Monday, November 15, 2010

Shanghai skyscraper inferno as 8 killed in China fire


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I dont believed it if I dont see it sir.

Anonymous said...

Some say that Sen just means that Cambodia can go higher than PetroVietnam tower | 528m | 1732ft | 102 fl | ( With 555m Cambodia Koh Pich Tour will be 27m higher than Petro-Vietna Tour! Actually with 200M that OCIC set for this building is nothing compared to 1200M estimated cost for Petro-Vietnam? Vietnam comments afterward, on the skyscraper site: Cambodia has some ambition?

Anonymous said...

Must be the cheap wiring made from Chinese products!

Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck off, Khmer dogs

Chinese man

Anonymous said...

K1 is 48 people dead in that fire! get it right slow ass news K1

From Chinese embassy

Anonymous said...

that what happen when you pay cheap labor...bad products of electronic

Viet man

Anonymous said...

stuff happened everywhere in the world. that should scare cambodia from building more skyscrapers all over cities in cambodia, you know!

when you hear news of planes crash, you do stop flight or building airplanes? c'mon, people, wake up and smell the coffee, ok! the world is a huge planet, and lives do go on in the world, including cambodia, ok!

Anonymous said...

cambodia don't buy cheap electrical wiring from vietnam, ok. buy them from japan, france, germany, etc, but definitely not from vietnam!

Anonymous said...

Or dont buy wired from China. Until is to international standard.

Anonymous said...

it's not the skyscraper's fault, you know, maybe it the bad construction workers that caused fire like this! i hope they investigate and catch the culprit who always want to do harm to innocent people.

they say to hire only the best to do the construction job, this way, if anything goes wrong they can investigate and catch the bad people to face the law, ok!