Monday, November 29, 2010

Spean Khmoch - Bridge of Death: Poem in Khmer by Srey Sra'em


Anonymous said...

call it whatever, the reality is not the bridge that kill, it's the failure of human understanding, really!

Anonymous said...

it's like falling off the stairways, are you to blame the stairways? silly!

Anonymous said...

Please K1 dont put this stupid idea on the websites. or cursed form land owner. It the police mistaken for not controlling the crow!

Anonymous said...

Hun, you are unable to handle the situation. SO please burn your PHD and Dr. degree without taking any classe out.

Crying is nothing.

Anonymous said...

this poem's ideas is not right. The writer need to be realistic and use self reflection. Do not rely on Karma. It's not supposed to put on the site.
The writer can write correct poem, so he/she need to have good knowledge. However,for the meaning sounds like the innocent people who cross the bridge have to die.And the bad people live happily for not crossing the bridge. Is it right, intellectual writer? Stop accusing innocent people and abuse Khmer citizen. They had enough suffers.

May God bless Khmer People. May all people around the world stop abusing each other especially the powerful or people who think they were civilized citizen, or superior from others may stop abusing the poor and disadvantage nations such as Cambodian.

Thank you if you change your mind

Anonymous said...

KOS PICH Own by HUN SEN and Family under the name Canadia Bank Mr. SEA

Just like TELA GAS Station all over Cambodia which own by BUN RANY HUN SEN under different name..

Anonymous said...

personal belief is personal; they shouldn't be teaching or preaching it to the nation like this because not everybody can think for themselves, you know! stop manipulating less fortunate people, ok!

Anonymous said...

The police officers should stand up along the Diamond Island bridge; and at the end of both sides of bridge,the polices should control the passengers walking across it.These are what we
leadership,management,and responsibility of the crowds.
The minister of interior,the Phnom Penh governor,the capital police chief,and police officers are responsible for Water Festival Event.The main one is Hun Sen.All these persons must resign and put in jail because they are Khmer killers of 349 and 395 injuries.