Friday, November 26, 2010

Relatives of Stampede Victims Continue Search for Bodies in Phnom Penh, Cambodia (Video from Wednesday)


Anonymous said...

We the Cambodian people inside and outside the country call on Hun Sen and it cabinets to step down for its incompetence during Koh Pich chaos.

Anonymous said...

សមត្ថកិច្ច នៃរដ្ធាភិបាលអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួន ហ៊ុន សែន ដែលមាន ទាហាន ប៉ូលីស ប៉េអឹម ពេល ដែលបញ្ជូនទៅរៀននៅស្រុកយួន យួនមិន ដែលបានហ្វឹកហ្វឺនផ្នែកជួយសង្គ្រោះជីវិតទេ
យួនគិតតែហ្វឹកហ្វឺនផ្នែក បាញ់, កំទេច,សម្លាប់, ពិឃាត, ប្រហារជីវិត, ផ្ដាច់ជីវិត, បំផ្លាញ,ច្បាម, ឆក់, ប្លន់, ដណ្ដើមយក, កៀបសង្កត់, សង្កត់សង្កិន, ជិះជាន់, បង្ក្រាប, វាយ, ទាត់, ធាក់ ។ល។
បើមិនជឿសួរ ពួកអាមកពីហ្វឹកហ្វឺន ពីស្រុកយួន ១០០ ថាដូចគ្នាទាំង ១០០ ។

សូមប្រសិទ្ធិនាមកោះពេជ្រ ជា :

"កោះពេជ្ឈឃាដ ស្ពានមរណៈ"

Anonymous said...

Dear All KI Readers:

Hun Xen must step down if he truly love Cambodia.

Hun Xen believes in its superstitions (Bramah). He is willing to do everything (even its people's lives) to secure his fake power (not including his visible dirty tricks).
He pretends that is the accident, but remember the tragedy is the planned tragedy:

- Authority was not present (until 1 hour or so later)
- No true investigation being taken seriously, instead the scene was cleaned up very quickly.
- Hun Xen and his PigHD Bun Rany has 70% share of the whole Koh Pich development, followed by Kim Soy (Khmer Rough Treasurer) and now is the Canadia Bank's owner, Kith Meng...etc.
- The rescue team and authorities were not responsible for the event and let the deaths escalated..
- Hun Xen suddenly came out and declared Nov 25 (instead of Nov 22) as the national holiday.

Look at things carefully. Hun Xen pretends crying in front of the public, but that is not the true pain and sympathy. He used to kill more than just that number of people during K-5, 97' coup...etc you name it.

Just a school of thoughts for you and Pro-CPPs.

We need a true responsible leader.

My deep regret for Khmer citizens and wish them all rest in peace and heaven.

Khmer Son!

Anonymous said...

Does Hun Sen tears at Koh Pich stampede memorial is real or just crocodile tears?

If Hun Sen really care for Khmer people and the Country after Hun Sen shed some tears at Koh Pich stampede memorial let wait and see whether Hun Sen has sincere condolences for Khmer people at Koh Pich bridge stampede victims the following must change and happen:

1.The victims of Koh Pich bridge stampede must get financial assistance as Hun Sen promised.

2. Any kind of land eviction must provide appropriate compensation for the people.

3. Boeung Kak residents must get appropriate compensation.

4. Higher salaries for working Khmer.

5. Hun Sen must stop using forces brutally against peaceful demonstration.

6. Hun Sen must stop influx yuon immigrations to Cambodia.

7. Hun Sen must finish his mandate as Prime Minster and resign.

Will some of these above happen after Hun Sen crocodile tears at Koh Pich stampede memorial on 25 Nomvember 2010 today.

No need to wait and see none of above will not happen because Hun Sen can not make any decision of doing any of above because his master yuon will not let these happen in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen has killed so many innocent Khmer as fellow:
1. K-5 plan.
2. Hand grenade attacked in 1997.
3. Peaceful demonstration against vote cheating in 1998.
4. Dey Krahom eviction.
5. Boeung Kak eviction.
6. Killed Mr. Chea Vichea, Mr. Ho Sok and many , many more Khmer.
7. More innocent Khmer people being suffered, and Killed straight after Hun Sen Koh Pich bridge stampede memorial.

So the answer is obvious , Hun Sen tears is faked tears.

Anonymous said...

We the Cambodian people inside and outside the country call on Hun Sen and it cabinets to step down for its incompetence during Koh Pich chaos.

I agree with above comment of 11:46AM

Kulen Monorom said...

Your Majesty Samdech Ta former King Norodom Sihanouk,

Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen,

Thank you for your both kindness and understanding.
What we need is prevention methods, not to let this type of accident happen again in the future.

It also makes me very worried to see so much alcohol allowed to enter or be produced in our beloved Kingdom of Cambodia? What about “ YA BA “ and other types of DRUGS from Thailand and Vietnam?

Can His Majesty Samdech Ta and Samdech Hun Sen stop all sorts of drugs coming to Cambodia? The accident may not be related to drugs and alcohol but just some thing that I could not sleep peacefully from now on to the future, in the names sake of true Khmer citizen.

Can Samdech Hun Sen kindly ask all 5 million Vietnamese illegal immigrants to peacefully return to Vietnam, so Koh Pich will not be too crowded more and more every day, every month and every year to come.
All Vietnamese illegal immigrants can easily come in and settle inside Cambodia even though they already have their own country Vietnam.

When Cambodia is too crowded, definitely we Khmer people can not go to settle inside Vietnam, can we?
Please Vietnamese, you said you came to rescue us from Pol Pot, and you don’t want to return home, it is not right according to 23rd October 1991 Paris Peace Agreement, can all of you go back to your country now.

Vietnamese illegal immigrants, you see because 5 million of you are inside Cambodia, it makes us too crowded and we wasted our lives at Koh Pich without good reasons.

Your Vietnamese Communism expansionist mind in Cambodia, is to give an excuse to China mainland to occupy your Spratly Islands, Parcel Islands, the whole of your Eastern sea border and perhaps the Northern border sooner or later.

5 million Vietnamese illegal immigrants in Cambodia, please go back home to defend your country from Chinese mighty economic invasion.

May I pray to God and the Lord Jesus Christ that those who have lost loved one will be comforted.

My condolences to all the victim's family.


Kulen Monorom
(The rice farmer's son)