonder, there are no justice in cambodia, continue suffering in cambodia, etc, all probably due to the way some khmer people think, by poking fun, and look down on those misfortunate, grieving people. wake up, people, it's time to shift away from this old, stone age national mentality of khmer people, i mean it! it's not even funny to poke fun like this, you know! it shows people are uneducated, angried, mad, jealous, envious, pessimistic, and perhaps crazy and psychological unfitting to be a leader, educator, etc due to this kind of unprofessional conduct. where is your code of ethics or code of conduct, people? no wonder, they used capital punishment for some people never learned! don't be so stupid, ok, wake up!

Anonymous said...

imagine if america think like some stone age or frog in the well mentality type of people, the world would still be in the stone age or the dark ages, etc, we would have scientists, explorers, inventors, builders, advanced science, new innovation, higher standard of living, etc, etc, really! people have to stop and think about what they are about to say, it is so ignorant and so out of this world, you know! i don't want to call names, but you know what i mean!

Anonymous said...

Come on people, it's a real tear can you tell? But, it is not from the sorrow of the Diamond Island Bridge's tragedy. It is from his instinct that his days as bullshit strongman is nearly over. I can feel it people his days is over.

Anonymous said...

If his day of prime minister is over, who will replace him?

Prepare to be Prime minister Son Chhay, Mu Sochea, etc.

Anonymous said...

what is crocodile tear? my human tear is real! when did crocodile or animals know how to shed tear? what kind of metaphor is that? some people need to see a psychiatrist or psychologist for therapeutic treatment, i think!

Anonymous said...

the faking cry of HUN SEN is crook imaged

Anonymous said...

11:16 PM, read more.

Anonymous said...

Hell yea! It is time for him and all his cronies to step down! Cambodia and her people deserves better. After seeing one tragedy after another like this, it is all the more reason for MR. Saddam Hun Sen to step down and stay out of sight forever!

Anonymous said...

the deputy prime minister will take charge. is mu sochua, etc deputy prime minister? check the title again! hey, they only play by the rule nowadays in cambodia, the days of corrupted or pocket appointment of position is over now and history, so, stop dreaming illegality, ok! wake up, former refugees!

Anonymous said...

Maybe this is the wake up call for Cambodians... commit suicide slowly under this regime, or built a new brighter future under an intelligent, capable leadership of Sam Rainsy and his team of dynamic leaders (Mu Sochua, Son Chhay, Kong Korm, etc.)

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen pretended to cry, but he does not care of the Khmer people instead he laughed. He is really hypocritical. Hun Sen's government and clicks are incompetent in all areas.

Anonymous said...

ខ្αž‰ុំឈ្មោះ ហ៊ុαž“ សែαž“ សូαž˜αž‡ំរាαž”αž‡ូαž“αž”αž„αž”្ធូαž“αž‡αž“αžšួαž˜αž‡ាតិαž‘ាំαž„αž’αžŸ់ថា ខ្αž‰ុំ សូαž˜αž•្αž‘េរតំណែαž„αž“ាαž™αž€αžšαžŠ្αž‹αž˜αž“្រ្តីαž“េះαžͺ្αž™αž‘ៅαž€ូαž“αž្αž‰ុំវិαž‰αž“ៅαž…ុαž„αžែវិαž…្αž†ិαž€ាαž“េះ αž–្រោះαž”ាαž“αžŸαž˜្αž›ាαž”់αž˜αž“ុស្សធស់αž…្រើαž“αž ើαž™។ ខ្αž‰ុំαž“ិαž„αž—αžšិαž™ាαž“ឹαž„αž”ួαžŸαž‡ាαž›ោαž€αžŸαž„្αžƒαžាαž˜αž”ែαž”αž ាαž™ាαž“ αž“ៅហាណូαž™ ដើម្αž”ីαž›ាαž„αž”ាαž”αž€αž˜្ម។

Anonymous said...

oh really! mr. and mrs. bias!

Anonymous said...

why are they whining, here? didn't they know that cambodia do not have term limit law for leaders? what planet are they from? go figure! are they themselves jealous or hypocritical or both? investigative report will find out soon!

Anonymous said...

hey, this is not somekind of a movie role,ok! it's real tragedy! what planet are you from any way?

Anonymous said...

People pls OBSERVE the wet on his forehead. I dont think he cried.. he may be sweated by the heat of the sun.And this sweat fell down to his one eye and make him tearing....Pls OBSERVE that!

Anonymous said...

ooh la la!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your criticism. I am a peace lover, and wish to be a peace maker. I love peace. I continue to pray for our beloved country, Cambodia, for peace. What ever will be happenned, we must avoid war again.

Peaceful solution is the right direction. Vengeance and anger are not the solution. Vengeance and anger are type of the war, too. They are out of date. Fair Solution and resignation are update.

As always, I am proud to be Cambodian, Khmer. I have always advised my children to get high education and return to Cambodia to serve their people. They listen to me or not is not the case. The point is to keep reminding them that they are aways Khmers and forever.

I always have a dream to go back to live in our motherland.

LOVE from Khmer abroad, USA.

Anonymous said...

Why people In KI media are so mean spirit! The man feel sad for all those poor people died there. Why can't he weep for the pity of his people. come on, give the man a break. It is not his fault for people to get stuck on that bridge.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen choose this tragedy to step down is much better than Khmer people pull you down.This is the right time and the right place for you.Vietnamese can't blame you and Khmer people give you a thumb up.If not you will see.

Anonymous said...

Stop dreaming pouk ah scam rainsy! you are dreaming...bitch!!

Anonymous said...

How many thousands died during the K-5 Plan? And all the other violent, cruel acts against human rights?

And to raise these issues, you 12:08 AM are accusing KI of mean-spirited?! Let's get our priorities check, here.

As for the other comments re sweat, live in reality will you. Tears are tears. Crocodile, self-pity or otherwise is the issue here.

Anonymous said...

Take 12:22 AM as a case in point of the quality of the Hun Sen/CPP crowd.

Anonymous said...

All we say what can this tragedy be different from K-5 Plan, March 1997 Grenade Massacre, or 1997 Summary Executions of Funcinpec during the coup d’etat etc...This is the man has liver that color changeable. Get it? in Khmer expression say Ah Thliam Khmae Ah Thliam Sor. This time he is pretending as a Thliam Sor person. That all.

Anonymous said...

To 11:16 PM,
If you check a Longman dictionary of English Idioms (page 68) you will see its definition: crocodile tears = insincere tears; pretended show of sorrow. Get it?

Anonymous said...

ធាαž†្αž€ែαž€αž‰្αž‡ះαž™ួαž“αž”ីαž€្αž”ាαž› ហ៊ុαž“ សែαž“, ហេαž„αžŸំ រិαž“, αž‡ាស៊ីម
αž”ើαž‚្មាαž“αžŸαž˜αž្αžαž—ាαž–αž‘េ αž›្αž˜αž˜αž…ុះαž…េαž‰αž‘ុαž€αž±្αž™ αž›ោαž€αžŸαž˜ αžšαž„្ស៊ី
αž’្វើម្αžŠαž„αž ើαž™។

αž—αžŸ្ដុតាαž„αž–ិαžƒាαžαž‡ីវិαžαž˜αž“ុស្ស αžšαž”αžŸ់រដ្αž‹ាαž—ិαž”ាαž› ហ៊ុαž“ សែαž“ មាαž“αž‚្αžšαž”់αž‚្រាαž“់αž“ៅαž‡ុំវិαž‰αžŸាαžšαž–αž៌មាαž“αž–ិαž—αž–αž›ោαž€αž“េះ
αž…ាំមើαž› មើαž›
តើរដ្αž‹ាαž—ិαž”ាαž› ហ៊ុαž“ សែαž“ αž“ិαž„αž”αž„្វិαž›αžšឿαž„αž“េះ
αž‘ៅαžšαž€αž’្αž“αž€αžŽាឱ្αž™αž‘αž‘ួαž›αž‘ោαžŸαž‡ំαž“ួស ?

αž…ាំមើαž›αž‚េαž…េαž‰αž˜ុខ រៀαž”αž…ំαž”αž់αž…ុះαž”αž់ទើαž„ αž™៉ាαž„αžŽាαž‘ៀត ?

Anonymous said...

αž‘ឹαž€αž—្αž“ែαž€αž“េះαž€្αž›ាαž™αž‡ាαž‘αž“្αž›េ ។
αž–ឹαž„αž‚េαž”៉ូαž›ិសសុαž‘្αž’αž’ាαž†្αž€ួត ។αž›។

Anonymous said...

We the Cambodian people inside and outside the country call on Hun Sen and it cabinets to step down for its incompetence during Koh Pich chaos.

Anonymous said...

ធាαž†្αž€ែαž€αž‰្αž‡ះαž™ួαž“αž”ីαž€្αž”ាαž› ហ៊ុαž“ សែαž“, ហេαž„αžŸំ រិαž“, αž‡ាស៊ីម
αž”ើαž‚្មាαž“αžŸαž˜αž្αžαž—ាαž–αž‘េ αž›្αž˜αž˜αž…ុះαž…េαž‰αž‘ុαž€αž±្αž™ αž›ោαž€αžŸαž˜ αžšαž„្ស៊ី
αž’្វើម្αžŠαž„αž ើαž™។

αž—αžŸ្ដុតាαž„αž–ិαžƒាαžαž‡ីវិαžαž˜αž“ុស្ស αžšαž”αžŸ់រដ្αž‹ាαž—ិαž”ាαž› ហ៊ុαž“ សែαž“ មាαž“αž‚្αžšαž”់αž‚្រាαž“់αž“ៅαž‡ុំវិαž‰αžŸាαžšαž–αž៌មាαž“αž–ិαž—αž–αž›ោαž€αž“េះ
αž…ាំមើαž› មើαž›
តើរដ្αž‹ាαž—ិαž”ាαž› ហ៊ុαž“ សែαž“ αž“ិαž„αž”αž„្វិαž›αžšឿαž„αž“េះ
αž‘ៅαžšαž€αž’្αž“αž€αžŽាឱ្αž™αž‘αž‘ួαž›αž‘ោαžŸαž‡ំαž“ួស ?

αž…ាំមើαž›αž‚េαž…េαž‰αž˜ុខ រៀαž”αž…ំαž”αž់αž…ុះαž”αž់ទើαž„ αž™៉ាαž„αžŽាαž‘ៀត ?

Anonymous said...

αž€្αžšαž–ើឈ្មោαž› ស្αžšαž€់αž‘ឹαž€ αž—្αž“ែαž€​​​ αžŸαžšαž”αž‰្αž‡ាαž€់ថា αž€្αžšαž–ើ αž€៍មាαž“
αž˜αž“ោαžŸαž‰្αž…េαžαž“ា​ ធាណិត មេត្តា ដែរ។តែαž€្αžšαž–ើ αž‰ី
មិαž“αžŸ្αžšαž€់αž‘ឹαž€αž—្αž“ែαž€αž‡ាដាαž…់ខាត αž–្រោះαž‡ាαž•ែαž“αž€ារ។

Anonymous said...

he knows tv reporter pointed it to him and his wifes, so let fake it by showing to the world he's clean, a sympathy, compassion, loving his pple. he trying to act like bush in the 911 to gain popularity before election upcoming.

Anonymous said...

30 years are too long to stay in power ;if Hun Xen remains on and on,he becomes a dictator.We knew that he is very greedy to stay put with power.Hun Xen is pretending to be crying.Hhe is not afraid to kill Khmer people,and let Viet immigrants in.The Khmer people in Cambodia and oversea knew Hun Xen pretty well about his physical,mental attitude.If Hun Xen is a good leader,how come million around the world and in Cambodia hate him so much?Hun Xen did so many bad things to his own people.

Anonymous said...

well, what did the stampede death has anything to do with past history, etc? ar you taking advantage of the situation by politicizing it for you own dirty ambition? can you connect the dot here? you are no good for cambodia by your dirty evil comment, ok! no term limit, no impeachment law, etc, who can you say such thing! are you hypocrite?

Kulen Monorom said...

Your Majesty Samdech Ta former King Norodom Sihanouk,

Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen,

Thank you for your both kindness and understanding.
What we need is prevention methods, not to let this type of accident happen again in the future.

It also makes me very worried to see so much alcohol allowed to enter or be produced in our beloved Kingdom of Cambodia? What about “ YA BA “ and other types of DRUGS from Thailand and Vietnam?

Can His Majesty Samdech Ta and Samdech Hun Sen stop all sorts of drugs coming to Cambodia? The accident may not be related to drugs and alcohol but just some thing that I could not sleep peacefully from now on to the future, in the names sake of true Khmer citizen.

Can Samdech Hun Sen kindly ask all 5 million Vietnamese illegal immigrants to peacefully return to Vietnam, so Koh Pich will not be too crowded more and more every day, every month and every year to come.
All Vietnamese illegal immigrants can easily come in and settle inside Cambodia even though they already have their own country Vietnam.

When Cambodia is too crowded, definitely we Khmer people can not go to settle inside Vietnam, can we?
Please Vietnamese, you said you came to rescue us from Pol Pot, and you don’t want to return home, it is not right according to 23rd October 1991 Paris Peace Agreement, can all of you go back to your country now.

Vietnamese illegal immigrants, you see because 5 million of you are inside Cambodia, it makes us too crowded and we wasted our lives at Koh Pich without good reasons.

Your Vietnamese Communism expansionist mind in Cambodia, is to give an excuse to China mainland to occupy your Spratly Islands, Parcel Islands, the whole of your Eastern sea border and perhaps the Northern border sooner or later.

5 million Vietnamese illegal immigrants in Cambodia, please go back home to defend your country from Chinese mighty economic invasion.

May I pray to God and the Lord Jesus Christ that those who have lost loved one will be comforted.

My condolences to all the victim's family.


Kulen Monorom
(The rice farmer's son)

Anonymous said...

Not tears for Cambodia or Cambodians, or else we wouldn’t have had the following:

- K-5 plan

- March 1997 Grenade Massacre

- 1997 Summary Executions of Funcinpec during the coup d’etat

- Violence against Monks and other Peaceful demonstrators to protest elections fraud in 1998

- Dey Krahom land evictions

- Boeung Kak land evictions

- Thun Bunly, Chea Vichea, Ho Sok etc.

- Violent fatal escapades of nephews run wild

- Love-triangle murder of Piseth Pilika

- Sex-trafficking, drug-trafficking, environmental raping by his military and tycoons under his watch
- So on and so forth…


Anonymous said...

Too late for him to cry. He should have cried a river when OCIC was illegally robbing Koh Pich, the land that belong to th State of Cambodia and all its population for their own personal gain.

That land never belonged to Pung Khieu Se, Hun anything, or CPP. They robbed and stole outright State and people's property.

Anonymous said...

Dear All Readers:

Hun Xen believes in its superstitions (Bramah). He is willing to do everything (even its people's lives) to secure his fake power (not including his visible beliefs).
He pretends that is the accident, but remember the tragedy is the planned tragedy:

- Authority was not present (until 1 hour or so later)
- No true investigation being taken seriously, instead the scene was cleaned up very quickly.
- Hun Xen and his PigHD Bun Rany has 70% share of the whole Koh Pich development, followed by Kim Soy (Khmer Rough Treasurer) and now is the Canadia Bank's owner, Kith Meng...etc.
- The rescue team and authorities were not responsible for the event and let the deaths escalated..
- Hun Xen suddenly came out and declared Nov 25 (instead of Nov 22) as the national holiday.

Look at things carefully. Hun Xen pretends crying in front of the public, but that is not the true pain and sympathy. He used to kill more than just that number of people during K-5, 97' coup...etc you name it.

Just a school of thoughts for you and Pro-CPPs.

We need a true responsible leader.

My deep regret for Khmer citizens and wish them all rest in peace and heaven.

Khmer Son!

Anonymous said...