Thursday, November 25, 2010

Four people dead Kim Tae-young resigned...How about Hoon Xen and his gangs?

Korea: "Defense Minister Kim Tae-young, resigned"South Korean Defense Minister Kim Tae-young (Photo: Allvoices)
Source: AllVoices

Defense Minister of South Korea, Kim Tae-young, resigned two days after the attack by North Korea against South Korean island which left two soldiers and two civilians dead.

The minister had been criticized for the response to the attack and his resignation was accepted by President Lee Myung-bak.

Earlier, South Korea announced that it amended its protocol in response to military attacks.

The government said that so far his country had put too much effort to prevent the escalation of military incidents, and would henceforth respond differently depending on whether the attack occurs on civilian or military.


Anonymous said...

long live viet nam..

good work hun sen..

you all dreaming

Anonymous said...

Kim Tae-young,

You are an honorable man for your nation. You're indeed take full responsibility and accountability of your title.

You just showed your young Korean generation as to what it means to serve your nation...if mistake had been make - one has to step a side and let other capable people to hold that title...

Kim Tae-young, I hope Koun Khmers who suppose to serve and protect all Khmers citizen...would resign given the amount ove 400 unnecessary dead earlier this week because they are incapable of holding their honorable title...

Anonymous said...

9:59 PM

you fucker, stop being an asshole pretending to be something you're not just to serve your fucking agenda. If you can't say nothing positive, shut the fuck up altogether. Go fuck yourself, asshole.

Resignation? What kind of a weak ass leader give up so easily? This korean guy resignation has more to do with political reason if you're that fucking dumb to figure out.

KI, why don't you stop being a fucking bunch of pussies that lay blame everything onto your party of dislike and grow your little dicks up and learn to act like a real grown up? Unless you're clinically a bunch of children trapped inside adult bodies. That's why you act like irresponsible children.

Anonymous said...

Where is Sam Rainsy? Everyone is working hard to help with this post-tragedy yet Sam Rainsy hasn't been seen doing anything to help. What a fucking joke. KI, your dear leader is no shit, man. Useless when it comes to action, all good for the talk, just like you too.

Anonymous said...

Dear KI, please keep up the good work in exploiting the death of my fellow cambodian. I hope you can sleep at night soundly knowing the disrespect you bring to their souls in being opportunists to exploit their death just so you can serve your political agenda in attacking the government.

Anonymous said...

Short live Vietnam and be perished along with Korean war that is now starting.

'How about Hoon Xen?" the writer perhaps knows the mentality of this monkey PhD too thin. I have sid all along that this group of rustics with little education will cling to power until their last breaths. Expecting them to be ashamed of themselves and abandon this golden opportunity seems like expecting monkeys to throw away bananas in their hands.

Anonymous said...

10.04PM, 10.08Pm, 10.10PM

When people talk straight you accused of them oppotunist and when the incompetent and irresponsible leader like hun sen and his gangds led the country to such a tradegy you asked us to be quiet and give respect to the dead,

Of course, we respect our beloved people not only they are dead but even they are alive but Hun Xen and his gangs show their respect to our people only when are dead and they never care when they are living. You must kno as well that their dead are cause by their stupidity and ignorance, incompetence of these stupid people hun sen and his gangs

And About Sam Rainsy...he is not in the executive role like hun sen...and if you can hold hun sen and his gangs responsible for this tragedy then Sam Rainsy will come to help in person. I believe so.

Anonymous said...

Dear readers,
I am convinced that Police Chief and Phnom Penh Moyer must resign. The accident at Koh Pich Bridge could not be happened, if they are capable to perform their job. Prime Minister HUN SEN should seriously think about their resignations.
I would like to extend my sincere condolences and wishes a complete recovery to the families and friends of those lost or injured in the incident at Koh Pich Bridge.

Best regards,

Anonymous said...

Koren people, South and North, please refrain from escalating the war. You are brothers and sisters with same blood. Your children deserve to live in peace.

You will not gain for anything by shooting your own people, except killing and tragedy.

If you continue to fight, who is will be the winner ? Not your people. Not North and South.

Cambodian war is one of the exemples for your people.

I amn a Cambodian living abroad

Anonymous said...

10:26 pm

Thanks for telling 10.04PM, 10.08Pm, 10.10PM that they have to reconsider of what they are saying. Their comment do not serve Cambodian National Interest by allowing these incompetant people to hold the honorable title that suppose to serve and protect Koun Khmers...resign is the only way for the Mayor and police chieft of Phnom Penh to show that they are taking full responsibility.

Mayor and police chieft of phnom penh - don't hold on to your incompetant position - allow other Koun Khmers that could do a better job than you to serve their nation.

Anonymous said...

Come on, moron. You appeal to Koreans? What for? Even Hun Xen shuts up about it. What kind of moron are you anyway?

Anonymous said...

10:50 pm - who are you calling moron? Are you calling Hun Xen moron? Yes, I agreed with you - for at least his Minister of Interiol should resign - he is INCOMPETANT....

Anonymous said...


Thank you for your criticism. I am a peace lover, and wish to be a peace maker. I love peace. I continue to pray for our beloved country, Cambodia, for peace. What ever will be happenned, we must avoid war again.

Peaceful solution is the right direction. Vengeance and anger are not the solution. They are out of date. Resignation is update.

As always, I am proud to be Cambodian, Khmer. I alway have a dream to go back to live in our motherland.


Anonymous said...

fair request, however, what does stampeding on a narrow bridge has anything to do with a force resignation of a prime minister? i mean we can see clear it's political, here, isn't it? tie that tragedy to the gov't! i think it's the parents's irresponsibility for letting their children wandering the street after dark when they should be home and get already for school the next day, etc, you know! now explain that! they say if you are in it together, then you will be found guilty by association, etc, really!

Anonymous said...

So true! Mr. Saddam Hun Sen and cronies should and must follow this guy's lead! We cannot afford to have anymore tragedy.. buh bye, nice knowing you - NOT!

Anonymous said...

you don't know what's going on in south korea; you know don't what's going on in cambodia? so, why are you blabbing you foul-smelly mouth like this here? get educated already, please! show me your college degree or credenttial next time, before you open you frog in the well mentality to show us you true color, ok!

Anonymous said...

i'm not some kind of political puppet, so give me a break, would ya!

Anonymous said...

10:08 PM,
Where was Hun Xen when sam Rainsy when to help some Khmer people at the border where Yuons planted some border posts deep in their land? Is Hun Xen a Khmer leader or a Yuon's puppet?

The reason why sam Rainsy cannot stay in Cambodia because Hun Xen, being scared of Sam Rainsy, tried to find fault with him and chased him out of the country. Nonetheless, the SRP and Sam Rainsy himself express their profound codolence on that tragic loss of over 400 Koh Pich goers' lives.

Hun Xen, thinking it's the best occasion to fool Khmer people into believing he cares about Khmers for real, is crying crocodile tears. He's a damn good pretender, trying to scoop all the credit for this tragedy for himself. Hun Xen is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Anonymous said...

correction: from this...

Anonymous said...

11:39 pm

You want those leaders in CPP to show their certificate...they have a lot of those in Cambodia. Most of them have a page of title before their name...but that an inflation's title - have no values. The real title has real value and be able to produce good and services for the people they serve. In this case, real certificate + real title = real outcome. But in this case, as you can see...those certificate that these leaders hold are just to threat the little Khmer people in the country side...

Anonymous said...

if hun sen is wolf, then sam rainsy must cry wolf all the time, i guess! who to believe him, really!

Anonymous said...

what! are you looking down on khmer people? you must be crazy, really! you can't be qualified, if you don't earn a college degree of some sort, you know; you have to meet all strict requirements by the law, ok! this is not the dark ages, ok! no more free lunch, corruption, immuntiy, impunity, class status, etc. stupid KR killed or got rid of all of that already, you know! get educated, please!

Anonymous said...

11:58 pm - be specific - University in Cambodia is only recognize in Cambodia - not outside of Cambodia. Until Khmer education can compete vis-a-vis internationaly...don't ask others to give Khmer the equal treatment with their educational system! Again, bottom line - what can you produce and contribute to rebuild your nation! Of course, unless you want to produce an imagination nation such as the diamond island -than that is another story...

Anonymous said...

11:58 pm - be specific - University in Cambodia is only recognize in Cambodia - not outside of Cambodia. Until Khmer education can compete vis-a-vis internationaly...don't ask others to give Khmer the equal treatment with their educational system! Again, bottom line - what can you produce and contribute to rebuild your nation! Of course, unless you want to produce an imagination nation such as the diamond island -than that is another story...

Anonymous said...

Cambodian people needs to stand up and do a petition requested Hun Sen to resign eventhough he not.Opposition Party should send a message to him to resign.We have to take pressure on him as much as we can and we wait for his respond and the world can see.When his tear is dry what will happen in Cambodia. Any big change or still the same.
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Anonymous said...

10:50 pm

Science without conscience, is the ruin of the soul.
Sciences sans conscience, n'est que ruine de l'ame.

Again, thank you for your criticism. I am a peace lover, and wish to be a peace maker. I love peace. I continue to pray for our beloved country, Cambodia, for peace. Whatever will be happened, we must avoid war again.

Peaceful solution is the right direction. Vengeance and anger are not the solution. Vengeance and anger are type of the war, too. They are out of date. Fair Solution and resignation are update.

As always, I am proud to be Cambodian, Khmer. I have always advised my children to get high education and return to Cambodia to serve their people. They listen to me or not are not the case. The point is to keep reminding them that they are always Khmers and forever.

I always have a dream to go back to live in our motherland peacefully.

LOVE from Khmer abroad, USA.

Anonymous said...

10:26 PM

Talk straight? From whose perspective? Yours, yes. But when it's other people's perspective, it's wrong. You are just the beholder of all thing truthful, are you?

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy is not a priminister or in power,he can what he can do.What he can do is to raise money for dead and injured people.Hun Xen gave $1230.00 for a dead body and $200.00 for injured because Hun Xen is the priminister.He is responsible for those people.
Hun Xen lack of leadership,management,and responsibility to order his officials being well organized,supervised the event.The safety polices should not let people come and go so crowded like sardines in can.

Anonymous said...

10:26 PM

You and your beloved Sam Rainsy love Cambodian people so much right? What have you done for them besides preaching the principles of democracy and freedom. I'm sure they can feed themselves off of your awesome rhetorics, man. You are no better than anyone you despise.

The reason SRP can't do anything may be the reason they don't have the majority of the support in the country. Have you thought about that order in stead? Keep living in your bubble and think the world revolves around your belief system only. Your Iamthevictim mentality is gonna be your road block to achieve anything greater in life. Remember that.

Anonymous said...

11:58 PM,
It's OK for you to be proud of your degrees in Cambodia. I don't want to talk about it, but I must since you mentioned about it. If you go to CAMNEWS blog, you will see their English; some look so messy that it's hard to understand what they are trying to say. Speaking in term of reading or writing Khmer, some of them who claimed to teachers in Cambodia, or have BAC I or BAC II degree, fail to show those qualities, as I invited them to try broadcasting Khmer news on radio some years ago when I was chosen to make some audio tapes for the producer who could not succeed his goal due to lack of money. And do not misunderstand that I mean all Khmer students in Cambodia> Some of them are very good, but those (about four) whom I meet and tested were no good.

Anonymous said...

shut up, ok! i can speak khmer better than you! i heard your khmer accent is the worst kind! bye bye!

Anonymous said...

Don't try me. If you do you fail. If you want to challenge me, you are very welcomed by me. I let you listen to my Khmer broadcasting first (as those could not read fast enough, I did it myself)before you make your choice. You can challenge me on both reading and writing Khmer.

Anonymous said...

3:25 AM

Good respond!
I remember Hun Manet came to study in US for 4 yrs - when he was on TV - he couldn't speak Khmer, talking the "New Khmer Rich".

Anonymous said...

Dear All Readers:

Hun Xen believes in its superstitions (Bramah). He is willing to do everything (even its people's lives) to secure his fake power (not including his visible beliefs).
He pretends that is the accident, but remember the tragedy is the planned tragedy:

- Authority was not present (until 1 hour or so later)
- No true investigation being taken seriously, instead the scene was cleaned up very quickly.
- Hun Xen and his PigHD Bun Rany has 70% share of the whole Koh Pich development, followed by Kim Soy (Khmer Rough Treasurer) and now is the Canadia Bank's owner, Kith Meng...etc.
- The rescue team and authorities were not responsible for the event and let the deaths escalated..
- Hun Xen suddenly came out and declared Nov 25 (instead of Nov 22) as the national holiday.

Look at things carefully. Hun Xen pretends crying in front of the public, but that is not the true pain and sympathy. He used to kill more than just that number of people during K-5, 97' coup...etc you name it.

Just a school of thoughts for you and Pro-CPPs.

We need a true responsible leader.

My deep regret for Khmer citizens and wish them all rest in peace and heaven.

Khmer Son!