Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Stampede in Koh Pich: At least 100 dead, several hundreds injured

22 Nov. 2010
By Sopisith
Cambodia Express News
Translated from Khmer by Soy

Phnom Penh – The stampede near the exit from Koh Pich area created at least 100 dead and several hundreds injured. This is the count made in the evening of 22 Nov. The event took place at 09:50PM near the north bridge exiting from Koh Pich.

No source could indicate the reason for this stampede, however a reliable source indicated that revelers came out in drove from Koh Pich, creating a major jam, then some people could not breathe and this started the stampede. Some decided to jump off the bridge to allow themselves to breathe easier.

Another source indicated that the jam initiated an electrical short circuit, then some people got electrocuted and the stampede took place.

At Calmette Hospital, several dozens injured people were brought in, and at least 17 were dead as of 11PM on 22 Nov. This is only the reported number from Calmette Hospital alone. At the location of the incident at least 80 were dead. Altogether, based on preliminary tally, about 100 died from this accident.

Immediately after the accident, the authority had a hard time intervening due to the large number of people in the crowd.

The authority decided to use boats to ferry people out and take them to the shore in front of the Royal Palace in order to ease the jam and help the victims. At Koh Pich, which is located in Tonle Bassac commune, Chamcar Mon district, entertainment program was set up there during the Water Festival.


Anonymous said...

nice death,
you die while to have fun..

Anonymous said...

Other countries cost of stampede by a bomb threatening..in Cambodia cost of stampede,because,they are wanna just have fun and enjoy life..MAN! WHATTA PITY FOR ALL THE SEXY GIRLS HAVE TO DIED..I'M NOT A PERVERT BUT I JUST LOVE ALL THEM SEXY BODY..MAY THEIR SOULS REBORN IN A HAPPY PLACE FOR THEIR NEXT LIFE..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It is time to help these fellow Cambodian first.

But do not forget to prevent more Khmer from being more killed by corruption .

Koh pich brigde is not standard because of corruption .

So Koh Pich bridge is an incident .

But corruption of building Koh Pich is not an accident it is one of dirty million plans Hun Sen master to kill the whole Khmer people and society.

Anonymous said...

Ah Hun Xen is a million Khmer killer,Khmer people must him and his whole families. His responsibility,his duty must take good care of his people,not just his own family.

Anonymous said...

This is very important to Cambodia, and the Government,

Cambodian Governtment has lacking of technical Inspection:

1-Over loaded people in Airoplan, Planes got chrashed, most of the times.

2-Over Loeaded of people in cars, motocycles and so on.

3-Now over loaded people in the Bridge, the Bridge collaped. The crowed of peeople can run over on each others, people got killed.

4. Corruption Issues, they bought cheap staff to build bridge, and building, therefore, it doesnot last long.


From Red-ant.

Anonymous said...

we viet nam believe Hun Sen- CPP and the last is the KING Sihanomi did a good job and a good leaders. they are working hand in hand. They are a good leaders and good followers to our instructions.

Also thanks to all our vietnamese brothers and sisters who sacrify their family to work in all level of officials in cambodia to keep it part of viet nam.

we also want to thank His Excellency Dr. Phay Siphan, SOK Siphana and SARIN DENORA for their lips services and manipulation of international communities to support us..

Long live Viet Nam

Anonymous said...

Koh Pich bridge must change its name to corrupted bridge.

Because Koh Pich bridge is not standard becasueit is builded with corruption.

So corruption is a good weapon for Hun Sen to kill Khmer people.

Kulen Monorom said...

Your Royal Highness Samdech Ta,

Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen,

Thank you for your both kindness and understanding.

What we need is prevention method, not to let this type of accident happen again in future.

It also make me very worry to see so much alcohol allowed to enter or produced in our beloved Kingdom of Cambodia? What about “ YA BA “ from Thailand? Can Samdech Ta and Samdech Hun Sen stop all sort of drugs coming to Cambodia? The accident may not related to drugs and alcohol but just some thing that I could not sleep peacefully from now to the future in the name sake of Khmer citizen.

May almighty God Jesus Christ accept all the victim souls into heaven too.

My condolences to all the victim's family.


Kulen Monorom
(The rice farmer's son)

Anonymous said...

My friend was in this chaos said that he was knocked back by polices. He was very angry! why they stop him when he was nearly reach the exit gate????
Then he decided to jump down into water. He step on then bridge bar (iron), but he was shocked (electrocuted). He felled into water. Fortunately he was survived. He called this bridge is an killing bridge.

Anonymous said...

It's unbelievable in Cambodian. It's happened very fast make a lot of people died very pities and my friend died too. I'm very up sad.