Sunday, November 21, 2010

Water Festival Day 1: Cambodia's Beauties

A Cambodian girl sits on the bow of a wooden boat during a boat race held as part of a water festival on Tonle Sap River in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Saturday, Nov. 20, 2010. The three-day annual festival, starting Saturday, is to dedicated to the kingdom's ancestral naval warriors, moreover to the mighty river that provides vital natural resources and fishes to Cambodians. (AP Photo/Heng Sinith)

A Buddhist monk blesses dragon boat paddlers before they start their race along the Tonle Sap River during the first day of the annual water festival in Phnom Penh November 20, 2010. The festival runs from November 20 to 22 with hundreds of racing boats from different Cambodian provinces taking part in the festival. REUTERS/Chor SokuntheaAdd caption
Participants paddle their dragon boats along the Tonle Sap River during the first day of the annual water festival along the Tonle Sap river in Phnom Penh November 20, 2010. The festival runs from November 20 to 22 with hundreds of racing boats from different Cambodian provinces taking part in the festival. REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea
Competitors paddle their dragon boats on the Tonle Sap River during the first day of the annual water festival in Phnom Penh November 20, 2010. The festival runs from November 20 to 22 with hundreds of teams participating. REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea
A dragon boat captain prays before the start of a race along the Tonle Sap River in Phnom Penh November 20, 2010, during the first day of the annual water festival. Every year, hundreds of dragon boats from different Cambodian provinces will gather to participate in the festival which runs from November 20-22. REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea 
Competitors paddle their dragon boat along the Tonle Sap River in Phnom Penh November 20, 2010, during the first day of the annual water festival. Every year, hundreds of dragon boats from different Cambodian provinces will gather to participate in the festival which runs from November 20-22. REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea
Rowers head the to the start line before a boat race held as part of a water festival in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Saturday, Nov. 20, 2010. The three-day annual festival, starting from Saturday, is to dedicated to the kingdom's ancestral naval warriors, moreover to the mighty river that provides vital natural resources and fishes to Cambodians. (AP Photo/Heng Sinith)
Rowers head to the start line of a boat race held as part of a water festival in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Saturday, Nov. 20, 2010. The three-day annual festival, starting Saturday, is to dedicated to the kingdom's ancestral naval warriors, moreover to the mighty river that provides vital natural resources and fishes to Cambodians. (AP Photo/Heng Sinith)
Cambodians row their wooden boat during a boat race held as part of a water festival on Tonle Sap River in front of the Royal Palace in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Saturday, Nov. 20, 2010. The three-day annual festival, starting Saturday, is to dedicated to the kingdom's ancestral naval warriors, moreover to the mighty river that provides vital natural resources and fishes to Cambodians. (AP Photo/Heng Sinith)
Cambodians row their wooden boat during a boat race held as part of a water festival on Tonle Sap River in front of the Royal Palace in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Saturday, Nov. 20, 2010. The three-day annual festival, starting Saturday, is to dedicated to the kingdom's ancestral naval warriors, moreover to the mighty river that provides vital natural resources and fishes to Cambodians. (AP Photo/Heng Sinith)


KhmerIsrael said...

I remember reading articles by the professor who alluded to Leviathan and dictator being the same.

Here we have the dragon boat race. Dragon and Leviathan are same.

In the spiritual, dragon and Satan is same. Symbols in Cambodia pertain to the image of a dragon and serpent. Again, dragon and Leviathan is the same.

I understand that Khmer Empire was assisted by the two Nagas speaking to the first king on how to establish his kingdom, or however it was 'cause I couldn't understand Khmer. I assume this was why Naga (serpent) had been a major theme of architect or decoration on banister and so forth.

Why is a serpent/dragon/leviathan synonimous with Satan? Because Satan used a serpent to speak to the first woman to deceived her in sinning against her Creator. Yep, the first woman was the first sinner. Sad, her husband decided to sin with her.

From a biblical lens, the Master of Cambodians has been Satan himself. The Bible is a revealer who Satan is. I don't care how great the Khmer Empire once was. It's glory was to Satan himself.

When people worship Satan, sexual immorality is part of that worship. Article was posted that NGO planned to hand out 450,000 condoms at this Water Festival.

Satan worship is not exclusive to Cambodia, it's every where where the true God is not being worshipped.

There is a program at been teaching on this subject. Do you really want to know how sin came into the world? Buddhism does not answer how a person become bad in the first place, bible does.

God did NOT create evil. Since God created man and angelic beings as a free moral agents, evil proceeded from within the heart of man. Satan was created for the glory of God. He was perfect in beauty until evil was found in him.

What was that evil that was in Satan's heart? Because of his beauty that God had made him to be, he became proud and lifted himself up above God and want to be worship as God. He didn't succeed in dethroning God.

God is not a dictator like Satan is. If He was than he could have ended the conflict right then.

Satan did not create anything, all he ever done was using the truth and twisted into a lie and claimed as his own.

What is truth? God word is truth!

Please listen to programs now before it is put into archives with limited access. You'll see picture of a snake. You'll understand the two seeds and how they conflict with one another until the evil seed be destroy at the coming of Messiah Yeshua, King of Israel.

KhmerIsrael said...

By legality, Satan is in control of the kingdoms of this world. It is his kingdom by legality. But God, who is above all ruleth over the kingdoms of men (Satan). With the exception of Israel. True, Israel had many bad kings and people, yet God is very much attached to the nation Israel as the apple of his eye. And God punished them severely for deviating from his Torah of truth.

I'm not against the Khmer people or any people for that matter but I'm against their false religions. False religions started by Satan back in the Garden of Eden, known also as Paradise. False religion only leads to eternal damnation. Once a person die, there is no recourse. You are eternally seperated from goodness,light,joy, gladness....etc all that we may call good in this life.

How do you find truth? By someone who has the truth. Yeshua, (Jesus) said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." Has Buddha ever claim that he was the truth, the way and life? Yeshua said also that he hath the keys of, life, death and hell. So another words, he is the keeper of hell prison, death prison and paradise of God.

He also said, "He that hath the Son has life and he that has not the Son has not life (death) and the wrath of God abideth on him/her (hell fire)."

When a person reject truth that is in the person Yeshua, he/she loves death. As you already may know that I believe in the exclusivity of the Person Yeshua the only way to God or Paradise. No pluralism. Merging of all religions together originated by Satan, the deceiver. And the End of Satan kingdom is death to all that follow him. God will put an end to Satan kingdom.

If you listen to program you will have a clearer picture of how Satan's kingdom works in the earth.

I'm for Khmer people but I'm fighting against against principalities and rulers and spiritual wickedness in high places that been there for so long in Cambodia. This is what holds Cambodian people hostage, spiritual bondage.

I have to ask God for more love for you all. Without love all I said would be vain. Hopefully it is love that drives me write what I've written.

I cannot write from a world perspective only from a biblical lens perspective. After all, this bible verse been quoted many times by various writers, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make set you free." I would like to take it a bit further, "If the Son therefore set you free, you shall be free indeed", Yeshua. Again, truth is a Person.

Anonymous said...

Amazing festival..!

Anonymous said...

don't be more Jesus than Jesus...

the vices you described exist all over the world, not just in Cambodia, freak.

Anonymous said...

All Khmers,

The Water festival or the Ceremony of Baot Racing was the Manoeuverring Ceremony for Khmer Navy in the past, and it had been organised once every yearfor the Armies of Angkor Empire.

Thai had copied it from Khmer, and practiced until today.

And the Maneuvering og Khmer Infantry = Chaktu Rung Sena = Feet soldiers, cavalry, elephant armies, and Charriots, was organised around Khmer New Year. And it remaining late as a Match Boxing or Wrestling during New Year.

Anonymous said...

3:51 Am you are good read at bibles and plese tell me about this one..Jesus went to heaven in a human form,, i wonder how is Jesus peeing..does he touch him self like you and i too..? you so pathetic and a narrow are talking about his shit,,you are just want all khmers in Cambodia to kick the Christains out fom there...i wonder ..was Jesus still had his pubic hair or not when he went to heaven..?