I am very pleased with the responses to our newly launched Neatee Koun Khmers. I enjoyed the discussions and was pleased with the comments the majority of which were very thoughtful. I am also grateful to KI-Media admin team for working vigorously to keep vulgarities and obscene comments that had no social or political values in the forum. This is your forum. Please write.
Last week, together we explored the concept of sovereignty. National sovereignty can be complicated especially when a nation has to respond to situations that have international implications such as global warming issues and the likes. To protect and preserve national sovereignty, a nation needs leaders who are capable of taking appropriate measures responding to changes domestically or and internationally.
This leads us to this week discussion. Let us explore the concept of leadership. What is leadership? What are the qualities, characteristics, or virtues of effective leaders? I am sure that you have plenty of things to say about this topic. You may want to discuss about transitional and charismatic leadership. Transitional leaders could be charismatic who stimulate the followers to change their motives, believes, and values so that their interests and the leaders or the nation’s interest are congruent (Hay & Hodgkinson, 2006).
As an introduction, I wanted you to know that there is plethora of literatures on the subject. Furthermore, experts point out that there are many different definitions of leadership. Since there are as many definitions of leadership as there are many people trying to define it, I hope that we can do justice to the concept by discussing all aspects of leadership here (Denhardt et al. , 2009).
For my part, allow me to focus on a subset of leadership. I am interested in looking into the rethinking or reframing, if you will, of the concept of leadership.
The way in which we think about leadership is changing. According to Denhardt et al. (2009), “For the most part, leaders were people in formal position of power and authority and people who used their power and authority, as well as other forms of influence, to direct others toward goals and objectives that had established in advance” (p. 172).
There are many public figures in our society that fit in this aforementioned traditional leadership role. Without blaming any leader, although progress is noticeable, we have not gone far as a nation since the election of 1993. According to the World Bank, Cambodia’s gross national income per capita in 2009 ranks 185th out of 213 countries. Max Weber explained traditional authority as powers of control have been handed down from the past through family lineage from one generation to the next (Miller, 1963).
Now leadership is no longer solely depending on what these traditional leaders do. Denhardt et al. (2009) are redefining leadership, “Rather it refers to a process by which one individual influences others to pursue a commonly held objective. Where leadership is present, something occurs in the dynamics of a group or organization that result in change” (p. 173).
Instead of looking for leadership from a top down perspective, leadership takes place horizontally in most ordinary circumstances. Reading Lao-tzu’s (circa 600 BC) depiction of leadership reminds me of our many tireless natural Khmer leaders who are working diligently in the backgrounds whether getting the news about political oppression of a certain group of people to the world, working with human rights organizations, fighting for justice, saving young girls from being abused, saving endangered species from being extinct, or finding to ways improve a living standards of a people, they are getting things done quietly. Lao-tzu wrote:
A leader is best when people barely know that he exists, not so good when people obey and acclaim him, worst when they despise him. “Fail to honor people, they fail to honor you”; but of a good leader, who talks little, when the work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will all say, “We did this ourselves.” (as cited in Denhardt et al. , 2009 , p. 167)
Imagine the potential of these natural leaders if somehow they can be recognized and further developed. Robert J. Allio (2005) argued that leadership cannot be taught, but leadership can be learned, “Taking a course on wise men may help you learn about them, but it seems unlikely to make you wiser! Leadership is no different” (p. 1072). These leaders can learn and develop themselves to be our national leaders.
Perhaps, instead of looking for the one leader, we may work with leaders who possess peripheral vision. Cameron and Green (2009) suggested, “The notion of peripheral vision is a key one to keep in mind. Leaders need to wake up to what is going on around them. This means noticing more than just the obvious, the loud or the directly visible. It means having an awareness of what is going on at the edges, and being observant about motion and change” (p. 351). Peripheral vision enables leaders to act wisely and proactively.
Above all, the most important quality that a leader should have is vision. Warren Bennis envisioned characterics of visionary leadership, “The first basic ingredient of leadership is a guiding vision. The leader has a clear idea of what he wants to do- professionally and personally- and the strength to persist in the face of setbacks, even failure. Unless you know where you are going, and why, you cannot possibly get there” (as cited in Cameron & Green, 2009, p. 142).
Before we start discussing the leadership concept, I‘d like to leave you with this thought by George Lakoff (2004), a cognitive scientist at UC Berkeley, who reminds us that to change the world we need to reframe. Reframing is changing the way we see our world. He explained, “Framing is about getting language that fit your worldview. It is not just language. The ideas that are primary-and the language carries those ideas, evokes those ideas” (p.4).
I hope that as we discuss this concept we are open to ideas and to different perspectives. I strongly believe that the option is ours and the choices are out there. We can stick to the old way of seeing things and doing things or reform our way. Reform starts with knowing ourselves, knowing where we are, and knowing where we are going.
Again, this is your forum. Without further ado, the floor is yours.
Allio, R. (2005). Leadership development: teaching versus learning. Management Decision; 2005; 43, 7/8; ABI/INFORM Global pg. 1071
Cameron, E., & Green, M. (2009). Making sense of change management. London and Philadelphia: Kogan Page
Denhardt, R., Denhart, J. , &Aristigueta, M. (2009). Managing human behavior in public and nonprofit organization. Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, and Singapore: Sage
Hay, A., &Hodgkinson, M. (2006). Rethinking leadership: a way forward for teaching leadership? Leadership & Organization Development Journal; 2006; 27, 1/2; ABI/INFORM Global
Lakoff, G. (2004). Don’t think of an elephant! Know your values and frame the debate. White River Junction, Vermont: Chelsea Green Publishing
Miller, S. M. (Ed.). (1963). Max Weber. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company
Enjoy very much to read this subject. Was also working for the development of Leadership training.
Hun Sen is a good leader for monkeys !
"A leader is best when people barely know that he exists, not so good when people obey and acclaim him, worst when they despise him."
We are currently in this situation.
I hope some of our Khmer well educated brothers who one day become PM of Cambodia - will learn and have a best knowledge for helping the Khmer people.
Please for those Khmer men who have such a good vision with great potential I would like you and teach yours kid to be very sure you work for you country first then yours.
I want to see all Khmer men to run for this country (Cambodia) hoping he or she can contribute and implementing ideas into developing Cambodia. I am hope and pray that my good vision here is one day will become reality and hope it the best for our people.
4:12am! what do you want?
Make sure all people under laws first! fuck the so call themselves leaders!!!
Good Leadership,
-Leading by example, Open minded, impartial enforcement the rule of law of the land, good listener,
surrouned by good advisors.
Accept responsibility when failure leading of his country to disaster.
Learn from mistake or change for the sake of his country.
Compassion to those impoverished powerless, and better resolution poverty of his country people.
Protect and defend people born of freedom.
Respect people without prejudice.
Objective short term and long term politic and economic of the country.
To serve people and country best interest.
Thank Ki and koun Khmer very positive it great to read KI now. Thank again KI
5:51 AM,
Thank you, I want that person to be my leader.
It makes perfect sense.
5:51 AM,
You described good leadership very well.
What about destructive leadership?
What are the qualities and characters?
Thank you in advance.
Thank you KI team for sharing effort with Natee koun khmer for the opportunity to explore this sensible topic.
Good leadership is always required periodically,from one generation to the next.Acknowledge of this requirement is an important step to move forward and maintain progresses to both individual and social alike.
Leadership is a systematic approach and interacted one another for specific purposes.
Talking about leadership is talking about humanity.Collective groups or social groups require leadership.
Leadership is to lead, leading lives of any complex form regarding its specific group to live and survive.In animal kingdom, this has applied and adapted instinctively.
However as human, leadership is requied to progress society to live to accomplish basic human needs and beyond and safety.
Leadership's quality can be varied according to social norm and actual circumstances it faces.
Wisdom is an ultimate to enable to lead successfully and effectively.
Does everyone equip with wisdom?
Yes,once again it is all varied accordingly due to personal attributes and surroundings,as per all creatures great and small,said it all in Buddhism.Human quality apart from courage,compassion can not be denied.
Key of all is understanding.
How understanding can be achieved?.
Learning and be prepared to learn is that human kingdom is different to the animal one.It comes into two forms of learning.
1-Humanity,socities of races and origin,social values and its TRANSFORMATION.
2-Skills of living,ranging from mechanical,electrical,chemical, social...etc mostly attained from educational institutions of vaiour forms.These skills will provide leader/leaders the flexibility
and adaptibility.
These have each own complexity.
Knowing circumstances with circumstantial evidences,from both means of communication of providing infos and feedbacks is also essential.
Last but not the least,ETHICS is a very utmost of each leader in any areas whether formal in ackowledged position say POWER to adhere to.In informal leading roles such as peer groups,family, religious groups,social groups or even just comedy as it has to have a building knowledge embeded with.
Reflecting to disorganised or organised society,leadership is portrayed clearly and remedy is ALWAYS required to better performed,satified and safer society.
I hope this brief comment can be a tiny help into exploring more into leadership and its values.
Leaders must eat wheaties :)
The problem is our choice for elect our leader?
Oudom Kate cheat Khmer or Oudom Kate Cheat Youn?
Samdech From Hanoi or Samdech from americ? Which one the best ,no perfect?
Hi not so simple peasant - welcome to Neatee Kaun Khmer. Thanks for your contribution for this forum. But most of all thanks to Kaun Khmer for pick up this topic.
Yes, leadership should has most if not all the qualities that Kaun Khmer has well said in the column. Under democratic principle, leader should be elect by the people, represent the people and serve the people.
Democracy in Cambodia is only meet the first criterial - elected by the people (might not be by choice, but we are nice enough to credite RGC to at least get elect by the people). To turely represent and serve the people, almost none exist in present govt. system. It rather act the opposite, I would call the current govt. planting rice on Khmer's back, but the Khmer are not getting benefit out of their work. In additon, I would name this govt. made from noodle and monosodium....just right before the election....respective governers as well as MP and PM will bring gift to all Khmer people. The leaders would asked the people - will you vote for the people who just said they will bring some for you and never see it, or are you voting for the government who is not say much, but just deliver the good for you? Of course, the people will respone to the later.
There is a strategy that the CPP use - which reffer to the rain as springle vs. rain is pouring! - bloggers - what does this mean?
Another question would be -- yes, the quality of leader that Kaun Khmer had mention is indeed a good quality leader that any countries should have. But how does individual that want to be a leader and translate those quality into reality?
Ok Peasant and school of Vice and all kaun khmers that come to this blog - anything thought on this? How does one acquire those quality? Does any one of us that share this space can see herself/himself has at least one of th leadership quality that mention above? Please share...
they say before you can be a good leader, you have to be able to follow first. and a leader leads people not manages people, you manage supplies, not people; know the difference!
9:49 am - manager manages people within the regulation of the company.
Leader of the country diffinately leade the people, but at the same time, s/he has to manage the country's resources in order to serve the people that they suppose to serve. Given the natural resources that discover in Cambodia (oil, gem, etc)...govt. needs to manage those resources so that all Khmers could benefit from that....
leadership is about quality; it is about the best character and requires debates, exchange of ideas, experience, education, imagination i.e. good vision; a leader should have a worldly philosophy about society, country, civilization, history and a general knowledge of everything that can make a difference in people's lives, etc, etc...
a leader should do good for the welfare of our nation and should display good moral as well. a leader is a learned man or woman and must be multi-tasking and so forth...
a leader should be objective, not subjective in his/her decision making. and it is always in the best interest of the people to consult with the educated people of the nation when making national decision given limit by the law of the land, the constitution. they must be effective, smart, intelligent, non-personal. i'm sure more research is required to learn more about leadership ability, etc...
a good leader must be able to listen and observes, learns, follows as well as leads and speaks. s/he must be aware of what's good and what's bad for a nation and always keep the nation informed. s/he must know the term limit set by the law of the land, etc...
a leader leads the nation in a good direction, that is; a manager manages the organization e.g. an entity, etc. please know the difference between leading and managing!
i think a good leader is a good manager as well. isn't that part of multi-tasking? i think a good leader leads the people and nation, whereas a good manager manages a business entity, etc. or a good leader takes talent and education while a manager must be skillful and educated as well.
Lead and manage are one of many quality that good leader needs to have...multi-tasking, riggidity and flexibility. Riggidity is the Willingness for leader to face adversity as well as flexible to adjust to sitition and condition call for....
Both leader and manager are not exclusive from each other. A good leader could be a good manager and a good manager could be a leader. In a big company like Apple Inc., for example, Steve Job is a good leader. His job is to set goal/direction and lead the company in his vision ( of course the board of directors have to agree) while his managers' job make sure that the engineers produced products that match the leader's vision.
Successful companies usually are successful in aligning the employees' vision with that of the company. Good leader, one can say, is dealing with a broad direction or vision while a good manager is working with his people to get things done. And get it done effectively and successful. In this scenario a manager is dealing with more than just managing employees, he/she deals with resources, budgets, and also makes sure that the company policies are stictly followed.
12:32 - now that you mention this that manager needs to follow "company policies are stictly...", thus this similar for democratic country...strict law must be follow - nobody above the law. Therefore, strong institution must be in place plus strong law inforcement. At the same time govt. needs to have sufficient budget to provide necessary for it citizen such as education and health care...thus strict tax code must be enforce. According to Rainsy mention in one of his speech that govt. lost about 500 million of tax revenue that has not gone to govt collection....Thus, strong institution plus strong enforcement is a must....This needs leadership that has vision, mission, and implementation ...
Conquer yourself first before you conquer someone else.Put yourself under the rules of laws,not above the laws;respect the constitution of the state.
1:08 - The value that you mention, isn't it comes from Buddhist teaching. In addition isn't this the religion of Cambodian State? Than the question is - if Buddhist is Cambodian state's religion, than why Cambodian are so selfish? Thus this mean that religious institution fail to teach Khmer population what it take to be a lay buddhist?
I have to admite that attend the temple maybe one or twice per year - only that I have to go because of the tradition! I didn't learn much from the Khmon - chanting - not realy understand anything. Thus, in this case should Khmer religion revive to teach something that Khmer people could understand what they suppose to do as a buddhist lay person!
There are other countries in Asia that are buddhist as well. The one that impress me most is Buddhist teaching from Taiwan. I read most of Buddhist textbook from Taiwan - which allow me to understand ...what it is to be a lay person in Buddhism.
In Cambodia - Buddhist is more of a window dressing where a lot of beautiful temples all over the country - But what do Khmer people learn from these beautiful temple?
Temple without a real buddhist khmon, people without real Buddhist's values...
There seems to be a confusion between the value of being a buddhist lay person and a valume of the buddhist temples!
valume of buddhist temples are not equal to values of buddhism.
This is 12:32PM. I have a valid point. Great job.
Koun Khmer - thank your for writing this - I think that we get more useful discussion from our bloggers participate in this space. I like the dark green color around the Neatee Koun Khmers - it help bloggers that want to come back for discussion easy to spot (great job:~))
Koun Khmer, may I put a request if it is possible for next week topic. Can we talk about "Institutions". There is a great article from Bruce Bueno De Mesquita et al on "Policy Failure and Political Survival: The Contribution of Political Institutions". Than we can go from there...
In additon, just want to thanks for the diverse sources that you manage to include with your short article...I think Miller is a good source...
Please if anybody else has a topic suggestion - contribute.
A jock?????
1:34 - why this is a jok ...can you explan a bit more?
12:54 AM,
I just viewed the abstract,"The authors advance a theory of the effects of political institutions on state policy. The theory explains how political institutions affect the ability of leaders to maintain themselves in office, why some political systems are more prone to policy failure than others, and why autocrats create mass political systems."
That sounds very interesting.
Yes, why not. Let us talk about that.
Do you want to write a short article relating to that or you want me to do it?
Please let me know.
thank you for suggesting the topic.
Koun Khmer
Koun Khmer - yes, this is a good topic...I want you do it because you have the quality and knowledge to wavie the article with orther sources which is more diggestable to us bloggers...
I have ideas - just not much time to do...given the amount of works that I have - I sleep less than five hrs per/night already. If I am going to take up anymore...only Buddha will know...
Anyway, thanks Koun Khmer on behalf of all Koun Khmers...your contribution and dedication is highly appreciated!
Thank you, I put together a short introduction to topic.
Best regards,
Koun Khmer
Happy writing Koun Khmer...our motherland is happy too to have Koun Khmer like you :~))
With my regards,
I think leader should have no formal role in any organisation because he or she must be humble in serving people. His or her deeds can influence them rather than words because he or she speaks less and listen more. She must unite visions of the organisation that she serves. It is a critical part. After they have only one vision, she joins her organisation performing actions as a whole. They all are doing things to reach goal collectively rather than she is doing it individually. She may take pride from her acts. She should not doing it because it is not her responsibility. Therefore, she should not have an appointed role in any organisation.
PS: I suggest to Koun Khmer, who initiates the forum, and KI, who manages the procedures, that the this forum should not be used for interest of personal or group. To create unity we should not mention a name of a person or an organisation, for instance. However, we may point out the fact of what that person or organisation has done from a reliable source. We should not state who or what a person or an organisation is. This is the duty of the judge.
Finally, Koun Khmer and KI have done a great job. It is appreciated.
Your Sincerely,
Neatee Koun Khmer:
I give this big thumb to those who came come with this idea.
Neatee Koun Khmer is for every Koun Khmer to joint and help our last land .
Whether we will become like Champa and Lao or not Neatee Koun Khmer play very important role.
Whether we will become like Kampuche-Krom or not Neatee Koun Khmer play important role.
Hopefully Neatee Koun Khmer will bring us Koun Khmer closer and closer together as a big Khmer family.
Khmer Leu, Khmer Krom and Khmer Kandal we are all Khmer.
Even our brothers and sisters of Khmer-Cham we can work together because those Khmer-Cham living in Cambodia they are the victims of yuon killed their ancestors and swallowed and removed their country from the world map.
So we are all in the same boat.
5:45 am - thanks for clearify this for all of us...the credit is to all Kaun Khmers that come to this space to share, to care and to contribute to topics that we see is critical to our motherland's right now. This "Neatee Kaun Khmer" is allow all of us Kaun Khmers, without any discrimiation,not to claim fen fair or expect any particular out come. But rather to allow all Kaun Khmers to share knowledge, discussion, and contribute selflessly in the benefit for all Kaun Khmers...
From my part, I don't know anybody in this blog personal..except that Kaun Khmer is willing to take the lead of putting the ideas that we had suggest...this is should be commanted toward Kaun Khmer of his/her willingness to sacrify the time for all of us.
But most of all thanks to all who come to this blog willing to share and express your point of views and minize bad words...thus, I hope that more Kaun khmers see this as useful and come again...
Last but not least, thanks Ki's team to put the last touch on 'Neatee Kaun Khmer" to become reality....now as all of us can see - cooperation and "good thinking" will get us somewhere!
the power grabbing thing that some people feared happen in cambodia, well, if you have the rule of law and the term limit, then such issue is non-existent, i think! it is the lack of law that make it possible for a greedy individual to grab power for himself, in this case! wake up, cambodia, it's time for total reforms, ok!
they say, a history unlearned is poised to repeat itself, so start learning history now, ok! there are more to cambodia than you and i, really!
11:02 am - you're right! That is why the next issue we will discuss is on "Institution"...on this issue, we can branch out to other areas of govt. structure!
That is why time limit for prime ministership is a must. The first term - the prime minister has to work hard to serve the people - if s/he does not do that - people can vote him/her out. Than if s/he get elect the second term - this where one can work hard to leave his/her accomplishment for nation!
Once can follow the democratic process right now! We can see that Obama has been in office for two years now...the midterm election give the signal to Obama's addministration that people are not happy...Obama has two years to correct his domestic as well as foreign policy within this time fram. If he can't, he can be sure that the people will vote him out - this is the beauty of Democracy. This is the true of "people power". People elect government to serve their interest - if not, you out!!
Somrainsy is good leader and stayed outside of Khmer country.Hun Sen is not good,but he always helping Khmer people so who is good leader?
Dear Everyone;
Again, this is a good chance to continue this invaluable engaging discussion. In my point of view, leadership is a qualified leader who came to power with his/her own endeaverance. And it is really precise if we just look at current situation of Cambodia and put our current individual leaders into case-study. I think this should be not appropriate one but we have to choose this to critically analyse the situation or we can say "straight to the point".
As what I mentioned, Cambodia has no leader who has come to power by his or her own diligence, knowledge and self-triumph. Let pick up few examples:
- Our King Norodom Sihanouk was so popular among Cambodian people and he was called the "father of the nation". I think our King just came from the line of monarchy summing up with the belief of Cambodian people on "devaraja or god-king" that has made him popular like that. Actually, popularity of our King mihgt not come from his own persistance on justice or political realization, or his knowledge and crusade for lagacy of humanity. With this regards, I think he is very different from Founding Father of G. Washington and Maha Tma Ghandi etc.
- Our great Somdech Dechho Hun Sen has come to power by the help of other. He is sharing the same enthronement like Pol Pot. No one believe that the weak resistance of Pol Pot and their group can overthrow Lon Nol, but why assistance from China, Pol Pot swiftely enthroned to power. Hu Sen is the same. No one can imagine that Hun Sen would be a prime minister and can last his power up to 13 years (sic) till nowsday. Undeniably, without support from Vietnam, Hun Sen will have no way to succeed thise throne of power.
However, I am stunned by Dr. Meang-Meth is his article mentioned about Leviathan. This term was used by Thomas Hobbs which he might not refer to persons who are publicly powerful and ruthless, he might refer to the machine behind the power.
Machine behind the power is the key player.
So let dig out who are behind the bar? I mean who is so powerful behind Hun Sen? As we all can conceptualize, Hun Sen's ability is not going that far in clinging to power so long like this.
Yes, there are many factors to include with this. Sometime, it is because the Cambodian people are too weak to upgrade their vision to get a more capable leader, or sometime it is because Hun Sen has a strong support from foreigners, or the opposition party is too weak in strategic planning as well as financial support or it is because other unknown factors etc.
However, I am interested with seeking the Leviathans who are working behind the bar, behind Hun Sen.
Who are they? - Please, share your opinions...
12:35 pm - I appreciated your imput and question you had put forward?....I would like to call to your attention to look at the macro-policy of Hun's government. Why is the gaph between the rich and the poor is so high in Cambodia? Why more than 1/3 of Cambodian population still live under 65 cent per day? If the poverty line happen to move up to $1 per day according to the UN standard, the number of people in Cambodia that live in poverty would be much higher. In addition, if you look at life expectancy in Cambodia, the average is under 60 years old for both men and women..compare to other developed countries the average would be around 80 years old? Thus, my question back to you is ...each of us have one life, no scientific have been prove that you be rebourn after you die - than would you want to live in the country where your life shorter by 20 years or you would prefer to live in the country that your life could be extend for another 20?
12:35 pm - you have to look at the effect of the country condition on the population at large. You cannot just look at the tope 5% of those who live well and be able to travel everywhere around the world plus their children can spend $2000 per night to drink which majority of Khmer live under 65 cent per day. Thus, either you are defending the regime that serve the 5% and you happen to be one of them, or are you speak out for majority voiceless' Khmer under the Hun's regime - you can choose either way - it is your freedom...
ភាគច្រើននៃមេដឹកនាំ នៅប្រទេសលោកសេរី គឺសុទ្ធតែចេះភូតភរ ឬសន្យាខ្យល់ជាដើម។ព្រោះថា ដើម្បីទទួលសម្លេងឆ្នោតបានច្រើន គឺត្រូវតែចេះភូត
ចំណែកមេដឹកនាំក្នុងប្រទេសកម្មុយនិស្តវិញ ពួក
គេ មិនចាំបាច់ ភូតភរ ឬសន្យាខ្យល់ឡើយ
ព្រោះថាពួកគេមិនចាំបាច់ត្រូវការបោះឆ្នោតឡើយ !
U r absolutely manipulative and wrong...in freedom country, everything is transparent, not in Cambodia, the democracy is just the facade but in reality everything is closed led by a close-minded leader like a gang of mafia.
1:45 - what you said is very true "គេ មិនចាំបាច់ ភូតភរ ឬសន្យាខ្យល់ឡើយ
ព្រោះថាពួកគេមិនចាំបាច់ត្រូវការបោះឆ្នោតឡើយ !" - The govt. just use the threat tactick! Make people live in fear! Does this stratigy is productive for Khmer development? In the 21st century - majority of the countries around the world are competing in the knowledge base ecnomy, which require human capital, not just labor. Here is the defination of human capital vs. labor:
Labor - just a human without education, or any other knowledge.
Human capital - is the labor urgment with higher education and know-how.
Yes, almost all Khmer vote for Hun's regime, but who are the people vote for him? The labor or the Human capital? What sector of the population is supporting Sen?
Ok - don't be so negative and sacastic...I know you can be a better contributor to this blog ====> please stay calm, collect, concentrate and than show your compassion toward all Koun Khmers...
May Buddha bless you to find the truth of who you really are...
I am very positively overwhelmed by the view points and critical thinking on "leadership". My gratitude and appreciation to all who really contribute in the discussion topic.
There are many ways to define leadership at different institution and environment where the leader is situated.
Since most of KAUN KHMER here have taken so many scholarly and academic views, concepts of leadership, my share will be based on women experience, along with our culture and tradition that seem to endorse the pretext of "MEH" to denote and honor the Khmer historical matriarch.
I tend to compare a reasonable good family unit to a small state or a little country that governed by able parents. Generally Khmer woman usually takes the leading roles, directly or indirectly which impact the individual member to the whole welfare of the family unit. So what are the basic principles should the woman possess in carrying with all the responsibilities and be seen as a good leadership in the family?
1- KNOWLEDGE: with education is always the bonus, but she must be aware of the needs of her family and able to prioritize which one comes first, and able to carefully secure her family resource and investment on both, human and materials.
2- UNDERSTANDING: with the ability to correctly apply her wisdom and sacrifice her will power and strength to educate her family and others around her.
3- DETERMINATION: with the ability to face with any situation and circumstance through decisiveness and assertiveness.
4- PERSISTENCE: with the ability to guide or turn difficult things for possible solution, and never give up.
5- OPEN MINDED: with ability to consider others by showing respect to all around her, with appreciation of the true value and willingness to provide support to others who are in needed of assistance.
Family unit is a foundation that influence growth and development of its individual member. However it needs to go hand in hand with the surrounding aspect of culture, social and economical within the society. Every single being needs a good family to shape his or her future from day one of their existence. If many good families are made up to a country or kingdom or empire, can we imagine how the environment and the society turns out to be?
Yeay Tep
Yeay Tep - thank you very much for your contribution and leadership from the Khmer women's point of view...
Than my question to you is this - than why Hun's wife is acting to badly...what kind of Mah is she? I don't think that she could be consider to be Mah in this case! What do you think?
long live viet nam
Dear 3:05PM,
Every individual possess with different character and spirit. The so- called Bun Rany Hun Sen is not a "MEH" although she is a wife, mother and grand mother, but she does not has any quality to fit my basic 5 principles I have briefly pointed out. In her 17 years as a PM's wife, I do not know any significant initiative being achieved by this person. She was a proletarian, a KR nurse helped to fight for equality in social class. When she came to the top she forgot the plight of her people and gave up her identity. She is much worse than Emelda Marcos in ways of grooming and conducting herself.
She has made all the choices, and non would fit in to reflect her as a good matriarch as she has been pretended to be.
The Greatest king of Israel was a Shepherd. He didn't possess a Ph.D.
One needful thing he did possess, he loved the Torah (law) of his God. During his reign, he dispossess all his enemies around Israel. He understood the heart of his God and loved God's people. He understood that people are like sheep. Sheep needs a good shepherd to take care for their well being. And a good shepherd is willing to lay down his life for his sheep.
This shepherd king before he became a king he'd killed a bear and a lion with his bare hands for stealing his sheep. Well, maybe he used a shepherd's staff in assisting the killings.
And he also killed a giant with sling- stone for defying his God.
Sure he had his personal problems
and internal problems in his kingdom but his trust in his God made him an example for all his people. He put God first, than people that he served. He was a servant.
Out this king lineage came the promised King of kings and Lord of lords who will put down all authorities and rulers in heaven and on earth that has been rebelling against his authority from on high. His role will be: King, Priest and Judge. Oh, a Great Shepherd for his sheep.
10:14pm! No wonder Israel disapear from world map for 1000s of years!
Thank to the west help put Israel back to the world map!
Is there anything from the land and the leaders in Israel to be learn?
Forget about the forged condemnations hurled at them from the UN for supposed "Human violations". They do judge themselves and showed great restrain toward hostile nations.
You know that Israel became a nation in one day? That was in May 1948. The prophecy said of long ago that Israel would become a nation in one day after their long dispersion into four corners of the globe. After they became a nation, their enemies wanted to crush them out from being a nation. Egypt,Syria, Jordan came against them from all sides. Think about it--less then within a year of becoming a nation they had to defend themselves from those nations that been trained, armed and ready for battle and woe was their enemies, they were defeated by the Israeli force who had only became a nation in one year.
God is the keeper of Israel! Israel has become prosperous in their 60 years of being a nation. According to Scriptures, they will be the wealthiest nation upon the earth. As right now they are doing good inspite of economic down turn in the global system.
Yes, there are sinners in Israel. But God's purpose and plane for Israel will be for the blessing of the nations. You can bet your life on this.
I was told that the high priest of Israel invented the nuclear bomb.
So, either you bless Israel or be bless with a nuclear bomb. Watch out Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria, Egypt and Jordan, curse Israel and your will be cursed.
What is my point? Lets all turn toward the God of Israel that we may find hope for our future.
You know there is a court in heaven that is in session right now deciding the fate of nations?
My brothers and sisters what I'm telling you is not fairy tales. It is reality playing out on the stage of life. Even the stars they tell of God's end time plans. All things been determined by the Creator from the beginning of Time.
It is our job to align ourselves with his grand plan, not with our own schemes.
The greatest need in Cambodia is a spiritual awaking to stop sinning and turning to the One who created all things for his own pleasure.
6:00 pm - thanks for your comment - yes, I use to hear my father - what constitute to be a father? He has to be able to protect, be able to advice (rights from wronge), be able to provide, and care for his children - event if it means to sacrify his life...this indeed a true man's nature that deserve to be call a father. I am very fortunate to have my father to call father. That does not meant that I never have a fight with him. But he pocess all the quality of being a father.
I think the leader should be like this. One can call oneself a leader only if s/he pocess the quality, have the capability to implement them, and willing to take responsibility for his/her action!
Thank you article,"Neatee Koun Khmers"After reading all blogs and understanding some ideas of each blogger,a lot of blogs had valuable ideas and expressions.We learned from each other since we were born and up to now;the more we learn from each,the more we get more knowledge;the good ones keep in mind,and the bad ones we just ignore it or forgive and forget it because no one is perfect.
10:31 PM
are you jealous that Israel becoming a great nation? Don't be vain in your own conceit all things are of God's doing. He uses nations to accomplish his will and afterwards punished those nations.
I just learned this morning on the radio about Alexandra the Great. He died at the age of 33. Though he was a great general, but he was arrogance and conceit died of drunkeness. Anyway, he was on his way to destroy Jerusalem, but he had a vision that a priest of God would meet him and assist him in worship the God of Israel. Sure happened as he approach Jerusalem, a priest came out to meet him and did exactly as he had seen in the vision and went on his way and spared Jerusalem from being destroyed by his army.
A good leader is someone who knows how to leave his position when it is time !
But authocracy leader never know his time...and not only that he think that god given him a rights to past down his power to his offspring! Watchout Hun! Hun Manet - as a person, he is not bad, but I am sure that others Koun Khmers are much more capable than him. Manet's father is in the possition to put the system that can break the cycle to dictatorship! One time the rummer is going around that he is the rebirth of Sdach Korn! I don't think he live up to that - thus the rummer die down.
I call upon Mr. Hun Sen, that you still has time to redime yourself to be consider the great Khmer leader...past the time limit for prime minstership...you will be know it history that you are a great leader to promote democracy indeed and break the save Cambodia from becoming rule under the dictatorship....
10:52 PM
You make a good point-everything good comes from a well structured family. The Creator God had it planned this way, and who is more capable of being a Father than the One who made the first parents of humanity.
Example of Yeshua (Jesus). He did everything according to his Father's will not according to his own will. The Son embodied who the Father is in the spirit and likewise in the physical earthly realm. All good teachings comes directly from the father.
God is a Father, a good father. OK, you ask, "why then are all the evils in the world?" Because men are sinners and are disobeying his Father's commandments. Can't do wrong and get by, not with God.
The Scripture sayeth, "Children, obey your parents in the Lord for this is right in the sight of God that you may live long upon the earth."
If the children first command is to obey their parents, then man's first command is to love God with all your being that it may go well with him and his fellow man. So, man first responsibility is to fear God and keep his commandments. Get the spiritual house in order and the physical house will follow with proper foundation for strong and stable society.
some of you wish to find a perfect leader!
some of you want a leader that can listen or please MILLIONs of peple!
all of you 2 kinds above just looking for " Thormeik "
If we know what is right and what is wrong and have compassion and respect to other human, we all can be a good leader!
but all human come to this world with many flws!!!! like "GREED"! And APSOLUTE POWER ALWAY ABSOLUTLY CORRUPT!
That why laws, democracy, and time limite for national top posotion of power need to be imply! to provide justice and prevent bad leader to submerge.
And the top positio power should not have absolut power and should call servance of the people instead of leader!
LEADER is a natural thing happen in society (group) of animal! like other natural thing we human need to leurn to control it from cause desaster and take advantage of it for better to humankind!
please keep in mind every person is an individula person, meaning everyone is different. in khmer society before the stupid KR time, cambodians were spoiled people or society, spoiled by their monarch. crazy pol pot came to power thinking stupidly and blindly that he and his peasant ideology or cliques can convert or change khmer society or country overnight, thus resulted in suffering and perished of lives then! in khmer society, we held leadership in the utmost, respectable manner, etc, thus, we have this attitude about who's good or not so good, etc; in other words, we make judgment or criticize which is good, however, sometime, that crtiticism is way too extreme, like the worse case scenerios or something, then everything become illogical. it is important for us to know and understand that everyone is different in character and style, so only the rule of law will overshadow that and keep people professional in their leadership position, etc... let's not forget people are humans, first, then their jobs are secondary. so, everyone must live by the rule of law and the law of the land, etc; otherwise, why, we have chaos, fighting, bickering, argument, etc, till the cow comes home, you see! no one should be above the law, i don't care who you are; no immunity, no impunity, well, except required by the law and so forth. i think cambodia and our society will be better off when people starting thinking for themselves and analyze and critical of their leaders, and a good leaders should not take that as personal attack because if you can't handle the press, the stress, the public pressure, etc, then resign or step down and for the next lawfully in line take charge. that's how leader should be in cambodia. enough already, wake up, cambodia!
i think a good leader is the one that can say and show that s/he works for the country, not the other way around! yes, a humble individual and yet very capable. they say speak softly but carry a big stick! that is a much sought after type of leadership cambodia needs!
i'm sure there can be a lot qualified individuals, however, only the rule of law will pick one out of the bunch, etc! otherwise, you have people fighting, bickering, argument, etc for power, then we're back at square one again, you see! remember in college, they required a higher sat scores, a higher gpa, extra-circicular activity like volunteerism, community service, etc to weed out the most qualified and well-deserved individual, etc; i think that same concept ought be apply to choosing or pick a capable, qualified leader(s) in cambodia as well! wake up, people, be smarter than the average bears, ok! not everybody can be a doctor a lawyer, etc, because they have to pass a background check as well, and no criminal records, etc like they screened people for top or health professions, teaching professions, public service profession in america. they should apply this same concept for cambodians in cambodia in these sought after positions, ok! yes, do learn from america, the land of great opportunity where people from all over the world want to live and go to school there, you know!
a leader takes a certain character, etc; that's why all leaders of the world have some form of bodyguards, etc. not everybody can be a leader, although, do give every qualified individuals a fair chance to compete, though!
1:40AM! wath character can be a leader if you give them a change or put a gun in just one person hand he can be a leader! just like ah Kwack and ah Hok landy!
May lightning strike the other one!
1:40AM! what character that can be a leader, if you give them a chance or put a gun in just one person hand but no one else, he can be a leader! just like ah Kwack Hun Xen and ah Hok landy!
May lightning strike the other one.
“Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful”
By: Samuel Johnson
Wath is leader??????????
1:40PM! wath is a leader?
"not everybody can be a leader, although, do give every qualified individuals a fair chance to compete, though!
1:40 AM" (SIC!)
That so special too you! kid!
LEADER! is a person or group of people that can make other to move, to think, to change! (to do anything that they otherwhy would not do)
And a pretending leader the one that would walk infront of group that already move! or say load order to people already on the move!
wath make thing move we call it power!
So leader is the one who have power to moke other do thing!
How he (the leader)get the POWER?
Robert J. Allio (2005) argued that leadership cannot be taught, but leadership can be learned, “Taking a course on wise men may help you learn about them, but it seems unlikely to make you wiser! Leadership is no different” (p. 1072)
However, I am interested with seeking the Leviathans who are working behind the bar, behind Hun Sen.
Who are they? - Please, share your opinions...
12:38 PM
Dear KY,
Now that I have shared my part on leadership, I would just like to respond to your question above.
Many of Khmer leaders (I refuse to use the term 'our leader' b/c I do not consider them to be my leader)in the past and at present have relied on the "Leviathans" and placed their interest before the nation and people's interests.
It's so unfortunate that majority of our people have yet to become assertive enough to question their conducts and performances. The people have detrimentally incapacitated under the doctrine to follow, in all aspects within the designed society, include governing system, new introduced culture, education, religion. These are to bloc their views from seeing further than the square they have created. And if the people surpassed that they would be punished and eliminated.
I do believe these so-called leaders are either lack or over with confident in themselves. Worse of all, they possess with no persistence and reverence to fulfill the duties in serving their people. The "Leviathans" stays behind them IS NOT AS STRONG as their will to conceptualize in omitting their obligation to lead and serve. I can relate this to a former US President CALVIN COOLIDGE, 1872-1933, he quoted:
" Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated failures. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent"
And it has proven to be true to his quote with all renowned hero such as Gandhi, Mandala, Delai Lama, Aung Sang Suu Kyi...had accomplished.
I wish to conclude my answer by reminding everyone who stands up for freedom, justice and democracy with the famous quote from another hero, MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR, 1929-1968. he said:
" Courage faces fear and thereby masters it. Cowardice represses fear and is thereby mastered by it."
Yeay Tep
Let us all khmer unit and rise for the this ocassion to fight for our rights and for our country. we can not let this go on and on til our country is gone. LIVE FREE OR DIE.
Let us have one last revolution for our country and our peoples.
YES! "Live Free or Die". Try to tell that to them coward Khmer in Cambodia.......
It is obvious they are certainly living on their knee then die trying.....
Let us all khmer unit and rise for the this ocassion to fight for our rights and for our country. we can not let this go on and on til our country is gone. LIVE FREE OR DIE.
Let us have one last revolution for our country and our peoples.
we viet nam believe Hun Sen- CPP and the last is the KING Sihanomi did a good job and a good leaders. they are working hand in hand. They are a good leaders and good followers to our instructions.
Also thanks to all our vietnamese brothers and sisters who sacrify their family to work in all level of officials in cambodia to keep it part of viet nam.
Oy! doggy 11:25AM
Don't forget you are in Khmer territory. Have you ever heard the words 'Kab Youn'? and 'Kab kbaal ah Chhkeh'?
11:25AM you must have received your salary or commission to write this pathetic comment in DONG, the Viet currency, not the dollars. So you have been ripped off by your boss and have no way to protest but have to keep working. Therefore you write to upset your boss this way: viet nam?
historically, a leader usually appeared during crisis in a nation. it is the strong, capable ones that fits to be a leader during crisis of a nation. so, where were those so-called capable leaders then? well, stop blaming or hater mr. hun sen for appearing in cambodia during a crisis period. i think mr. hun sen was put there in cambodia by god as there were no one else dare to encoourageous enough to step up to be a leader of cambodia during the state of crisis then. so, if i were you, i calm down my rhetoric toward calling mr. hun sen this or that to no end. give the prime minister his due respect for stepping up to cambodia during the time of crisis, etc. as a khmer person, i'm can say i'm proud of mr. hun sen for his bravery, his strength, his courage, and his work and achievement, especially at the time when no one dare to step up to be a leader of cambodia. it was hard time then, and hun sen did and his poltical party had no other ways then accept to step up and be the leaders of cambodia they are today. so, more power to them for standing out then, especially then, yes!!!!!!!
and as far as the political rhetorics now between greedy or jealous leaders or want-to-be leaders like sam rainsy, etc, they are so ignorant and hypocritical when they say hun sen and cpp is a puppet of youn or so and so, etc; how about them? i bet hun sen and cpp have the same to say about them overseas or run away leader or coward leaders that did not choose to live in cambodia; they too were puppet or lackey of some sort, i bet. yes, that "leviathan" concept behind the scene, it goes with all those overseas runaway, former refugees, cowards people! if i were them, i calm down or tone down my political rhetorics toward mr. hun sen and his cpp party, etc, really! what hypocrites they are, really! shut up already, ok!
Dear all Koun Khmers,
I had attended the "Youth Peace Conference" at LMU. Rigoberta Menchu Tum,Nobel Peace Prize winner,is the main speaker for the conference. Two things that I really get my attention that relate to our topic on leadership: 1) don't wait for leader that come from out side to solves our problems. Each of us is capable to be a leader, when we see problem - try to solves it...leader will come out naturally from within everyone of us...which I recall Dr. Peang-Meth said something to lighten the load of others, which mean to help the less fortunate one. One of the Koun khmer had said, if I can help, I help; if I can gift, I give; and if I can share, I share. Thus, each of us Koun Khmers can do this, and this is I believe.
2. Help the younger generation. It is start from the foundation of the family. Teach your children to know the different between right and wronge. Older brothers/sisters help younger brothers/sister or event neighbor's children to help them stay out of trouble. Example volunteer to help your community...take them a long with you. In addition, give possitive words to children...because they are look up to you as a role model and positive word from you worth more to them. Never under estimate of how your positive words effect the young's brain.
This conference remind me of who I am today is that because the people that I meet had give me a positive comment (random kindness)! I still remember a quater was given by my junior high school teacher. She said if anybody could remember this lesson by tommorw - I will give you a quater. I did - I got the quater:~) But what I had learn is that is was not too much about the quater, but is more of an indication to me that I am capable of to do whatever I set my mind too.
To all Koun Khmers - have a good weekend!
yes, a good, influential philosophy is a great way to win the heart and mind and the attention of the followers. if it's a bad philosophy, i dont follow, really! i only like good philosophy of life, etc... that's all!
1:23AM! what is good and what is bad PHILISOPHY?
What is PHILOSOPHY any way,...That's all??
How could we trust a leader? What should a leader have?How to lead people? We trust a leader by looking at his/her physical,verbal,mental, knowledgeable,talented,achievable attitude.A leader should have know how to lead and manage people.Leader should have skill and experience in his/her life.Leading people,a leader should know about the leadership and management skill.If someone is doing something good,leader should praise him or her at once.
2:18PM! leader have the powers to move you! like it or not you have to be moved by hun xen in Cambodia!
Does Hun Xen have good leadership and management like Mr.2:18PM said? How about his quality to be a Khmer leader?The leadership,management,and support of Hun Xen are from Vietnam govt.Can Vietnam govt fire Hun Xen? Yes,she can.The Hun Xen body is like a big dead tree trunk that Vietnam leader or manager can cut into pieces,chop like chicken meat.Good leadership and management can lead and manage to the right direction to keep Cambodia as a country in the world. It is true! KI Media is the boss that can remove my blog or has to be moved by KI Media. If they don't like my blogs,and just said,"this blog is removed by KI administrators.
why some people are so against mr. hun sen? i don't get it! was it his mediocre background, was it has past affiliation viet/youn, was his look, was it his success, was it his achievement, his intelligent, his leadership ability, etc? what about other potential leader(s)? what they have or have not that make them a potential leader or a capable person?, etc, etc...
to err is human, to blame others has a management potential. wake up people, the latter is meant to be sarcastic remark, you know!
Omega (USA)
Leadership has been discussed in the above comments are pretty interested concepts and they are well from the textbooks.
There are two kinds of leaders. One is a natural born leader and other is a trained/learnt leader. The above comment discussions indicate the concepts of a trained/learnt leader.
Most of you are natural born leaders. You stand out among others and you lead people out of harms way. You used your strength and passion to help others. At the end either you died or got killed as a hero or martyr, or you ended up to be a PM of your country. This kind of leader wants to stay in power for ever. He/she doesn’t want to share his/her power with others.
A trained/learnt leader (educated leader) is full of ideas and strategies of all the leadership roles. But he/she is not necessarily attracted to others.
To be a good leader, he/she must have both.
What kind of leader and leadership are needed for Cambodia?
1.He or she must be Khmer, not Thai and not Vietnamese.
2.He or she must have both qualifications.
3.He or she must have good visions for the country.
4.He or she must know how to solve the national problems (majors and minors):
a.Lead Cambodia out of poverty in 5 -10 years.
b.Turn Cambodia into a literate nation in 5-10 years.
c.Cambodians must meet educational requirements. Men and women must complete high school.
d.Train/educate Cambodians for workforces.
e.Provide healthcare for all Cambodians.
f.Build secure and safe houses for Cambodians.
g.Empower local governments throughout the country.
h.Reinforce Human Rights and Freedom.
i.Every home in Cambodia will have access to electricity and safe drinking water in 5 years.
j.Cambodian farming will be replaced by agriculture machinery in 10 years.
k.Strengthen military forces to bring up to 1,000,000 (million) people (Men between the ages of 18 – 47 and women between the ages of 18- 29. Women are not allowed to fight in frontlines (combating)).
This is only a brief discussion.
Waraman (USA)
1. Modernize Phnom Penh city (PP)
2. Expand PP
3. Demolish all old, dirty, and unsafe buildings in PP
4. Build new apartment buildings for PP residents
5. Divide PP in multi-zones for Royal palace, government building zone, commercial office building zone, shopping mall and market zone, school zone, downtown, hospital, residential zone and so on.
6. Widen streets and install streetlights, street sighs and directions.
7. Remove all mingled power lines and run them in the ground.
8. Rebuild new sewage system (no open sewers)
9. Limit residents per household (Not over crowded)
10. Residential zone must be kept clean and meet residential codes and regulations.
11. Ban all tricycles and bicycle taxi services.
12. Motorcycle taxi must meet the following reguirements: both driver and passenger must wear harmed protection all the time. All motorcycle taxi drivers must wear distinctive uniforms. And motorcycle taxi must have distinctive color, signs, and permit.
13. And so on
Bhraman (USA)
Thank you Omega and Waraman.
These are great leadership role model.
Every leader should be able to see the problems and determine to find solutions for the problems.
Every leader should talk to talk and walk to walk.
Can you explain why you need to have 1,000,000 (million)people in military forces? What for?
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