Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hun Xen suggest to mobilize funds for the Indochinese Triangle controlled by Vietnam: His Viet masters couldn't be more pleased!

Cambodian PM suggests setting up fund to advance CLV development triangle area

November 16, 2010

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen Tuesday suggested to establish a Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam (CLV) Fund to mobilize financial resources to fund the projects of the Master Plan 2010-2020.

The premier made the suggestion at the 6th Cambodia-Laos- Vietnam (CLV) Summit on Development Triangle Area (DTA) held on Tuesday morning in Phnom Penh, which is aimed to further strengthen the cooperation among three CLV countries.

With the financial difficulties, Hun Sen initiated to establish a CLV Fund in order to increase capitals for development projects.

He said that "Japan has financed 20 million U.S. dollars for the development triangle area, but we have to work with Japan and seek other development partners to mobilize capital for the triangle area."

In order to fulfill the programs and projects of the Master Plan, Hun Sen also suggested "to primarily shortlisting a number of prioritized projects from our cooperation sectors," such as infrastructure, trade and investment, social development and cultural conservation, agro-industry, tourism, and environment.

"The CLV Summit is not only to strengthen cooperation among the three countries, but also to contribute to the development in the region," said Hun Sen at the opening of the 6th CLV summit.

The summit is to review the progress of the triangle development area. Hun Sen highly evaluated the achievements that have been attained, especially in the sectors of trades and investments through fairs and trade conferences.

Two agreements were signed during the summit, including the amended memorandum of understanding towards the formulation of special preferential policies for the CLV development triangle area and the Phnom Penh Declaration on the Deepening Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam Development Triangle Area.

Meanwhile, a bilateral meeting was held between Prime Ministers Hun Sen and Laos' Prime Minsiter Bouasone Bouphavanh, and an agreement on air services between the two countries was signed.

At the half-day summit, Cham Prasidh, Cambodian minister of commerce and chairman of the Joint Coordinating Committee, briefly reported on the progress made in the areas of security, foreign affairs, and socio-economic development in the past two years.

CLV Development Triangle Area (CLV DTA) is aiming at accelerating of economic growth, poverty reduction, social and cultural progress in the areas of triangle.

Geographical provinces of the triangle area are Cambodia's Steng Treng, Rattanakiri, Mondulkiri and Kratie, Laos' Salavan, Sekong, Attapeu and Champasak, and Vietnam's Gialai, Daclac, Dacnong, Kontum, and Binh Phuoc.


Anonymous said...

Khmer is the fucking dumbest people in the planet. Especialy thus CPP people don't know shit all they know how to do is obey from the fucking Viet telling them what to do if they say left ah idiot CPP go left if they say
right ah CPP go right.

Anonymous said...

LONG LIVE VIET NAM... let our brothers and sisters who hold all level of officials cambodian government position to take full control of this useless country and make it into our new viet nam provinces. LONG LIVE VIET NAM..Thank to HUN SEN for doing a good work to take more money from china..

thank also to His Excellency SOK Sihpana, Phay Siphan and Sarin Denora for their lip services and manipulates international communities for our vietnam interest.

Anonymous said...

It is true, so silly and dull. cannot do anything fo their own country.

Anonymous said...

most of time they go the opposite because stupid cambodian dont know what is left or right..

useless peoples..
always asking other country to take control their own country


Anonymous said...

You fuck and bitch 2:48PM.You fucking like Pol Pot regime you fucking don't want Khmer country growing up or get along with somebody.So you fuck to live your boss Somrainsy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well get all Hun Sen and CCP Fund....too many poor Khmer or Viet.

Anonymous said...

With his worthless PhDs, Hun Sen bows his head to ground for the Viet to step on, but the useless son of the bitch acts tough against his own countrymen. He is whoever the Viet wanting him to be. In his stupid head, without the Viet he would not be where he is now, hence to show his gratitude and willingness to give away Cambodia piece by piece. He does not deserve to be the leader of his nation…with this kind of leadership Cambodia is fitted to be called a banana kingdom.
The son of the bitch makes the neighboring countries looking on the whole nation.

Anonymous said...

You dont have to go to long live vietnam to fuck vietnam chic just go to Cambodia and bom bom for 2 dollars

Anonymous said...

Khmer country will wipe out from the map soon,if khmer leaders are so stupid like we have today.We should look for someone to lead us or follow someone who can guide us to the right direction.