Friday, November 12, 2010

Theary Seng to join Rong Chhun's trip to the border in Memot, Kampong Cham

Re: Rong Chhun to visit the border on 24 November

Dear Lauk Rong Chhun,

I will join you on November 24 on this exploratory visit to the border in Kampong Cham, after my trip to New York City.

Highest regards,
Theary Seng


Anonymous said...

Beautiful one. Can you join me too?
I'll pay for the hotel room!

Anonymous said...

Sat Tounsay (rabbit) is dreaming to touch the moon. What a pity!!!!

Anonymous said...

6:54 PM,
I know you,
you cheated you wife by having with your daughter,
now don't stop you want to cheat again ?

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms. Theary Seng if you keep your promise by joining Mr.Rong Chhun's trip to the border in Memot , Kampong Cham.

I will sincerely honor you for what you are going to do for our Cambodian country.

Anonymous said...

That is what all kaun Khmers must do for their beloved nation.

Anonymous said...

If you get the white guy don't forget Khmer ok.

Anonymous said...

6:54 choy your mother tov.


Anonymous said...

We need more brave people like you, Theary.

Anonymous said...

6:54 PM,
I know you,
you cheated you wife by having sex with your daughter,
now you don't stop and you want to cheat again ?

Anonymous said...

Those who come up insulting women, don't forget that your own mothers are also women. You can't say something stupid to some promiscuous karaoke girls, but you can't do that to all girl you see. Both men or women deserve equal respect.

Anonymous said...

Why should Khmer compatriots "help Hun Sen and CPP to be liberated from..."? These monkeys have devoted their lives to the sole purpose of having absolute power to oppress the powerless others. Hun Sen and his clique are to be punished, not to be helped, for their tratrorous acts. Don't be mistaken by thinking that they with the help of Yuons liberated Khmer people from Pol Pot massacre. They were and are pure monkeys given this power by Yuons. It was the smart Yuons alone who planned the invasion of Cambodia. These monkeys were and are Yuons intruments used to manipulate the world's opinions into agreeing that it were Khmers with the help of Yuons, who liberated Khmer people. The ousiders sometimes are easily to be fooled. They did not know what hidden behind it.

Anonymous said...

(cont) What made Yuons get revenged of the KR:
1-In 19773 Khmer Rouge pissed off Yuons' help when they felt confident they alone could defeat the Republic Regime of Mr Lon Nol.
2- In spring 1977 Pol Pol killed more than 400 Yuon villagers at Hatien.

Anonymous said...

Hed ban te Khmer lngong mles? Mr. Rong Chun and Ms. Theary Seng is stupid in my opinion. If you go, knowing they will stop you, why waste your time? What is the point of going to nowhere!

Stop telling them when you're going to be there! How are they going to know you're going to check if you don't advertise for the whole world to know? Even Hun Sen cannot send guards 24 hour to every possible border location!

He only stop because he knows! Just get your trusted journalist and friends, and documentarian and go by yourself and then tell it to the world after you GET THERE!


Anonymous said...

What kind of damres do you have right now, 10:58PM?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There are a few awful people here whose brains are saturated with pornography.
Keep it up with your day dreaming my boys while you are masturbating. But don’t blister your hands, ok.
choy your mother tov.

Anonymous said...

For those of you who say that they should go to the border in secret.
And what is the point of going there anyway, if they just sneak there and come like thieves?
They have the gut to let the gov’t and the nation know ahead of what they intend to do, and that is the proper way to do it. They also know that the gov’t will not do anything if they find that the Viet have planted the border posts on the poor Cambodian farmers’ lands.
But at least their actions are known all over the nation and possibly the world.
It is a dirty job, but they are willing to do it.

Anonymous said...

If you let the government knows it will send its secret agents to pull it out before you get there, because this government works to serve the Yuons, not Khmers.

Anonymous said...

11:24 how about start by first not opening your colons for evils to feed on. This is what they're doing, hek pous oy app si!

The point of going in secret? It does not have to be a secret, but neither should it be advertised for the exact date for the government to wait for you.

The question is what are going there for? What is your intention? If your intention is to document and get a reading on the post, that requires you to get to the post and not be stopped midway on your job -- which is the meaning of a pointless trip!

STUPID! You think the world doesn't know? The world already have the Sam Rainsy case to see, they do not give a dam. So this is a Khmer issue only. So if you want to help Khmer, get to the actual point! Then publicize, do your documents, produce your proof! Is that simple domres too complicated for Khmer?

Anonymous said...

10:57 PM, you may be an idiot,
Yuons love Khmer rouges very much,
Khmer rouges worked for Yuons,
Khmer rouges did not kill Yuons at all,
Khmer rouges sent Yuons to Vietnam in 1975 from the beginning,
after that Khmer rouges killed Khmers accusing us to be Yuon,
in 1976 Pol Pot visited Vietnam,
when he came back he faked to kick Yuons and killed some Khmer-Yuons,
Yuons had excuse to invade Cambodia,
Khmer rouges said they love Cambodia and Cambodians but they killed Khmers,

Anonymous said...

so you assume you have this good damres to outsmart the governement??? My ass!!!!!! And don't cuss me back because I'm leaving this blog.

Anonymous said...

It is time to reinforce the momentum of people power.
POWER to change for BETTER life of cambodians and their SAFETY.

Thank you Miss Theary Seng!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Of course the world knows, so do you and I, but what can you and I do about it; there is no proof. Even the gov’t pulls the posts out, but the farmers know. Remember their trip there is not just to see the posts but also mainly to encourage the farmers that they are not alone, and there are many Khmers who care about them.
Look at yourself in mirror before you call somebody stupid, an educated person would not use that word. Like you, I am here because I care about my homeland. If you are not a CPP paid saboteur, we probably have the same intension, and don’t make a good debate into a quarrel.

Anonymous said...

How can you prove that Khmer Rouge work for Yuons, ah pleu? The KR Pol Pot hate Yuons deep to bone, fool. I don't want you to believe what I said, but you should open your eyes, don't read it, just take a look at the some picture of Yuons being kiiled by Pol Pot's soldiers. Those pictures are in a bbok written by Naya Chanda, "Brother enemy". If you keep the idea that the KR worked for Yuons in your dumb brains, then you are a complete fool to the bone, dude. And don't preach me about those silly ideas of yours.

Anonymous said...

correction: book, Nayan Chanda

Anonymous said...

and let me go a little further. To read what just wrote, I can assume that you are no better than some fisrt-grade kids. Learn to read the mind of the KRs who possess all the hatred of classes. OOy ah pleu krub jiats!!

Anonymous said...

2:29AM, I am impress with your comments with deep understanding on the issue involving border marking.
I can see you are a very talented individual with high 'DOMRES' as you referred.
The only problem though is your emotion that you cannot contains yourself and submitted to your frustration. This is your weakness and your enemy number one within You.
I wish to see more of this character in Kaun Khmer, strong and shrewd but not to the uncontrolled level such as this.

Anonymous said...

...just a little bit more. Saying something stupi like you just did, you prove yourself as one of the Khmer Rouge, who tries to shif the blame to someone else, so you can get waway with your evils acts. You should find some books: WAR AND HOPE, written by prince Sihanouk, published in 1980 in French and English, The Quality of Mercy, When the war was over, How Pol Pot came to power, Brother Enemy, compare all the facts and balance those facts by yourself. You don't need to believe those writers.

Anonymous said...

and where were you anyway during Pol Pot's killing era. Were you born yet? If were not, don't bark.

Anonymous said...

5:57 AM

Nice try kid, at least you can do it in your dream.
By the way, how are the blisters on your hands, kid?
Take good care of your Mrs. HAND ok.

Anonymous said...

Who is Theary Seng? Who does she work for?

Anonymous said...

I'm not KI personnel, but I can say this: If she's brave enough to express her opinions for the sake of her nation's interests, then she's one of the Khmer compatriots. I'm not sure whether or not she has a PhD degree.

Anonymous said...

Theary has JD - but never pratic it. you can go to her web

Make sure you pay for her room and her food - expensive wine and cigar - and good conversation (intellegent conversation - proper English _ K - O)

Good luck - by the way, she is still available...

Anonymous said...

khmer people should stand up against injustice by neighboring countries on cambodia! youn and siem probably still thinking like the dark ages when they can just come and steal lands, etc from cambodia. this time khmer people will fight back at them for stealing lands from us!

Anonymous said...

I admire your action. I support and follw your idealism, you have Khmer heart....I believe you.

Anonymous said...

Seng Theary, if you go to visit the border in Kompong Cham province, please don't forget to bring a lot of Cigars with you because Khmer people there won't have cigar to greet you at all. Most Khmer know that you do like to smoke cigar and whenever you are smoking, you will say whatever plus show off your dodgy body language as American style. Sic Further, if you can bring your boyfriend to Kompong Cham and kiss him in front of those Khmer even more better because you are so good in kissing your man in the public.

Anonymous said...

Hey, guys

Seng Theary has anger management problem, please watch out what you comment on her.

Anonymous said...

It's not so amusing to read when a debating issue being discussed has been exploited for personal attack and criticism.

In this situation, I can only think of Dwight D. Eisenhower said:
" People who value their privileges above their principles soon lose both."

Yeay Tep

Anonymous said...

Who's her BF if he Khmer or Rednick? If she date the fucking Rednick then she is a bitch. The good girl they won't date with the foreigner only the slut and the fucking whore women.

Anonymous said...

3:27 - you go to far...can you prove that all Kmer women who are marriage foreign men or Khmer men marriage foreign women are slut...I feel sorry for you ever hear the blind? are hopeless, I hope you have somebody love you (whether Khmers or foreigners...)

May buddha bless you 3;27pm