Friday, November 12, 2010

Higher education made possible for Cambodians [by the Catholic Students Center]

Scholars at the Catholic Students Center in Phnom Penh
November 11, 2010
By Phat Samphy, Phnom Penh

Sok Pongsametrey, 28, works as a project manager in a computer company in Phnom Penh, where he earns a monthly salary of US$800.

But according to him, finishing his studies would not be possible had it not been for the help of a Catholic Students Center.

If there was no such center, I would have had to struggle very hard just to live,” he added.

Kim Khonlang, a student of the Royal University of Law and Economics, is also thankful for the center’s spiritual support. “The Catholic Students Center changed my life.”

For many rural Cambodians like Sok and Kim, getting a university degree is a big challenge due to widespread poverty. However, higher education is crucial for the country as it recovers from underdevelopment as a result of decades of civil conflict that ended in the 90s.

A Catholic Students Center in Phnom Penh was set up more than 10 years ago to give a chance to poor but deserving rural students to complete higher education. The center provides scholarships, accommodation and exposure to Christian values.

“The local Church needs to contribute toward developing human resources in the country,” explained Catholic Students Center coordinator Father John Even Ashley.

The priest said the Church wants to see a future with professionals imbibed with Christian values serving the country.

The 127 students who have benefited from the center since 1999 now work in various companies and NGOs.

About 12 students are admitted to the center every year after passing an examination. They get a scholarship to study at a university in Phnom Penh, accommodation at the center and free use of computer and Internet facilities.

Currently, 49 students live in the center, and not all are Catholic.

Providing a conducive environment for higher studies is the center’s priority, said director Ms. Hun Saren. “We maintain strict discipline, provide psychological support and hygiene training,” she added.

The center’s success has given rise to other similar Church-run centers such as St. Clair Students Center and Center of Justice in Youth Education in Phnom Penh, and Monsignor Paul Tep Im Center in Battambang, northwestern Cambodia.


Anonymous said...

United among all of Khmer is very important.

Knowing our enemy who really is also important.

Our enemy is Ho Chi Minh Indochina Federation.

We should help Hun Sen and CPP to be liberated from Vietnam. Yes we can. 1979 to 1991 yuons had fully controlled Hun Sen. We killed them a lot and kicked them out. I don’t think that Hun Sen wants to live under Yuons.

We must be united. We cannot fight among ourselves as Khmers and Khmers. This is the only one theory of winning against the enemies from west and east.

Do not stand on Republic and blame King. The vast majority of Khmers in Cambodia highly respect King. That is the fact. King Sihamoni has been highly respected by international leaders from around the world. That is the fact, too. King Sihamoni is far and far better than Thai king in every aspect. He is straight and firm. No one around can manipulate him. This king is different from other king.

Sam Rainsy Party is too far to the right. This party should be moderate or more liberal. This is the way toward unity and winning for the KHMER EMPIRE.

No one is perfect. But must be one is a better leader who is able to unite the vast majority of khmers?
Who is a better ?

Anonymous said...

Hanoi killed Moslems and took Champa.
Hanoi killed Khmers Krom and has controlled.
That is Viet’s nature as thieves and crocodiles.
That is Viet’s nature as thieves and crocodiles.
Down Vietnamese expansionism!
Vietnam will be wiped out by hurricane!
by Volcano!
by earthquake!
by tsunami!
and by….!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!
All Moslems wake up then be united to take CHAMPA back!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!
All Moslems wake up then be united to take CHAMPA back!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!!
All Moslems wake up then be united to take CHAMPA back!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!!
All Moslems wake up then be united to take CHAMPA back!
Vietnam will be wiped out by hurricane! by Volcano!
by earthquake! by tsunami waves ! and by….

Anonymous said...

This is good news from the Hun family.

Anonymous said...

Congretulation Christians, you have really done good things to Cambodians..

Anonymous said...

Excellent centre of education!

Cambodia does need more of this kind of educational assistance.

Some of the money provided by rich countries to help Cambodia should be reserved for this kind of help as this help will benefit the country in the long run.

Thank you very much for the help provided to poor Cambodian students; after all, education should always be an equal opportunity for the citizens.

Anet Khmer

Anonymous said...

Fucking the Christian mother fuckers we fucking don't needs your in my country. If you fucking helps don't fuss them to believing in your religion mother fuckers. I fucking hatest those religion they always fuss poeple to believe or they fucking go door to door asking people to believing the stupidest religion.

Anonymous said...

5:06, no one forced you to believe in anything you don't want. You are insecure because you don't even know anything about your own faith so you feel threatens when others began introducing their faith.

Those Christians are doing a good thing to help the people who wants their helps. You don't want their help no need to bash other people who glad receives - if you're jealous, take it!

Anonymous said...

5:06 AM,

You are very bad! Those students want help and it is their rights to get the help wherever they can.

You don't help the students and yet curse their helpers and you have the gut to come up here and express your evil heart.

If I have to choose between the Catholic church and you, I will for sure choose the Catholic church and not you!

Shame on you!

Anonymous said...

All Religions....Christian,Moslem and Buddhism look a like as long as d'ont brain washed,corruption, child molester and sexual abuse such as Big Church around in USA, especially in New York,California, Texas,ect....try to take advatage on khmer poor kids in Phnom Penh,Cambodia.....!!!

Don't pretend to be honest with
Christians mixed business and sexual pleasure...No one above the laws,especially natural law and the lwas of bad Kamma's Actions.

Anonymous said...

thank you. cambodia should have more private christian university, etc like they have in america. god bless cambodia and all khmer people.

Anonymous said...

Catholic Institute just started in Cambodia, called Saint Paul Institute that's currently located in Takeo. It's not opening for private purpose and still in priority of all provincial students as I know, especially students from Takeo / Kampot.

Hope their project can grow for everyone. Here is their blog:

but seem still in construction...