Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dung: Indochinese Triangle failed to make a breakthrough in socio-economic improvement and human resources development

PM Dung attends sixth CLV Summit in Cambodia

VOV News

A Vietnamese delegation led by Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung attended the sixth CLV (Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam) Summit at the Peace Palace in Phnom Penh on November 16.

The cooperative initiative of the Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia development triangle was taken at a meeting of prime ministers from the three countries in October 1999 to enhance solidarity, cooperation and socio-economic development and maintain stability, and security along their border areas.

Government leaders praised the cooperative results in socio-economic development of 13 provinces in the CLV development triangle and adopted a re-planning project for the area throughout 2020, implemented by Vietnam.

Concluding the summit, they signed a joint declaration to affirm their determination to cooperate closely to make the CLV development triangle an area of political stability and stronger socio-economic development.

The PMs also witnessed the three coordinating chairs sign a Memorandum of Understanding on incentives for the CLV development triangle.

In his speech, PM Dung said that the CLV development triangle remains an area with a low level of development and has failed to make a breakthrough in socio-economic improvement and human resources development. Therefore, it should receive more attention and priority in the development policies of each country.

The same day, at a meeting with the Vietnam Business Association in Cambodia, PM Dung said the success of Vietnamese businesses’ investment in Cambodia is a major contribution to promoting cooperative relations between the two countries for the common goals of development and prosperity.

The Vietnamese Government will create the best possible conditions for businesses to invest in Cambodia and asked the relevant agencies to collaborate with their Cambodian counterparts to iron out snags in the amendments and supplements to an agreement on investment attraction and protection and an agreement on double tax avoidance as well as issue a decree on loans and guarantees for foreign investors, said Mr Dung noted.


Anonymous said...

before: Phnom Penh, Cambodia
currently: Nam Banh, Nambolao

cpp.............................pp (non Pro Hanpi) said...

CLV my ass.

WE Khmer don't recognize such birth of an idiot Ho chi ache...it only visible under cpp only.

(non Pro Hanpi)

Anonymous said...

Killed the youns and Khmer CCP

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! Vietnam scared of China! that's why Vietnam play friendly and asking Lao and Cambodia to joint them...hahaha!

Anonymous said...

ប្រសិនបើខ្មែរអាចទាញឡាវបានមកនៅជាមួយ ដើម្បីទប់ទល់និង ការវាតអំណាចរបស់យួន វាជាការមួយល្អហើយ។
យួនបានសង្ខើញចូលមកខ្មែរ ជាញឹកញាប់

Anonymous said...

Ong Dung,
why not Cambodia, who is the lands ownner supposes to implement the development triangle project.
Thousand PHd, Doctors in Cambodia why not taking the lead.
A bunch of Khmers Phd received from Vietnam too, take the initiative leading..damm it..

There are many professional khmers inside and abroad if SEN stands on his own feet to serve our motherland of course they will joint the courses to help rebuild our country.
But if you are under YOUN slave noone dare to care.

Khmer awake please it is not too late