Sunday, November 28, 2010

Soul Food

The risk of love is loss,

And the price of loss is grief

But the pain of grief

Is only a shadow

When compared with the pain

Of never risking love.

- Hilary Stanton Zunin


Anonymous said...

The love is painful than why people are risking it?

According to people study in stock option, they understand that
high risk = high return
low risk = low return

So go ahead is you are a risk lover vs. risk adverse (which majority are).

Just understand how much are you willing to pay for the risk you take - prepare for pain if you want love.

Anonymous said...

I also head that love is it because when they kiss, they close their eyes?

What is it mean when one say, "love is blind."?

Anonymous said...

Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved and never lost.
