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Koh Pich suspension bridge (Photo; AFP/Xinhua) |
By P. from Long Beach
In view of the recent tragedy on Koh Pich Bridge where several hundreds of our compatriots died and were seriously injured, I would like to provide below, my personal perspective as a Civil engineer in this regards. While my specialty is not in Structural engineering, but rather in Geotechnical engineering, i.e. a specialty related to foundation engineering etc, I will strive to explain as best as I can, in laymen terms, the various aspects of bridge construction, and in particular the suspension bridge type that is used for Pich Bridge linking mainland to Koh Pich Island, and I will also provide my 2-cent input on the various aspects any investigation should consider.
The most basic method of constructing a bridge can be seen in the illustration above. First several piers are constructed as support for the bridge, next a bridge deck is placed in between two piers to provide a platform on which traffic can move over the bridge. In general, guard rails will be constructed next to prevent vehicles and foot passengers from falling off the bridge. While in concept, this construction method appears quite simple, the reality is not so. For one thing, if the spacing between two consecutive piers is very wide, then the bridge deck need to be designed thicker or more rigid so that when traffic moves over the bridge, there would be not too much vertical deflection (see black arrow in the illustration above).
Why do you want to widen the spacing between consecutive piers? The answer is very simple: for cost saving. Because the piers have to be installed under water, their construction cost can increase significantly the total cost of the bridge. Therefore, in the design of the bridge, the engineer must consider a tradeoff between the cost of the piers and the cost of reinforcing (i.e. strengthening) the bridge deck.
In some instances, when the load that the bridge may carry becomes quite heavy, a system of truss (or steel lattice) can also be used to distribute the load on the bridge.
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Bridge truss is a steel lattice to distribute the load on the bridge |
The type of bridge that was built in Koh Pich is known as “suspension bridge” and its construction technique differs somewhat from the conventional approach described above. In fact, the first concept of such bridge design dated back to 1595 and was attributed to Fausto Veranzio, an inventor and a catholic bishop from Croatia. However, the construction of such bridge did not really take place until the early 19th century.
To build a suspension bridge, first, two pylons or tower-like structure are constructed near both ends of the bridge. These pylons serve as vertical support for the suspension cables. The suspension cables are very strong cables anchored (attached) to solid ground (or rock) on both ends of the bridge. Next suspenders (vertical support cable) are attached to the suspension cable. The bottom of each suspender is attached to the bridge deck and suspends the latter over the body of water.
One advantage of such bridge design is to minimize the number of the support foundation (the foundation for the pylons) and thus cutting down the construction cost due to the wide spacing between the pylons. One of the most spectacular example of suspension bridge is no other than the Golden Gate Bridge linking the city of San Francisco to Marin County, California.
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The Golden Gate Bridge in California is one of the most spectacular example of "suspension bridges" in the world. |
Would a suspension bridge be less safe than a conventional bridge? Not necessarily, for example, in the case of the Golden Gate bridge, not only is it a massive bridge that serves to move traffic in and out of San Francisco, but it was also built in one of most earthquake-prone area in the world. So far, the bridge is behaving quite well although Caltrans, the California Department of Transportation, is in the process of strengthening it to make it more earthquake-resistant.
Would a suspension bridge be more prone to movement?
In the case of Pich Bridge, preliminary official investigation claimed that the stampede was initiated by the swaying of the Pich Bridge due to the presence of the large number of revelers on the bridge. So the first question that comes to mind is whether the suspension bridge is more flexible (i.e. more prone to swaying under heavy load) than a conventional bridge?
To answer this question, one has to keep in mind that any construction is prone to movement. This is a simple law of action-reaction, i.e. when a load is applied on a structure, that structure will tend to move slightly to respond to the applied load. Can’t the engineer design the structure to minimize the amount of movement? Yes, by designing the structure to be more rigid, then the amount of movement (or deflection) will be minimized, but this also comes at a cost. Therefore, a tradeoff needs to be considered between what is known as acceptable or livable amount of deflection and the cost to build such structure.
Returning back to the case of the flexibility of the suspension bridge, one of the first video shown to a Civil engineering student in a Structural course is the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Tacoma, Washington in 1940. The bridge was opened to traffic on July 1, 1940. Its main span collapsed into the Tacoma Narrows four months later on November 7, 1940, at 11:00 AM (Pacific time). The spectacular collapse was recorded on film and shown below.
Collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge
The collapse of the bridge was attributed to strong gale wind blowing at 67 km/h (42 mph). In this case, the strong wind was able to initiate the fluttering of bridge deck, i.e. initiating the dynamic motion of the bridge. The fluke in this case was a dynamic phenomenon known as dynamic resonance, whereby the dynamic shaking generated by the wind coincided with the fundamental period the bridge (the time it takes for the bridge to sway up and down in one cycle when it is shaken). When such phenomenon occurs, the intensity of the bridge shaking is self amplified and could lead to collapse as it did in the Tacoma Narows Bridge case.
After watching such spectacular collapse one wonders if the Pich Bridge could sway under the massive human load on the bridge? From an engineering point of view and as I explained earlier, the bridge will deflect slightly in the vertical direction when a large number of people crosses it at once. However, considering the foot traffic on the bridge, since not all the people were dropped in instantaneously on the bridge, but they rather walked in as a stream, therefore, from a preliminary engineering standpoint, I have a hard time seeing the Pich Bridge starting to sway suddenly. In my mind, I can picture a plausible scenario where someone suddenly realizing that there was a large amount of people on the bridge, started to shout that the bridge could collapse, and thereby initiating the stampede.
As an engineer, I cannot solely rely on hearsay as the basis of my investigation, therefore, I was dismayed when a preliminary official investigation announced almost immediately that the stampede was initiated by the swaying of the bridge. In the US (as well as anywhere else in the world) for example, knowing or estimating the live load due to the foot traffic and the structural construction of the bridge, it is quite common to perform a structural evaluation through a computer analysis to evaluate the amount of deformation due to the presence of the crowd on the bridge. Such scientific evaluation would provide more meaningful credence to the official claim than the hearsays and rumors that government officials rely on as their basis. Short of funds to perform such analysis, vehicles loaded heavily enough to simulate to load of the crowd could also be used to perform a live experimental test to see whether the swaying may take place or not.
But even if swaying can be proved to take place, the question still remains as to why so many people are allowed to cross the bridge at once so as to create traffic jam, knowing full well that the bridge is opened to traffic in both directions? Where was the traffic control or was there any to start with? These are more fundamental questions that any investigation will have to answer. The answer to these questions would then pinpoint clearly who is to be blamed in this tragedy. If the government is not willing to support such scientific investigation, the OCIC company which is involved in the development of Koh Pich must take the initiative by launching its own scientific investigation if it wants to clear its name from this criminal case. That would be my 2-cent input into this case.
As always, I remain opened to any input and suggestion by the public, be they engineer or not.
I thank you for your attention,
P. from Long Beach
Thanks for the article, which is worth a lot more than two cents. Would any other experts please offer their technical analysis on this matter.
Kuoy Pichet
As aircraft engineer I accecpt this article. Best contribution my friend.
Dear Lok from Long Beach,
Thank you for your time and your explaination.
I believe it worth more than Kbal Hun Sen Bun Rany.
PS:Yeay Pek
If Cambodia is still serious corruption like today the other objects like airlines and high buildungs will be the next.
Aircraft Engineer
Its a national disgrace because of all the old farts. The farts only care about themself, and not the future or national reputation of all khmer.
SHAME SHAME SHAME to all you old fart-thick-skin hunsen regime.
I am studying material engineering. During my study, I did study on software modeling the behavior or materials and energy flow; and I was equally not convinced what the statement reported by the government. Scientifically, I was just not able to accept it knowing that "what is heard to the laymen is that swaying caused this much lives" without any concrete claim of any methodology done by the investigation group.
The government has to take this investigation more seriously and publicize everything. There are lot of experts around the world who are watching, studying, waiting, and wanting to know what behind. Please do not fool them as what the gov is doing now.
Khmer student
មានប្រទេសជាច្រើនណាស់ដែលមន្រ្តីទទួលខុសត្រូវនៅក្នុងហេតុការណ៏អ្វីមួយ គេបានលាចាកចេញពីតំណែងចំពោះភាពបរាជ័យរបស់គេ។ តួយ៉ាងដូចជានៅប្រទេសកូរ៉េខាងត្បូងកាលពីប៉ុន្មានថ្ងៃនេះ លោក លី ម្យុងបាក់ បានស្នើឲ្យលោក គឹម តែយ៉ង រដ្ឋមន្រ្តីក្រសួងការពារប្រទេសលាលែងពីតំណែងចំពោះកំហុសដែលមិន បានឆ្លើយតបទៅនឹងការវាយប្រហាររបស់កូរ៉េខាងជើងដែលបណ្តាលឲ្យ ទាហានរបស់កូរ៉េខាងត្បូងពីរនាក់ស្លាប់។
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ចំណែកលោក ផៃ ស៊ីផាន អ្នកនាំពាក្យទីស្តីការគណៈរដ្ឋមន្រ្តីវិញ ក៏បានថ្លែងឲ្យដឹងផងដែរថា ការលាលែងពីតំណែងរបស់មន្រ្តីរដ្ឋាភិបាលអំឡុងពេលមានការរិះគន់ ខ្លាំង វាមិនមែនជាទម្លាប់នៅក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជាទេ
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you have not answered a damn thing. what you are concentrating on as if the bridge was the only factor or causer of this tragic event. you sound more like a hired a what so-called expert witness in criminal court which you are not. are you hired by some party to post this?
Dear all,
Hun Sen government is a Hanoi tool. Hanois plants to kil Khmer.
1- K.5
2- 1997 coup d'etat
3- grenade attack
4- Koh Pich,
5- The secret war to against Khmer Race.
To brother Khmer student (8:44 PM),
You will be the engineer like me or like other Khmers near by the future. You have right, the Govt. must show the investigation commission to our khmer people know publich, that is the duty of engineers and authaurities workinh hand in hand (but manipulated the real result to our poor people), I do hope wir have enough qualified engineers to investigate this accidents or we urge the international community for surpport if it needed. As for me, I or the other Khmer engineers will never believe what the politician confirme. Ok, maybe our khmer people lifes are very cheap?
Thank you P.
good approach by the engineer above. in any investigation, all aspects should be taken into consideration, then rule out one by one to get to the bottom line, that's the scientific approach alright. i think the individual(s) who yelled out "the bridge is collapsing" is probably a bully or an evil person (that's why in america they have law against people yelling fire in a crowded theater because they been there, done that; anyway, maybe they did it thinking this way they can make people get off the bridge not knowing the consequences of stampeding in a large crowd, etc... if they bridge design sounded reasonable and no swaying was found by investigation, test, etc, then of course, it is the human bully, etc. it is important to look into all eyewitnesses and survivors claims, and from there, rule them out one by one, i think. remember, the investigation is going on and will take sometime to complete. and keep in mind too (which i think most cambodian people both officials and nonofficials do not understand) that doing this kind of scientific investigation is better as cambodia is heading toward development, modern future, high standard of living, higher education, reforms, etc, etc, you know! don't allow any one person to dismiss it as trivial or unimportant. it is very important if we were to prevent any more futre catastrophe at this scale. and yes, it is everybody's in their right mind to care about it, the world as well as cambodia. we all can sure learn from it in order to prevent and make better things in life, etc... thank you.
To 9:13 PM,
If some write here, you say those are opposition and who are you?, Dai viet or slave Viet. We view you not Khmer at all, because your brain was washed by Viet. As you know, in the Pol Pot regime those who was detained was KGB, CIA or Vietname, then 1.7 millions Khmer death und now you the same words against Khmer again, you are really slave foreigner those take your land every day you are still don't know nothings?.
A bridge packed with people actually has a greater load than one with normal heavy truck traffic. For example, when the Golden Gate bridge was closed for its 50th anniversary celebration in 1987 the weight of the crowd caused the deck to noticeably sag and flatten out. It went back to normal profile after reopening.
It's a bit unnerving for many people to realize how much bridge decks safely deflect. Have you ever stopped midspan on a bridge and felt it bounce as trucks pass you by?
In spite of all this I have a hard time believing that the Koh Pich Bridge was swaying--sagging or shaking, yes.
12:06am, good point. during stupid KR era, people often accused each other of viet/youn or any other enemies of the state of that time, thus, the result was 1.7 or more people died as a result. so they say a history not learned prone to repeat itself. so true! so, it is better to go scientific from now on, than to believe or buy into hearsay, rumor, hate, racial slur, etc, etc... only ignorant people would do such thing, really!
and evil people too!
From a non-engineer/technical perspective, here is naother 2 cents worth:
Assuming that structurally, the bridge, or let say even the solid ground existed, where was the crowd control/management policy or application?
Why the crowd was allowed to be at the level where people were so tightly and suffocatingly interlocked with one another? The simple, predictable, and preventable measure should be the one like the government has been successfully using all the times to control protesting crowds.
There should have been cops or security personnel at both ends of the bridge and on the bridge itself. The cops and the guards should have controlled and directed to allow only a single exit direction on that bridge, and should have shut the end of the bridge once the number of people got to be exceeding of movement and order could be controlled on the bridge span.
The other bridge (Rainbow?) could have been effectively used as another exit!
People, crowd control measures exist and are in use in small and large events in most places in the world. From small county fair grouds event to big sporting stadiums.
Now, another issue, the preparedness of first responders and emergency medical system was nowhere reflecting any decent prepared status.
The event on Koh Pich was tragic, but just limited to a single and small incident, imagine if there were any significant or multiple and simultaneous disasters or war?
Did the municipal authority and event organizers think of leaving it to fate? Or, were they just totally complacent?
The results on the ground reflected the common and prevalent behavior and attitude of the governing authority's individual powerful and rich honorific persons, who usually do not pay much attention to public services, but more at personal wealth and titles. They proably keep on thinking that it would be only a short, urgent medical flight away from Phnom Penh to get themselves or their family memebers out to better medical system and care in neighboring countries.
On the other hand, my hat's off to all our engineers and scientific compatriots who, no matter what regime the country had, would be the ones who would be able to design, create , build, and make life better for everyone.
No point to talk about the bridge (except to show-off 2-cents knowledge) as this construction has resisted to more than 50% of the normal loading.
In my opinion, there are several causes to the tragedy, all human mistakes:
1. The lack of education of the people who didn't know that a suspended bridge's swaying is normal and who believed the bridge would collapse.
2. As it was commented before, the idiots who yelled that the bridge is collapsing.
3. The Governmental Department in charge of organizing the Festival, they should have organized in a safer way
4. The police who fired the water canon as they panicked when the big crowd started to run (believing the bridge would collapse)
5. The people who installed the lights and who didn't isolate the electric wires well enough and caused electric shock to people when the police fired the water canon.
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